Out of the Chaos

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She couldn't remember the last time she saw his face. Five, six years ago? She didn't remember much from when the Eclipse Gate opened, only chaos and dragons. She sighed as she looked at the clear sky. They had finally defeated every last dragon that came through and things were slowly getting back to normal. Since the calm had began, she began to think she might find him, and remembering the last conversation she had with him during the games.


"Gajeel, wait!" She called, running up to him as he headed for the streets of Crocus for the final battle of the Grand Magic Games. "What's up Shrimp?" He said with a lazy smirk. She tried to ignore the heat in her cheeks as she looked up at the tall man. She couldn't help but notice he was actually wearing the headband she made him for luck. Seeing that, she steeled her nerves and grabbed his jacket, almost laughing at his shocked look as she pulled him to her hight. She quickly pressed her lips to his before stepping back and looking up at him with her red face. He was still hunched over and his face matched hers, his crimson eyes wide. "W-what was that for?" He managed to stutter out.

She couldn't help but laugh, "For luck." He frowned slightly but she held up her hand. "And because I wanted to." She could almost feel her face getting hotter. He smirked lightly and reached out, tugging her close and kissing her again, this one deeper. He pulled back slightly with a smirk, "If your gonna do it, do it right." She puffed out her cheeks and lightly slapped his chest. " Just get out there and win metal face!" He gave her his signature laugh as he backed away. "I expect a victory kiss."


She hadn't been able to give him that victory kiss, since the dragons were released. However, at the meeting with the guilds and the king, his hand gripped hers tightly and he begged her to get to safety. She sighed sadly as she continued to walk through Magnolia, it was slowly being rebuilt with the help of the guild. She was getting over a leg wound from just before the dragons were vanquished so she wasn't able to help yet though she tried.

She was so glad to see all of her friends alive, but her joy was dampened when none had seen Gajeel since the games. She wanted nothing more than to see him again, tell actually say that she loved him, but she was beginning to lose hope.

She rounded the corner and pulled herself to a stop, her eyes nearly bulging out of her head. There he was, tall, wild mane of black hair and pierced face. A new scar stretched across his tan face and his crimson eyes were wide as they landed on her.

Blue locks held back in that damn headband, a simple white sun dress, a scar on her pale shoulder. He thought he would never see his Shrimp again. They stared at each other for a long time, neither able to believe what they were seeing.

Her eyes watered as she dropped the book in her hands and ran for him. He dropped his rucksack, taking three long strides before he caught her as she lept at him. He caught her and cluched her small frame to him, inhaling that scent he missed so much. He hadn't realized tears were leaking from his own eyes until small hands were wiping them away. He looked down at her and she had a megawatt smile ready for him though tears still fell from her beautiful hazel eyes.

His large hand caressed her face, wiping away the tears. His hand moved to the back of her head and tugged her forward, planting his lips on hers. Her slender arms wrapped around his neck as she clung to him. After what felt like an eternity,  and yet no time at all, they pulled away to grin at each other. "Iv waited six years for that victory kiss." He said with that cocky smirk of his that she loved. She couldn't help but roll her eyes at him. She was about to spout of a snide comment when his other hand moved to the side of her face, and his eyes blazed into her with so much affection she was left breathless.

"Levy... I never stopped looking for you. Not even once. Iv said this before, but I'll say it again. It's hard to look for someone so small, so don't leave my side. I love you Levy." He said it with so much force that she felt like she had run for days without end, she was breathless and she felt her face flush."You've never said the end part before." She couldn't help but say, a small smirk on her lips.

He snorted before pulling her for another kiss. "I'll say it as many times as I have to Shrimp. Just promise to never leave my side again." She smiled up at the serious glare he gave her, though she could still see the love deep in his eyes. " I promise Gajeel. I love you too." The guild was finally whole, rising out of the chaos like a phoenix from the flames if the apocalypse.

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