Runaway Bride

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Levy P.O.V

A woman's wedding day is supposed to be the happiest of her life, next to the day her first child is born. Not me. Not today. Not to the man waiting for me in the room down the hall. I stared in the full length mirror at my skin tight mermaid white dress, walking made nearly impossible, my hair pulled back into a migraine inducing french braid. My blue hair was so short I didn't see the point anyway. I sighed as I tried to give my poor hair some breathing room,  but the hair dresser slapped my hand away.

" Stop fidgeting Miss.McGarden. Your father has paid me much to make you look perfect." I snorted. My father. My father could bite me for all I care. He was the owner of a big corporation and was marrying me off to his closest partners son, hoping to gain from the union. He was the reason I was here, marrying someone I barely know, someone I don't even love. And not...


I felt my eyes prick at the thought of him. I remember when I met the owner of the Iron Dragon Tattoo Parlor. It was almost like a fairy tale, happening so perfectly I still didn't believe it. It had been pouring outside the coffee shop I was in when he came in, shaking the water from his long black hair. I was mesmerized by his piercing that covered his face, the tattoos that sleeved his right arm and his entire bad boy image. He had got his coffee and asked if he could sit opposite me since all of the tables were full, what with the rain. Even though his look frightened me, I said yes and then we talked. It had been awkward at first,  but the next thing we knew it had stopped raining and we were being kicked out at closing time.

He understood the predicament with my father, so we met up in secret, always away from his eyes. Then one slip up, one mistake. We had been at the library, all I need to do was look up something, I couldn't even remember what. I could reach the book so he grabbed it for me, planting a kiss on my head. Then when I got home my father was livid and announcing my marriage had been set, and that I had to stop seeing the delinquent.

That was a month ago.

I had been under house arrest since then, and I hadn't been able to get a hold of Gajeel, only my best friend Lucy. She tried to comfort me but without Gajeel, I was miserable.

"Levy, it's time." My father said from the door and I glared at him but walked up to him. I kept my eyes trained on the floor as he walked me down the aisle, I didn't want to see all of those faces. As we reached the end I turned to my would be husband,  a black haired boy barely older than me with golden eyes. His name was Erik, and I knew he felt the same as me. He was forced into this as much as I was but we both had to grin and bare it.

The preacher droned on and I felt like falling asleep when he announced it was time to say the vows. I turned to look at Erik and he smiled apologetically but I just shrugged at him. Before we could start, however, a sound drew everyone's attention to the doors of the chapel. The roar of an engine,  a very very familiar engine. The doors broke open, a lean black Harley speeding down the aisle before skidding to a halt in front of us and I could only stare wide eyed as the man with a long black mane pulled his helmet off.

"Gajeel! What are you doing here?!" I gasped even though I felt like crying. He grinned that crooked grin that made my heart melt. "Gihi, I'm here to get my girl of course!" He said, the grin never leaving his face. "H-how-" "Lucy." I blinked, but then I remembered her boyfriend worked at the parlor with Gajeel. "Get out of here, before I call the police!" My father yelled and I glared at him. Before I could shout at him I felt a hand on my elbow and I turned to look at Erik who was smiling. "Go, before he does call. Give you guys a head start." He said with a wink and I smiled.

I quickly gave him a hug and hurried to Gajeel on his bike. My father nearly collapsed when I sighed in frustration and ripped the ridiculous dress up to my thigh, letting me run. I took out the painful braid, making sure to flick the hair tie at the hair dresser. Gajeel laughed as I jumped on behind him before plopping a helmet onto my head, before replacing his own. "Hold on Shrimp!" He called as he reved the engine. I wrapped my arms around his middle, but then remembered I still had my bouquet in hand. As he peeled off down the aisle I tossed it behind us with a laugh, making sure my arms were back around him as he flew out the doors.

I laid my head on his hard back, smiling happily as I clung to him. Sure enough, as my father had promised, he had called the cops and we were not speeding down the highway with red and blue behind us. But Gajeel simply laughed, pushing the bike faster and I couldn't help but join his laughter. Even with all the trouble it's caused, I would never give up loving him.

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