The Satujinki

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Dust was stunned at what he is seeing, as he spoke out.

"dad, you're here to help me out, but how?! you already have given me a lot of power before this, i don't think that i can use anymore than i already have!"

Gaster smiled at Dust Sans, as he spoke out.

"That's where you're wrong. In fact, I manage to find a way to give you a bit more power. And you will like how this one goes."

He than opened one of his hands, and revealed 4 souls. One of them being Killer, one of them being a normal looking soul, one having Determination as an outer layer, and the other simply being a shard.

"what...what is this?"

Gaster smiled, as he spoke out.

"When I fused you with the power of the Void to make you stronger, and so that you can learn of my power, I also manage to make it have a similar property to the ability of absorb souls on humans, but this time, it is absorbing the souls of your alternate selves. And these 4 that you are needing to fuse with to strengthen will be Killer, Horror, Geno, and Insanity."

This made Sans confused about the last one...until he finally realized what it means, when he remembered seeing a Sans with an insane look on his face, holding a Papyrus head.

"wait, you don't mean the one that is holding the head of my brother, do you?"

Gaster, much to Sans chagrin, nodded his head, as Dust spoke out.

"why are you making me fuse with that most crazed, insane version of me?! do you have any idea what he has done?!"

Gaster nodded, as he spoke out.

"I do, but he is necessary in fighting against Stitch-Lite, especially with how powerful he is. His hand to hand attacks, as well as his sharper bone attacks are able to make use of you, along with Horror, with Killer and Geno also being important, due group having much more magical power than a normal Sans."

Dust looks down, as he spoke out.

"but...with insanity of all people, he might be able to control me, or worse!"

Gaster than spoke out.

"That's where you're wrong, Dust."

This made Dust confused, as he looked at Gaster with a look that speak out 'what do you mean?' as Gaster speaks up.

"The Insanity you fought is the one that worked with Exetior and his cronies when you both were still enemies. But the one I plucked up, is from a timeline where he has never met him yet. And when I spoke to him about wanting to have him help you fight against it, he agrees as long as he gets to feel the blood of the Highest in his hands. You won't be controlled, but you will be influenced by his personality in a way."

Dust looked a little bit doubtful, as the Save Screen began to shake, and he looks around, as Gaster spoke out.

"Our time is running short. Quickly, take these souls."

Dust, not wanting to argue, and needing a bit more powerful than before, lunged forward and grabs them by his own hand, as he absorbs the souls of his 4 alternate selves filled with Determination.

With Dust's body still in the outside world, as Stitch-Lite attempted to grab him, Dust suddenly lunges forward to her fast, and punches her in the face, her blood splattered onto Dust's knuckles. And the punch was a lot more harder than ever before, and this complete stunned her, as she is launched backwards, and onto the ground, as she floated in the air.

"What?! How is this possible?!"

Dust than raised his head, his eyes closed, but his hood covered the eye sockets in shadows, as than, something erupted from his back. 2 arms, one of them holding the True Knife, and the second one holding Papyrus' Head, with a bone pricing the skull, as Dust raised his head, and opened his eyes, as his left eye turns red, and the right hand, the one on the normal shoulders, is holding an axe with a very tight grip.

Dust has now successfully fused with his Alternate Selves, thanks to Gaster using his power to fuse him with his alternate selves. And now, he is ready to take on Stitch-Lite, after all of the stuff that she had done to him and his world, and give her as much agony as he can. When Stitch-Lite looked at Dust in the eyes, she was utterly stunned, as she than spoke out.

"What?! What is this form of magic?!"

Dust than stepped forward, and he felt some new emotions coursing through his body. He feels emotionless, yet unstable, yet stubborn, yet insane. He clenched his left fist, which lacked his sword that he sent away, as he spoke out.

"i think it is about time that you get what you deserve."

He than launched himself at Stitch-Lite and punched her in the face again, making more blood hit Dust in the face, as he than swung Killer's True Knife at her, causing massive damage to her. And than, she is hit with an Axe to the chest in the middle, as Dust than fires a bunch of sharp bones, fused with Horror's and Insanity's own bone magic. She got stabbed with it, and she experienced what more agony than ever before. She is then hit by the Papyrus head that Dust has in his second left arm. He caught the Papyrus head, as he charged fast towards her, and stabbed her in the head with the knife, causing her even more agony than he did before. Dust than kicks her back, as Dust than fired his Gaster Blasters at her, this time, the power of these types of blasters are now much more stronger than ever before, as they hit the Highest, causing her to have much more agony than they were to ever achieve before. Dust than jumped as fast as he can towards her. But Stitch-Lite does the same, as Dust removes the axe, making it disappear into thin-air, as Dust and Stitch-Lite locked hands,'and began to try and overpower one another with their mere strengths alone. The ground below then began to crack and shake, as Didt and Stitch-Lite faced each other, their eyes locked at one another, with the red determined eye of Dust glowing sinisterly, and the white blank eyes of Stitch-Lite glowing, as the 2 of them try to overpower one another. But the thing is, Dust's power has now grown much more than it already has before, due to the fact that he now has the combined strength of Horror Sans and Insanity Sans, in addition to the physicality that he has gained from Bete Noire, as Dust is now able to hold his ground much more easily than ever before. Stitch-Lite is also holding her ground, and thanks to her status as one of the members of the Highest, she is able to hone off against Dust's physical strength, but it is now so immense that even Stitch-Lite is utterly stunned at what happened to Dust, especially since he is now giving her more trouble than before. Such a thing like this should be impossible, it should not be possible for any type of magic, aside from the Highest, to be able to gain this much strength and to grow extra limbs on his back! Than, Dusr swung a knife at her face, giving her a cut, before he puts her in a headlock, and sliced her neck with Killer's knife, slitting her throat, and causing blood to come out fiercely. But Stitch-Lite elbows Dust away, as she then sealed the wound shut, as Dust than skidded his legs a bit, as he than looks at Stitch-Lite, who looks more angrier than she's ever been. She cannot believe that a low-life monster of all things is able to stand a chance against her, even though she is supposed to be far more powerful than Dust. As she locked hands with Dust to try and overpower him, Dust does the same, and puts in all of his might to try and overpower her, before he than head butts her hard in the head, making it bleed, as he than swung his hand, and threw her into a bunch of trees knocking them down, as he grips his knife, and swung it fast, sending a red energy slash to try and cut Stitch-Lite in half.

But Stitch-Lite was able to notice the attack, and used her power to stop the attack. Unfortunately, she is then thrown backwards, due to the fact that the red slash from the True Knife is able to cause an explosion upon any impact worn a surface. And when that happened, Stitch-Lite crashed down into the ground, as Dust teleported to the area that Stitch-Lite is in now, as Stitch-Lite and Dust looked at each other, with Dust smiling at her, due to the fact that he has now become so powerful, that killing him is going to be even more difficult. She has no idea how she pulled this off, but she is not going to allow him to win in the end of it all! She than raised a fist, infused with cosmic power, as she than fired her fist at Sans' face, before Dust than ducked down to the ground, before he than stabbed her in the stomach with the True Knife, causing unbearable agony to her. Dust than used his blue magic to lift her into the air, and sends her flying towards another part art of the burned place that was once a whole forest. She slammed down onto the ground, and was pierced with sharp bones, causing her even more agony. She felt blood coming out of her mouth, as she used her powers to explode the bones, setting her free, before she flies up into the air, and launches a hunch of spikes of light at Sans, in order to try and kill him. But Sans, not wanting to be outdone, points his True Knife, and summons a barrage of True Knifes at the spears, with the knives being able to cut through them, before hitting Stitch-Lite in various places, causing her to be sent down to the ground once again, as Dust than attacks her with a Gaster Blaster to the face, and burned her body very badly.

She screamed at the top of her lungs, due to the amount of agony that she is feeling at what she is getting hit by. The flesh and fur of her body is getting burned off of her body badly, as she feels herself, and not just this Alternate Timeline Sally's body, but her very soul, her very essence that is possessing her, is also getting hit. It is like e Gaster Blasters are attacking her soul. Needless to say, she is not happy, as she than broke herself free from the attack, by firing a powerful light-based attack at the Gaster Blasters, overpowering their blasts and destroying them, as Stitch-Lite shouted out at Sans.


She than raised her hands and does it again at Sans, who than used as much of the Gaster Blasters as he can, only for all of them to get overpowered by Stitch-Lite's own blast. Dust avoided the attack, but he knows that he is going to need a lot more firepower than this. And the only weapon that is the strongest out of all of them, is Killer's own blaster, as this weapon is so powerful that it is now Sans' new strongest weapon. Stitch-Lite than raised her hands up into the air, as she than flies an attack made of light at Dust, and it is done to overpower Dust's Blasters yet again. But this time, Dust easy ready, as he than summoned Killer's Blaster.

This blaster is filled with the black hoop that Killer has, as well as the goop that Dust now has coming out of his eye sockets, as he smiled widely. The Blaster began to charge up an attack, and before Stitch-Lite could realize what is about to happen, all of a sudden, it fired a black blast of energy out of the mouth that's been charging. The moment that the blast of light and the blast of darkness collided, they both began to match and struggle against each other, as they try to push off against one another with all of their might. This is something that Stitch-Lite did not expect! She was expecting for Dust to not be able to handle against this power, and yet, here he is, he is able to summon something as powerful as this behind him! Both he and Stitch-Lite continue to fire at him such other, as the 2 attacks exploded in the middle, chasing a grey shockwave that spreads throughout the forest and knocked countless trees down to the ground, as Dust and Stitch-Lite was pushed back by the power of their own attacks.

Dust than looks back at Stitch-Lite, and sees that she is still alive, and she is seriously hurt due to the power of the blast, as she had been burned badly, and had tree branches stabbing her at every point, and needless to say, Stitch-Lite is not happy with what had happened her in this way, as she than used her powers to erase the tree branches that are stabbing her all over the place. Dust than smiled a little sadistically, due to having finally being able to cause her so much pain now. But for Stitch-Lite, this is true hell. Exetior has never made her this angry before, and yet, a lowly, inferior being such as a Skeleton monster is able to do this?! This made no sense whatsoever! Stitch-Lite than rose up from the ground, and charged at Dust, in an attempt to grab him by the face and rip it off of his skull. But Dust smiled, as red gloved hand stopped her, and she looks to see that the Phantom Papyrus had arrived once again, as he than spoke out for the first time.


He than punched her hard in the face, sending her flying backwards into a tree again, and stabbing her with red bones, and hitting her with his own head, which caused her to bleed. She than ripped free from the bones and began to try and attack him as much as he can, but because he is a phantom, he cannot be hit. And than, a shadowy hand appeared from behind her, and she looks up to see that there is another Papyrus, but it is as black as shadows, as well as as black as the black hoop that Killer has. This is a Papyrus hallucination belonging to Killer Sans. Stitch-Lite than was hit by black bones, and beaten down by both of the Papyruses, as she is than stabbed in the stomach by the Papyrus Skull, which has a bone point coming out through the other side. It got so bad for her that she summoned a sho CNN wave made of light, and it caused all of the Papyruses to leave, except for the Papyrus skull, which return to Dust's hand. And than, Dust clenched his fist, and summoned the other Sanses that he had absorbed, but in Spirit Form.

Killer Sans, Horror Sans, and Insanity Sans smiled, as all 3 of them are eager and ready to make Stitch-Lite suffer for their amusement, with Dust simply in order to make her ready to pay for what she had done to him and his planet. But for Geno!Sans, she cannot believe that he had misdirected and misled to the wrong person to take all of his anger in, and now he is going to make sure that Stitch-Lite suffers for what she had done, for all the times she had erased Mobius, and if he were to believe, having erased and recreated Papyrus time upon time shin, without any hint of regret or remorse. So no, he is going to make sure that she pays for all of the stuff that she had done while she is alongside the Highest.

Killer Sans rose his arm, and fired a bunch of knives at her, as Stitch-Lite simply blocked with a shield made of light, before she is than hit by a shark bloody bone made by Horror, who than swung his axe and made a red slash of energy attack her, and cuts her chest open. Than Killer joined in with his own weapon slash, and he did it in the opposite way, making an X on her torso, as blood went down her torso. Needless to say, she is not happy, as Geno than raised his hand sup into the air, and Insanity does the same, as the both of them fired their blasters at Stitch-Lite, burning her body yet again. But she than retaliates and fired a bunch of light projectiles at the Sanses, only for Geno Sans to use a portal resembling glitches and pixels, as the attack went through. Geno then makes another portal at Stitch-Lite, but this time to send the attack back at her, and shot got stabbed by her own weapons. Stitch-Lite extremely angry, as she than fired a blast of energy enough to kill Dust, only for Geno to manipulate the pixels long enough to make Dust immune to the attack, saving him. Horror than made a bunch of spinning sharp bones at Stitch-Lite, who than used her own power over light to blast the horns out from the air, as Dust then summoned some spinning scythes at Stitch-Lite, in an effort to try and slice her head off. But she blocked it with an attack of her own, as she blasted them out of the sky, before Dust, Geno, Killer, and Insanity fired their blasters together, and consumed Stitch-Lite, causing a massive explosion that shook the earth. Dust covered his arms, as his alternate selves in spirit form dispersed, as Dust looks back to try and see if Stitch-Lite is still alive. And at first, nothing happened, but than, white glowing eyes appeared in the smoke, and it didn't take long for Dust to realize that she is still alive, and he is now coming for him yet again, this time angrier. Dust than stepped back, as Stitch-Lite than spoke out to him.

"I must admit, you put up such an impressive fight against me, as only Exetior is capable of such a struggle against me to push me to this point. But now, everything else ends for you, and you shall die!!!"

Stitch-Lite than charged at Dust, and tries to decapitate his head, and Dust teleports away very fast. As that happened, both of Dust's eye sockets briefly changed, with one of them being filed with black and white tiny squares, and the other side switched, with the left eye empty, and the right eye being filled with...static. But they changed back half a second later, as Dust looked at what just happened with Stitch-Lite, as Dust Sans' eyes narrowed to see where she is at right now, since she cannot see her for some unknown reason. And this is making him very worried, but than, he sensed her behind him, and turned around to swing his True Knife at her, only for Stitch-Lite to grab him, and spoke out.

"Not this time."

She than swung a powerful punch that sends him flying fast through the nearly destroyed forest, as he crashed into a bunch of trees, and got hurt along the way. He than stood up, and tried to stand his ground against her once more, as he than fired the Goopy Blaster to try and kill him, but then, Dust felt a puncture in his chest, and sees that Stitch-Lite had appeared and punched him in the chest, and attacked his soul, causing a massive explosion of light, and sends him back into the middle of the forest, where he had began his true fight against Stitch-Lite. And as Dust landed onto the ground, a bright red light brown as shown, as Dust than stood up, and held onto his chest, as the wound was gone...but he cannot feel the arms on his back anymore. He cannot feel the increase of his power, nor his new powers. Stitch-Lite than appeared before Dust, as she spoke out.

"You fought valiantly well. But in the end, die pathetically!"

She than charged at him, and she than swung her arm to try and slice his soul to pieces, so that there's no body left behind. But...


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