Worst Thing Yet Coming

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A month has past since the Aquatic Mobians have now began to live in Waterfall. Horror was able to go to the king and talked about what happened, and Asgore, feeling like he should meet the queen of her kingdom, decides to go to Waterfalls by himself, in order to converse with her on what she might need. As the month went past, he and his citizens are doing all that they can to help them out with the home problem that they have. Horror looked very proud of himself of what he has done. Honestly, he wish he can be like his more sane self back at his version of Mobius.

In the second month, with Dust, Killer, and Sans, they are having their normal lives...but there is something wrong about Rouge, Tangle, Whisper, and Muffet. They both seem to be hiding something important, because...whenever they meet with them, they would often sweat nervously, and speak in a stuttering tone, which is something that they do not do. And when they point it out to them once, they claimed that they do not want to talk about it. It is obvious that they are hiding something very important, but decided not to dwell into it. However, they are discussing about it right now, inside of Dust Sans' Laboratory, which is no different compared to the laboratory that Sans himself had back in his Mobius.

The included the machine that is beneath the cloth, as well as the blue prints for the machine itself, as well as a picture of Dust's dad, along with his colleagues. Dust, just like Sans himself, could never forget his own father and friends.

Dust shakes his head, as he looks at both Kiler and Sans, before speaking out to them.

"i...i honestly do not get this. like..."

Dust paused there, as he began to choose his words carefully at the way that their loved ones are acting, before speaking out.

"what is it that is making them that nervous like that? is there something that we are missing, something that we do not see?"

Killer tapped his chin with the flat part of his knife, as he than spoke out to Dust Sans.

"come to think of it...i did notice something about them that seemed a little bit off."

Sans looks at Killer and spoke out.

"what is it that seemed off to you, killer?"

Killer looks at Sans, and spoke out.

"not only did they look very nervous when they looked at us three, they also had their hands holding onto their stomachs for some reason. it's like they are holding on, as if trying to make sure they do not throw up or something."

Dust and Sans looked at Killer than looked at each other, before Sans began to start speaking out to Killer.

"holding onto their stomachs? why are they holding onto their stomachs?"

Killer shrugged, as he spoke out to Sans.

"i do not know why they are holding into their stomachs, or what was the point in all of that. all i know is that i saw them holding into their stomachs, like they do not want anyone to go kick there."

Dust and Sans looked at each other, as they have no idea what to say about this.

"does this seem like something you might know of, dust?"

Sans spoke out, as Dust simply shrugged at Sans.

"i don't know about that one, sans. don't tell me."

Sans nodded, as he than turned to the side, and leaned his hand against Dusk's desk, with his hand touching a blueprint of some kind.

"kinda wish i could read their minds, so that i could tell what they are thinking."

Sans spoke out, as he looked down at the desk...before he turned his head to see the blueprint. He than looked more further and see a photo...of Gaster and his colleagues. Sans looked sad at it, but does not let it show on his face. His 2 blue eyes flickered to yellow for a bit, before he turned his head away from the photo, as he dies nit want to think of what has happened to them.

With Dust, he puts his hands on his chin, as he began to think of what Killer had said to them. Come to think of it...he has in fact seen something like this before. When he was with Julie-Su, and she had her hand over her stomach, because at the time he found her, she was pregnant with Knuckles' child. Would that mean that...

"it...it must be a coincidence. there's no way that it could have happened, right?"

Dust spoke quietly to himself. He looked down, and he tries to think of what might  be a possible reason as to why the girls are acting the way that they are acting right now. But as he does...Dust widened his eyes, as he noticed something that was wrong.


Killer and Sans looked at Dust, as he than spoke out to them both.

"do any of you notice that the floor is gone?"

Both Killer and Sans blinked at what Dust said.

"wait. what?"

Killer and Sans looked down, and sure enough, the floor had somehow disappear. Now...there is only blackness. Dust teleported in front of them and spoke out to them.

"not good, huh?"

Killer and Sans looked at each other, before speaking out to him.


Dust was silent, before speaking out to his counterparts in this strange dimension.

"hmmm...i see. what do we say when the ground suddenly disappears beneath all of us? oh yeah."

Nothing happened...at first, until the 3 skeletons began to fall down very suddenly.


The 3 Sanses shouted at the top of their height, as they began to fall down to wherever they are going to. They looked down to see whatever it is that is elbow them both. but they still could not see where it is that they are going. Dust than began to look around, before speaking out to the other versions of himself.

"we gotta teleport, now!!!!"

Sans and Killer looked at Dust, and nodded their heads, before they than use their teleport ability to get out of the fall that they are in. When they teleported, they landed on the ground safely. And the ground beneath the three of them is way to familiar for them to forget.

"Wait a minute...the single green ground that is on the floor...that can only mean one person that has the power to bring us there."

As if on cue, a figure began to emerge from the shadows. And as it began to emerge from the darkness...a voice spoke out.

"welcome back."

The figure than revealed himself from the darkness that makes up this place, and standing before the 3 Sanses, was none other then Geno himself, looking no different than he was from before.


Sans spoke out, as Geno smiled at Sans, Dust, and Killer.

"hello, my 3 counterparts. it's nice to see you all again. and this time...we have a guest."

Dust, Killer, and Sans looked confused. There is a guest here? Who's the guest?

As fate has given them an answer, a fire appears behind Geno on the background. The fire was colorful and changed color every second. It starts out as orange, than to yellow, than to green, than to cyan, than to blue, and when the figure revealed himself, the flame turned purple.

"and who is this one?"

Killer spoke out, as Geno spoke out to Killer.

"meet color. he is a version of me from a different timeline where he absorbed the 6 human souls, after nearly being killed by the human. it made him much more powerful, but at the cost of sending him to the void. luckily, i was able to find him and bring him to the save screen. though, admittedly, he was not alone in the void.

Everyone was surprised at what Geno had said. Than Killer decided to walk towards Color, and observed him for a bit.

"what are you doing?"

Color spoke out, as Killer than spoke out.

"well, aren't you quiet the cool-looking guy."

Color than shrugged his shoulder, as he than spoke out.

"what can i say? being a counterpart of sans has its charms, y'know?"

Killer and Color laughed, as they than looked at each other, humored.

"well..ain't this the best?"

Killer spoke out with a smile on his face, with Color having a similar smile present.


Geno spoke out, as Color and Killer looked at them bith with an annoyed expression on his face.

"whoops. heh, my bad there, geno."

Geno than rolled his one eye, as he than spoke out to Color.

"sure it is, color."

Color than teleported next to Geno, as Sans than spoke out to him.

"so...geno...and color. what is this all about this time?"

Geno smiled rather gratefully, as he than spoke out to Sans.

"well...good news is, dust, killer, and horror manage to get all of the survivors to the underground, which means you manage to save them from extinction, or worse."

Dust and Killer smiled widely, as they are proud of their accomplishment if what they have done. But than, Sans knew that they are not done talking yet, and spoke out to both Geno and Color for the bad news.

"and what is the bad news?"

Color sighed, and he sounded very unhappy with what is happening, as he than spoke out some thing that the others were not expecting to hear.

"the bad news is this, and...i know you will not be prepared for what you will about to hear, but this is because you did not know something that the demons have done. or rather...with what exetior has done."

Dust, Killer, and Sans looked at each other, unsure if what he saying is true or not, but nevertheless, they decided to hear it out.

"what is it?"

Killer spoke out, as Color sighed, as he was fraud that they would say that to him, before he than spoke out to the 3 Sanses.

"exetior has found mount ebott."


"what?! but...no...it can't be possible!! asgore said that the demons would be not be able to find it!"

Color than looks away, as he than spoke out to Dust.

"in normal circumstances, yes he would not be able to find it. but exetior is now much more stronger, due to having consumed the last remaining mortal souls on the planet. and these ones are some of the strongest souls to ever be born. because of this, it has now allowed him to sense the last remaining survivors, which are now in mount ebott. and now, this leads us to the second problem. and this involves the strength of the barrier."

Dust than looks at Color and Geno, before he spoke out.

"i think i know where this is going."

Geno sighed, before he spoke out.

"because of the fact that he has consumed some of the strongest souls ever born, he now has the power to damage the barrier that has been protecting mount ebott, perhaps even have the power to break it. and if he breaks through..."

Dust, Killer, and Sans, all 3 of them look horrified, as they can imagine what would likely happen next. If Exetior were to break through the barrier...he would go down to the underground, and begin his slaughter down there, demonizing the monsters that reside in the underground. Everyone will be killed. Families would be torn apart, children will be slaughtered, their loved ones will be killed, and the very sanctuary that they had built to give the other species a second chance...it will all be for nothing. All that they have built to keep the last remaining survivors alive, to keep the entire race from being extinct...it will all be in vain. They would all fail if they let this happen.


Dust spoke to himself quietly, as he remembered the rabbit Mobian that he had bonded back on the surface. He clenched his fist...enraged that she is going be killed again, and even worse, will again lose Vanilla, her mother, once again, even though this is an alternate version of Vanilla, this is still Cream's mother.  He looks up at Geno, and spoke out to him, with a desperate tone of voice present.

"will asgore know of this? if so, when?"

Geno than spoke out to Dust.

"he will know of this in time, and he even admitted to everyone that even he does not know if the barrier will be able to hold off exetior and his forces, and he will be here on time. but even with all the preparation...he will still lose, which is why you 3 must do something about it, must do something to stop them. after all, you 3, along with Horror and Nightmare, you al have an advantage that not even asgore can do, which is of the use of the gaster blasters, which father had created. but even that will not be enough to bring him down, as exetior can now take far more damage than he ever could be able to do, not to mention having grown stronger than he has ever become before."

Color than turns to Sans, and spoke out to him.

"and this is where you come in, sans."

This caught Sans by surprise, as he than spoke out.

"me? what can i do?"

Color Sans smiled, as he looked at his original counterpart.

"you're going to do the same thing that i have done, except that this time..."

He than points to the right side of Sans' chest, as he than spoke out to his original self.

"you have the last one."

Dust and Killer looked to see that a red heart is glowing and pulsating from Sans' chest, as if trying to get out. Dust's eyes widened, as he than spoke out to Sans.

"wait...sans. is this what i think this is?"

Sans was about to speak, until Color beats Sans to it, and explained to them.

"do you mean the soul of determination, the red one that belongs to a human that you 3 fought? yes, it is that very one. and because of the additional soul, he will become much more powerful than me and geno, and will have enough power to match exetior's strength."

Dust was shocked as Killer than spoke out to Color.

"but what about me and dust? we both have determination, so why can't we do the same thing, color?"

Color than spoke out to Killer.

"using a monster with determination is now going to work, as that will not give the monster the power boost that they need in order to power them up. because the determination soul that sans has stolen is at its strongest, this will give him the boost that's he needs in order to fight evenly with exetior. he will be the strongest sans that many of us will ever see in our whole lives. however...there is one catch that you must know about, sans."

Sans looked confused and concerned, as he than spoke out to Color.

"and what would that be, color?"

Color sighed, before he spoke out to the original version of himself.

"once you use the 6 human souls...yes, you would gain the power of a god...but at a price...you will never be able to separate the souls from yourself again."

Sans' eyes widened at what he had just heard, as he than spoke out to Color.

"wait...do you mean that...i will..."

Color nidded slowly, a sigh escaped his mouth, as he than spoke out to him.

"that's right, sans. once you absorb the 7 souls...you can never get them off. in whatever form that you are in...you will be permanently stuck in this form. you will be...permanently...a god among monsters."

Sans looked shocked and admittedly...a little but scared at what he had just heard. Why must he become a god in order to save people's lives? That would make him a huge target to the demons, even Exetior, though that depends if he can actually kill him. Color than noticed something...and spoke out.

"not good."

Geno looks at Color and realization began to crash onto his face as well.

"what is it? what's wrong?"

Sans spoke out, as Geno turns to look at Sans with a haunted expression on his face.

"exetior, he has arrived to mount ebott much more sooner than expected. he's getting ready to breach it."

Dust's eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"what?! already?!"

Geno nodded, as Killer spoke out to Geno.

"quick! send us back to the underground now, so we can get ready to fight off against exetior and his army!"

Geno nodded and raised his left hand, before speaking out to them.

"good luck."

He snapped his fingers, and all 3 of the Sanses got sent back to the underground. They landed onto the ground, the snow on their feet, and Dust spoke out.

"sans. get sonic here now. killer, warn horror and the rest of the girls. we need to make sure that they are alright and are not going to get killed by this."

Sans and Killer nodded, as Killer than spoke out.

"what about you?"

Dust than turns to Killer and spoke out.

"i'm gonna need help from my alternate papyrus."

Dust than teleported as fast as he could, and gets ready to bring Dustbelief Papyrus to help them out with this situation, as to Dust, in the way he sees it, he is the most ruthless version of Papyrus that had even been created. He just hopes that he can live through this.


Exetior is now show to be floating outside, as he stares at the mountain with his demonic red eyes.

Exetior made a wide smile, as he than saw that there are the remaining survivors inside of the mountain, and he is ready to go down and demonize them in whatever situation that he'll viciously give them. As Exetior continue to look at the mountain that is below him.


Exetior looks to see Sark, as his teeth is so rotten that it is disgusting to look at. But Exetior didn't seem to mind, as he than spoke out to him.


Sark than spoke out to Exetior.

"The armies...they are all assembled. They are awaiting your command to strike at the mountain."

Exetior smiled, as he than spoke out to Sark.

"Excellent, Sark. Now we can fight against the monsters without any sort of resistance in their ends."

Exetior than turns to look back down at the mountain, and spoke out to himself.

"Very soon...every single creature on Mobius...will be mine to demonize."

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