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"For what we did, I'm pretty sure that we won't even be leaving this place until we die," Celosia mutters, looking down,

Suddenly, a loud clanking sound was heard from down the hallway. The four of them rush to the cell door as the clanking sound grows louder and louder. Screams were heard, but they were cut short by the sounds of bodies hitting the floor. Growing terrified, the four of them back up into a corner as the clanking approaches the cell, and stops right in front of them. A dark figure grabs the cell doors, and pulls. The bars don't break off. The figure tries again and again.

"Lysandre we're still rolling!" A voice yells from behind the camera.

"THE BARS WON'T FUCKING COME OFF!" Lysandre yells in frustration, still pulling at the bars.

Laughter is heard from the cast while the director yells "CUT!"


"Wh-who are you and what do you want?" Celosia manages to ask.

The figure smiles at them, and turns back around.

"Come with me if you want to live," it says in a deep Austrian accent.

The girls burst out in laughter.

"Arnold, is that you?" Bryony laughs.

"Focus guys!" the director yells, sinking down in her chair.

Chapter One

"My name is Serena," Serena introduces herself, returning her Beautifly. "And you already met my Beautifly."

"And I'm Ash," Ash introduces himself, before pointing to Pikachu. "And this is my buddy, Pikachu."

"Ash?" the man asks, removing his hood. "Ash Ketchum?"

Ash gasps. "Father!"

Serena and Emma snort while Ash hugs Looker.

"That's not the line Ash," Looker hisses

Ash backs up, laughing. "I forgot my line."

"Cut!" the director yells.


Bonnie looks back to the door and sighs, before speaking up.

"Hello, I would like to battle the gym leader please," she began.

"Name and number of badges?" Clembot's voice came through the intercom.

"Bonnie Citron and I have seven badges," Bonnie replies, straightening up a bit.

"Enter," Clembot spoke.

The doors stay shut and Bonnie begins to laugh.

"I-I c-can't!" Bonnie laughs, leaning on her knees to steady herself. "T-they're s-stuck! T-they w-won't o-open!"

"Shit!" Clemont's voice is heard on the other side. "I think the power's down on this side!"

"Okay, let's hurry up and fix this!" the director yells.


"Welcome, my dear sister," Clemont smiles as he claps his hands once.

The gym stays dark.

"I said, WELCOME, MY DEAR SISTER!" Clemont yells, clapping his hands more than once.

Bonnie collapses to the floor, laughing.

"Sorry Clemont! I accidently turned off all the power!" the set electrician yells from the cast.

"Come on guys!" the director groans.

Chapter Two

The others wait patiently until Alain and Ash finally return, Alain clenching a piece of paper in his hand.

"Anything?" Korrina asks.

"We found this note tied to a rock," Alain explains. "But nothing else except a broken window."

"What does the note say?" Mairin asks, getting up and standing next to her boyfriend.

"It's confusing," Alain replies, as the others surrounded him. "It says 'Never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna run around and desert you.'"

Lysandre runs in laughing. "GET RICK-ROLLED, BITCH!"

The cast bursts out laughing while the director groans.

"Guys! Pull it together!"


Emma knocks gently, but a little loudly, on Looker's door. The door was thrown open.


Emma bursts out laughing and falls to the floor.

"Try it again you two!" the director yells.


Emma knocks gently, but a little loudly, on Looker's door. Looker opens the door, leaning on the doorway.

"Hello~" Looker says, rising his eyebrows.

"I have a boyfriend!" Emma yells, pushing Looker and laughing.

"Come on you two!" the director yells.


"Ok," Emma nods, smiling. "Goodnight again, Looker."

"Goodnight again, Emma," Looker smiles back. He turns into his room. "Now, where were we?"

Emma begins to laugh. "Oh my god! Looker, what the hell are you doing in there?"

Looker opens his door again, laughing.

"Cut!" the director yells. "Get your mind out of the gutter, Looker!"


"You must be Emma, right?" the person asks.

"H-How do you know who I am?" Emma asks, bracing herself for an attack.

"Our boss wants a word with you," the second person replies, stepping next to the first person. "Either you come with us quietly, or...or..." Silence. "I forgot my fucking line."

The cast bursts out laughing.

"Are you supposed to be threatening?" Emma laughs.

"Come on, Mable! Remember your lines!" the director groans.


"..." Emma was quiet for awhile before sighing and making her decision. "...Fine..."

"A very wise decision," the two say at the same time.

Emma snorts before laughing.

"What?" the two ask at the same time.

"You sound like the two girls from The Shining," Emma snickers.

"Come play with us Emma," the two say at the same time.

Emma bursts out laughing.

"Focus!" the director yells.


The sleeping figures of Alain and Mairin jolt awake when they hear someone yell "FUCK!" extremely loud.

"Lysandre!" Alain yells. "My girlfriend and I are trying to sleep!"

Mairin and the rest of the cast begin giggling while Lysandre peers into the room.

"Sorry Alain," Lysandre snickers. "You two need your beauty sleep."

"Hey!" Alain yells as Mairin breaks out in full on laughter.

Chapter Three

Emma silently follows the two Team Flare Admins as they lead her away from her apartment. She doesn't have the heart to speak up as she was fearful to what they would do to her loved ones if she says something wrong.

"Watch your step."

"Oh shit-" Emma cries out as she doesn't step up in time and falls into the helicopter.

The others begin to laugh, and so does Emma, not getting up.

"Okay guys, start over!" the director yells.


"We've arrived," the pilot announces as he opens the door.

Emma sighs to herself as she stands up to climb off the helicopter.

"Watch your step, Emma."

"That was one time!" Emma replies, not paying attention where she was going, and falls on the ground.

"You okay?" Celosia yells while Mable laughs.

"I hate myself right now," Emma replies.

"Okay guys! Take two!" the director yells.


"Wasn't this place destroyed five years ago?" Emma asks out loud.

"Unfortunately yes," Mable replies as the three of them step into the elevator. "However, we were able to fix it up."

"Are you sure about that?" Emma asks, trying not to laugh.

"What makes you say-" Mable begins but is interrupted by Celosia jamming her finger on the down button.

"THIS ELEVATOR WON'T GO DOWN!" Celosia yells, getting more angry.

Emma finally bursts out laughing while Mable tries to hold herself together.


"MECHANIC!" the director yells.


Prof. Sycamore is serving everyone morning tea when Nix and Looker run in, Mimi behind them.

"Looker? Nix?" Prof. Sycamore asks in confusion. "What's wrong?"

Nix opens his mouth, than closes it again. "Shit, I don't remember." He turns towards the director. "LINE!"

The cast begins laughing while the director sighs and puts her head in her hands.

"You guys are so impossible to to work with," she mutters.


"Because I was!" Lysandre replies simply. "Seeing you in that orphanage, thinking that you were going to help me, figuring out that you weren't that kind of child, and leaving you in the alleys. My, how far you've come!"

Emma felt tears brimming in her eyes as she glares at the man. "H-How could you do this to me?!? For year, I lived in the alleys with my only friend, Mimi, until Nix showed up, and then, Looker! I have everything I wanted thanks to them, and you took me away from them! I wish that when Ash and Alain made you blow up this place, you stayed dead!"

Lysandre has tears brimming his eyes.

"Uh, Lysandre, you're supposed to have a dark look, not a sympathetic one," the director says.

"IT WAS JUST SO BEAUTIFUL!" Lysandre sobs, while Emma begins to chuckle.


Lysandre growls and punches a wall. He immediately yells "FUCK!" and holds his hand.

"Uh yeah, you were supposed to punch the wall with your robotic arm," Emma snorts.

"Yeah, I remember now," Lysandre laughs, curling up on the floor. "Damn, that hurt."


"Damnit!" Lysandre yells. "They should have died! Why didn't they die?!?" He presses a button on the wall next to him and yells into the intercom. "Mable! Celosia! Take Emma and throw her into the pit with the lions and fire! Wait-"

"That's not your line," Emma laughs, leaning against Lysandre's chair for support.

"I'm running on five hours of sleep!" Lysandre yells, beginning to laugh. "Cut me some slack!"

Chapter Four

"I'm worried about Emma," Nix sighs. "She's in the hands of those...those Team Flare freaks!"

"I understand," Clemont sighs, turning towards the tent he shares with Bonnie and Korrina. "If anything happened to them, I'd be beside myself with worry."

"Yeah," Nix sighs again, looking up at the stars.

They sat in silence, Clemont breaking it with his constant drinking of tea.

"Well, I gotta take a piss," Clemont says, standing up.

Nix begins to snicker as Clemont walks away.

"That's not your line, Clemont!" Nix yells after him.

"It's not supposed to me my line I actually have to take a piss!" Clemont yells back.

"Cut! Cut the scene!" the director yells while the cast laughs.


"Well, you'll need your strength if we want to rescue Emma," Clemont says, suddenly breaking the silence. "Let's get some sleep."

Clemont then stands up, and offers his hand to Nix. Nix grabs it with a smile, and Clemont pulls him off the ground and into a hug.

"Clemont this wasn't scripted," Nix mumbles.

"I'm hugging you for comfort," Clemont replies. "No homo though."

"All the homo," Nix snickers.

Both boys begin to laugh while the director yells "Cut!"


Emma observes the lock on the door that keeps her enclosed in this prison, hoping that she could find a way to break out. She leans against the door, and it swings open.

"I'M FREE!" Emma yells, running out of the room laughing.

The rest of the cast burst out into laughter while Lysandre yells from another room "EMMA GET YOUR ASS BACK IN YOUR ROOM OR ELSE YOU'RE GROUNDED!"


"Okay guys, back to your positions!" the director yells.


Anger growing, Emma's hands tighten around the metal bar as she runs down the hall, screaming with rage.

"Lysandre, I'm going to kill you, you son of a bitch!" she yells.

"YOU CAN TRY!" Lysandre's voice is heard from down the hallway.

Emma stops running and leans on her knees, laughing her head off.

"I-I can't work with this guy," she laughs.


Lysandre whirls around just as Emma was about to bring down the metal bar on his head, and catches the bar with his robotic arm. Emma struggles to to wrench the bar from his grasp, but he only rolls his eyes and lifts the bar up, lifting her off the ground.

"My, I should have kept a better eye on you, dear," Lysandre smiles.

Emma tries to kick his face in reply, but he dodges it.

"Missed," Lysandre smirks.

Emma rolls her eyes as she tries to kick his face but he keeps moving his head. Emma finally bursts out laughing.

"Stop moving your head!" Emma laughs.

"You can't tell me what to do!" Lysandre laughs. "You're not my mom!"

"I told you that I can't work with this guy!" Emma laughs harder.


Emma looks behind her to make sure that no one was following her, when she suddenly feels herself run into someone.

"Ah! Get away!" she yells, pushing the person away. "Leave me alone!"


Emma stops and turns, noticing everyone she knows. She sighs with relief as she approaches a stunned looking Nix with a stunned looking Mimi.

"Thank Arceus I found a cult," Emma mutters.

"A what?" Bonnie asks, earning laughter from the rest of the cast.


"You alright sir?" Celosia asks, a little worried.


The Admins burst out laughing.

"It's not funny!" Lysandre groans.


"You alright sir?" Celosia asks, a little worried.


"I-I'm sorry, I can't help it!" Bryony laughs while everyone either groans or laughs.

"I can't work with you guys," Lysandre mutters.

"NOW YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL!" Emma shouts from behind one of the cameras.

Chapter Five

"I can't believe that bastard is still alive."

Everyone turns to see Alain folding his arms and bouncing his leg impatiently.

"Alain?" Prof. Sycamore asks.

"I thought that I would be rid of him after the Zygarde incident," Alain growled. "I was moving on. Getting my own Key Stone and Mega Stone. Traveling around and working for someone who I actually trusted. And now, five years later, he turns out to be alive, a cyborg, and the adoptive father of my friend!"

Ash gets up and hugs Alain from behind.

"Ash, that's not scripted," Serena chuckles.

"MY EMO BABY NEEDS A HUG!" Ash cries out while the others laugh.

"I AM NOT EMO!" Alain yells through his laughter.


"So, I think that we should sneak in and gain information," Ash thinks out loud. "Then, get the information out to people who we know can help and get rid of Team Flare once and for all."

"Isn't that kind of dangerous?" Clemont asks.

"Yeah, but that's why it's the best idea yet," Bonnie replies, smiling up at her brother.

"Let's think this through," Looker says, pulling out a large piece of paper and a pencil. "Okay, so first, we build a giant wooden horse and bring it to them. Then, when they drag the horse inside, we jump out and attack them!"

Bonnie begins to laugh. "We are NOT building a Trojan horse."

"It worked back then," Looker pouts as the rest of the cast laughs.


Clemont grabs Korrina's hand before kneeling before her, holding up a ring.

"Korrina, I am so glad that I was able to meet you," Clemont smiles. "And if I were to die during this plan, then I want to die knowing that I akesed bleh!" Clemont begins to laugh. "I can't talk!'


"Korrina, I am so glad that I..I...I forgot my fucking line," Clemont laughs as he collapses to the ground.

"Do I really have to marry this guy?" Korrina laughs, pointing at him.


"Mairin, I am extremely worried for my safety-I mean, your safety! Fuck," Alain says, laughing.

"Ah! It was a really good take too!" Mairin laughs.


"Mairin, will you marry me?" Alain asks.

Mairin, tears in her eyes, nods vigorously, and throws herself onto Alain.

"Shit!" Alain cries out as the ring flies from his hand and into the campfire.

"Oh no the ring!" Mairin laughs, holding her sides.

"Well, at least we saved Middle Earth," Alain laughs.

"Someone get him another ring!" the director yells.


Ash comes out of his dressing room and everyone begins to laugh.

"What?" he asks before finally noticing what he's wearing.

"Looker!" he yells, turning towards the man. "Why did you give me a dress?!?"

"It fits your manly body shape!" Alain laughs earning a "HEY!" from Ash.

Chapter Six

"Hello?!?" Alain asks, disguising his voice with a Spanish accent. "We're here to ask if we could join Team Flare!"

Ash and Nix looks at each other, snickering at the accent. The doors stay shut, and confusion washes over them.

"Uh, aren't the doors supposed to open at this part?" Nix asks, looking around.

"THE BUTTON'S BROKEN!" Bryony's laughing voice is heard on the other side. "THE FUCKING BUTTON'S BROKEN!"

The cast begins to laugh while the director yells "MECHANIC!"


"Well, well, well," Bryony smirks at them. "Who do we have here?"

"My name is Ricardo," Alain replies, talking in a Spanish accent. "These are my friends; Brett and Ray."

Ash and Nix burst out laughing at the accent, and so does Bryony.

"What? I'm trying!" Alain laughs.


"My name is Ricardo-"

Ash snickers and the others groan.

"I'm sorry!" Ash apologizes through the snickers. "I-I just can't take him seriously!"


"I have to say, Ricardo is the best looking out of you three," Bryony says, before bursting out into laughter. "Is that really my line? What's the purpose of it?"

The rest of the cast bursts out into laughter.


"I have to say, Ricardo is the best looking out of you three," Bryony says.

"Sorry to disappoint you, but I have a girlfriend," Alain says in a flirtatious Spanish accent.

The cast bursts out laughing while the director groans and yells "CUT!"


Looker soon emerges from hiding, Mairin, Emma, Serena, and Korrina following after him. They all nod to each other, and Looker crawls into the vent first. He gets halfway in before stopping and bursting out into laughter.

"What's wrong?" Serena asks.

"I-I'm s-stuck!" Looker laughs. "C-Can s-someone h-help?"

"Oh great we got Winnie The Pooh over here," Clemont snickers.

The cast begins laughing while Looker just yells in laughter.


Korrina was about to follow the rest of the group, but Clemont grabs her wrist.

"Clemont?" Korrina asks.

"...I forgot my fucking line," Clemont snickered, wiping away tears that were brimming on his eyes.

"It's 'Return safely,'" Korrina whispers while Clemont just continues to snicker.


"H-How did you know?" Ash asks, losing his accent.

"Your eyes," Bryony states, swiping Ash's fedora off of his head.

"Is it because they're pretty?" Ash asks, blinking them at her.

Bryony covers her mouth to hold in laughter while Alain and Nix chuckle.

Aliana walks up to Ash, laughing, and places her hands on his shoulders.

"You have the prettiest god damn eyes I've ever seen," she replies.

Ash bursts out laughing along with the rest of the crew.


Aliana and Bryony step aside, and Aliana grabs Nix's arm, twisting it into an armlock. Nix cries out in pain as he falls to his knees. Ash and Alain try to go and help their friend, but Bryony steps on a loose tile. Nothing happens, and they all freeze.

"Uh...wrong panel, Bryony," Aliana snickers.

"Oh shit," Bryony says, laughing.

Chapter Seven

"What are we going to do?" Alain asks, leaning his head against the wall. "We have no way to contact the others, Lysandre and the other two Admins are coming, and here we are, just ditting sucks!"

Ash and Nix begin to snicker while Alain looks around, confused.

"What? What did I say?"


Alain begins to chuckle, reaching into his pocket and taking out a pokeball. The other two grin as Alain releases his Bisharp.

"I can't believe they forgot to take our Pokemon," Nix chuckles.

From down the hallway, the three hear Lysandre yell "SHIT! WE FORGOT TO TAKE THEIR POKEMON!"

The three of them laugh while Lysandre continues to scream in rage from down the hallway.

"You weren't supposed to!" the director yells as she rolls her eyes.


"How do we get out of here?" Nix asks as the three of them run.

"If they didn't destroy our Holo Casters we could of pulled up a map!" Ash groans.

"And we could have ordered Chinese food as well!" Alain groans.

Ash and Nix stop running and lean against the walls, laughing.

"Alain, that's not your line," Nix laughs.


"Nix, I presume?" Lysandre asks, earning a growl in reply. "I don't see what Emma sees in you."

"Wow, what an asshole," Ash states.

Lysandre begins to laugh before he stares at Ash.

"I thought that I had a good take too," he laughs.


"Nix, I presume?" Lysandre asks, earning a growl in reply. "I don't see what Emma sees in you."

"Don't pretend you actually care about her," Nix growls, holding himself back from full out attacking the monster that stands before him.

Next to Nix, Ash begins to make faces at Lysandre. Lysandre hangs his head as he begins to snicker.

"I can't work with this guy," he snickers, pointing at Ash.


"Alain," Lysandre says, his voice dripping with venom. "Such a disappointment. You had great potential, but you threw it all away for...who?"

The others wait for Lysandre to finish his line. Instead, he begins to laugh and turns towards the director.

"I forgot the name," Lysandre laughs.

"Wow! What an asshole!" Mairin yells from behind the cameras, earning laughter from the rest of the cast.


"Don't talk about her like that," Alain growls through gritted teeth.

"Well, someone's protective of their girlfriend," Lysandre chuckles, before noticing the ring Alain is wearing. "I'm sorry, I meant your sister, wait-"

The cast begins to snicker while Ash begins to sing "Sweet Home Alabama."


Lysandre circles the three friends who are still frozen from anger. About the third time he circles them he sighs in frustration and throws up his arms.

"Arceus damn you guys are no fun!" Lysandre yells, earning giggling from the rest of the cast.

"If you wanted to have fun then you should have went to Chuckie E Cheese's," Ash mutters, earning laughter from Nix and Alain.

"Yeah, he could see if he still fit in the pipes," Nix laughs.

"No! No way!" Lysandre pouts. "Those animatronics give me nightmares."

"Guys, we're getting off track!" the director yells, putting her head in her hands.


"Now, is that anyway to talk to your future father-in-law?" Lysandre grins cruelly.

Something snaps inside of Nix and he launches himself at Lysandre with a cry of anger. Lysandre's grin never leaves his face as he simply holds his robotic arm out. Nothing happens. Nix stops and begins to laugh as Lysandre begins to hit his robotic arm on the wall.

"Mechanic!" Lysandre yells. "I think my robotic arm is broken!"

"Well at least you don't have wires around you," Nix laughs, pulling at the wires around his waist.

"If with a broken arm I can still do this!" Lysandre laughs, pushing Nix.

Nix cries out in surprise as the wires activate and he flies backwards into a wall.

"Nailed it!" Lysandre cheers.

"THAT WASN'T HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO HAPPEN!" Nix yells from the ground, still laughing.


"Bryony. Celosia," Lysandre orders, putting the rag back in his pocket. "Take Nix away and put him in a secured area. I'll have a chat with these two here.

Aliana and Mable hold Ash and Alain back as Bryony and Celosia lift Nix up and carry him away. Before they reach the door, Nix begins to sing "My Heart Will Go On", earning laughter from the cast.

"You're supposed to be unconscious, Nix!" Alain laughs.

"Not today, emo boy!" Nix laughs, but is cut short when Bryony and Celosia drop him on the floor, laughing.


"So, how are you two?" Lysandre asks, not waiting for an answer. "Of course, your doing well. Both engaged to be married! Well, that would be the case if you weren't stuck here with me. Oh well, you win some, you lose some, right?" He sighed before looking between the two of them. "Both of you showed so much potential. I only wish-"

"Why are we, Lysandre?" Alain finally manages to ask, not bothering to hide the anger in his voice.

" Will you just let me fucking talk?!?" Lysandre yells, earning laughter from Alain and Ash. "Arceus!"


"Why are we, Lysandre?" Alain finally manages to ask, not bothering to hide the anger in his voice.

"Still impatient as ever, Alain." Lysandre shakes his head. "There's no reason to why you two are here."

Suddenly, metal cuffs appear from the chairs, trapping Ash and Alain to their chairs.

"Please tell me that you're not going 50 Shades of Grey on our asses," Ash says, earning a snicker from Alain.

"Dude, what the hell? No! We're not doing 50 Shades of Grey!" Lysandre laughs.


"We can't worry about them now!" Emma yells, trying to hide the concern in her voice. "We have to take out the Admins if they have any chance of surviving!"

"Oh, are you talking about us?"

The large group of friends turns to see the Admins facing them, their most powerful Pokemon by their sides.

"No, we were talking about your Pokemon," Emma says, rolling her eyes. "Of course we were talking about you!"

The cast begins to snicker as Bryony manages to say "Nice to see you too, Emma."

Chapter Eight

"This would have been different if you never joined Team Flare," Looker simply says, looking away.

The four Admins only smirk in reply, and Mable stares straight into Prof. Sycamore's eyes.

"See you in Hell."

Prof. Sycamore snaps his fingers as soon as he looks away. He hears the two dummy bodies hitting the floor, confused to see that the fake blood pooling around his feet was purple instead of red.

"Cut!" the director shouts. "Okay, who filled the dummies with paint?!?"

The cast is silent except for Ash's snickering.

"Arceus damn it, Ash!" the director yells, causing the rest of the cast to chuckle.


Looker sighs as he watches his friend walk down the hallway where the others had previously gone. He looks upwards and notices a camera. Peering around the room he finds a piece of metal and chucks it at the camera, missing it. Groaning, he tries again and again, failing each time with different pieces of metal. A few tries later, Looker drops the piece he's holding, and begins to laugh.

"Damn, I suck at throwing things," he laughs.


Nix is awake again and he is pacing the small room he is still trapped in. Mega Houndoom is sleeping in a corner as Nix paced. His shoulder still hurt from the wound Lysandre caused, but he didn't want to think about that now. He finally stops pacing, sighs, and leans his forehead against the metal door in defeat.

"I'M SO FUCKING BORED!" Nix yells to no one in particular.

"THAT'S MY ULTIMATE PLAN! TO KILL YOU WITH BOREDOM!" Lysandre's voice comes from the other side of the door.

Nix breaks out into laughter before burying his face in his hands.

"Arceus, you guys are impossible to work with," the director grumbles.


Everyone turns to see Looker and Prof. Sycamore approach them. Prof. Sycamore seems to be withdrawn from the rest of the group as he continues to look down at his feet. Looker's face is filled with determination, but he keeps clenching and unclenching his fists.

"Guys?" Nix asks, approaching them. "What's wrong?"

"We...we did it," Prof. Sycamore whispers, looking down. "We killed them."

"MAMA! JUST KILLED A MAN!" Clemont breaks out into song.

"I HAVE HEARD ENOUGH OF BOHEMIAN RHAPSODY CLEMONT!" Korrina shouts, grabbing him by his shirt and shaking him. "JUST SHUT THE FUCK UP!"

"FIGHT! FIGHT! FIGHT!" Lysandre yells, running towards them.

"KILL MY ASSHOLE FOSTER FATHER!" Emma screams, running towards him.

"GUYS! CALM DOWN! SYCAMORE WAS DOING SO WELL TOO!" the director yells, her voice going hoarse.

"Why thank you," Prof. Sycamore thanks, bowing.


"Okay, we have to figure something out," Looker brings up. "On the way here, we heard screaming and both Mairin and Serena bolted down another hallway. My guess is that's where Ash and Alain are."

"Are we going to split up again?" Nix asks.

"Who are you? Fred?" Bonnie asks, eyeing Nix.

"SCOOBY DOOBY DOO!" Clemont begins to sing.



Serena and Mairin gasp for breath as they stop in the doorway where they heard Ash and Alain's screams. Both of their faces pale at what they see. Spanish music is playing while Ash and Alain are dancing to the tango, Lysandre clapping along to the beat. Alain dips Ash, revealing that he had a rose in his mouth.

"For the pretty lady," Ash says, spitting it out at Serena.

She catches it, and looks at Mairin.

"This is so much worse than the brainwashing idea."

"LAY YOUR HANDS OFF MY MAN!" Mairin yells at Ash.

"Oh dear Arceus take me now," the director groans, slouching.


"No!" Serena cries out, backing up and swatting Ash's hand away. "I-I won't join Team Flare! We won't join! We'll find a way to get you and Alain back to normal!"

Alain tilts his head, his smile never leaving his face, but his eyes narrowing.

"I'm sorry, but we can't let you do that," Alain mutters, walking towards them. "If you will not join, then you will die."

"Arceus that's creepy," Mairin mutters, earning a snicker from Serena.

"Yeah, I think Alain's beginning to scare me too," Lysandre mutters.

"The fuck you say?" Alain asks, his head turning so fast to face him everyone could swear they heard it crack.

"CUT!" the cast screams. "CUT!"


"Shadow Ball!"

Mega Gardevoir launches its attack, launching Lysandre backwards and onto the control panel in front of the monitors. The scene switches from Geosenge Town to an episode of Dora the Explorer.

"D-D-D-Dora!" the monitor screeches.

"What the actual fuck," Serena says.

"IT'S A GUILTY PLEASURE!" Lysandre yells.

"REALLY?!?" Serena, Mairin, Ash, and Alain all ask at once before bursting out into laughter.

"NO!" Lysandre yells. "WHY IS THIS STUCK ON NICK JR?!?"


Chapter Nine

"Snap out of it!" Bonnie yells, trying to run forward. "You guys gotta snap out of it!"

"Bonnie, wait," Clemont stops his sister from moving. "We can't just attack them. They're still in there, even if they are brainwashed. We just...have to get them back to normal."

"But, we love Team Flare," Alain replies, his smile dwindling a bit. "We want to help them."

"Oh Arceus Lysandre, you're creating a cult!" Bonnie cries out.

"NO SHIT SHERLOCK!" Lysandre snorts.


"You think this is over?" Lysandre asks, his robotic eye glowing red. "This is just the beginning."

"Who are you, The Terminator?" Mairin asks, eyeing Lysandre.

"No! I'm not!" Lysandre groans. "I just want to finish this scene! Come on guys!"

"Wow, I never knew how whiny you were," Looker exclaims, earning a snicker from Prof. Sycamore.


Prof. Sycamore smiles at the six of them before nodding to Ash, Alain, and Clemont. The three nod back at him before simultaneously picking up their rings. They are about to recite their vows when Lysandre runs onto set and picks up Alain bridal style.

"MY EMO BOY! MINE!" Lysandre screams, before running off the set.


"OH BITCH MODE WAS JUST ACTIVATED!" Mairin screams, throwing her bouquet to the ground and runs after them.

"Uh....isn't he supposed to be dead?" Clemont asks.

"Come on guys, we're almost done!" the director groans, placing her head in her hands.


Nodding at each other, the three women throw their bouquets backwards, and all three land in Emma's arms.

"HOLY SHIT NIX!" Emma yells, clutching the bouquet close. "THIS MEANS THAT YOU HAVE TO MARRY ME THREE TIMES!"

"Oh dear Arceus no..." Nix whispers.


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