♠ - XV - The Youngest Prince - ♠

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After the pleasant breakfast Daisy had with Gianluca, the young man dropped her at the mansion before he took off to his university, as he had a meeting for an assignment with his colleagues. He told her that he was studying business studies as a course, which made her realize that he was serious about taking over the company.

From today's event, Daisy was rooting for him and even if it wouldn't be fair to others, she would do anything to make his dream come true.

The morning's temperature was a bit chilly as she entered the mansion's grounds. Usually, a car would enter the gates and take her straight to the mansion's entrance, but lately, she had been enjoying walking around the property before reaching the house.

It was nice to see the environment of the Spada residence grounds while strolling around, instead of exploring it through the car's window.

As the mansion itself, the grounds of the residence were sophisticated. She felt as though she was walking around a park with the perfect green of the garden and some stylish bushes that were garnishing the area.

As she walked, she could sense the fresh smell of humid grass. Waking up early wasn't so bad. There was something in the morning environment that made it worthy to sacrifice her sleep.

"Ah, good morning, Daisy," Martina greeted behind a pile of ironed clothes as Daisy entered the house.

It was always like this, whenever they crossed paths, Martina was always holding something. Most of the stuff were things that made it difficult to see her face.

"Good morning, Martina," said Daisy, approaching her. "Do you want some help with that?"

"N-no. It's okay," said Martina, her voice stuffy coming through that pile. "I'm close to my destination anyway."

Daisy folded her arms. "Are you sure?"

She still wondered why Martina went through the trouble of taking a huge number of things instead of sparing herself and taking them little by little.

"Yeah." Martina attempted to nod. "Anyways, how was your morning with Master Gianluca?"

"It was good," said Daisy, remembering the delicious bread she had. "He was right, that bakery is legendary."

A quiet chuckle filled the atmosphere behind the pile of clothes.

"Well, you'll have to excuse me now," said Martina. "I have to deliver this bunch in its respective place."

"Sure," said Daisy, standing on the other side to make way for Martina.

As she watched Martina walk away, Daisy was amazed how Martina strolled normally despite holding a long pile of clothes. Her long dark hair moved up and down as she disappeared into the hallway.

Another yawn escaped Daisy as she walked around the mansion, confirming that she had to take a nap. Waking up early was a challenge for her and her body still wasn't used to it. She had to take a nap before her sleep turned into a terrible headache.

As she was reaching the first floor, she heard a child sobbing. Concerned with the situation, she increased her pace on the stairs. She realized that the sobbing came from the small living room.

Approaching the little room which had the television broadcasting a news network, she examined her surroundings, looking for the source of the cry. She walked deep into the room to have a better look in one of the honey-colored sofas filling the area.

Her brows arched when she saw someone lying and crying inside a purple blanket.

"Excuse me," she said, bending her knees to have a better look. "Is something wrong?"

A wavy, blond-haired head peeked in between the blanket and pillow revealing dark brown humid eyes.

"No," replied a high-pitched voice, still sobbing.

"Are you not feeling well?" she asked, her voice gentle.

Daisy had a thing for children. Before she set her eyes on the throne, she had a dream of becoming a pediatrician or an elementary school teacher.

The child's eyes looked down.

"Yes," he replied shyly.

"Hold on," said Daisy. "I'll call someone to check on you."

Before she could stand up, a warm, small hand grabbed her arm. Daisy gazed at the pale hand and then at her front. The child had revealed his round face. A face with delicate feminine features that reminded her of someone, but who?

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"No one will come for me," said the child, fighting not to break into another cry. "Manuele ordered them not to."

"Stubborn Guy said that?" asked Daisy in disbelief.

She thought it was okay, although annoying, to be full of yourself and be stubborn, but ordering the employees not to help the needy crossed the line.

"But you're sick," said Daisy, still in disbelief, "why would he do that?"

"He said that I would heal faster that way," said the child with a sniff. "He even confiscated my bell."

Daisy shook her head. And she thought that Manuele wouldn't surpass her opinion of him being annoying, now he had reached her list of dislikes.

Who does he think he is to treat a child like this?

"Don't worry," said Daisy with a smile. "I'll help you get the bell. Any idea where he put it?"

"It's over there." The boy pointed behind her.

Daisy followed his signal. Her chin dropped when she noticed that a small golden bell was on top of a small table small steps away from them.

"Can you get me the remote too?" The boy asked. "Manuele changed the channel I was watching and left it there."

Daisy slowly approached the table, guessing that maybe he was so sick and weak that he couldn't stand up and get what he wanted.

"Thank you," he said with a cute smile that made an 'aww' escape from Daisy's mouth.

"Are you a new employee here?" He asked as he changed the channel. "I've never seen you here before."

Daisy smiled as she also wondered who that child was.

"I'm actually a guest who's going to live here for a year," she said.

"Really?" The boy's eyes sparkled.

Daisy was not sure if he was happy with the news or if he was only surprised.

"Yep." Daisy nodded.

"Why didn't anyone tell me?" He said as he tried to sit. "I'm Angelo, the seventh child. Nice to meet you."

He wrapped his arms around Daisy as he introduced himself. Daisy was stunned to see that at least one of the youngest brothers was well mannered.

"Nice to meet you, too, Angelo," said Daisy, patting his head. "I'm Daisy, daughter of your father's friends."

"I'm sorry, Daisy," he said, his voice quiet, "but I'm not feeling well otherwise I would play with you."

"It's okay," said Daisy, putting back his sheet. "A good rest is good to recover your energy."

Angelo smiled as he made himself comfortable under his sheets.

"You're so kind, just like Giovanna," he said. "I wish I lived in a house with people like you and Giovanna. My brothers are so mean."

Daisy wondered who Giovanna was.

"They are?" she asked.

She doubted that Raffaele, Marcello and Gianluca would be so mean to an innocent child. She could see Manuele and Federico being evil, though.

Angelo nodded and Daisy concluded that maybe the other three brothers might have a dark side.

"Well, I'm going to let you rest if you need anything, I'm in that room over there." Daisy pointed at a door not far from their spot.

"There won't be any need since I have this." Angelo played with the bell. "The employees will come see me."

Daisy blinked twice.

"Ah," she said. "I thought Stubborn Guy ordered them not to help you."

"Unless I got the bell," he said as if he was completing a sentence.

Daisy smiled and excused herself. When she entered her room, the first thing that caught her eye was the uniform that was placed on her bed.

She had seen this uniform before when Federico would leave the house for school in the morning. The uniform was protected by a transparent plastic, it consisted of a black jacket with a detailed logo on its pocket with the words that read: Dell'Orizzonti, Academia Privato.

The shirt inside was white although it had a dark blue tie. The folded skirt underneath had a chess like stamp of the same color as the tie.

Daisy sighed as she took the uniform to the wardrobe. Soon she would start school. She had been studying in a magical school for so long that she wondered how school life was in this world.

Well, that was a worry to think about later as her mind wanted to have a rest. Her sleep was getting the better of her and as soon as she threw herself on her bed, she wandered in her slumber.

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