Chapter One

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Serena stretched as she stepped off the plane, smiling to herself as her engagement ring glistened in the sun. Herfiancé, Ash, soon followed after her, petting his Pikachu's head. 

"I can't believe it's been five years since we last set foot in Kalos," Serena breathed.

"Yeah," Ash nodded as they began walking through Lumiose City. "The city sure seems to be bright and busy."

From the corner of his eye, Ash saw someone rushing towards them, and pulled Serena out of the way just as a hooded man ran by, carrying a bulging sack.


A young woman around 20 years old ran by them soon after, an Espurr floating after her.


"What was that all about?" Serena asked, looking to where the two people were running.

"I don't know, but it looks like that woman could use our help," Ash replied, letting go of Serena. 

"I'm on it," Serena nodded, throwing out a pokeball. "Beautifly! Follow those two and stop the man with string shot!"

As soon as the Pokemon burst out of the ball, it flew after the running man and woman. Ash and Serena soon took off, following Beautifly, Pikachu running besides them. The cry of surprise from a man made them pick up speed, and they came across the hooded man tied up with Beautifly's string shot. As the two of them approached, the woman turned and greeted them. She had dark skin with dark blue eyes, black, curly hair, an orange dress which was mostly covered with a purple sweater, purple leggings, orange shoes, and a purple and orange bracelet. She walked to the two of them, and folded her arms.

"I suppose that I have you two to thank for this, right?" the woman asked.

"Yes, that was my Beautifly that captured him," Serena replied.

"Thank you for helping me catch this criminal," the woman smiled at them as she walked towards the man. "However, this was just a training exercise for me." 

"'Training exercise'?" Ash and Serena echoed.

"That's right," the hooded man replied, letting the woman help him stand. "And it looks like she might need more practice."

"That's why you're giving me these exercises," the woman laughed, before turning back to Ash and Serena. "By the way, my name is Emma. I'm a partner to this city's detective. Who are you two?"

"My name is Serena," Serena introduced herself, returning her Beautifly. "And you already met my Beautifly."

"And I'm Ash," Ash introduced himself, before pointing to Pikachu. "And this is my buddy, Pikachu."

"Ash?" the man replied, removing his hood. "Ash Ketchum?"

"Looker?" Ash asked, recognizing the man. "Is it really you?"

"You two know each other?" Emma asked.

"Of course," Looker smiled. "Ash has helped me out many times many years ago." He turned back to Ash. "What are you doing here?"

"I came here to visit my friends, Bonnie and Clemont," Ash replied. "Do you know if they are at the gym?"

"Yes, I heard that Bonnie was just about to challenge Clemont to a gym battle today," Emma answered, pointing to Prism Tower. "If you want to watch them, I suggest that you hurry."

"Okay, thanks!" Ash thanked, grabbing Serena's hand. "Come on, Serena! Let's hurry!"

Ash took off running towards Prism Tower, dragging his fiancée behind him. Emma and Looker watched the two of them run off, before Looker spoke up.

"Well, that's all for your exercise for today, Emma," Looker smiled. "I say that we go by Sushi High Roller for dinner?"

"Sure!" Emma agreed, smiling.

Looker opened up the sack that he was carrying and took out his brown trench coat. He took off the hoodie he was wearing, and slipped on the jacket before the two of them began walking towards the restaurant, oblivious to the figure watching them.


Bonnie approached the door which led to the battlefield of Prism Tower. This was it. This was the last battle she had to win before she was allowed to compete in this year's Kalos League. This was the battle between her and her brother. 


Dedenne peaked it's head out from Bonnie's purse and looked at it's trainer with concerned eyes.

"I'm okay, Dedenne," Bonnie replied, smiling at the small mouse Pokemon. "Just excited, and a bit anxious."

She looked back to the door and sighed, before speaking up.

"Hello, I would like to battle the gym leader please," she began.

"Name and number of badges?" Clembot's voice came through the intercom.

"Bonnie Citron and I have seven badges," Bonnie replied, straightening up a little bit. 

"Enter," Clembot ordered as the doors slid open.

Bonnie smiled to herself and walked into the gym. The lights were all off, but as she stepped onto the field, a spotlight soon shone on the other side of the field. Bonnie heard footsteps walking towards her, and she turned to see a young man walk towards her. His lemon-yellow hair bounced on his head, his glasses shining so bright that his eyes were invisible. his black shirt, emerald green pants, and silver shoes also glistened in the light. His white lab coat waved slightly behind him, stopping as he came to a halt.

"Welcome, my dear sister," Clemont smiled as he clapped his hands once.

At the command, the rest of the lights came on, showing Clembot standing on the sidelines, about to referee the battle.

"Clemont, you have to stop greeting challengers like this," Bonnie scolded. "You almost scared me half to death."

"It adds mystery," Clemont replied, adjusting his glasses so his sister could see his eyes better. "Also, I know my sister. There was no way that you were scared at all."

"Of course I wasn't," Bonnie smiled as she took a pokeball from her bag. "But enough chatter, big brother. I challenge you to a battle!"

"I accept!" Clemont smiled, also taking out a pokeball. "I've been waiting for a while to challenge you!'

"This will be a three v three battle!" Clembot announced. "Switching is allowed and the battle will end when either side is unable to battle. Begin!"

"Luxray, I choose you!" Clemont yelled, throwing out his Luxray.

"Tyrantrum, let's go!" Bonnie yelled, releasing the T-Rex Pokemon.

 "Luxray, Thunderbolt!" Clemont commanded.

The thunderbolt hit Tyrantrum head on, but it shook it off, unfazed, making Bonnie grin.

"Tyrantrum. Earthquake," Bonnie commanded it calmly.

With a loud cry, Tyrantrum shook the ground, causing Luxray to fall to the ground.

"Stone Edge."

Stones soon appeared from beneath Luxray, throwing it up into the air. 

"Luxray!" Clemont called out as his Pokemon his the ground, causing a cloud of dust to surround it.

The cloud soon cleared to reveal a fainted Luxray.

"Luxray is unable to battle, Tyrantrum is the winner!" Clembot announced pointing to Bonnie's side.

"Thanks Luxray, you've been a big help," Clemont thanked returning his Pokemon.

He looked back up at his smiling sister in surprise. He never knew that Bonnie could be this powerful. However, this was just the beginning of this battle. He grabbed his next pokeball, and threw it.

"Go, Chesnaught!" Clemont yelled as the Pokemon burst from it's pokeball.

"We can handle this!" Bonnie said, determined. "Tyrantrum, Dragon Claw!"

"Chesnaught, dodge and use Seed Bomb!" Clemont commanded.

Chesnaught easily dodged the attack, and spewed seeds at Tyrantrum, hitting it head on.

"Tyrantrum!" Bonnie called out as the Pokemon fell to the ground and fainted.

"Tyrantrum is unable to battle, Chesnaught is the winner!" Clembot announced.

"Good job, Tyrantrum," Bonnie praised as she called back her Pokemon. "Now, go, Aurorous!"

The ice type Pokemon soon appeared, giving a majestic cry as it did. 

"An ice type," Clemont muttered to himself. "This is going to be a close one. Chesnaught, Hammer Arm!"

"Counter it with Aurora Beam, Aurorous!" Bonnie commanded.

Aurorous shot a brilliantly colored ray at Chesnaught, just as it was about to bring its arm down on the Pokemon. The force of the ray made Chesnaught fly backwards until it hit the wall, blocking out the sound of the door to the gym opening and letting two people enter. 

"Chesnaught!" Clemont cried out as his Pokemon fell to the floor, fainted.

"Chesnaught is unable to battle, Aurorous is the winner!" Clembot announced.

"Down to my last Pokemon," Clemont breathed, returning Chesnaught and taking out another Pokeball. "Better make this one count. "Go, Diggersby!"

The Pokemon soon appeared, making Bonnie grimace. Diggersby. Clemont's most powerful Pokemon. This was going to be one tough battle.

"Stay strong, Aurorous!" Bonnie commanded. "Use Aurora beam again!"

"Dodge it with Dig!" Clemont commanded.

Diggersby dug into the ground, avoiding the ray. Aurorous glanced around the field, crying out in surprise when Diggersby launched itself out of the ground and into the Pokemon.

"Aurorous!" Bonnie cried out as the Pokemon fell, fainting as it did.

"Aurorous is unable to battle, Diggersby is the winner!" Clembot announced.

"Well, my dear sister, I guess that it's down to one on one, huh?" Clemont smiled, placing his hands on his hips. "Make this decision count."

"I will, dear brother," Bonnie smirked as she returned Aurorous and took out another pokeball. "Go, Meowstic!"

The gold and white Pokemon appeared, shining as it did and looking as if it was asleep. Clemont was confused for a second before shaking it off, and commanded Diggersby to attack.

"Diggersby, Tackle!"

Diggersby ran towards Meowstic, not even receiving a flinch from Bonnie. Just as Diggersby was about to collide with Meowstic, before the Pokemon quickly opened its eyes, and vanished. Diggersby, unable to stop, collided with the wall, and backed up, stunned. Bonnie, seeing this as the perfect opportunity, nodded to her Pokemon to use it's most powerful move.

"Meowstic, use Moonblast!" Bonnie commanded, pointing.

A moon appeared above Meowstic, and was aimed towards Diggersby.

"Diggersby, get out of there!" Clemont yelled at his Pokemon.

Diggersby tried to move, but it was too slow at the attack from Meowstic hit it. It slumped to the floor, fainted.

"Diggersby is unable to battle, Meowstic is the winner!" Clembot announced. "The winner is the challenger, Bonnie!"

"We did it! We did it!" Bonnie cheered, jumping up and down while clapping her hands. "We beat my big brother!"

Meowstic cheered along with its trainer, jumping into her arms. Dedenne joined the two of them by jumping onto Bonnie's head. 

"Congratulations, Bonnie!" Clemont congratulated as he and Clembot walked up to them. "Here is your eighth and final badge."

"Thanks, Clemont!" Bonnie beamed, returning Meowstic.

Both brother and sister jumped at the sound of two people clapping. They turned to the stands to see Ash and Serena approach them, clapping. Bonnie gasped in surprise as tears began to roll down her face.

"Ash!" she exclaimed, running towards the two of them. "Serena! I've missed you both so much!"

Ash and Serena laughed as Bonnie tackled them into a hug, Clemont running up to them.

"This is such a surprise!" Clemont exclaimed, grinning. "Why are you guys here?"

"Well, we came to deliver some good news!" Serena giggled. "Ash and I are engaged!"

"What?!?" Clemont asked in surprise, his question being drowned out by Bonnie's squealing.

"I knew that this would eventually happen!" Bonnie squealed, hugging the both of them tighter. "Clemont could learn a thing or two from you guys, right big brother?"

"I told you that I'm working on it!" Clemont scolded, his face turning beet red.

"Oh, who's the lucky girl?" Ash asked, raising an eyebrow at his friend.

"K-Korrina..." Clemont muttered.

"Who?" Serena asked, grinning as Bonnie let go of them.

"Korrina!" Clemont blurted out, his face still red.

"I knew it," Serena said, proudly. 

"Let's save poor Clemont from further embarrassment," Ash suggested, looking at his friend. "Let's go catch up with each other while celebrating Bonnie's win?"

"Of course!" Clemont perked up, the red draining from his face. 

"Let's invite Korrina too!" Bonnie suggested, running out of the gym.

"Bonnie!" Clemont called after his sister. "She's my girlfriend! I should be the one to invite her!"

"Some things never change," Ash smiled as he rolled his eyes.

The three of them ran out of the gym, leaving it in the hands of Clembot.


On the other side of Lumiose City, Looker and Emma entered Looker's Bureau, placing the leftovers from the dinner in the fridge. In the past five years the building had been moved to its own two story building that doubled as an apartment that both of them and Emma's boyfriend, Nix, who used to be the leader of the now dispersed Lumiose Gang. Wishing his partner a good night, Looker closed the door to his room, and was soon fast asleep. Emma yawned as she opened the door to her room, and stepped back when she thought that she saw a shadow by the small table that was by her bed. She blinked in surprised, but sighed in relief when the shadow disappeared. She quickly changed into her pajamas and went over to crawl in bed, not surprised that Nix wasn't home yet, as he was only just closing the museum by now. As she turned over to turn off the lamp, she noticed a piece of paper lying on the table. Curious, she picked it up, and read the note.

Hello, Emma. It's very nice to see you again.


Emma looked around wildly, but there was no sign of a break in at all. She crumpled up the piece of paper and stuck it in her drawer.

I'll tell Looker about this tomorrow, Emma thought to herself as she turned off the lamp.

She tossed and turned in bed before she fell into a deep and troubled sleep.   

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