The Hobbit OC

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Gender: female

Species: half-human, half-elf

Hair: dark brown, long, usually braided or in a bun

Eyes: green

Height: 5'6

Age: 18

Personality: kind, but hardened, sweet

Clothing: brown sleeveless hide jacket with hood, dark green undershirt, brown leggings, dark brown boots

Hobbies: exploring with Twilight (her horse), drawing, practicing with her bow

Weapon: bow and knife

Love: Kili

Backstory: Vistial was born to a human merchant and a Greenwood/Mirkwood she-elf named Anadia. She never met her father, who supposedly died while off to gather trading goods. Her mother was exiled from the Greenwood Kingdom for carrying a half-breed child. Gandalf found the elf and helped her find a home. Three years after Vistial was born, Anadia was killed by Orcs. Gandalf took the girl in, raising her. The girl was soon became known as the best navigator in Middle Earth. But Vistial had a secret no one aside from Gandalf knew.


Gender: female

Scales: dark blue with green flecks along back and snout

Eyes: green

Height: can change size

Weapon: claws, elemental breath

Known as: the Elemental Dragon of the South

Backstory: Tristic is Vistial's skinchanger form. When the girl realized what she possessed, she put it to good use. Vistial came up with the name Tristic, so no one would know who she truly was. She is well-known among dragons and those who dwell in southern Middle Earth. She often helps folk with hunting and such.

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