The Next Phase

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Dust...he has no idea how long he had been out for, due to the fact that he had been pushed to his limit in the fact that Gaster's power became a little too much for him to handle. And the fact that he had gotten very tired from what had happened from the fight. He felt himself awakening, as he than opened his eye sockets, a bright flash of shining light appeared above him, as he tries to clear his vision, and Dust than stood up from the ground, in order to see where he is at right now.

"uuurgh...what just happened?"

As he said that, a young voice squeaked out.

"Mr. Sans!!!"

Sans turned around, and when he did, he got struck with a 26 Pound Mobian Rabbit, who flung her arms around Sans' neck. This surprised Sans, as he did not expect that to happen, as he than spoke out.

"cream? woah, i didn't expect for you to come. where am i? what happened?"

Cream than looks at Sans, her eyes look like they are crying, as she than spoke out.

" had gotten into a fight with something, and for some reason, you had been brought back. Your skull had cracked above the right eye, and for some reason, that demon was with you, but he did not attack. In fact, he just...left us alone. And I don't know why?"

Sans than stood up, as he than look at Cream.

"But I do. We had a fight against an entity outside of Mount Ebott. And this is even worse than Exetior."

This made Cream confused, as she spoke out.

"What do you mean?"

Dust than looked at Cream as he than spoke out.

"The entity...she is someone that is connected fro Exetior, and the reason that Exetior had to kill people. The entity...she is even worse than Exetior, and, Exetior, and Seraphim, we were forced to work together in order to stop her."

This made Cream stunned, as she spoke out.


Sans nodded, as he spoke out.

"yeah. you heard me. the entity that we fought, that entity is so evil that it made Exetior tame in comparison, as well as looking and being a nice guy in comparison as well. and speaking of which, where is he now."

Cream than spoke out.

"He...he is outside. You are inside of a lab of some kind, underneath another one."

Sans than looked around, as he than saw that he is in the True Lab, and he than turned around to see Endogeny appear next to him.

Sans looks at the large dog amalgam, as he than spoke out.

"oh, heya buddy."

The dog began to pant, as Endogeny began to nuzzle against Sans' skull, much to the weirded out feeling of Sans, as Sans than looks at Cream, as he than spoke out.

" to get back outside. besides, we have a lot to talk about."

He than gets out of bed, and luckily, he is still in his clothes, as he than began to stand up. But Sans nearly collapsed, and Cream barely was able to catch him before he can fall down, as she than spoke out.

"You haven't fully recovered, Mr. Sans. You need to get back into bed."

But Sans than began to stand up, as he than spoke out.

"nah, it's not that. i just hadn't moved in a while. Besides, i am going to be needed for this, for what we are all about to be going up against. and besides, this is too serious to ignore."

Sans than began to limp a little bit, before he than focused a bit more and began to walk a little bit more normally than ever before. As he began to walk, he than noticed and sees that Sonic is down there with Sark Rosy, who is hugging Sonic by the arm. Sonic noticed Dust, as Dust looked at Sonic, with Sonic speaking out.

"Sans, what are you doing out of bed?"

Dust than looked at Sonic, as he spoke out.

"i can't just simply lie around and do nothing, especially with the fact that we are in a much more worse situation than ever before."

Sonic than looks at Dust and nodded.

"Yeah, you're right. And...if I am willing to bet, you are here to see Exetior, right?"

Dust nodded, as he spoke out.

"we are up against an enemy that is more stronger than a demon and more worse and eviler than exetior. if we are going to take a chance against them, we need every sort of hand that we can get our hands on in order to bring down this thing."

Dust looked at Sonic, as he than sighed and nodded.

"Yeah, I can get where you are going. And the thing is, he kind of made a big mess back in the Underground, the monsters feared him, and they would have continued to fear him, if Seraphim had not shown them what happened, and the fact that there is an even worse enemy at large, and while the Monsters, Humans, and the Mobians, the one that are still alive, are going to be willing to listen, they are still very terrified of him, and they are waiting for you to wake up, so that you can be of help for Exetior.

Dust looked down and nodded, as he than spoke out.

"well, we should go. and sonic, you are planning on coming with me, right?"

Sonic nodded, as he spoke out.

"I do. But I am not forgiving Exetior for what he had done. He had went too far in what he had done, despite how noble his goals may seem."

Dust than looked down and spoke out.

"well, we do not even have time for forgiveness anyway. and besides, we cannot let hate guide us right now, not when that stitch-lite person is around."

Sonic nodded, as Rosy than spoke out.

"Sonic, you are going to be okay like this, right? Especially since...the tails of your world...he might be there."

Sonic look at Amy, and he than sighed, as he spoke out.

"Honestly, I am not sure, and I don't know what to think about right now. But since we are dealing with something as deadly and dangerous as Stitch-Lite, than I need to do this, not just for you, but for everyone, all of those that I had failed. And also the ones that had not gotten as far as they did in the past."

Amy looks at Sonic and nodded her head, as Sonic sighed, as Sans and Sonic looked at the elevator, and they decided to go up, with Cream and Cheese following behind. All 5 of them went into the elevator, as Dust than pressed onto a button, and they all began to go up. Dust looks down at himself and clenched his fist, as he realizes what everyone is in right now. They are inside of a situation where it is at their absolute worst, and they have no idea how dangerous it will be, but Dust, having seen the timeline getting erased and brought back by the human, can have an idea at just how bad it will be soon. Besides, the Highest are even worse than the human, and most likely more powerful than the human. Which is why action is needed to take every single one of them down, and make sure that they all die.

The elevator door opened, as the elevator itself stopped, and Dust, Cream, Cheese, Sonic and Amy came out, as Sans then went to the left side of the lab, and out of the door. And he turned to the right to see that Exetior is there, waiting, as he than spoke out.

"didn't expect for you to wait for me at a time like this, exetior. thought you would have left already."

Exetior looks at Dust and spoke out.

"I would do that. But first, I need to have a little chat with the king, especially since we are in the middle of something that requires all forces to unite against this one common foe."

Dust than looks down at at the ground, before Exetior than spoke out.

"but will they want to side with you? i mean, you did take away their family members and friends and their home. i wouldn't be surprised that they wound hate you for it and refuse to worn alongside you."

Exetior sighed, as he spoke out.

"I am well aware of this fact, Sans, really. But I felt like I had hid this fact from everybody for far too long. I feel like they should understand the reason as to why I had done this, so that they found see that there is a reason behind the rampages that I had done back in the past. I need to keep on believing that I am able to do this."

Sans than looks down at the ground, as he spoke out.

"well, hopefully, you know what you are doing. and i hope you can say some words that will convince everyone that you are in need of help in this thing."

Exetior looked down and nodded his head, as he took a deep breath, before he than flies up into the air, as he than began to go to the area where he will explain the reasons as to why he had done all the horrible things from before, as Cream went next to Dust and hugged his arm very tightly. Sans does the same, as he puts his arm around Cream, due to the fact that Cream is afraid of this sort of thing, and she has no idea how she can deal with this.

"Mr. Sans, what is going to happen to all of us now?"

Dust looks down at Cream, as he sighed.

Dust sighed, as he than spoke out to her.

"honestly, even I have no idea, kid. but all that i know is that we are in a type of situation that we will have to fight back against, and it will be even more dangerous than exetior, as i had said to you before. let's just hope that it will work out for all of us and we can survive to the very end. and more importantly, hope they the underground will be safe enough so the highest do not discover the sanctuary that we had made."

Cream nodded, as she hugged Dust back, as she hugged his torso tightly. Although Cream does not want to admit it, in her mind, she sees Sans as a protective father-figure that she had never had. Unlike Vanilla, who is stern, but kind in trying to teach her manners, Sans is much more causal, and is lazy, but he is a monster that judges a person harshly in order to see if they are a good person or not, not to mention the fact that he is very protective of the kid. He is a very punny and very humorous person that will brighten up her day, no matter how bad it is. Cream, does not know what happened to her father, she to how she has not met him before, but she thinks that something bad happened to him, and the fact that Sans has taken the place as a father-figure for her, it is something that she does not want to take funnily, due to the fact that, the fact that Sans had taken this position meant a lot of her.

Sans looks down at Cream, who is scared for him. The kid, Cream, she is always scared. It is almost like he is taking care of a kid of his own. Dust than picked Cream up from the ground and held her, as Cream hugged him with both her arms and her legs. And it is very obvious to Sans that Cream does not want to let him go, especially since she had lost her mother once, and now the only mother she has is the one from Sark's earth, which is her alternate counterpart. And yet, Sans acts like a father to her, due to his personality. And on Sans' side, he has gained a protective streak to make sure that she is okay, and make sure that she is happy, even though there is ultimately no reason to. He does not understand why he is doing that himself, it is just that, in his mind, he has to do this thing.

As he looked down and hugged Cream, all of a sudden, Sans is now in a dark area, with Cream no longer in his arms, as he than looked and acted a little bit nervous, as well as a little bit confused in where he is at right now. As he looked around, he spoke out.

"hello, is anyone there?"

As Sans said that, a black mass formed from the bottom of the floor, as Sans than turned around and see it. And the moment that happened, he looks to see the black mass grow, and than, the entity is revealed to be Gaster himself.


Gaster smiled, as he spoke out.

"Hello, Sans. I see that you are able to get back and get ready to fight once more. That is such a good thing to happen, because you will be needed much more than ever before against the Highest. Especially in the next stage of my plan."

This made Sans confused, as he than spoke out.

"What do you mean, next stage of your plan? Isn't my is not at the same level as the other ones, of course. But, how can I be able to defeat the Highest, especially since I am still weak compared to them, despite becoming stronger?"

Gaster smiled wider, as he than spoke out to Sans.

"It is simple. You need to do the same thing that your other self, Seraphim, had done before. You need to absorb a soul in order to become strong enough to fight against the Highest."

This made Sans confused, as he than spoke out.

"how do you think that i can do that? the only ones that are able to do this sort of thing for me are the humans, and they are not going to be willing to die. and besides, seraphim, he has used up all 7 of the human souls, and i doubt that he is able to separate himself from what he had done to himself."

Gaster's smile, however, did not disappear, as he than looked at Sans and smiled.

"That is where you are wrong, Sans. There is one soul that you have not yet absorbed, and it is a soul very special that exists. It is a soul that I was able to synthesize and make. And it is somewhere deep inside of the true lab."

This made Sans confused, as he spoke out.

"What, you made a...soul of your own?"

Gaster nodded, as he spoke out.

"Indeed I have, for before I fell into the void, from the CORE itself, I have been able to make a soul, using my own as a donor, due to how magically strong it is compared to the others, and used all 7 of the soul traits by 1/7th of the amount, to make it the way it is. While not as strong as all 7 of the human souls combined, it is still very powerful, especially for a prototype. And if you absorb it, it will give you power, more immense than you could have ever imagined. And that is not the only soul that I have made. There exists another soul, a rainbow soul, which I made after synthesizing a human soul vessel, and filling it with 1/7th of each soul trait, and it is as strong as all 7 of the human souls together, a more clear way, it is as strong as the red soul of determination itself."

Sans than looked down at the ground for a little bit, as he than spoke out.

"so...where is it inside of the true lab."

Gaster than looks at Sans in the eyes, his smile lessened a little bit, before he than spoke out to him.

"I will show you. But it must warn you to be careful, especially when it comes to the prototype. The soul, while not as powerful as all 7 human souls, is still immensely dangerous, due to the fact that there is an unknown energy, and the possibility that the soul itself might gain a consciousness, and such, you must use it as a last resort. And besides, the other soul, the rainbow soul, which is the improvement of the prototype that I have will need it for someone else."

Sans looked at Gaster, as he than stepped forward, before he than spoke out.

"Okay. I am ready. Show it to me."

Gaster nodded, as he than touched Sans on the forehead, as Sans began to be filled with the knowledge of the souls and the locations of where they are at right now. When Gaster is finished, Sans is back into the outside world, still holding Cream, and it is as though time has no moved ever since he had talked with Gaster. Sans than looked at Cream, as he than spoke out.

"hey, kid..."

Cream looks at Sans, as he than spoke out.

"i think it is best to go back to your mother. she must be worried about you."

Cream looks at Sans, and nodded, as Sans than teleports her back to where Vanilla is, places Cream down, who runs to her, and teleports away again, back to the True Lab. Sans sighed, as he than spoke out.

"Okay, Gaster. Let's see what you have brought for me."

Sans than walked to the location of where the 2 souls are secured, as he than is able to find a safe of some kind. Sans than typed in the code, and the safes opened, as Sans looked to see what is inside of the safes. And there it is. Inside of the none other than the 2 souls that Gaster has talked about. One of them is a rainbow soul that is flashing between red, orange, yellow, green, cyan, blue, and purple, or in a way that makes more sense, DETERMINATION, BRAVERY, JUSTICE, KINDNESS, PATIENCE, INTEGRITY, AND PERSEVERANCE. This is the improved version of the prototype soul, which is next to the rainbow soul. The Prototype has a very different appearance. It resembles a human soul, but the soul itself is a magenta soul. And Sans could feel it, unknown power coming from the prototype itself. Sans than took it. He grabbed the soul, and he did not absorb it yet, as he simply stored it inside of himself. And next to the prototype capsule, there is another soul, that resembles a soul of determination. It is weaker, or at least, it is supposed to be..but now it is much more powerful than ever before, possibly even stronger than the Red Soul. Seems like Gaster underestimate the power of the synthesized souk that he made. But for the rainbow soul...he has a use for it. He took the entire capsule, and he teleported to the flower bed, where a certain weed resides in.

He teleported, and there he is. It is Flowey himself, sitting down, and looking very grumpy, like he usually has been.

"heya, weed."

The flower, named Flowey, looks up at Sans, and has an unhappy expression on his face.

"What you want, Smiley Trashbag?! Can't you see that I am in a very bad mood today?!"

Dust than smiled.

"that you are unable to get the human souls, because Seraphim used them?"

Flowey growled a little bit and nodded. But Dust smiled, as he spoke out.

"well, thing is, i am in need of your help, weed. and it is very important."

Flowey looks at Sans and spoke out.

"Against what? Battle with the people from above, that had destroyed and created Mobius again and again? Yeah, no thanks."

But Dust smiled, as he spoke out.

"i have a solution for that problem."

He than pulls out a capsule, and Flowey's eyes widened, as he spoke out.

"What...what is that?"

Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"a rainbow soul. it is made with the combined traits of all 7 human souls. and that includes the red soul. i mean...i know who you are, asriel. i figured out who you used to be, and are gonna be needed in this."

Flowey looks at the soul, as he spoke out.

"How...powerful will I be?"

Sans smiled, as he spoke out.

"As powerful as you once were back then, when you had absorbed all monster souls, along with the 6 human souls."

This made Flowey's eyes widened, as he looked at it, before he narrowed his eyes, and nodded. He than used his vines to grab onto the soul, and he than held it, as he than puts the soul inside of himself, and when that happened...a bright flash of light occurred, and Sans stepped back, as he shielded his eyes from the bright light coming from Flowey, as Sans smiled at what he is seeing. When the light is gone, Sans looked down, as he spoke out.

"Welcome back...Asriel."

The figure looks up, and it is none other than a goat monster.

And this monster, he resembles both Toriel and Asgore, but with a green shirt with yellow stripes, brown pants, and has a locket. Asriel looks at himself, as he than spoke out.

"I...I can't believe worked. Sans...thank you."

Sans smiled, as he than spoke out.

"no problem...kid. you should go back to your parents, the kind and queen. they missed you a lot."

Asriel smiled and nodded, as he than ran to try and see them. Sans smiled, as he sat down, and spoke out.

" least it is a job well done for me. now i just need to go back home and rest.

As he said that, a voice spoke out, one that he is very familiar with.

"Ahh...don't you want to come and talk to me, Sansy?"

This made Sans' eyes widened, as he turned around and stood up to see where it came from, and honestly, the person that had spoken to him, it is from the last person that he had wanted to see.

It is of a child that is as old as Asriel and resembles Frisk, but with the same clothes that Asriel wore, as Dust looked at her in a malice, and spoke out.

" dare you come to me...chara."

Chara smiled, as she spoke out.

"That's not a nice way to greet an old friend."

Sans spoke back.

"who had told you we were friends. out of everyone that i had met, i hate you the most, even more than that kid that i had just erased from existence."

Chara than spoke out.

"Well then you're going to have to learn to start liking me cause now that I know you are able to see me. I won't stop bothering you, especially since you had killed that Bete Noire thing, which made you powerful enough to see me."

Sans glared, red and purple magical mist flared out of his eyes, as he spoke out.

"Like in hell that will stop me. nothing you do will ever make me think about forgiving you or that other kid. you were both equally responsible for all of the genocide."

Chara than spoke out.

"Really...there has not been a genocide since I am still here in the underground every time, and I have only appeared now. Don't you believe that people like me can change?"

Sans narrowed his eyes dangerously, as he spoke out.

"I used to believe it, but you changed it, hell, and i don't believe in what you, believe in that you can change."

Chara than spoke out.

"Well then if I convince you that I've changed than you'll have to give me a deal that will help you, and besides you'd need all the help you can get if you are going to be fighting against the Highest that started showing up."

Dust spoke back to Chara.

"I would rather kill myself than believe that you will ever change."

Chara than smiled, she floats in the air, as she gawked her head to the side.

"Awww, but don't you miss me?"

Sans narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"no, i did not. i was happy when you were gone from my life."

Chara than had a mocking smile, as she spoke out.

"That's so mean of you Sansy. Come on give me a chance."

Sans clenched his fist, as he is threatened to take out his scythe and slice her, but he knows that won't do anything, since she is a ghost.

"Let's say I'd believe you've changed, than what would I give you in return?"

Chara than goes straight to the point.

Well Sansy, we both know that the soul you kept inside of the laboratory next to that prototype soul that you had stored inside of yourself. I want to use that last remaining one, so that I can come back."

This made Dust looked at her as if she is crazy, before he than laughed a little.

" that you can do another genocide run? Do you think that I am that foolish enough to do that, chara? no...i am not going to let you trick me, so that you can commit genocide once more with that soul."

Chara than smiled, as she gawked her head to the side, as she smiled mysteriously, before she than spoke out.

"You'll change your mind, and we shall see =)."

Dust smiled, as he spoke out.

"We will indeed =)."

Chara than vanished, as Dust sighed, he held his head, as he than spoke out.

"And great, that is 2 more problems that I need to worry about. First the Highest, and now that kid came back."

Phantom Papyrus appeared next to Sans, as he spoke out.


Dust looked at Phantom Papyrus, and spoke out.

"yeah, i'm okay."

Phantom Papyrus spoke out.


Phantom Papyrus vanished in thin air, and Dust than teleported away, unbeknownst to Sans, that Chara, now that Dust has grown powerful, Chara has now bonded to his determination, and thus, she will continue to follow him, no matter how far he is, becoming an unwanted companion.

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