♠ - X - Two Futures - ♠

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"E-excuse me?" Daisy's voice cracked.

Only magical creatures could tell humans and mystical beings apart, and the one in front of her didn't look like a magical creature at all. The being seemed like a total human from the outside, looking like a brown-skinned woman in her mid-thirties with long black hair tied into a single braid hanging on her right shoulder.

Daisy focused on the lady's clothing to distract herself from the woman's curious dark brown eyes that looked as though they were studying her. Despite her situation, she found the woman's colorful long skirt cute.

"You're a wanderer of the two worlds," said the woman, her tone confident. "A being that is trying to prove herself to make her grandmother's dream come true."

"Is this part of the marketplace exhibition?" said Daisy with a nervous laugh.

No one knew the reason why she wanted to become a queen so badly. It was a secret she didn't want her grandmother to find out. Only Daisy knew the reason and she had no idea how this stranger was guessing stuff about her so accurately.

She had watched and read many articles saying that fortune tellers trick people by guessing their worries and therefore win their trust. But in this case, guessing that she was from different worlds seemed a bit exaggerated for a person from the human world.

"Princess Daisy Flora Clarine Rios, daughter of the former Princess Lily Rose Clarine and Cape Verdian lawyer Victor Rios."

Daisy's eyes widened with the woman's report. This couldn't be an ordinary fortune-teller

"Granddaughter of Queen Flora Clarine and potential heir to the Throne of The Mystic Kingdom," she continued.

Daisy gestured with her hands to signal her to stop before anyone could hear her info dump. Daisy examined her surroundings to see if the woman caught the attention of some people who were passing by.

Thankfully the people around the street were busy checking the available booths and stores around the area.

"You're not from this world, are you?" Daisy tilted her head.

The woman only smiled and grabbed Daisy's arm, walking her to one of the many stores around the area. The woman's booth was an improvised tent, not too big not too small, and it looked so simple that Daisy doubted anyone would visit it.

Right before the entrance, Daisy saw a poster that read: VISIONI DI KARA, vedi se hai un futuro brillante!

If Daisy hadn't known about the Mystic Kingdom, she would have laughed at how today's fortune tellers weren't even trying to give a realistic slogan to promote their shops.

"Please have a seat, Your Highness." The woman cleaned the dust on one of the few available chairs.

While the woman rushed to sit opposite her, Daisy was surprised that there was not much decoration in this booth. Everything was simple, just two chairs and a table with a lantern illuminating the place.

"So who are you?" asked Daisy. "How do you know so much about me?"

"Given the time you've spent in our kingdom," said the woman, folding her arms, "I expected that you already had an idea about my identity."

Daisy gazed at the woman, her forehead wrinkling. Daisy had met many beings in her kingdom and although she wasn't able to memorize their names, she could remember them only by looking at their faces.

"I don't remember ever meeting you there," she concluded. "Are you a fairy, too?"

The woman chuckled calmly and as she did so she closed her eyes. As she concentrated, her skin cracked like broken glass with a dim purple light escaping through it. 

Daisy's heart pumped with fear at the scene. It was as if she was watching a horror show. Before she could run screaming, the woman's brown skin fell like ashes, revealing another creature behind the mask.

A purple being with silver patterns painted on its face like tattoos substituted the woman's appearance. Daisy noticed long thin ears and golden Roman numbers around the being's dark irises that covered most of its eyes.

A gasp escaped her lips. She should have guessed that it was this creature, after all, they were beings known to be blessed to see beyond time.

"You're a Watcher," she said, her chin still on the floor.

It was her first time seeing one as she heard that they were a rare species that lived among them. The Watcher nodded with a smile.

"It's nice to meet the paradox that ruined my prediction," she teased. "My name's Kara."

She offered her slender hand for a handshake.

"What do you mean paradox?" Daisy asked as they shook hands.

Her heart raced. She was scared of the answer, wondering if she wasn't supposed to exist.

"Paradox is just a way of saying." Kara patted Daisy's shoulder. "I've met your mother before and I've seen her future as well. I predicted that the Clarine Family would fall once she fell in love."

Daisy felt the color in her face vanish.

So the future of the royal family was set in stone no matter what Mom did.

The memories of the first time Daisy met her grandmother flashed in her mind. Her grandmother wouldn't allow anyone to take her throne unless she found the right person. That attitude worsened her already weak health.

"My prediction scared her," continued Kara. "Therefore, she closed her heart to anyone who tried to touch it."

Daisy could understand her mother's choice. As the only heir to the throne and with a sick mother, it was up to her to continue the Clarine legacy. Yet Daisy couldn't imagine her mother rejecting that kind of love since her personality was of a caring and loving person.

"Of course, fate came along and she ended up falling for your father," said Kara. "Queen Flora was supposed to die fourteen years after your birth but for some reason, she lived."

Daisy tried to keep calm as her hands trembled.

"And you never were supposed to have magical powers," continued Kara with a quick laugh. "Shows that our predictions aren't hundred percent accurate."

Daisy stared at the purple creature, wondering if Kara wanted that terrible ending for her family.

"Sorry, did you want something from me?" she asked.

"Ah, yes." Kara nodded, her eyes brightening. "I'm curious about your future; I would like to read it."

"I'm not sure if I should let you do so." Daisy moved from her chair.

Based on what Kara had told Daisy about her mother's fate, she didn't feel comfortable finding out about her future.

"Aren't you curious?" persisted Kara. "I could tell you if you'll succeed in passing your exam or not."

Daisy gave up standing up midway.

This could be a good chance to see if what I'm doing is worth my time.

Helping the Spada family seemed impossible from her point of view and she was sure the council knew that. She got back to her seat in time to see Kara's gentle smile.

"Please give me your hands, Your Highness," she said, offering her open hands to hold Daisy's.

With her hands trembling, Daisy placed them on the table. Kara grabbed and held them tightly.

"This is going to feel uncomfortable for a bit," she said as her numbered eyes began to turn like a clock.

As Daisy blinked repeatedly, she felt as though a heavy force pulled her down and made her fall. Short seconds later, the strong force disappeared and she felt as light as a feather.

Sounds of a clock ticking filled her years followed by a familiar voice saying, Meet the new leader of The Mystic Kingdom, Queen Daisy Flora Clarine. A loud cheer followed the announcement.

Seconds later, the cheers faded and were substituted with the voices of children joyfully calling their mother. The children's cheerful laugh vanished after a moment. They were replaced by another familiar voice that Daisy had heard before but couldn't seem to recognize as it said,

Why don't you get it? You're my happy ending.

Daisy's heart spread a mix of confusion and worry upon hearing those words.

A desperate wish, made from the heart, is always answered. Sooner or later, said a gentle voice in the background.

"Grandmother," whispered Daisy.

Another mix of voices played in her ears and as they slowly disappeared, the sound of a clock ticking returned. Out of the blue, silence was all she could hear.

"Hmm, very interesting," said Kara, breaking the brief silence. "I see two futures within you. One where you're a successful ruler and the other where you formed a family with your beloved."

"My beloved?" Daisy curled her hands. "You mean someone who will help me rule my kingdom?"

Kara shook her head. Daisy's heart raced at the negative response.

It couldn't be that I'll fall for someone from my world. That would ruin my plans.

"Your beloved is someone you've met in this world," said Kara. "The one you won't succeed in finding his true happiness."

Daisy tried to say something, but nothing left her lips as her mind went blank. Just as she suspected, it was someone from this world and to make matters worse, he was a member of her assigned family.

"But if I fail to help him, won't that be the reason I end up marrying him?" she asked. "Since I lost my right to the throne?"

"Hmm, how can I tell you in not a revealing way?" said Kara, her skin and features slowly returning to her human form. "I saw two paths and in both of them you–"

"That's enough," Echoed a voice in the background.

A dim light above the two grew stronger, showing the presence of the pixie.

"Luz," said Daisy with disappointment. "I thought you were supposed to watch over me, not stick to my business."

"I'm sorry, Your Highness but if something involves the exam then I have to interrupt," it said, flying towards Daisy.

"But she's just telling me my future," said Daisy, "nothing to do with the exam."

"She was going to give you a key point about your exam," said the pixie, its tone firm. "It's something that I can't let anyone tell you."

Daisy sighed. "I already know the key point, there's no need to freak out. "

It was obvious that the point of this exam was to show her abilities to the council. Anyone could figure that out.

Kara smiled. Daisy noticed that she was fully back to her human form.

"There's one thing I can tell you," said Kara, her voice calm. "In one of those futures, you found your happy ending."

Daisy's lips formed a bright smile.

"That must be where I became queen," she said, imagining herself on the throne.

"That will depend on the choice you'll make," teased Kara.

"I see," said Daisy. "Well, I know which path I'm taking and that's the one to become a queen. I can't let something like a little romance get in my way. I'm sure there will be someone for me in the Mystic Kingdom. "

The phone rang, vibrating violently in her small handbag. Daisy quickly answered the phone.

"Where are you?" asked Marcello, his tone worried. "I've been in the area you told me you were waiting for five minutes and I can't see you anywhere."

"I'm sorry," said Daisy, remembering that she was supposed to wait for him outside. "Are you still there?"

"Yeah," said Marcello.

She stood up. "Hold on, I'll be there in a second. The bill?"

"It's free for you, Your Highness." Kara smiled. "After all, I was curious too."

"Ah, thank you," said Daisy, nodding and walking out of the booth.

Before Daisy left the entrance Kara added, "I can't wait to see what your choice will be, Your Highness."

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