♠ - IX - Into the Eternal City - ♠

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A quick sound followed by a voice announcing the current station filled the atmosphere.

"That's our stop." Marcello grabbed Daisy's hand and led her towards the metro's exit.

The 'spending the day together' ended up being a tourism trip. Since she was new in town, it was a must for her to learn a little about the country where she would stay for a year. She couldn't decline his invitation after he offered himself to be her guide for the day.

Besides, she thought locking herself in her room to find the ultimate plan of how she could help this family would stress her out and depress her even more. She couldn't see herself helping such a family. Exploring the city with Marcello didn't seem like a bad idea.

After she accepted his invitation, Marcello didn't take long to have a shower and change his football uniform to casual simple clothing.

"I'm still wondering, why couldn't we explore Rome with one of your cars?" she asked as they walked through the station.

Not that she was complaining. But usually, a person from a high-class status wouldn't dare to go around town with public transport. The sound of the busy city invaded her ears as they approached the subway's exit.

"I thought it was better this way," he said. "You'll gain more experience by walking around than waiting for the car to drive you there."

"You're right." Daisy nodded.

Her brows rose when they left the subway behind and another scene feasted her gaze.

Through the crowd walking from one side to another and vehicles adding more noise to the atmosphere, Daisy felt as if she dove into the past with how old the buildings looked. Despite spotting some edifices that appeared to be modern and with stores she could spot around, she still felt as if she was walking in ancient times.

Admiring her surroundings with amazement, she understood Marcello's theory now. Seeing the city by walking around was more magical than looking from a car's window.

"Very well," said Marcello, pushing away Daisy's thoughts. "Where should we start our tour?"

"I don't know," said Daisy, still admiring her surroundings. "There are so many options that I would visit at once if I could."

She remembered the many places her parents would recommend their friends to visit. Italy had so many touristy spots, she didn't know where to start.

"How about–"

"-I want to go to the Colosseum," she said quickly.

Although Rome had interesting places to visit like the Vatican or the Trevi Fountain, she wanted to see the Colosseum. Since the Colosseum was the first thing that came up in anyone's mind whenever Rome was mentioned, it was natural that she wanted to visit there first.

"Of course, you want to go there," said Marcello with a quick chuckle.

"It's the most attention-grabbing thing in this city," she said, failing to hide the excitement in her tone. "We have to go there."

Marcello looked away as he couldn't stop chuckling at her reaction.

"Then we'll start with the Colosseum," he said, gazing back at her. "We'll have to take a tram to get there, though,"

"I don't mind," she said. "By the way, can we stop by somewhere to buy a sim card? I'm sure mom will ask for my new phone number when she'll call me, today."

Marcello nodded. "Sure."

The duo walked to the nearest tram stop and as they waited for their transportation to pick them up, Daisy couldn't help but take pictures of her surroundings. She didn't stop photographing every scene she found interesting as the tram drove them to their destination.

Once they reached their stop, the first thing the two did was find a store to buy Daisy's card. When they found one and bought what Daisy wanted, the duo walked around the city, on their way to the Colosseum.

As they strolled and chatted, Daisy would get distracted by the historical view and take various pictures to add to her album.

"Wow," said Daisy, her mouth agape.

Marcello chuckled again as Daisy took another picture.

"So this is the Colosseum," she said. "Who knew it would look even more majestic live."

Even though she felt as if she was dropped in the past only by the architecture of Rome itself, gazing at the large brown circular ruin in front of her, confirmed she was walking in ancient times.

"Yeah," said Marcello. "I didn't expect it to be full today and I didn't pre-book the tickets. Let's hope the line isn't that long. Let's go."

Daisy followed him as he walked forward. As they lined up to buy tickets, Daisy took pictures to try to make the time pass fast. As they succeeded in buying tickets after several minutes and went through security, the duo was able to visit what was hidden behind the walls of the Colosseum.

"I really am walking inside a history book," teased Daisy as she admired the ruins in front of her.

Marcello smiled. "Really?"

"Yes." Daisy nodded. "I can't believe I'm standing in an area where gladiatorial games used to happen. It's amazing that such a historical place still exists."

She once heard that the reason European countries were strict in modernizing their cities with new, tall, and modern buildings was to preserve their history. She now understood their reason. It would be a shame to lose historical places even if the ruins were small.

"Marcello," called a surprised voice, "is that you?"

Daisy was still busy admiring and photographing the ruins to see who had called Marcello.

"Chiara," said Marcello, "you here?"

"I'm just here to take photos for my class assignment and–"

"OK, Chiara," said a cheerful voice, interrupting her. "I've found what I was looking for, ah. Look who's here."

Daisy walked a few steps forward to have a better look at the ruins.

"Hello to you, too, Jamila," said Marcello, folding his arms.

As she realized that Marcello wasn't by her side, Daisy turned around. Her brows rose when she saw that he was talking to two young women. One was slightly taller than Daisy with short wavy dark hair that touched her chin and an old school camera hanging by her chest. The other young woman was strong and had long dark hair braided in a high ponytail style.

"So you're dating teenage girls now?" asked the young woman with a huge interest in her dark brown eyes.

"Date?" The dark-haired young woman's brows arched. "So you've got a new girlfriend, wow."

Marcello shook his head. "Why are you talking as if I'm an old man? I'm still nineteen years old."

Daisy gazed at the three with a frown.

"Hold on." She folded her arms. "You think I'm his girlfriend?"

It hadn't been a day since she had set foot in Italy and people were already presuming things.

Why do people think that there can't be friendship between a boy and a girl?

Not that she cared, but she was too busy to make her dream come true to think about boys right now.

"Well, I don't see anyone else with him right now," the strong young woman's long braids moved a little as she tilted her head. "You're here with one of the Spadas and you aren't a relative so this means you're his new lover."

Daisy rolled her eyes and wondered why the strong young woman had come up with that stupid conclusion.

I mean can't two people go out as normal friends?

"Then I'm sorry to disappoint you." Daisy smiled. "I just met Marcello yesterday, I can't be his girlfriend."

The strong young woman's eyes widened. "Then you're his promised bridee since it's common for some high-class families to arrange marriages for their heirs."

"Wait," said Daisy, blinking two times. "Arranged marriages are still common in twenty-twenty-four?"

The strong young woman nodded and Daisy gazed at her, speechless. She knew that in some countries, arranged marriages were common since it was part of their culture but she didn't expect for that to be common in Italy. 

She thought it could have been common long ago since it was a way to keep the family business going, but she didn't expect it to still be common nowadays since many children of the elite were free to marry whomever they wanted. Though, it was rare for their partner to be from a lower class.

"Jamila, Jamila." Marcello shook his head slowly. "You sure love to make things up."

"I'm going to be a journalist one day." Jamila winked. "I have to find scoops that will interest my viewers and readers. Besides, I wanted to see someone's reaction."

"Who's reaction?" Marcello raised a brow.


"So you've met yesterday," interrupted the dark-haired young woman. "What's your relationship?"

"Daisy is the daughter of my father's old friends," replied Marcello before Daisy could say anything. "She'll be staying in our residence for a year."

Both young women blinked repeatedly as a gasp escaped their lips.

"A whole year living with Marcello under the same roof." Jamila shifted her gaze to the dark-haired young woman. "If I were you I would be worried."

"Why would she worry?" asked Marcello, frowning.

He hadn't noticed Jamila's gaze on Chiara.

"Because she's the only girl living with five grown men. Although Federico is still a teen, who knows what will happen when his hormones go crazy," teased Jamila with a quick chuckle."You're lucky, anyone would love a harem with the Spada brothers."

"Ugh, Jamila," said Chiara, gently hitting her friend's arm with her elbow.

As Jamila laughed, Daisy gazed at the ground, feeling the warmth in her cheeks. These kinds of conversations weren't her type.

"So are you guys touring around Colisseum?" asked Chiara.

"Actually," said Marcello, "we're trying to tour around Rome, wanna join?"

Chiara seemed tempted to accept the invitation.

"Thanks," she said, her voice quiet, "but we have to finish our assignment or it will end up incomplete. Maybe next time."

"Well, then we're off," he said. "See you around."

Chiara nodded. "OK."


"Marcello?" said Daisy looking around the area in search of a tall young man, through a city shining under the night sky.

She got distracted in one of the many stores around Campo de' Fiori, admiring the beautiful flowers, fruits, and souvenirs displayed around the marketplace.

She walked through the street's crowd, passing by stores and booths filling the area.

After the beautiful experience, she had in the Colosseum and digging more into the past by visiting the Roman Forum, Marcello suggested visiting one of the popular marketplaces known as Campo de' Fiori. When they reached there, Daisy couldn't help but admire the beautiful surroundings.

As she was about to enter the verge of despair, her phone rang. She blinked a few times when she saw Marcello's name pop on the phone's screen.

When did he add his phone number?

Daisy tapped the phone's screen. "Pronto?"

"Daisy," said Marcello, sounding more desperate than Daisy. "Are you OK? Where are you? I thought you were by my side on our way to the restaurant."

"Sorry," she said. "I stopped by a store without realizing."

"No worries," said Marcello. "Can you tell me where you are so I can pick you up?"

Daisy gazed around. "Umm."

She noticed a slogan of a clothing store. A mannequin gave a taste of the exhibition by displaying one collection. Daisy used that as a reference.

"Ok, I'll be there soon," said Marcello.

He switched off the phone after she replied.

As time passed, Daisy admired her surroundings, wondering where Marcello was.

"Wanderer of the two worlds would you like to find out about your future?"

Those words stunned her for a moment. Only creatures from the Mystic Kingdom would notice that she had two origins. When she turned around, her brows rose as she saw that the one who said those words was a normal person.

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