The Fairly Odd Older Brother

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The screen Cuts in to a familiar two story home in a rural area of a town knows as dimsdale.

???: I HAVE A WHAT!?

A voice cries out I'm I'm mixture of confusion and surprise as the screen zooms into the house and shows two adults and a child having a conversation in the living room.

(Timmy's Mom)

(Timmy's Dad)

(Timmy Turner)

Dad: It's true son, we haven't seen him since you were Little But you do have an older brother.

Mom: And thanks to some unfortunate circumstances he's gonna be moving back in with us for awhile.

Dad: And Since we've no longer got the extra space because we turned his Room into storage years ago, your gonna be Sharing yours with him for the duration of his stay.

Timmy: Are you KIDDING ME, First you tell me I have an older brother I never knew about and now your telling me I have to share my room with him?

Dad: Yeah, isn't it neat?

His father smiles disregarding his Son's blatant confusion.

Mom: from what we understand he's either gonna arrive Late Tonight or early tomorrow, so you have until then to be ready for him to arrive.

Timmy: Me, what about You?

Dad: Well sport me and your mom are gonna go out to celebrate, and while we do that we're gonna have Vicky watch  you.

Timmy takes a deep breath and sighs.

Timmy: Of course. . .

He rolls his eyes and as if on Que someone knocks on the door.


Dad: oooh speaking of here she is!

Both mom and dad zip to the door, throwing it open to reveal one of the biggest thorns In Timmy's Side. His absolutely Godawful Babysitter Vicky. . .

("Icky with a V" Vicky: Crazy Ass and Mean as hell)

Vicky: Hello Mr. And Mrs Turner!

She says with a convincing fake as all hell Cherry ass demeanor with a smile to match.

Dad: Well hello there Vicky, it seems like your quite Early.

Vicky: well you see I had just finished the rest of my plans for the day so I figured I would come early.

Mom: Oh how delightful, we'll have to make sure to pay you Extra then.

She says as she Pulls large Sacks with dollar signs on them and hands them to Vicky who snatched them with greedy enthusiasm.

Dad: Oh and before we forget, make sure to welcome Timmy's brother If he comes to move his things in.

Vicky: Okie doki!

She says gleefully as she puts away her money, only paying half attention to what they were saying as they left our the door.


They shout as they walk over to thier car and make thier way out of the driveway as Timmy watches, bracing himself for what came next as Vicky comes over and practically yells into his ears.


Timmy rubs his ears as he does even resist and goes upstairs, he knew it was too much effort to fight her than it was worth and would much rather be up in his room anyway.

Timmy: Ok I'm going. . .

As he entered his room he goes over and flops down on his bed.

???:  something Wrong sport?

???: He's probably hungry, i think he missed lunch.

???: that's probably not it . . . 

Two creatures in short stature appear floating above Timmy on the bed, one pink and one green. . . Both Fairies.

(Cosmo and Wanda: Timmy's Fairy God Parents)

Timmy: Not Cosmo, I'm not hungry. . .

Wanda: was it Vicky?

Timmy: No. . .  Well Yes, but that's not the whole reason. . .

Cosmo: Then what is it Timmy, you seem more Out of it than you usually are.

Wanda: and what's that supposed to mean?

Cosmo: Uhhhhhhh. . . I forgor. . . 

Timmy: well.  . . Apparently I have an older brother that hasn't been around in awhile, and now he's coming to live with us for awhile. 

Wanda: Oooooo, you have an Older brother. That sounds pretty great, but you don't seem excited so what exactly is the problem.

Timmy: because I don't remember him, I don't know what he's like now, I don't know if he's good or bad, but the biggest part Is that fact that we have to share a room while he's here. . .

Wanda: well you do make a good point sport.

Cosmo: Come on Timmy you can't be that greedy- OW, WHY DID YOU HIT ME WOMAN!?

she had bonked Cosmo with her wand.

Wanda: the problem isn't him not wanting to share, it's that it makes our jobs as godparents harder because the risk of  someone discovering that we exist just skyrocketed.

Cosmo: Ooooooh riiiiiiiight. . .

Wanda: but hey, look on the bright side. Your brother might be pretty cool guy.

Timmy: Maybe, can't be any worse than the other things I have to deal with. . .

Wanda: that's the spirit champ!

Cosmo: So what would you like to do till then?

Timmy: Hmmmm. . .

(A few hours later. . .)

It is now nightfall over Dimsdale as 2 muscle cars and a Small U-haul truck pulls up to the front of the Turner house.

???: Been awhile since we've seen dimsdale huh?

You look up to a boy in a green jacket sitting in the passenger seat of your 2017 shelby gt350 mustang, your best friend Ben Tennyson.

(Ben "Ten" Tennyson: Best Friend/Wielder Of the Original Omnitrix)

(Y/n "Ten" Turner: The Alien Hero/wielderof the AFI Model Omnitrix)

Y/n: Yeah, not to terribly thrilled about it. . .

Ben: I know, You'll get through it though. We've been through ALOT worse. . .

Y/n: I still can't believe my fucking land lord sold the property I was renting  from him out from underneath me and didn't even bother to tell me to the last damn minute. . . Adult shit is hard. . .

Ben: I know man, but hey at least you get to see your folks agian after all these years.

He undoes his seat belt and opens the door to step out of the car, you doing the same a you continue your conversation after shutting the doors.

Ben: besides if your parents can't be that bad if they allowed you to move back in with them for awhile.

Y/n: For the record Ben I never said they were bad, just. . . Distant and a bit strange.

Ben: What's that supposed to mean?

Y/n: They went out all the time, most times i was left by myself because they couldn't find a babysitter. . . And sometimes they would do the most random of things without rhyme nor reason, like. . . Blow my college fund on a bunch of jet skis, or fucking.  . . Go out to a concert for some boy band on my birthday. Don't mean they don't love me thier just. . . . Strange.

Ben: I think I get it.

You both walk past the green muscle car as man steps out.

(Kevin Levin: Saturn boy/former bully Turned homie)

Y/n: You guys wait by the U-haul with Gwen, gott go see if anyone's home.

Kevin: Sure buddy.

Looking over to the u-haul a ginger chick steps out and hops to the ground.

(Gwendolyn Tennyson: Bad Bitch Sorceress)

Gwen: so this is dimsdale. . .huh. . .

Ben: alright, see you in a minute man.

You make your way up the sidewalk and up to the door, ringing the doorbell  as you wait.

Vicky: COMING!!

As somewhat familiar voice yells out, stretching as the door swings open.

Vicky: Ok what the fuck do you wa-

You freezes as she looks at you and you look her up and down with a down with a nod.

Y/n: Damn Vicky you grew.

You chuckled as a tinge of red flushed her face.

Vicky: I-i Y-you. . . 

She violently shakes her head.

Vicky: Y/n what are you even doing here?

???: Wow, Not even 5 minutes home and you already have a fish on the hook.

A you look to Vicky's shoulder to see a small creature with pink hair and clothes floating just slightly above her shoulder.

(Kyu Sugardust: Bisexual Love Fairy/ Y/n's Harem Queen)

You didn't react to her and instead responded to Vicky who couldn't see or hear Kyu Anyway.

Y/n: moving back in with my parents because I currently don't have many options thanks to my former Dick Head landlord. 

Kyu: hmmm she seems kinda Crazy and more than a little bit of an absolute bitch. . . But as if that's gonna stop you, wouldn't be the first time you railed a bitchy Red head.

Y/n's Thoughts: Your not wrong Kyu. . . But Vicky can wait for awhile until I see just what's become of her, I remember her being a fucking monster when she was a kid and I doubt she's the type to change that easily.

Kyu: Alright, But when you change your mind you can now find her in Hunniebee.

She dissapeared.

Vicky: Wait Your Last Name is Turner?

Y/n: Yeah.  . .

Vicky: Your TIMMY'S Brother!?

Y/n: Yeah. . .  Are you watching him for Mom and dad is that why your in the house?

Vicky: um. . . Yes. . .

She says suddenly very nervous about the fact your Timmy's brother

Y/n: and they're out. . . Agian. . . Typical. . .

You sigh as you wave your friends to start moving shit.

Y/n: well I gotta move my shit to Timmy's room, so if you would go ahead and let me do that so my buddies can go shack up at a motel that would be grand. We've been Driving for awhile. . .

Vicky: Uh, yeah sure. . . .go ahead. . . 

The steps away from the door leaving it open as you turn turn help your friends move your shit in.

Y/n: Thanks Vick!

Vicky takes a deep breath as she watches you leave, deciding to go check on Timmy upstairs practically stomping as she goes up to the door and throws it open revealing Timmy sitting in the middle of the floor surrounded by Crimson Chin Comic books.

Timmy: Uh. . .HI. . ?

He asked in a sweat, having been in the middle of a wish before it had to be undone to hide it from Vicky.

Vicky: Clean up twerp, Your brother is here and he's gonna start moving his stuff in. . .

Vicky leaves as he looks over to his Fairy God Parents disguised as goldfish, they smile at him as Cosmo gives an awkward looking thumbs up with one of his Fins.

-2 Hours later-

Kevin: And done. . . It still baffles me how big your collection is.

A camera pans over your end of the room.

Y/n: what can I say, I really like video games.

He rubs the back of his neck with a chuckle Timmy just stood there staring at the walls of Video game consoles and Cases as well as his multiple PCs and Flat screens, his eyes practically sparkling in response to what a kid his age would basically be entertainment nirvana.

Gwen looks over to Timmy.

Gwen: Looks like someone's impressed by your collection.

Ben looks over and sees Timmy.

Ben: now that that's out of the way, how about introductions?

Y/n: Oh yeah. . .

You turn around to face Timmy and kneel down to his height.

Y/n: Timmy, this is my bestie Ben-

Ben: hey!

Y/n: His cousin Gwen-

Gwen: Hello.

She waves.

Y/n: another Good Buddy of mine, Kevin-

Kevin: Sup little dude.

Y/n: and I'm your brother Y/n, sorry that I haven't really been around . . . I had just gotten caught up in something all those years ago and couldn't find the Time or need to come home. . .

You bring your hand up with the Omnitrix on it and ruffle Timmy's hair.

Y/n: Real sorry about that.

Timmy: No . . .its. . . It's fine really.

He smiled.

Ben: well it's been a pleasure, but it's late so we're better head to the motel. 

Kevin: Agreed, I could sleep like a Log. . . 

Gwen: I've been fighting the urge to sleep for the last half Hour. . . Lets go.  . .

They all go to leave as Ben waves walking out.

Ben: Welcome home bud, and good luck. . .  Not like you'll need it. .   

They leave, leaving Timmy and You alone together in a few moments of silence before you decide to break the ice.

Y/n: So who are your Fairies disguised as goldfish over there?

(To be Continued. . . )

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