Demon Attack

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Sans, Killer, Horror, Dust, Dustbelief, and Sonic wait in front of the purple door that leads to the ruins. An alarm is blaring from behind the group, as they watched to see when the demons began to arrive. Alphys, who had cameras at Mount Ebott, to show if there are any demons that have noticed it...she is able to warn the king in time, and he is on his way to try and make sure that the demons don't get anyone. And Snowdin had been evacuated, and have retreated to the Waterfalls. Unfortunately, the monsters in the ruins, not all of them made it out. In fact, most of them have been demonized and killed, and are ready to strike out and attack the door. Dust and Sans got to save a small portion inside of the monsters inside of the ruins out of here,  it that is it, and due to this, they are going to face against a demonized version of the monsters that Exetior had just killed. Thankfully, though...Geno and Color already informed them of this, and are able to form a defense plan to prevent their rampage.

Dust, Sans, and Killer will act as the first like of defense, through the use of the Gaster Blasters, while Horror and Sonic will act as secondary defense against them. Dustbelief is in between both first and second defense, due to having weapons in his hand, and the fact that he can summon Gaster Blasters if his own.

Dust Sans sighed, as he looked at the door. He could tell that Exetior is here somewhere in the ruins, just ready to attack with his army. He has a billion of demonized people under his control, and yet, he only brought hundreds of them to Mount Ebott. Serious, how do you fit a billion people inside of a mountain. The Mountain is only big enough for thousands of Monsters, Mobians, and Humans to live in. So luckily, he only brought hundreds of demons with him. But even that is going to be a challenge that will take a possible long time to fix. Dust looks at the door, and Sans puts a hand on Dust's shoulder, as he than spoke out.

"hey, don't sweat it, other me. you've got friends with ya...okay...maybe just other versions of us, and pap, sure...but you also have sonic, who is a friend for us to have."

Dust looks at Sans and nodded.


Sans smiled, as he than put his hand at over there the human heart is at. The kid is still trying to half-free herself, and yet, at the same time, half letting him keep them inside of his body for Sans to use when he is going to use the other 6 human souls that are with inside of the Dreemurr Throne Room. It may be a very risky move, but this is the best chance that they have got. Sans clenched his fist, as Killer tightens his grip on his knife, he can feel the Determination surging through his body. His soul is glowing, as Killer is ready to slice the demonized victims all up, and make sure that every last one of them that got here is killed off.

Dust and Sans narrowed their eyes, as they looked to see and sense that the demons are coming. Sans' 2 blue eyes than began to change to yellow, than back to blue again, as patience and justice worked together in order to bring down the demons that have decided to make their attack on the underground, while Dust's right eye flared a glaring red magical aura, whine his left eye flared a rather widely purple aura, combining both cyan patience and red determination.

"they are about to arrive very soon, everyone."

Dust spoke out, as his left eye flared brighter than before. Killer's right eye disappears, as the Killer personality took over. Dustbelief's left eye flared orange, while the right eye began to flare green, due to having orange bravery and blue integrity both together. Horror's left eye than glowed red, as he gripped his axe, as he prepares to slice the heads of the demons off of their shoulders. Sonic simply stretched a bit, as he wants to limber up a bit, before he kills those that follow Exetior.

Dust and Sans flexed both of their fingers, as they get ready to summon their most powerful weapons yet. And the moment the demonized followers of Exetior come through the door, they are going to bossy them at full power. Dust waits patently...before Sans spoke out.

"they're here."

Dust and the others look, and the door was pounded on multiple times, before being knocked down, and than... all hell from the skeletons broke loose. The demonized monsters came, and their appearances varies, but they always keep the dull color when they get demonized, which is the most common thing for a demon to have. And the moment they came, the attack was ready to go.

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Killer, Dust, and Sans fired their blasters first at the demonized monsters, and destroyed the ones that tried to get through. Of course, they only destroyed most of them. Some of them still managed to get past the blasters. But thankfully, this is why Horror, Dustbelief, and Sonic are all present in this, as they act as the secondary defense, in case some of them are able to somehow get past the Gaster Blasters that the 3 other Sanses have fired out. Killer could also act as secondary defense, but his Gaster Blaster is needed to destroy to destroy as much of the demons as he possibly can, so that they can lessen how much will come through the door to the ruins, and there is likely going to be a lot.

Sonic began to run around and attacked as many of the demons as he can. He jumped into the air, and did a homing attack on a demon. Many of the demonized Mobians, such as a demonized froggit, tried to strike at Sonic with a swarm of flies. But Sonic easily barreled through like it is no big deal, and struck at the demonized Mobian, before the Mobian turned to dust. Sonic landed back down to the ground, and looked behind him to see that a demonized vegatoid is ready to strike at him. So Sonic did his only attack that can hit enemies at a range. He clenched his fist, and held it in front of him.

"Sonic Wind!!!"

Sonic shouted out, as a blue blast of energy erupted from his hand, hits the demon with immense force to the point that he was able to shred the demonized vegatoid into rather small bits. The vegatoid than turned to dust after it became turned to small bits. Sonic landed on the ground, and than charged at the other demonized monster, ready to kill them in order to protect the Undergroud. He just hopes that the group can last long enough to the point where they can save their strength when they are ready to fight off against Exetior and his demonic armies, especially since Exetior has grown way, way more powerful than he had been ever before in his life.

Horror gripped his axe, as he than sliced the head of a froggit off. He than stepped onto the he ground, and made bloody spoke bones erupt from the snowy ground beneath him. The bone spikes pierced the demon all over the place, as they are lifted from the ground, dead, before Horror retracted the blood spike bones, as it fell to the ground, limp. Horror than looks, and saw that there is a new wave of demons coming. Luckily, the Sanses, Killer, Dust, and the original Sans, they are still firing their Gaster Blasters at the demons. And the moment the demons came out of the turns out to be nothing more than the demonized Mobians. And there is some problem with the demonized Mobians. The demonized Mobians have much more physical matter than monsters, new because of thus,are much more enduring, which leads to pretty big problem. Horror, however, simply smiled, as he than gripped his axe into the air, and he than spoke out loud to the demonized Mobians.

"guess I can add more head dogs to my service, huh?"

Horror than charged in and began to chop off the heads of the demonized Mobians off, as their headless bodies began to fall down to the ground. Horror smiled, as heads began to surround him, while he decapitates the demonized Mobians as much as he could, and the blood began to flood into the snow, making the beginning part of Snowdin look very similar to how his Snowdin on Mobius actually looks like.

Dustbelief, he than took a turn of his own, as he than began to charge at the demonized Mobians with his swords ready to slice them all down. The demonized Mobians tried to attack the mentally insane Papyrus, but he ended up stabbing them in the head the moment that they got way to close to him. He than kicked some of them into the Gaster Blasters, which annihilated them, but more still kept on coming. Dustbelief than fired a bunch of sharp bones at the demonized Mobians that went past the Gaster Blasters, stabbing them in the head, as they all fell down to the ground, dead. Dustbelief than look so and see that mired and more are planning to go past the Gaster Blasters. So, without any further hesitation, Dustbelief went next to the other Sanses, and fired his own Gaster Blaster, reinforcing the first defense. Now it is like there is a literal wall of magical energy that is holding off from he demonized Mobians at bay, preventing them from getting out. But unfortunately...there is another problem that is about to be made. As Dust and Sans continue their attack, when they saw that the Demonized Mobians have stopped for now, they de-manifested the Gaster Blasters, and stopped, as the attack took a lot of magical energy from them. It clearly became a little too much for all of them to take, and they are at, still standing from the fight. They breathed very deeply, as they needed to take a bit of a break from having to use their magic in this. They ate some food in order to recover the magic that hey had wasted on the demons, with Sonic stretching for a bit, as he waits for the next wave. But as they recovered...Dust's eyes widened, as he sensed something.

"oh no."

Sans, who is sweating from exhaustion,

and the others looked at Dust, as he stood up, and spoke out to everyone.

"exetior...i can sense him right now. he is about to get closer."

This made everyone look up, and as soon a small they did, they saw more and more demonized Mobians rushing from the path of the ruins to the skeletons and Sonic, all ready to tear them to pieces, rip them to shreds, as they charged at full speed towards them. Dust looked at the large horde of demonized Mobians, as he clenched his fist. But this time, he knows that he cannot pick the choice of always having to hold them off, as this time, Exetior is going to come out from the door. He looks down at the ground for a bit, as he than realized and remembered something that Color told them to do. He than looks up and faces Sans, who is next to him.

"hey, other me..."

Sans looks at Dust, who than continues to speak out to his normal counterpart, who is still trying to recover his magic.

"you and sonic must get to the human souls and the chaos emeralds, and fast!!"

Dust spoke out, as Sans was caught by surprise at what Dust has said to him, before he spoke out, unsure about this.

"what about you?"

Killer than spoke out to Sans.

"we're here to buy you and sonic time. now get too it, otherwise, all that we had worked for, it will all be for nothing. all of the humans, monsters, and mobians in the underground...they will die, even though we all had made this shelter for them all. so you need to get them now."

Sans' eyes widened...than he puts his hand over the red soul of determination, which thumped, and realizing that he need to act fast, he nodded, as he than turns around, and began to run.

Sans began to run to a shortcut that can lead to the throne room, while Sonic looks at the 3 Sanses and Dustbelief Papyrus, before speaking out.

"Good luck, guys."

Sonic than used his super speed to try and go to the throne room as fast as possible, as he looked like a blue blur. Dust and Killer sighed in relief that they had listened to them, as Horror and Dustbelief began to move forward, and both Dust and Killer than began to do the same thing, weapons are out, as they looked at the demonized Mobians that are charging in towards them.

"so...this is the end of the line or something, y'all?"

Murder spoke out, as Killer spoke back.

"well...if one of us is the last one standing...yes."

Dustbelief than spoke out.


The Skeletons nodded, as Horror pulls out an axe, and spoke out loud.

"looks like there's more head dogs for me to sell for, huh?"

Horror and Dustbelief than charged at the demons that is coming through the door to the ruins, and began to slice and dice them up. Blood and bones began to shoot up into the air, as the 2 skeletons slice and dice down onto the demons that invaded the underground. Killer joined in on the slicing and dicing, as blood and guts began to spread and splatter, while Dust looks at the demonized Mobians that are trying to get past the others. He teleported in front of the ones that manage to get past them, and immediately began his own attack, and this time, he is now going to use the Gaster Blasters. Due to the Level Of ViolencE that he had gained, he became the least tired and exhausted compared to the others. Which is why he is now going to be using the Gaster Blasters, as he needs to save his strength for when he is about to face off against the leader of the entire demonic army himself.

Dust than snapped his fingers, and 4 of Undyne's spears manifested from above his head, before he points his fingers at the demonized Mobians, the spears lunged at the demonized Mobians, and pierced them through the head, while also piercing the other ones behind the head. He than made purple sharp bones rain down on top of the demonized Mobians, as they slaughtered them without any hesitation or restrained. Bones even erupted from the ground, as they pierced more and more of the demonized Mobians. Finally, he resorts to the trident, which he obtained after killing the King Asgore Dreemurr of the previous timeline, and now, he is going to use it as his close combat weapon to cut down the demons that has gotten past the other three skeletons.

He pierced 3 of the demonic Mobians at the same time in the head, before slicing the head of another one off. He than used his blue magic to force them back behind the entrance, before he than fired a powerful Gaster Blaster inside of the corridor, killing countless amount of the demonized Mobians in the process. He than made more of Undyne's spears attack the demonized Mobians, and kept slaughtering as many of them as he can. Clearly, Dust is having a hard time trying to keep up with the demonic onslaught right now, which is why Killer than entered into the fight alongside with Dust Sans, who is in a clear need for some help right now.

Killer charged in and began to strike at the demonized Mobians with his knife. With a single slash, he sliced a bunch of the demonized Mobians' heads off of their shoulders. He than did a downward slash, and a red slash of energy erupted from abide, and sliced down a large number of the demonized Mobians that came out of the ruins. Pointing his knife at the demons, he fired red knives at them, and pierced them in the head, killing the,, like they were bullets from a gun. He than fired sharp bones at the demonized Mobians, as they did less da,she compared to the knife, but are still enough to kill them. He than unleashed a powerful Gaster Blaster made of black goo, and fired at the demonized Mobians, which instantly killed them, the moment that they had gotten out of the entrance.


Dustbelief Papyrus shouted out, as Dust Sans spoke out to him.

"less talking, more slaughtering the demons, pap!"

Dust than fired much more bones than before, and this time, Dustbelief decided to join in on the bloodbath that they are continuing to make.

Many piercing of bones, many slashing if weapons, many burns of the Gaster Blasters, there is simply no stopping them. There is no restrain, no hesitation, no limiting themselves in their ends. They are going all out to try and kill as many of the demonized Mobians as they can. The LV that the dust skeleton brothers have, it is allowing them to last a very long time in the fight against thr demonized Mobians that continue to attack them. But after about 10 minutes of having to fight the demonized Mobians, all of them are finally gone, and both Dust and Dustbelief became immensely tired from what they have done to the army. Clearly, the experience for them both is  very exhausting thing to be in, as they bith began to sweat from having to fight for so long. Luckily, they have enough of the monster food to help them recover much gaster, which they did use.

"phew. that was intense. but there is something i'm still wondering."

Dust spoke out, as he stood up from the ground, and the others watched in confusion.

"where is exetior?"

The moment he said that, though, the leader of the demonized army has finally came to Snowdin.

"I have finally arrived."

Everyone froze, as soon as they all heard the demonic voice from behind the darkness of the pathway. They watched, as 2 glowing red eyes illuminated from the darkness, as they began tin float closed. Horror's and Dust's own red eyes began to glow, as they look to see the leader having finally arrived from the shadows. Exetior is now here, and he is ready to slaughter all that stands in the way


Dust snarled, as he saw him arrive. And he did not arrive alone. Sark and Pervision later came along with Exetior, and they both look like they are ready to slaughter the skeletons.

"Hello, Dust...I see you're still alive. Ready for round 2?"

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