A Pathological Enigmatic Encounter

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This caught Dust and Stitch-Lite by surprised, and she was successful in hitting him, but not only was there no injuries, Dust seems to be more surprised than injured, as if his injuries are never there.

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Dust said, before he turned to the side, and than, he saw someone. While Stitch-Lite did not see what Dust was seeing, standing in his vision, was none other than his father, who smiled at him, and is ready to attack and join in on the fight against Stitch-Lite, as Dust smiled widely, as he than spoke out.

"hehehehehehehehe...you have finally arrived, old man. wow, it took you long enough to show yourself, huh?"

Dust then stood up, as he than spoke out to Stitch-Lite, who is confused with why Dust is acting the way that he is.

"listen, old lady...this is gonna probably sound sudden for ya...but all this time...i did not use everything that I have up my sleeve. all that i had used are merely tricks that someone had taught me. and now...now that someone is going to appear right now. and i won't be the reason that you go down. he will. and when he finally shows up...well, let's just say, it'll be a doozy. so...let this be the only time that i warn you of him.

Dust opens his eyes, and shows that they are now blank, as he than spoke out in a creepy monotone and sinister tone that appeared within the voice that he speaks in.

"Beware the man...who Speaks in Hands."

As soon as Dust said that, something changed. After Dust had said that, his face spasms and twitches for a couple of seconds, and than, he began to twitch his entire head, as his mouth is locked in a grin, and his eye sockets are covered in the shadows of the hood that he is still wearing. Shadows so dark that they are no longer seen. And Stitch-Lite could feel the power of Dust suddenly changing. It is beginning to increase at an extremely rapid rate, and there is simply no stopping the process...except one. Stitch-Lite than smiled, as she believes that he is now vulnerable, due to the fact that he is in the middle of using whatever that he is ready to use, as she spoke out.

"Foolish skeleton. You have just made yourself vulnerable. Now it is time for you to die!"

She than raised her hand, and aimed the attack at Dust, and she smiled arrogantly, as she is ready to fire this attack at Dust and kill him. But than, something very unexpected happened. Suddenly, the orb of white light disappeared. This shocked Stitch-Lite, and she tried to summon it again, but it was gone.

"What, what is this?! Why can't I use my powers?!"

She than looked up at Dust, and saw that he is still twitching, as she shouted out.

"What have you done?!"

Dust doesn't answer, but than, as his eye sockets are even more darker, Gaster appears for a couple of seconds, revealing himself to Stitch-Lite, and a smile appeared on Dust's face. And when that happened, Dust raised his heads, and the shadows than turned to static.

And when that happened, Dust's teeth vanished, and it is here, that he is ready to attack. When his transformation is complete, with Gaster taking over his body, Dust lunged forward, and attacked Stitch-Lite, and this time, this caused her unbearable agony, unlike any that she had ever felt. The pain that had been inflicted on her is the same as Exetior's strength, except a bit more higher, and when the next punch it, it was a tiny bit stronger than the previous punch. Seems like Dust is continuing to grow stronger as time goes on, and this is what makes him a very dangerous threat to her. He needs to be dealt with fast! She tries to activate her power, and this turn, she manage to summer a blast of light and fire it at Dust. But than, a hand appeared with a hole in the palm and back of the hand, and made a green dome made of magic, as it blocked the attack, and then, 6 other hands appeared, with there being a red one, an orange one, a yellow one, a cyan one, a blue one, and a purple one.

Stitch-Lite is not prepared for this! She did not expect for Dust to gain new abilities this instantly! She than tries to attack by summoning spears of light and raining it down on Dust Sans, but then, the yellow hand opens its palm and began to out shoot yellow bullets, which took down the spears instantly. Than, the orange hand opened its palm a little bit, as orange dots appeared in front of her. This made Stitch-Lite very confused, as she has no idea what this is. But than, the hand shined for a second, and the dots also shined, and before she knew it, she is than met with an explosion by the orange dots in front of her face, sending her crashing down to the ground. Than, she stands up, and she is met in the face full of a lot of buzzsaw blades thanks to the blue hand, and began to slice her body into 2 pieces. But as that happened, Stitch-Lite used her power to teleport out of the way, as she than landed down onto the ground, as he wounds began to heal. She turns around, and she looks to see that Gaster is next to Dust, and appeared in the physical world a little bit, as he than spoke out to the member of the Highest, born in his English, and in his Wing Ding language.

"You appear to be having some trouble, Mrs. Stitch-Lite."/❽✡⚐🕆 ✌🏱🏱☜✌☼ ❄⚐ 👌☜ ☟✌✞✋☠☝ 💧⚐💣☜ ❄☼⚐🕆👌☹☜📪 💣☼💧. 💧❄✋❄👍☟📫☹✋❄☜.❾

This made Stitch-Lite shocked, as she's never seen a monster like that before in her life, and yet, looking at the entity before her very eyes, he seems a little, familiar. She does not know why, but there is something off about him that she does not quite understand. But she cannot worry about that right now, as she than stepped back, and made light fall from the sky.

But Gaster had another trick up his sleeve. A Gaster Blaster appeared out of nowhere, the eye sockets also shadowed, as it fired up into the sky, and stopped the attack before it even had a chance to hit him. And than, when that happened, Dust charged forward and punches her with immense speed, causing a shockwave that spreads around the forest. She crashed down to the ground and cracked the ground a little bit, before she fired a blast of light from her hands in order to kill him, only for Dust to return it with using his red hand, which fired a blast of red energy, and clashed against the white light, before overpowering it, and hitting Stitch-Lite with it, causing an explosion that sends Stitch-Lite into the air, before she began to fly up as fast as she can to ready an attack. But as she did, reality began to glitch, and she is suddenly rocketing down towards the ground, with Dust waiting for her at the ground, as he spoke out, with Gaster being the one speaking through him.

"Oh, you are not getting away that easily, Mrs. Stitch-Lite."/❽︎⚐︎♒︎📪︎ ⍓︎□︎◆︎ ♋︎❒︎♏︎ ■︎□︎⧫︎ ♑︎♏︎⧫︎⧫︎♓︎■︎♑︎ ♋︎⬥︎♋︎⍓︎ ⧫︎♒︎♋︎⧫︎ ♏︎♋︎⬧︎♓︎●︎⍓︎📪︎ 💣︎❒︎⬧︎📬︎ 💧︎⧫︎♓︎⧫︎♍︎♒︎📫︎☹︎♓︎⧫︎♏︎📬︎❾︎

He than jumped from the ground, and grabbed her by the fur on her chest, before throwing her down to the ground, making her crash down, as bones began to fire at her at extremely fast speeds. Stitch-Lite, not wanting to get hit, immediately ran as fast as she can to avoid getting pierced by the bones and dodging the attacks, before Stitch-Lite than leapt up and punches Dust, only for the damage to be somehow negated. And when that happened, Dust's eye sockets closed for a second, before opening them again, as reality once again glitched. And it is here, that he can see visions of his former coeworkers, with Gaster opening one of his eyes, the left one, which glowed purple, and once that is over, Dust is shown to be back onto the ground, swinging Betty's scythe downwards to cause an explosion, only for Stitch-Lite to avoid the attack, and Dust threw it away, as he extended his right hand, which has a new hole in the center, and summoned the cyan hand, which shot out strands of cyan magic, entrapping Stitch-Lite. She tries to get out, but all of a sudden, she is than launched up into the sky, before she then crashed down onto the ground, making it crack, before Stitch-Lite than rose up into the air, and uppercuts Dust into the air. But Dust spins around fast, as he summoned a Blaster to his side, and he began to fly off to a direction. Stitch-Lite shot at Dust, who than made another Blaster and teleported to it, as the one he was previous on was destroyed, whine Dust turned around and fired a bunch of blasters at Stitch-Lite, who teleported away.

Stitch-Lite than appeared into the air, in front of Dust, as she punches him hard, sending him backwards far away, as Dust than crashed down to the ground, and bounced back up, as he landed onto a Gaster Blaster that he had summoned.


Dust laughed a tiny bit, as his eye sockets narrowed, his head lowered a little bit, as Dust than fired his Gaster Blaster, launching him as fast as he can at Stitch-Lite. Stitch-Lite than fired a blast of light at Sans, but Dust opened his palm in front of him, and summoned a trident, which he spun and blocked the beam with, before teleporting atop the Gaster Blaster. He continues to fly towards her and smiled sinisterly, with Stitch-Lite extending her hands and getting ready to crush Dust's face in. But Dust than raised one of his hands, and snapped his fingers, and the both of them are teleported into Judgement Hall, and it is blue in there, as nighttime has arrived for him. And luckily, no one was inside. He summoned a bunch of Gaster Blasters behind him, and fired the attack, as Stitch-Lite, not wanting to get hit herself, fired all of her power at the attack that Dust had done. This caused an explosion, and the force sends Dust into the wall behind him, causing him to crash. Stitch-Lite came out of the smoke, and looks at Dust with an enraged look in her eyes, as purple bones suddenly erupted out from the ground, and nearly tried to stab her, but Stitch-Lite teleported and jumped on top of them, as Stitch-Lite than dodged a Gaster Blaster firing at her, and she dodged another one, before flying fast towards Dust, as Dust smiled, the static over the top part of his face, while still smiling menacingly at Stitch-Lite, as an explosion erupted, which is heard by Exetior, Super Sonic, and Seraphim Sans, who turned to the direction of the sound.

The smoke from the explosion cleared, with Dust smiling still, the static rapidly appearing and disappearing, with Stitch-Lite now on the ground, standing, as she snarled with rage at the sight before her eyes, as they stared at each other, with Stitch-Lite than raising her arms at Dust, and fires an attack, only for Dust to avoid it, and retaliates by wrapping the vines at the wrists and ankles, before slamming her into the wall of the Judgment Hall, before Stitch-Lite burned the plants off of her, and she launches herself at Dust, who than raised a wall of bones that she had still broke through effortlessly, as Dust than snapped his fingers to teleport them outside again. But when that happened, Seraphim, Super Sonic, and Exetior teleported alongside them, and they appeared behind some stuff, with Exetior in the air this time, and he looks down at what is happening, completely out of sight. And he is admittedly impressive that Dust is holding his ground immensely. He thought that he was the only one that can do it, but for Dust of all people to do it, is impressive. But he also sensed that there is another one involved, and he has no idea who that belongs to, as Stitch-Lite than fired an attack at Dust, which hits him directly, right in his own face.

The explosion took place, and Stitch-Lite looked to see the smoke, as it is over her vision. She narrows her eyes, in order to see if she truly had destroyed Dust, only to see that...she did not succeed. Dust is still here, and has his hands clenched, as Dust's sleeves are gone, at least on the bottom half. The top half of the sleeves are still intact, just a little bit torn and burned from the attack that Stitch-Lite had just done. But Dust looks no worse for wear, as he than rose his head up a little bit, and this time, she can see his eyes, due to Dust now being in control, while still being powered by Gaster, and this time, his eyes are a lot more different than they were before in the fight.

Dust's eyes are now purple, as though he is overflowing with way to much power. And that is not all. Dust now has a crack on his face. The crack is present on the right side of his face, where it is above the right eye, and in a similar position to Gaster's line above the right eye. And needless to say, Dust now has a much more psychotic look on his face, as he's ready to slaughter the Highest. He than spoke out to the Highest, as he smiled sinisterly at her.

"Now than...there's no time to be wasted. Take this one."

He than raised his hand into the air, and his hand was glowing blue. As that happened, Stitch-Lite also began to glow blue, as she is than launched into the air, and than, all of a sudden, a fist of a giant Gaster hand had punched her from behind, as she is sent to a wall, making a deep crater, as Dust looks up at Stitch-Lite, clearly not amused by what it is that she is like right now, being both below and powerless, especially since she is supposed to be able to erase him without effort. But Dust decides not to continue thinking about it, as he than summoned a barrage of Gaster Blasters into the air, and fired at them with immense devastation, just so he is able to destroy them. The blasts detonated the wall, as a purple explosion took place, and Dust narrows his eyes a little bit, as he clenched his fist, waiting for the member of the Highest race to come and attack him. Dust's eye sockets glows dangerous, as he is itching for another dose of agony that he will give her.

Stitch-Lite rose from the ground, and her eyes flared dementedly, as she clenched her fists. This is now how this was supposed to go!! She was supposed to fulfill her duties, she was supposed to win this thing!! But right here, right before her very own eyes, she is losing a battle from a being that is supposed to be lower that her might! It does not make any sense at all! How is he even doing this?! Could the monster from before had been the one responsible?! If he is, than how does she erase him?! As she thought of this in her head, Dust than went in front of her and swung his sword which he summoned just now, and sliced her the right eye on her face!


Stitch-Lite felt immense and unbearable agony from the attack, as she held onto her eye. Luckily, she healed it, but it is still very painful. The sword is gone, and he now opens his hands, and replaces that with the Scythe of Fear, as he than charged at her as fast as he can. Stich-Litw than jumped back, as Dust swung his scythe, and made a pink slash of energy, with Stitch-Lite was just barely able to avoid, as it sliced a few more trees in just 4 miles away. This made Stitch-Lite sweat immensely, as she looks back at Dust, who than jumps straight at her, and grabs her by the vest, before throwing her down to the ground as fast as he can, causing the ground to crack and make a crater. Stitch-Lite than rose up from the ground, and she looks up to see that she is bleeding more than ever before. And unlike last time, she is not healing! Dust is somehow negating her ability to heal! But how is he doing this, or more better, how is that monster possessing him able to do this to her of all people?! As she looked up, she sees that Dust is falling back down, scythe in his hands, as he swung it fast, and Stitch-Lite is forced to move out of the way, as Dust pierced the ground, creating a violent, magenta colored explosion from the attack that he had just tried to use on Stitch-Lite. Speaking of Stitch-Lite, she teleported as far away as she can from the attack. She is now on her knees, as she began to gasp and feel tired.

'This is impossible!! No mortal should be able to have this power, not even the most powerful monster! The one that is possessing him...he is making this happen!! But how is he?!'

She than has her eyes widened, as she than saw that Dust is now 20 feet in front of her, and has his Blasters, Spears, Tridents, and Scythes ready, as well as some fireballs along the way, with the 7 Gaster Hands above him. Dust smiled, as he extends his hands, and fired them all. The attack is then launched at a multicolored blast of energy, and Stitch-Lite is than prepared by making a dome of light. But than, all of a sudden, another Highest appeared before her, and used his own done of light, and blocked the attack. But Dust noticed the other entity, and so did Exetior, Super Sonic, and Serpahim Sans, as they watched at what is happening. When the smoke cleared, the Highest that has appeared is revealed, and he looks very strange and odd compared to the other Highests, due to how weird and ridiculous his appearance is, rather.

It is a light blue highest, with 2 planets orbiting each other in a green circle above the Highest's head, looking like a halo of sorts. Dust narrowed his eyes, as he should have known that this would happen. But Gaster, did know about this happening, due to having seen the Void, and having seen that this was about to happen to Dust soon, as the Highest than spoke out.

"Stitch-Lite, so this is what you have been having a lot of trouble with."

This made Stitch-Lite confused, as she than spoke out.

"Brave-Lite, what are you doing here?"

The Highest, named Brave-Lite, than spoke out.

"All-Father was becoming very concerned about you. You were taking way too long for some reason, and he asks me to come and check on you, too see if you were having any trouble. And apparently, you are indeed."

Brave-Lite than turned to Dust, who narrows his eyes dangerously, as he spoke out.

"Don't worry, Stitch-Lite, I'll take care of this one."

Dust clenched his fist, as he looks at the Highest before his eyes, and Gaster can sense his power. Before, he is not as strong as Stitch-Lite, and is even weaker compared to her. However, he must have done a little bit of practice on his powers, because Brave-Lite is now stronger, and is extremely close to Stitch-Lite's level of power. Brave-Lite than steps forward to Dust, and spoke out.

"Skeleton, you have interfered with our business long enough. You have stopped us from the plans we have for Mobius. And now you need to pay the price!"

Dust than stepped forward, and he spoke out back to Brave-Lite.

"You and the rest of your kind have continued o erase Mobius, time and time again, repeatedly without a hint of remorse or regret! Do you expect me to simply stand by and let you do all of his because you want to?! No, I am not standing by and letting you continue to destroy my world, all for your twisted amusement! I am gonna make sure that you are stopped no matter what!"

Brave-Lite than spoke out.

"Than you dug your own grave!"

He than began to unleash a powerful blast of energy, as Stitch-Lite joined in, and used her power at the fullest. They both began to fire a blast of energy at Dust, and the combined form of it will be equal to that of the All-Father's most powerful attack. Dust, not wanting to let himself get killed, summoned a lot of Gaster Blasters and all of the Gaster Hands, as he than charged up the attacks of all of them combined, but as that happened, Exetior came next to him and began to charge up his own energy attack, with Seraphim Sans also appearing, and, and getting ready to fire his own Gaster Blasters, and Super Sonic readying a blast made from Chaos Energy, and getting ready to fire it at the 2 Highest.

The 2 sides collided and clashed against each other, as Dust, Exetior, Seraphim, and Super Sonic clashed as much as they can towards each other, before the attack explodes, creating a shockwave that sends the 6 of them back by the power of the Shockwave. Than, Stitch-Lite comes in fast towards Dust, and tries to grab him, only for Dust to use his Blue Magic and send him away. Brave-Lite than tries to fight Dust, but Seraphim Sans and Super Sonic got in the way and began to fight him, as Exetior joins in to fight alongside Dust. Stitch-Lite looks at Exetior and spoke out.

"So, you are here again, traitor, trying to play the hero?!"

Exetior narrowed his eyes, as he spoke out.

"If you are expecting me to simply stand by and let you win, than clearly, you are mistaken! You had erased the lives I've created for far too long, and now, you will pay for what you have done!!"

Stitch-Lite smiled, as she spoke out.

"But that is too bad for you! I maybe weakened, but I still have enough power to erase you from existence!!"

She than raised her hands up and bright balls of light appeared in her hands, as she shouted out.

"That way, you will not interfere with the Highests ever again!"

Dust smiled, as he stepped forward, before he spoke out.

"I don't think so."

Stitch-Lite than looks at Dust and spoke out.

"And how do you plan on stopping me, Skeleton?!"

Dust smiled, as he closed his eye sockets for a little bit, before he than spoke out to her.


All of a sudden, before Stitch-Lite knew it, a shockwave of energy that inverted color erupted from Dust, as she felt a power surge, and more importantly, her powers not there this time, like it had dispersed. Stitch-Lite looks at Dust, and she saw something that shocked her. Dust's hands are opened, as the bright light of her power of erasure is present, as Dust spoke out.

"I have to thank you for summoning Bete Noire to me. If you didn't, than I would having been unable to get this power long ago. Now...it is your turn to be Erased."

He than raised his arms, before he than puts them together, and fired a blast of white light at Stitch-Lite, in an attempt to erase her. But as she is about to get hit, Brave-Lite, who saw her down and about to be erased, as she is too weakened to defend herself against the attack, he pushes Seraphim Sans and Super Sonic away, before he charges in at Stitch-Lite fast, and knocked her out of the way, Stitch-Lite having now see Brave-Lite in her position, and screamed out.

"Brave-Lite, no!!!!"

Brave-Lite looks at her, and mouthed to her.

"I love you, Stitch-Lite."

Than, he is consumed by the blast, and before Stitch-Lite's eyes, when the blast was gone, Brave-Lite vanished. He had ceased to exist, having been erased by Dust. Stitch-Lite could not believe that this has happened, as Dust than spoke out.

"Seems like I missed. Let's try again."

He than looks at Stitch-Lite and raised his hand to erase her, but Stitch-Lite was then teleported elsewhere before she could even do anything, and obviously, she is not doing it under her own power. Someone else more powerful than her had managed to be able to teleport her. Dust lowered his arm, as he looks at the place where Stitch-Lite was once at, as Exetior looks at Dust spoke out.

"It seems we have manage to gain an advantage over the Highest. You erased one of the Elite Highests, one of the strongest of their kind. This should be able to turn the tables against the Highest themselves."

Dust nodded, as he than collapsed to the ground, right on his knees, as Sonic went out of his Super Form and spoke out.

"Sans, woah! Are you okay, buddy?"

Dust than shook his head, and spoke out.

"no, i'm not. i used way too much power. i need to get back to the underground and heal."

Seraphim Sans than spoke out.

"don't worry. i got this."

Seraphim than used his teleport ability on himself, Dust, Sonic, and Exetior, as they all teleported back to the Underground, where the others are going to need to help Dust heal.

With Stitch-Lite...

Stitch-Lite is on her knees, due to how weakened that she is, and the fact that she had just lost Brave-Lite, her beloved, from a lower entity such as Dust. She cannot believe that this happened. This was not supposed to be the case. Than, she hears a voice spoke out to her.

"Stitch-Lite, rise."

Stitch-Lite recognized the voice, and does so, as she looks up at a Highest, and the power of this one, it is the strongest that she's ever felt, as well as the largest Highest that she's ever served, as she spoke out.

"Lord All-Father...I am so sorry...I have failed you, my master. Brave-Lite, he...he has fallen, and I was unable to do as you ordered me to do. It was my fault that the situation had became worse for all of us."

Than, the All-Father spoke out.

"Stitch-Lite, look at me."

Stitch-Lite did as she is ordered, as she looks at the All-Father, before he spoke out.

"Stitch-Lite, the battle has not been lost yet. There is still time for us to take over the battle and bring it to outside. We will be at the end of it all. That skeleton that you had to fight, he is dangerous, and not even you were expecting for him to absorb the power of that fearful magic spell. He is by far the most dangerous enemy that the Highest will face, perhaps comparably to Exetior himself. We will need to deal with the both of them. But in time, Stitch-Lite, you need to recover, and rest. Your strength will be needed."

Stitch-Lite looks up at her master, as she spoke out.

"As you wish, master."

She began to walk away, as she spoke out.

"I never thought that, it would be this way. How am I going to be able to deal with the fact that we lost a member of the Elite Highest, which is important for us to prevail, especially since...

...I am the one that bares his child, who shall be born very soon."

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