♠ - XVI - Dell'Orizzonti - ♠

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"Here we are," said Roberto, unlocking the car's door. "I'll be here to pick you up at the end of the day, but if there are any setbacks, you have my contact."

Daisy nodded as she opened the door.

"Alright," she said, taking a deep breath before leaving the vehicle. "Thanks for the lift. See you later."

Daisy took another deep breath to calm her heart as she took the first step to leave the car. She didn't understand why her heart was speeding and her palms sweating as she wasn't the type to be nervous. Was it because this was her first day of school in this world or was it because Federico left her behind despite being told to go to school with her since she was new?

Whatever the reason was, she hoped her confidence would return as soon as she found her classroom. But from where to start? Gazing at her surroundings, she saw that the school grounds were spacious and the white building with dark blue details, several steps away from her, had a small number of floors. She wondered on which floor her classroom was situated.

She sighed, fixing her black sweater that had the school's emblem. If only Federico had waited for her and shown her classroom, maybe she wouldn't have been so lost. She gazed around, still wondering where she should go as she spotted a few more buildings around the area. As she did so, she couldn't help but notice stares and people whispering upon seeing her.

She blinked twice, touching her brown curls as she wondered if there was something wrong with her appearance.

"Ah, you're that girl," said a surprised voice not far from her.

Daisy glanced by her shoulder and saw a young woman in a school uniform. Daisy smiled as she recognized the student in glasses with long, wavy dark hair tied in a ponytail.

"It's you," said Daisy, her tone relieved. "Federico's friend, erm."

"Elena," said the young woman, reaching her.

Daisy smiled as she nodded. She was glad that she crossed paths with Elena. Out of the people she had seen on Federico's tablet, Elena seemed to be the kindest and friendly. For sure she wouldn't mind helping Daisy find her classroom.

"Nice to meet you," said Daisy. "My name is Daisy."

"The pleasure is mine, Daisy," said Elena, placing strands of her dark hair behind her ear. "I didn't know you would be studying at Dell'Orizzonti. To study in the same school, your parents and Federico's family must want you two to get along before your engagement."

Daisy blinked twice as she tried to process what she had heard.

"What?" she frowned.

A quiet laugh escaped Elena's lips.

"There are rumors about you and the Spada family," she said. "They say that you're living with them to learn more about your future husband, who people are guessing is either Marcello or Federico."

Daisy opened her mouth, but nothing left her lips as she wondered who had spread such stupid rumors.

"Those rumors are false," she said, finding her voice. "My parents are good friends with Mr. Pietro. I'm only living with them because my parents are scared of me living by myself."

There was no lie in that. Despite living with the Spadas giving an advantage in getting to know them better for her exam, Daisy was sure that if Pietro declined her parents' favor, they would find another person they knew too well to live with her.

"Is that so?" Elena tilted her head a little. "Then what brought you to Italy?"

"I was born here," she said, fixing her bag. "I wanted to visit at least once since I was too small when I left the country."

Elena nodded as she raised her brows.

"Is it your first day in this school?" she asked. "Do you need any help?"

Daisy nodded repeatedly, grateful that Elena had asked that.

"Yes," she said, showing the paper that had information about her transfer. "I need to find my classroom."

Elena received the paper and touched her glasses as she read silently.

"You're a senior, huh," she said, her voice surprised. "Oh, you're in the same class as Federico."

Daisy's brows rose. "I am?"

"Yes." Elena nodded. "It could have been helpful if you two came to school together."

Daisy sighed. "That was the plan, but he disappeared before my alarm rang."

Elena laughed as she shook her head. Daisy wondered what was so funny. What Federico did was mean.

"I can take you there," said Elena, returning the paper. "I'm in the fourth year, but there's still time until the first lesson starts, so I can help you."

Daisy received the paper with a bright smile on her face.

"You're so kind," she said. "Thank you."

"No problem," said Elena, walking forward. "Follow me."

Daisy nodded as she walked alongside her. As they strolled around the area, Daisy admired her surroundings, realizing how the architecture of this school was more modern compared to the usual old buildings she saw around Rome.

As they accessed the indoors, Daisy noticed various stares and whispers despite most of the students minding their own business in the hallway. She wondered why she caught those students' interest. Was it because she looked foreign? However, she spotted a small number of students who seemed to come from countries on all sides of the planet.

She touched her curls again, guessing that maybe that stupid rumor was the reason she was grabbing some students' attention. Since the rumor involved Federico, she hoped he had done something to clear everything as she didn't want such presumptions to distract her from her objective.

Hitting the stairs with chatter filling the atmosphere, Daisy lost herself in a conversation with Elena, who was curious about where she came from and if she was enjoying Rome so far.

"Wow," said Elena as they hit the stairs to the next floor. "So are your parents paying your school here or are you on a scholarship?"

"I'm not sure," said Daisy thoughtfully. "But I think they are? Why?"

Since she went to Italy in a hurry, she had no idea what kind of school she would frequent. Though she was never curious about what school her parents would sign her in, she was sure it would end up being this place since one of the Spadas studied there.

It was better this way. Like this, she wouldn't lose sight of one of them and approach them to accomplish her mission.

"Because only a select group studies in this academy," said Elena. "Dell'Orizzonti is pretty expensive despite being one of the best schools in the country."

"I had a feeling that it wasn't an ordinary school," said Daisy, an awkward laugh escaping her lips.

From the branded cars she saw dropping some of the students at the entrance, she had an idea that it was a school for the elite. She only hoped that the fees weren't eating her parents' lifetime budget. She took a deep breath, telling herself that whatever amount of money they were investing in her education, she would pay them back once she became queen.

"Ah, here's your classroom," said Elena as they reached one of the many doors on the third floor.

Daisy stayed behind Elena as Elena knocked on the door and peeked by it.

"Oh, hi, El," said a lively voice.

Daisy stood there, telling herself that she had heard that voice before.

"It's not every day you wander around here," continued the voice. "Did you finally come here to visit me?"

Elena sighed as she folded her arms.

"Of course not, Giacomo," she said. "Why do you always think that whenever I drop by here?"

"Because you always say that you're visiting Fede," said Giacomo. "I was hopeful that this time I was the lucky one since he's not here yet."

As a fit, honey-haired young man reached them by the door, Daisy recognized him.

"It's you," she said, remembering the image from Federico's tablet.

Giacomo's gray eyes widened as he gasped.

"Fede's fiancee," he said.

Daisy frowned.

"You'd better hope he didn't hear that or he'll punch you," said Elena.

"He's not here." Giacomo shrugged. "So I'm safe."

Daisy tilted her head.

"Yeah, but I can punch you, instead," she said, folding her arms. "Those rumors are not true and I don't want to have a headache on my first day of school."

A quick chuckle escaped Giacomo's lips.

"Feisty," he said. "I knew you were interesting the first time I saw you at our virtual meeting. I like you."

"Good," said Elena, making way for Daisy, "because she's going to be your new classmate. She's the reason I dropped by here. She wanted help to find her classroom."

Giacomo's brows arched upon hearing that.

"Is your class rep here so she can show her around?" asked Elena.

Giacomo nodded. "She's always here."

"Great," said Elena, shifting her gaze to Daisy. "Unfortunately we'll have to part ways here, but we can hang out during the break if you want."

"Sure," said Daisy with a smile. "Thank you so much for your help."

Elena smiled.

"No problem," she said. "Don't worry about Giacomo, Valentina will be the one who'll take care of you. But if he annoys you, you know what to do."

Giacomo narrowed his eyes as Elena curled her fingers into a fist. She then smiled and walked away. As she watched the short young woman leave, Daisy thought that she looked so innocent yet she could be so open and a bit brutal.

"Well, then, get in," said Giacomo, "before a teacher complains."

Daisy nodded and as she entered the classroom, she hoped her classmates would be kind and friendly like Eelena.

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