Skeleton and Hedgehog rematch

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The 4 skeletons looked in shock and horror, as they saw that there are 3 demons...well...4 demons this time, as Negagen recently appeared.

Needless to say, all 4 of the skeletons realize that the are gonna have a very hard time trying to take all 4 demons down. But Dust was not afraid to die. The Human, who he had faced many times before in the past, has killed him many hundreds of times, and this happened so much to him, that, in all honesty, Dust now no longer cares if he is dead. However, as Cream is alive, and has relive do no him for protection, he now needs to live for her sake, as she is depending on him to live and fight for her life.

Dust clenched his fist, as he looks up at Exetior' and spoke out to him with an uninterested and unsurprised tone of voice.

"exetior...i see that you have gotten stronger than before, much more to break through the barrier."

Exetior smiled very menacingly, as he than spoke out to the determined skeleton that is before him.

"So I have, Dust. Through the consumption of many mortal souls, my power is now no longer as weak as it was before. Now I am much more powerful than I have ever imagined in my life, and I will abolsutely make sure that your soul will be mine to claim. You will become my most powerful demon ever demonized in existence, and you will help me demonizes those that you love, those that you hold dear to."

Dust clenched his fist, as his grin widened a bit at the Demon of Sharpness, as he than spoke back to him.

"too bad for you that won't happen, pal. no, i will not become one of your lapdogs for you to enslave for your will. i will make absolutely sure that you will not win this in the end of it all, exetior. i will make sure that you do not succeed in demonizing the underground., and making all of our work for nothing."

Sark smiled at Dust, and spoke it to him.

"You will try. Negagen..."

Negagen nodded his head at Dust, as he than spoke to his leader.

"As you wish, master."

Negagen attempted to fire a beam of energy at Dust, in hopes that he can be subdued long enough for Exetior to began the demonization process on Dust. But than, all of a sudden, something got in the way.

The Phantom Papyrus got in the way of the blast once again. But he was not alone. Phantom Sans from Dustbelief also got in the way, as Dustbelief manifested his 2 swords. And Dust...he did something very unexpected.

In his hands, are 2 blades, and are glowing blue in color. Looks like Dust Sans made these as a replacement for the sword that he had back on Angel Island, when he battled Exetior for a second time, and it seemed he learned this trick from the Great Mentally Unstable Papyrus. And now...he is going to make sure that it will be of great effectiveness towards the demons that is leading his army.

Exetior snarled frustrated, as he spoke out to the phantoms.

"I'm not surprised that the phantom version of papyrus is here...but a phantom version of you...from an alternate version of your brother...that is something so, so new."

Dustbelief Papyrus than spoke out.


The Phantom Skeleton Brothers smiled dangerously, as they than flied towards Negagen, who is now forced to go into combat against the 2 phantom bros. Exetior Frowned at this, as he than spoke to the 4 skeletons standing before him.

"Fine. You may have taken one of my own out of the fight. But do not forget that I am not as weak as I was before in the last, Dust, especially with my new, increased power."

Dust smirked, as he spoke out.

"i did not forget...which is why me and the rest of my friends were ready in case that you arrive to the underground to attack. why else do you think that we are where in front of you right now?"

Exetior smiled, as he than spoke out.

"You seem to overconfident the you can win. No matter. We can change that for you."

Dust, Dustbelief, Killer, and Horror took a stance, as they prepare to fight off against the 3 demons that have invaded the Underground. The 3 demonic hedgehogs did the same thing, as they also took a stance of their own. Both the demons and skeletons looked at each other in the eyes, or 'eye' in the case of Horror and Pervision, as they prepare to charge at each other, in order to kill one another. Dust and Dustbelief look at Exetior, who is the strongest of the demons. But the both are them are not afraid to go against Exetior. In fact, the both of them, as long as they're together, can fight against the demon.

A little bit more staring, until Dust spoke out to Exetior in a demonic tone.

"time to die."

Than, Dust and Dustbelief charged at at Exetior, Killer charged at Sark, and Horror attacks Pervision. The moment these 4 clashed against the 3, a powerful shockwave suddenly erupted from their position.

While Horror and Killer deal with Sark and Pervision, Dustbelief Papyrus and Dust Sans are going to do combat against Exetior, and this time, he is going to need some help in trying to fight him, due to the fact that he has grown way more powerful than ever before. Luckily, Dustbelief, who is just as strong as Dust Sans, is going to be the one that will help Dust Sans fight against Exetior himself.

But unfortunately, true to what Geno, Color, and what Exetior said about himself, he has grown way more stronger than before. So much that it is taking Dustbelief Papyrus aiding Dust Sans to match him. His punches are now much more stronger than ever before, and Dust could barely have the time to block it, due to having to use his own blades and his own Gaster Blaster to avoid it. He than jumped into the air, and stabbed the Demonic Hedgehog on the shoulder. But it looks like Exetior had increased his ability to regenerate his wounds, because now, the instant he took out the blades, the wounds shrunken, until it was gone, like nothing had ever happened. He than launched 4 of Undyne's Spears at Exetior, and he got pieced by it, but this barely did anything to stop Exetior, as he charged directly at Dust, and was about to punch him in the stomach. He would have succeeded, if it weren't for Dustbelief Paoyris getting in the way, and blocking the attack for Dust. Dustbelief than looks at Exetior, and shouted out at the loudest he has ever been.


He than points his longer sword at Exetior, and spiky bones came out of nowhere very fast and shot towards Exetior.

The Demon of Sharpness got pierced and stabbed by the bone spikes, and made blood came out of the mouth. But Exetior does not seem to be bothered by this, and instead, charged at Dustbelief Papyrus in order to try and demonize him. But Dustbelief Papyrus dodged the attack, and stabbed Exetior in the leg, before grabbing him there, and throw him towards Dust, who than used his blades to stab him in the eyes, and used his gravity magic to send him flying into a bunch of trees, as well as launching a trident at Exetior to do additional damage to the demon.

But Exetior unleashed a shockwave so powerful, it launched Dustbelief and Dust into Snowdin.

"okay...that was a lot tougher than expected. Y'kay, bro?"

Dust Sans spoke out to Dustbelief Papyrus, who nodded his head.


Dust nodded his head, as he saw that Sark, Killer, Pervision, and Horror have landed to Snowdin as well, and are doing combat with each other to kill the other. Dust Sans and Dustbelief Papyrus stood up, as Exetior landed in front of them, and spoke out to them.

"Give it up...Sans...Papyrus. You will not defeat me this easily. Accept your fate, and be demonized by me."

As Exetior spoke out to Dust Sans and Dustbelief Papyrus, who both began to stand up, and prepare to fight back against the Demon of Sharpness, when a familiar voice spoke out to the Demon of Sharpness, one that Exetior knows of all too well.

"Like I will let you hurt my most loyal subjects."

Exetior looked behind Dust and Dustbelief, to see someone familiar.

Asgore and Toriel have arrived, and are now at Snowdin, ready to aid the skeletons. Toriel looks immensely angry at what happened, but her expression is also calm, as she than looked at Dust Sans and Dustbelief Papyrus to see if they are injured. And sure enough, they are. She than held both of her hands out, and began to heal both of the skeleton brothers, as she knows that they are going to need their help to defeat the leader of the demon army. Exetior smiled widely, as he than spoke out to Asgore, before speaking out to him.

"Asgore...Toriel...the King and the Queen of the Monsters. I never expected you to show up. I thought that I was going to be fighting Sans and his brother. This shall be fun."

Asgore simply frowned, and spoke out to Exetior in his usual kind voice, but with a level of sternness inside of the tone he is using.

"You will not be facing those 2 only. You almost must deal with both me and my beloved wife, Toriel. You may have dealt with me and nearly won the last time you have fought me, Exetior, but you will not destroy the kingdom that I had worked so hard on trying to protect, as well as protecting he last remnants of the species that I had worked so hard on to protect, when you had suddenly begun your rampage to kill and demonize everyone back in the surface. I will not let you do the same thing to my subjects, and to those that I pity."

Exetior smiled, as he spoke out.

"Than trying and defeat me..if you can."

"I plan on it."

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Asgore and Toriel than made their attack at the demons that have invaded their home. Exetior had made an offense for the last time, and now he is going to pay for what he had done to the monsters in the Ruins, and is so going to pay for what he has done for trying to destroy what they had built so hard for the refugees to live inside of.

Asgore swung his trident at Exetior, causing immense damage to him, as he tried all that he could to try and protect himself from the attacks of the King of the Monsters. He attacked in a near instant, and Exetior was knifed back from the power of the strikes that Asgore had done. Exetior than charged at Asgore, who than raised his trident and blocked the attack, and true to Exetior's words, both Asgore and Exetior are very familiar with each other. Asgore than pushed Exetior back, and launched a powerful wave of fireballs at Exetior, and Exetior got hit by them. Looks like Asgore trained them much more sharply, as they are now doing just as much damage as Dust's own fireballs, which, in the last, were weaker than they are now. Asgore than stabbed Exetior in the stomach, before launching him at Toriel, who is ready to attack the leader of the demons.

While Toriel did get hit, she than unleashed fireballs at Exetior in order to damage him as much as possible. While not as strong as Asgore's, it is still strong, regardless. She manage to rain them down on too of Exetior after he got hit by the first batch of fireballs. Exetior got burned very badly, but Asgore immediately grabbed Exetior by the head, and slammed him into the ground with all the strength that he can muster into his arms. This made the ground crack, and Exetior forced Asgore off of his body, as his body began to regenerate by healing the bones inside of himself, as well as the stab and burn wounds.

"You've certainly grown powerful from the last time we have met, Asgore."

Exetior spoken out, as he stood up from the ground, and turns to the King of the Monster race, as he than spoke out.

"But even are still no match for me."

Asgore simply spoke out to Exetior.

"We shall see."

Exetior than fired a blast of energy at Asgore, who than got out of the way, and went behind Exetior, who than launched a punch at Asgore. The King of the Monsters raised one of his arms up and blocked the punch, as he is than pushed back by the might of the demon. The arm part of the armor cracked a bit, and Asgore feels a painful sore from the punch. Toriel then launched fire at Exetior, who this time, reacts fast and avoided them. She than looks to see Exetior get close to her, and Asgore went in of Toriel, and blocked the attack with all of his might by raisin get us arm so into a defensive position. Toriel went out of the way, and attacked Exetior with a fireball, launching him away. The arms on the armor breaks, revealing Asgore's arms. But Dyst and Dustbelief than rushed towards Exetior and began it attacking with everything that they have in their arsenal.

Dust extended the palm of his hand and launched a bunch of purple spiky bones at Exetior, and pinned him to the ground. He than points his finger to the air, and a bunch of Gaster Blasters appeared into the air, and aimed at Exetior. Exetior than tired to get out of the ground, but Dustbelief Papyrus pinned Exetior to the ground with the same bones, except that they are a normal color, and summoned his own Gaster Blasters into the air. Before Exetior can do anything about it, the Gaster Blaster fired down at him, creating an ungodly amount of pain to the Demon of Sharpness.


Exetior roars so loudly that the entire mountain shakes underneath this sound, and before both Dust and Dustbelief realize what is about to happen, a powerful red shockwave erupted from where Exetior is at, launching the both of them off of their feet very suddenly from the powerful shockwave. But they quickly stood up from the ground, and they saw Exetior, but now in a different form.

Exetior now has 3 legs with no feet, his blue fur turned into red flesh that resembles fur, and his eyes are flaring bright than ever before in their lives. A red sphere is also shown on his chest, and his expression is contorted off so much rage and hate towards the ones that had been interfering with her plan for far too long. Dust Sans and Dustbelief Papyrus looked at what happened to Exetior with surprise present on both of their faces.


Dustbelief Papyrus spoke out, as Dust Sans spoke back to the alternate version of his brother.

"that's an understatement, bro. we have both pissed him off so badly that he looks like this."

Asgore than spoke out to Dust Sans and Dustbelief Papyrus.

"What you are's partially the true form of Exetior, halfway. We enraged him so much that he has decided to enter this form, which made him a little but more powerful than ever before."

Dust Sans' eyes widened, as Dustbelief Papyrus watches Exetior, who than began to speak out to them.


The 4 monsters stepped back a bit, as soon as they heard heard the time of the Demon of Sharpness, and needles so to say, this not good to hear it.

'damn it, sans...sonic. hurry it up."

Dust spoke out, as he continues to try and fight against the Demon of Sharpness as much as he can, so that he can give both the Hedgehog and his other self the time to get the Human Souls and the Chaos Emeralds to give them an advantage. But the Partial True Form of the Demon of Sharpness is no joke, as this is halfway to his full power, and now, all of them are going to need whatever advantage that they have in order to bring Exetior down. But Dust knows that even this will not be enough to bring him down, as now, even though he is halfway to use his power, he is all the way into using his own physical strength to the fullest, and now, all of them are going to have an extremely tough time trying to bring the leader of the demons down to the ground. The house just hope that it will be enough time until Sans and Sonic get here

With Sans...

Sans is now in the throne room, and looked around where he is at now. He is not in the place where the Human Souls are...obviously. But than...he remember one place that they could be at. It is at the place past the throne room.

"come on. where is it?"

Sans spoke out, as he than goes to the room behind the throne. He runs there as fast as he can, and goes down a hallway, until he goes to the corridor that leads to the outside world. He knows that it had got to be there somewhere. He looks around the place, and looks down...and sees 6 circles onto the floor.


Sans spoke out, as he than used his gravity manipulation to force them up. And they are revealed to be in glass containers.

The other 6 human souls rise from the ground, and Sans used his bone to destroy the containers, as the souls began to circle around him, their power began to surge into Sans' skeletal body. Without wasting time, Sans teleported to the others.

"don't worry, dust. i'm comin."

With Sonic...

Sonic is now in the core, and is thing to find where the Emeralds are at.

"It know it had gotta be there somewhere. But this is like a maze!!"

He looked around, and kept on searching, and didn't give up, until...he had finally found them into glass containers, along with the Sol Emeralds and Master Emerald.

Sonic than took a stance, as he gets ready to try and break them out. After a little bit of concentrating, he leapt up into the air, and did a homing attack on the glass, freeing all 7 Chaos Emeralds from the containers, and is now free to use them against the Demon of Sharpness.

The 7 Chaos Emeralds are now floating around Sonic, as they sensed his presence, and began to spin around him. But he does not turn Super Sonic just yet, as he needs to go to Exetior first. So, for now? He is going to run to where Exetior is at. So without wasting time, he than to the others almost immediately.

'I need to get to the others, or else it will be too late to save them from Exetior's forces. Besides...I already lost a bunch of people because of Exetior...I will not let it happen to me like this again...especially of what had happened with Tails...buddy.'

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