♡ Is This The End? ♡

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[Don't worry guys, it's not the end] 

"You want us to kill your mum!?" Pix exclaimed. "Bu- but she's always surrounded by guards!" 

"Pix," Scott smiled "she's my mum. I can get her away. I need help from all of you to make this work, though. You all in?" The cyanette looked at everyone nodding their heads. 

"Ok. Meet back here same time tomorrow, got it?" The Rivendell prince commanded, receiving nods of approval. As everyone filtered out, Jimmy and Scott walked back to the Rivendell castle. They headed up to Scott's room and sat down, immediately kissing passionately. So passionately, in fact, that they failed to hear footsteps. 

"Scott, I-" The two broke away and turned to see the Queen. Disgust painted her face, from her eyebrows to her lips. 

"YOU." She pointed at Jimmy. "You turned my son gay! You disgusting little f-" 

"MUM!" Scott yelled. "NO! I'm gay and have been my whole life! It's my fault, Jimmy is getting paid for this! Let him go, he doesn't like men!" The cyanette hoped he was convincing. It appears he was, for the Queen let Jimmy run by and out the doors. 

"You," the Queen snarled "are grounded until you like women again. Until we clense you from this illness." She stormed out, locking the door behind her with a lock on the outside. The was no way out except through the window, and he was too high up to jump or climb. He spied an owl outside and called it over. He wrote on a note: 

'Dear Jimmy, 

I have been grounded and locked in my room, don't try to reason with my mother. Hold the meeting without me, and tell them all of my situation. 

Signed, Scott of Rivendell' 

He rolled it up and gave it to the owl. 

"To Jimmy, in the cod empire." The owl nodded and flew off, leaving Scott alone in his room with no one but himself. 

~327 words~ 

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