♡ The Plan ♡

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"Ok, is everyone here?" Scott stood on a stool, looking over at everyone in the corner. An emergency meeting had been called, owls sent to everyone that regularly hung out there during balls in Rivendell. 

"Sixteen... seventeen! All here and accounted for!" Jimmy reported. 

"Good. I asked you to meet here for a special reason. But it's not safe here, as we can't just slip into a crowd. I know a place we can meet for meetings, if you all will follow me." Scott led them all out of the castle and down the street, to the bakery ran by Margaret. They all walked inside, Jimmy and Scott in front. 

"Oh, hello dearies! You have quite the group with you!" 

"Yes, hello. Would you happen to have anywhere we could discuss, away from the public? We're all," Scott glanced around him "homosexuals. We need to disuss club business. I'll pay to rent a space, don't worry." 

"Oh, of course! And you don't need to pay. Do you want cookies? On the house!" Margaret led the group down a set of stairs and to a basement full of sacks of flour and sugar, along with other ingredients. 

"Feel free to use this space whenever, dear, no one ever goes down here but me." The older lady said, bringing down a tray of cookies. 

"Thank you kindly!" Jimmy bowed. Once she had left and everyone had found places to sit, Scott found a stack of flour sacks to stand on. He cleared his throat. 

"So. I have a proposal, and not the marriage kind. I propose... we kill the Queen." 

~269 words~ (nice)

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