Just dealing with it.

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Random thing #10: Ima just.. go
Heyo my turnips, first off I am stating that I have been staying off of Wattpad for a while and I am sorry for that, it's not really purposeful, it's just more of I've been an internet hobo lately. Anyways, onto the actual chapter!
So if any of you watch Sherlock, then you know with the new year has come a new series of Sherlock. Of course there are multiple opinions on the new episodes, and here is starting with mine. With such an intelligent and high standards for the show, you expect much out of the episodes.
Well with episodes being about 90 minutes or about, yeah the writing might dull down after a while. This goes with any show and with very long episodes, many seasons, or multiple episodes premiering at once, the writers probably get a bit dulled down. The episodes will not seem as interesting, or they might just seem like a filler. Most people after maybe 7-10 episodes of writing like this, well they just quit watching the show, and as an author I say that that is your decision. Personally I like to watch the show through if I like the show. This obviously differs for everyone, such as some people actually say that they cannot continue to watch because it does not interest them anymore.
This comes along with every series that I have ever watched. At some point it gets pretty boring and I kinda tune out, not purposely. Usually the shows get out of this schlump though.
I guess what I am trying to say isn't that you should give up, or that you should not give up on the show, but basically you have to deal with it because if you were the writers for the 666th season of Supernatural I am pretty sure you would be in a bit of a schlump too.
Ok say this with guys,
xx BUH- BYE xx

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