Chapter Two

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"It's so nice to see you two again," Meyer smiled at Ash and Serena. "More coffee?"

"Just more tea for me please," Serena replied, while Ash just nodded for coffee.

"So, what's been going on in Kalos?" Ash asked as Meyer filled his cup.

"Still peaceful since Team Flare left," Bonnie replied, sipping some of her tea. 

"However, there was this recent attack on the jail that held the other remaining Team Flare members," Clemont continued, frowning. "The only people to survive were the four Team Flare Admins. No one knows where they are though."

"Now's not the time to worry about them," Meyer cut in. "We have guests."

"Of course, father," Bonnie and Clemont replied.

A knock at the door made them forget about the news Clemont brought up. Bonnie almost jumped out of her chair and she ran to get the door. The others heard her greet the person at the door and invite them in. Bonnie soon appeared back in the kitchen, Korrina following her. Instead of her usual skating attire, she wore a white t-shirt, a red jacket, white shorts, red and white sneakers, and her mega glove. Her hair was down, and she wore a red headband. Her Lucario was by her side, still wearing the bracelet that held its mega stone.  

"Hey Korrina!" Ash and Serena greeted her.

"Hey guys!" Korria greeted, smiling at them. "I haven't seen you in a while!"

She sat down next to Clemont, and Meyer handed her some food.

"So, Bonnie told me that you two are engaged!" Korrina stated. "When's the wedding?"

" a few months from now," Ash replied. "Serena said that she wanted to be married in the fall."

"The leaves are pretty then, that's why," Serena explained before anyone could ask that question.

They continued to have small talk until they all finished their dinner. 

"Why don't we go visit Prof. Sycamore?" Ash asked, standing up. "It would be nice to see him again!"

"Sure! Why not?" Bonnie smiled.

The five of them waved goodbye to Meyer before heading out.


After a few minutes, the group arrived at Prof. Sycamore's lab, and Ash knocked on the door. Sophie soon came to the door, and smiled at the group.

"Ah, hello everyone!" she greeted. "Prof. Sycamore is sitting with his two assistants in the living room having their night tea."

"Thanks!" the group thanked before making their way to the room. 

Just as Sophie said, Prof. Sycamore was sitting in the living room drinking tea and chatting with Mairin and Alain. Mairin had longer hair and was wearing blue and white sneakers, green socks, white shorts, a blue tank top, a green jacket, her green bracelet, a blue and white hat, and a mega necklace. Alain's hair was just the same, but he wore black sneakers, blue jeans, a white button up dress shirt, an orange jacket, a lab coat, and a mega bracelet that seemed to be homemade. When they noticed the others, they instantly stood up and greeted the guests. After a friendly reunion, they sat around a table with some tea and chatted. 

Suddenly, there was a loud crash in the room next door, making everyone jump in alarm.

"What was that?!?" Bonnie asked, squeezing her brother's arm.

"I'll go check," Alain stated, standing up.

"I'll come with you," Ash joined him.  

The two friends went off to the room where the sound was heard. The others waited patiently until Alain and Ash finally returned, Alain clenching a piece of paper in his hand. 

"Anything?" Korrina asked.

"We found this note tied to a rock," Alain explained. "But nothing else except for a broken window."

"What does the note say?" Mairin asked, getting up and standing next to her boyfriend. 

"It's confusing," Alain replied, as the others surrounded him. "The wording is...faded...and messy, as if someone wrote it quickly with a pen that barely touched the paper. I...I can barely make out the words, but the ones that I could make out were 'where', 'is', and 'she'."

"Who wrote this?" Clemont asked, pushing his glasses up as if that would help him see the note better.

" doesn't seem to say," Ash replied, looking as close as he could to the note. "There's only one really faded and messy letter. An 'L'."

"'L'?" Serena asked, confused. "That's...really strange."

"We should take this to Looker," Prof. Sycamore said. "Well, in the morning."

He looked around and, even though everyone was curious about the letter, they were all exhausted. Eventually, they were all asleep in different rooms, unaware of the figure that stepped through the broken glass in the other room.


Emma woke with a start from her nightmare, sweating a waterfall. She felt an arm around, and without even looking, she knew that Nix had come home. She sighed deeply before carefully removing her boyfriend's arm from around her, and silently slid out of bed. She made her way over to the drawer that held the crumpled up piece of paper. She took out the paper and uncrumpled it, looking at those words that were scribbled onto the paper. Who was this "L" person and what did they want with her? How did they know her name? Knowing that this will trouble her for the rest of the night unless she got answers, she quietly made her way out of her room and towards Looker's. She knocked gently, but a little loudly, on the door, and soon she heard Looker shuffle to the door and open it.

"Emma?" he yawned. "Why are you up this late? It's 1 in the morning."

"Trouble sleeping," Emma replied, before taking a deep breath and showing him the note. "I found this on the table next to my bed before I went to sleep. I have no idea who this 'L' person is or how they know me or what they want with me. I was wondering if you could help."

"Of course I can help you," Looker smiled at his apprentice. "Just try and get more sleep and we will try to solve this in the morning, ok?"

"Ok," Emma nodded, smiling. "Goodnight again, Looker."

"Goodnight again, Emma," Looker smiled back.

As soon as he closed his door, Emma turned and slowly began to walk back to her room. Troubled thoughts flooded through her mind, each thought worse than the last. She finally shook her thoughts as she opened her door, and yawned. As soon as she finished yawning and opened her eyes, her face became pale and her heartbeat quickened.

No...she thought wildly. How? How did they...? 

She didn't get to finish her thought as she surveyed the scene around her. Two of the four Team Flare Admins that had survived the jail attack were in her room, holding a dazed Mimi and Nix captive with a Drapion. Its claws were dangerously close to their necks, while the two Admins just stood there, arms folded and grinning at her. She reached for her pocket to grab a pokeball, before cursing under her breath at the remembrance that she was still in my pajamas.

How did they even get in? she thought, looking around more. 

She then noticed the Admin's outfits; black jumpsuits with black boots and a belt full of gadgets. 

They must of broken in through the window, she decided, and she stiffened as one of them walked towards her.

"You must be Emma, right?" the person asked.

"H-How do you know who I am?" Emma asked, bracing herself for an attack. 

"Our boss wants a word with you," the second person replied, stepping next to the first person. "Either come with us quietly, or else you will be the only one left alive in this room."

"..." Emma was quiet for a while before sighing and making her decision. "...Fine..."

"A very wise decision," the two said at the same time.

The first person nodded, and the Drapion let Nix and Mimi go. Emma ran over to the two, scooping Mimi up in her arms and hugging Nix.

"" Nix asked, slowly waking up from his daze. "Wh-what happened?"

"I-I had to save you both," Emma replied, crying a little. "I have to go with the Team Flare Admins. Take care of Mimi for me."

Nix closed his eyes and shook his head as if he was trying to wake up from a nightmare. 

"No!" he cried out, opening his eyes and reaching out to grab his girlfriend.

But she was gone, along with the other two people that were in the room. Mimi began to squirm in his arms, and he ran towards Looker's room. He banged violently on the door, not caring whether or not Looker was asleep. Looker soon opened the door and faced a pale-faced Nix with a squirming Mimi.

"Nix?" he asked, confused. "What's wrong?"

"Th-they took her!" Nix exclaimed worriedly. "They took Emma?"

"Who?" Looker asked. "Who took Emma?"

"The Team Flare Admins!"


The silence of the lab was broken constantly by the sound of a metal foot occasionally hitting the floor. The shadowed figure that made the sound walked through the lab, leading two Team Flare Admins behind him. He motioned them to move around the lab, searching for anything useful that they could use. The figure continued to make his way throughout the lab, coming across the room that held a sleeping Mairin held by a sleeping Alain. The figure grinned at the both of them before taking out a piece of paper, writing a note, and slipping it into Alain's hand. Mairin squirmed in Alain's arms as the figure left the room. She opened her eyes just as she saw the figure leave. She rubbed her eyes, and soon the figure was gone, disappeared from her sight. She disregarded the figure, before making herself comfortable in Alain's arms and falling asleep to the soft clanking sound that seemed to fill the quiet lab. 

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