Close Call. . .

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Timmy: Uhhhhhh. . . What are you talking about?

Y/n: pfffft, Timmy  I'm many things. One of them is supernaturally Aware. . .

You walk over to the fish bowl and lean on the end table where they sit.

Y/n: these "gold fish" could disguise themselves as whatever they wanted and I'd still be able to point them out to you as fairies.

Cosmo: Uh, MEOW!

Wanda Face palms with her fin as You chuckled.

Y/n: and goldfish definitely don't meow like a cat, or have crowns that float just above their heads. Though I don't think normal people can see those thanks to the magic, am I right?

Cosmo and Wanda look nervously between eachother as you glance down at them.

Y/n: Wait a minute, Normal people can see your crowns? Why the Heck would you wear them If you trying to freaking hide, they stick out like a sore thumb!

Cosmo: Ooooooo, good point. Good thing people around here aren't all that smart though, am I right Wanda?

Wanda: your one to talk scales for brains. . .

Cosmo: Thank you- Wait, hey!

Timmy:  . . .

Timmy completely locked up, afraid of Violating "Da rules" by saying or doing something that could get cosmo or Wanda taken away If he hadn't done that already. You didn't give yourself off as ignorant, so he didn't thank any excuse he gave would have worked without you pressing even more.


Cosmo and Wanda pull out thier wands and in a magical poof. . . .nothing seemed to happen.

Y/n: . . . Did you just try to alter my memory with magic, wow I'm as equally offended as I am impressed.

Wanda: Wow, a wish that worked but didn't work. That's a first.

Cosmo: What did we do wrong, Timmy made the wish, it went through, why didn't he forget about us?

Y/n: Still right here, and let's just say I've had to deal with much worse than your magic.

You chuckled as you tapped the glass of the fish bowl.

Y/n: look Timmy, I know that I'm probably not supposed to know about your fairies-

???: correct you shouldn't. . . 

Timmy: Oh no!

At that moment in another Magical poof a tall buff man with staff like wand and a golden crown over his head appears.


Y/n: Dang, I can tell you hit the Gym you got them Gainz with about 7 Zs.

Jorgen: thank you, older Turner.  . . Now-

Timmy runs up to him as the goldfish in the bowl dissapeared and reappeared above him as fairies.

 Timmy: Please Jorgen I didn't tell him about Cosmo and Wanda i swear, please do take them away!

Wanda: Yeah it's not his fault that his brother can see past our magic.

Cosmo: Yeah, how were we supposed to know he couldn't do that.

Y/n: Oh that's what you look like. . . 

You holdup your watch as it  emits a blue light, scanning the three fairies before stopping, looking at the watch you could see a Crown with a wand going through it as an Icon.

Y/n: Sweet!

Jorgen: what did you do?

Y/n: added your DNA to the Omnitrix, why is that a problem?

Jorgen: not at all, I'm honored to have my DNA in one of the Famous Omnitrix. Anyway I digress. . . 

He looks back to Timmy, Cosmo, and Wanda.

Jorgen: you can calm down Turner, I'm not here to drag off Cosmo and Wanda. 

Timmy: Your . . .not? But he knows, isn't it against Da Rules?

Jorgen: No, telling people you have fairies is against Da Rules. People discovering your fairies however is a bit of a gray area, but in this case It's actually something we have a fine print for. .

He lifts his wand-staff as the star glows and slams it on the ground, causing a massive pink book with the "Da rules" written on the front of it. It opens on its own as it flips to near the beginning of the book showing the first rule which was something  not Revealing the existence of one's fairies to others and and points to a certain paragraph.

Jorgen: *clears throat* "under any circumstance leading to the acquirement of any specific child's God parents Outside of thier control by extraordinary circumstance-" one of which includes anyone of the Supernaturally aware. . . 

He motions to you as you nod your head in intrigue.

Timmy: Wait so that IS an actual thing, how come you guys didn't know that?

He turns to his fairies.

Wanda: we must have forgotten sport, to be fair it has been ages since we've last actually read "Da Rules" from cover to cover. 

Cosmo: yeah, why don't you try to recall every single detail from a light Novel you haven't read in years?

Wanda: Since when do you read light novels?

Cosmo: well I haven't for awhile, but I still have the last one on our coffee table.

Wanda:  . . . Cosmo I know what your talking about, that's book a nursery rhymes . . .

You snicker.

Jorgen: QUIET!

His voice booms.

Jorgen: We're getting off track and I have places to be so I'll just summarize the rest.

Jorgen slams his staff back on the floor and the book dissapeared.

Jorgen: Timmy couldn't be held responsible for his brother finding out about your existence even if he had told him outright, there was no way to prevent or avoid  it. So in this instance rule 1 is Null and void. . .

Timmy and his fairies cheer as they preform a group hug.

Y/n: nice to know that I didn't ruin anything uninten-

Jorgen: HOWEVER. . .

Y/n: Shit there's always a catch. . . 

You say under your breath.

Jorgen: As protocol you are now bound to to a special Rule known as rule 1-A, meaning you cannot disclose to Anyone that your brother has fairies or else the same consequences of The standard Rule 1 apply. If you wish to learn more about it, we have a pamphlet.

The star on his staff glows as a Pamphlet with the phrase "The 1-A Guidelines" appears as you take it.

Jorgen: now, have a good day.

He leaves in a poof as you were about to open up the pamphlet.

Cosmo: wow that was a close one.

Wanda: yeah, we were really worried there for a second.

Timmy: I'm just glad I don't get to lose you guys. . . Hey wait a minute-

He turns to you.

Y/n: hmm?

Timmy: you said you had faced things worse than magic, Jorgen said something about an .omni-whatever.

Y/n: Omnitrix.

Timmy: Omnitrix, and that protects you against fairy magic. . . What have you been doing for all these years?

You chuckled.

Y/n: it's quite the story, and I'm glad you asked. but I think I would appreciate you introducing me to your fairies.

Timmy: Ok I guess, Y/n This Cosmo-

Cosmo: Hello!

Timmy: And Wanda-

Wanda: pleasure to meet you.

Y/n: Pleasure I all mine, I like experiencing new things especially people and creatures. So what exactly are the both of you, and whats the deal with Timmy?

Wanda: We're his Fairy God Parents.

Y/n: and that means, like are you the Cinderella type Fairy God parents that grant wishes?

Cosmo: yeah, though I don't know what you mean by Cinderella.

Y/n: It's an old fairy tale.

Cosmo: Wait we used to have tails, when?

Wanda: Wrong type of tale. . . 

Timmy: anyway could you answer my question now, I'm very curious.

Y/n: well that's a long story. . . . You might wanna take a seat and grab some snacks.

Timmy: hey guys.

He looks up to Cosmo and Wanda who raise thier wands with a smile, and in a sudden poof you were all sitting around a table with various snacks and a few drinks adorning it.

Y/n: Wow,  didn't think you'd take it literally but alright. It all started while on a camping trip with Ben, Gewn, and thier Grandpa Max. . . 

(Too be continued. . . )

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