Chapter Nine

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"W-what did you do to them?!?" Prof. Sycamore asked in anger.

"Oh Lysandre didn't do anything to us," Ash replied, tilting his head. "We just realized that we could all live in a peaceful and beautiful world, right, Alain?"

"Of course, my dear friend," Alain smiled, letting out a small chuckle. "However, we are going to have to rid this world of its ugliness."

"Snap out of it!" Bonnie yelled, trying to run forward. "You guys gotta snap out of it!"

"Bonnie, wait," Clemont stopped his sister from moving. "We can't just attack them. They're still in there, even if they are brainwashed. We just...have to get them back to normal."

"But, we love Team Flare," Alain replied, his smile dwindling a bit. "We want to help them."

"Enough of this!" Lysandre yelled, stepping forward. "Ash. Alain. Take care of these...hideous creatures, and bring me Emma."

Ash and Alain nodded in sync before motioning their Pokemon to stand by their sides. Korrina helped Serena stand up, while Emma helped Mairin. Everyone huddled against each other, determination on their faces.

"We're going to have to take out all of our Pokemon if we're even going to stand a chance against the two of them," Prof. Sycamore said, releasing Garchomp.

"Don't you mean the three of us?" Lysandre smirked, pulling out two pokeballs. "I've just got to help my little helpers rid this world of its ugliness."

Lysandre then released his Pyroar and Gyarados, mega evolving his Gyarados instantly. The group released their Pokemon as well, Prof. Sycamore mega evolving his Garchomp. Soon, Ash-Greninja, Mega Charizard X, Pyroar, and Mega Gyarados faced Pangoro, Delphox, Sylveon, Mega Gardevoir, Togekiss, Luxray, Chesnaught, Diggersby, Magnezone, Zebstrika, Machamp, Hariyama, Hawlucha, Mienshao, Sawk, Tyrantrum, Aurorous, Dedenne, Meowstic, Umbreon, Chesnaught, Florges, Wigglytuff, Spritzee, Mega Audino, Roserade, Mimi, Espeon, Gothitelle, Swoobat, Girafarig, Mega Houndoom, Mightyena, Krookodile, Crobat, Scolipede, and Toxicroak. 



The area surrounding everyone was completely destroyed. Prof. Sycamore and Looker were standing in front of Bonnie, who held her left arm close to her, crying from the pain. Nix, Emma, and Korrina were bandaging Clemont's head where he was hit, knocking him out. Serena and Mairin were still holding their own, and they had managed to defeat Lysandre's Pyroar and Alain's Mega Charizard X, but at the cost of most of their Pokemon. Mairin's arm was wrapped tightly with a piece of Serena's vest, while Serena's leg was wrapped tightly with Mairin's jacket. Ash and Lysandre were standing on front of Alain, who was clutching his shoulder in pain. Around them stood only a few remaining Pokemon; Mega Gyarados, Ash-Greninja, Mega Gardevoir, Mega Audino, and Mega Houndoom. All Pokemon were exhausted, but still able to fight. 

"I can't believe that they managed to bring us down to this," Lysandre growled through gritted teeth. "Ash! We must finish this!"

"Right, sir!" Ash nodded, grinning maliciously. "Greninja! Wa-"

"MOONLIGHT!" Serena and Mairin shouted together.

Before Ash could finish his command, two white beams connected and collided with Ash-Greninja, causing it to fly backwards and collide with Ash. They landed in a heap in front of Lysandre, Ash-Greninja transforming back into its regular form. Lysandre looked at the group of friends and growled, knowing that only he and his Mega Gyarados that still stood. 

"MOONLIGHT!" Serena and Mairin commanded one more time.

"FLAMETHROWER!" Nix commanded.

"HYDRO PUMP!" Lysandre commanded.

Hydro Pump collided with Flamethrower, resulting in the room filling with steam. Soon, the steam finally cleared to show a fainted Gyarados lying in front of a seething Lysandre. The group of friends looked at each other, relieved. 

"You think this is over?" Lysandre asked, his robotic eye glowing red. "This is just the beginning."

"No, it's not."

Lysandre turned to see Ash standing behind him, holding a knife. Lysandre just chuckled and walked towards Ash. As soon as he was in front of him, he calmly placed a hand on Ash's shaking shoulder.

"You don't want to do this, Ash."

Ash began to let tears flow down his face and began to take multiple gasps as his eyes kept changing from brown to blood red, before stopping on blood red. He let out a sob and dropped the knife.

"See?" Lysandre smirked. "You can't kill me."

"No. But I can."

Lysandre whirled around just as Emma stabbed him through the chest. Lysandre gasped in shock and took a step back.

"E-emma..." Lysandre whispered. "You would kill your own adoptive father?"

"You were never my adoptive father, asshole," Emma growled, tears brimming her eyes. 

Lysandre looked up at her as he collapsed to the ground. He then pointed his arm up towards the ceiling.

"If I die, then I'll take you all with me!"

Panicking, the group returned their Pokemon along with Lysandre's Pokemon, and began to run towards the exit. Ash and Alain watched as Lysandre shot the ceiling, not wanting to leave Lysandre's side. Prof. Sycamore and Looker grabbed the two friends and dragged them away from Lysandre's now limp body, them screaming and fighting the entire time. The group all ran as fast as they could and made it out of the lair just as it collapsed behind them. They did not stop running until they made it into Geosenge Town, in which they all collapsed to the floor, exhausted. Bonnie cradled Dedenne in her arms, despite her wound, crying and Clemont and Korrina sat next to her and comforted her with a hug. Prof. Sycamore and Looker were still holding onto Alain and Ash, who where still screaming and fighting against them. Serena and Mairin looked on in concern, Serena clutching a fainted Pikachu. Nix was hugging Emma, who was shaking and still clutching the knife tightly.

"I-I can't believe that I killed him," Emma sobbed into Nix's shirt. "I killed someone."

"It's okay, Emma," Nix whispered, trying to calm her down. "You had to do it, or else everyone would parish."

Emma dropped the knife and wrapped her arms around Nix tightly. There the group stood and sat as the moon rose high into the sky.


"Okay, this might work."

After the death and destruction of Lysandre and Team Flare, the group managed to make their way into the Pokemon Center. While Nurse Joy worked on their Pokemon, Prof. Sycamore and Looker booked the biggest room that the building had and brought Ash and Alain to the room, Alain's shoulder tightly wrapped with new bandages. The two had collapsed from exhaustion, tired from struggling and screaming. Nurse Joy's Wigglytuff helped Mairin, Clemont, Serena, and Bonnie with their wounds while Emma, Nix, and Korrina joined the others in the room. Finally, after everyone had their wounds taken care of, they sat on the multiple beds as Clemont began to set up an invention. He put two seats back to back and sat Ash and Alain down, making sure that he didn't wake them up. Finally, he set up a machine next to them and placed two helmets on their heads.

"Are you sure this will work?" Bonnie asked, smiling as Dedenne scribbled its name on her cast.

"Yes, I'm sure," Clemont reassured his sister as he pushed his glasses up. "It's the same technology that I used when Xerosic tried to control me."

The others looked worriedly at each other as Clemont pulled a small lever. Blue electricity surrounded Ash and Alain, but they remained unconscious. Finally, Clemont released the lever and the electricity stopped. Silence filled the room, until Pikachu jumped out of Serena's arms and ran up to its trainer. It jumped onto his lap and poked him.

"Pika..." Pikachu muttered, worried for its trainer.

Mumbling was soon heard from Ash as he snapped his head up. He opened his eyes to reveal that they were blood red. He shook his head once, and the blood red completely turned into brown. Alain soon woke up and the same happened to him. They both stood up at the same time, looking around the room with confused looks on their faces.

"W-why are we in a Pokemon Center?" Ash asked, looking around.

"You're you again!" Serena cried out with joy, tears rolling down her face as she tackled her fiance in a hug. 

"Yeah! Alain, you're okay too!" Mairin followed suit by hugging her fiance as well.

"What happened to Lysandre and Team Flare?" Alain asked, clutching Mairin tightly against him.

"They're gone," Emma smiled, placing a hand on Alain's shoulder. "They're all dead."

Alain sighed, relieved that all of this was finally over. The room was silent again before Bonnie suddenly gasps.

"What?!? What wrong?!?" Clemont asked, worry filling his face.

"We have weddings to prepare for!" Bonnie replied, grinning from ear to ear.

Laughter filled the room as everyone welcomed Bonnie's brightness as a welcomed change after everything that they had been through. Finally, everything was calm. 

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