Chapter 32: Incantation

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'Darkness cannot drive out darkness: only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate: only love can do that.'

- Martin Luther King Jr.


Y/N's POV:

I watch as the four women gossip behind the door, as I happily failed to move the cup, teleport or blow the fire out. With magic of course.

"You sure you're a witch?" The eldest, Yejun speaks. She snickers, crossing her legs as she sits down. But it's like an idea has just went to struck her mind. Her whole face started glowing as she smirked at her cousins.

Standing up, she pushes me down, muttering curses. "What the hell are you doing here? A witch you say? All I see here is nothing but a fraud," She states, with a sly grin. I get up, as I get the urge to punch her in her pretty little face, but Hoseok stops me, shaking his head like a magic eight ball.

"Let me go, Hoseok," I say, glaring at him. But no, instead he grips even tighter than my skinny jeans cling to my thighs at home. "If you don't fight, I'll let go."

Surrendering, I shake off his hand. Something about this woman just brings out the worst of me. "Awh, you need your two little sidekicks to hold you back? Oh please darling, as if the weakling could do anything," She rolls her eyes like a wine barrel, clenching my fists.

What? Because she has her powers in control it makes her so much better than me? Well let me prove her wrong.

"Ladies, we've found the first ever witch wannabe!" She exclaims, moving her fingers against eachother. She fans herself, probably because she thinks she's all that. If only she knew what I've been through, we have a similar story.

Except, mine is real.

"Awh sweetheart, silent now? You probably were the quiet kid in the house, if you ever lived in a good one. Please, you're probably so embarrassed to be the good-turned-bad witches long lost sister. Whoever adopted you must've done it out of pity, but still neglected you."

I control it, thinking of what Hoseok said. Nothing comes out of punching her or attempting to hurt her. What? Like a cut in the face would do anything but ease my ego and pride. But the thought of blood trickling down does have a sense of its own pleasure in it.

Don't be such a villain Y/N. You're not like this. She's pressing your buttons on purpose.

"Looks like the goodie goodie isn't so powerful after all. Want me to get your daddy over here, do you darling?"

And that's where I snap, like a fallen twig from the large tree, waiting to be stepped on. It's like I was already split in half, then into thirds until I was shredded into nothing but a piece of small dirt—something no one would care to even look at.

Even if I was looked at though, something else would take the spotlight.

Somehow, she flies back to the wall, crashing her head on the cupboard. The crash was deafening. However she seemed to be just fine. Making an 'O' with her mouth, she starts clapping slowly that it almost seems sarcastic. A face filled with close to no emotion paints her features.

Blowing on her nails, she has the other witches stand by her. "Ah, so I see your powers trigger is anger. Now that I know you're not actually a fraud, let's work on your magic control. You're strong, I felt your magic. Now, let's train, shall we?"

Jimin pushes through the witches, "Wait. Can I uh, quickly talk to her?"

"Oh well, guess I can't stop lover boy over here. Go on, bring her outside when you're done," She says, strutting out like some supermodel. She really is the confident one.

"Okay Y/N, I forgot a minor detail from this story."

I freeze. Huh, excuse me? Minor, are you sure it's minor? Right, so I'm assuming it's not that minor, is it?

"In the end, I don't remember exactly what triggers it but your character, after all of the fighting and after harmony is restored, your character becomes vengeful and evil like Hyeon. You have to act the part I suppose."

Oh my, that is such a minor part to the story! Doesn't matter at all!

"You don't remember?"

"It's been five years since I wrote it, Y/N. I don't remember much, okay?" He says, pushing me out. "Practice your powers, me and Hoseok will wait in here."

Let's do this. Not that I have much of a choice.


Third Person's POV:

For hours, and to be specific, for two weeks she trained. And what was odd was, the way time flowed was the same as how it did back at home. You could feel it, you could see it.

There were actually twenty-four hours in the days, making it seem so long. They were used to the average of being in one story for only a day that two weeks? It felt more like driving on a never-ending road, waiting to finally fall off the cliff. It's like they just wanted to reach the peroration part of their speech, the speech acting like the seconds and minutes in tune.

Her head was twisted, the pain growing like a young child who's about to blossom into either an obedient child or naughty one. And right now, she's losing her temper.

"Oh for god's sake Hana, you've got the elements down, invisibility and all sorts of other spells and hexes etched into that small brain of yours! Come on, teleporting is my specialty, don't make me feel like a bad teacher," The youngest, Yuri whines, a year older than her.

Dropping the formalities, she speaks. "Oh really, Yang Yuri? Maybe you are a bad teacher because no one in this god forbidden world is helping right now!" And at that, a ray of ice comes out, covering the tree. "Sorry?"

Another couple days pass though, as her mind cools down from her needed break. She was like an overused laptop, heating up and almost about to explode. But luckily, she shut down as she slept in till the afternoon for the time being.

"Come on Hana, come on. Focus on where you want to be, the things you would hear, smell and see in that place. Make sure you uh, don't go too far," Yuri prompts, as Y/N, or in this case Hana shuts her eyes like a closed fist and thinks of where she wants to go.

She fills her mind with the thought of roasted marshmallows in front of the fireplace, the smell of the fresh flowers on the table and the sight of Jimin and Hoseok waiting for her to finally finish.


"Oh for god's sake Y/N! Wait, you finished the last skill?" Jimin asks, recovering from the freight of her appearing in front of him unexpectedly. "Yeah, got all the hexes and spices down too. Told all of you guys I was a decently fast learner," She boasts, looking at the other witches.

"Could've been faster."

"A lot faster."

"Hush. She's done well, considering myself and you three have been learning since you were out of the womb," Yejun scolds, walking to Jimin and Hoseok. "You two, stay here. We don't need mortal baggage during this."

"They're not baggage-" Y/N defends, but the look on Jimin's face tells her to stop. He mouths an 'it's okay', doing his signature wink, lying back down onto the chair. She loosens up her shoulders, fixing her posture.

"Are we going?"

"It's a now or never thing. It's better to go now, grab the easier ingredients," She explains, grabbing a couple bags and tosses vials into the pockets. "Here, take one. This is the?"

"Shape shifting potion," Y/N recalls, talking as if she's heard it all the time. "And why do we use the potions of this?"

"Because only male witches, or warlocks possess the power to shapeshift without a potion."

"And why is that?" Yejun asks, simpering proudly at her. "Because those powers were stripped away women centuries ago." This exact explanation were repeated many times in the first week of training.

"Good student. See? You do learn and listen if you lose that temper," Yejun praises, patting her on the shoulder as if she was the type of teacher who has a friendship with the kids. "By the way, if you ever need to talk, remember, we're all here for you now. We trust you, don't we girls?"

They all nod in unison like a ballet class, the clones of Yejun herself. "Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's get the Serorian flower and Livorius weed from the mountains. We got everything else here in the cabin, all we'd need them would be a lock of Hyeon's hair and a blood of the royal."

"How are we even meant to get the blood of a royal?"

"Do you guys not remember Aunt Lee who helped us here in the first place? The royal nurse? All I need is to get to her, ask for her to take a blood test and give it to us. Simple," Yejun says, everything laid out already like a map, the plan set.

"And the hair?" One of the other cousins ask.

"It's four against one, not including

Moon Hana."


Y/N's POV:

We trudge up the mountain, even though we could use our powers. "Can't we just you know, teleport?"

"You know why we can't. These mountains aren't in the east, and in this specific part, mortals go here to get ice. And wood. So we can't risk our identity getting exposed-"

"What you doing here ladies?" A middle aged man approached us, as he holds a sharp axe in his hand. "Oh we're just..." Yuri starts, looking at us. It seems we all have the same thought, sleeping potion. So much for not exposing ourselves.

Yuri walks over to him, whispering into his ears. "Fall asleep, as we witches speak. In hours is when the spell shall lift, letting you be able to see." We all stare at her, it seemed way too natural.

"What? I like sleeping spells," She innocently says, walking away from us.

Oh, must've forgotten to introduce the other two quiet ones. They're actually twins, not identical though. Ara and Aera, although Ara is about half an hour older. They still bicker about it even though they're adults, you could say some things never change.

Ara's specialty is hexes, while Aera's best at telekinesis. But since I'm so special, I'm able to do all of them at the same level. No skill is better than the other, although my teleporting's still a little rusty. I've only recently learned it, but they seemed to be in quite the rush.

The higher we get, the weirder the plants. Mortals don't seem to know these things are magical, and just eat it alone or plant it out at their houses.

"Found the Serorian flower. Ara, Aera, grab a few. I'll check the surroundings. Hana, Yuri, stay there and look out too."

As she walks out, I stand still as the twins gather some of the flowers. But something feels wrong, something makes me feel like this is going smoothly, too smoothly.

"Do you feel that?" Yuri asks, attentively looking around her. "I don't see anyone but, I feel it. Who is it?"

"Ara, Aera, put your guards up and hurry. I don't have a good feeling about this place," Yuri orders, acting like Yejun for the time being.

But I feel a whisper in my ear, so faint but loud enough for me to hear. Come here and get Yejun...

"But you need to choose these flowers correctly-"

As if Yuri read my mind, she voices out. "Hurry up!"

"Yejun... I think she's in danger. A voice, I heard it next to me," I say, realising we might have to fight Hyeon a lot faster than we thought. I still haven't mastered the spell yet, I knew we should've practiced it more! It's the only one to remove a witches power.

And only another witch can do it.

A blood related one.

Me, with the help of the others from this coven.

"Ladies, let's take a detour."


Third Person's POV:

We all hiked up, towards the cave. Icicles decorate the ceiling, as they can finally use powers to teleport inside.

The inner area of it was just as dark, pure dark. Like the night sky when the moon is hiding from everyone else, shying away from civilisation.

"Well, who do we have here? Which broken coven is in my presence today?" Hyeon says, coming from the shadows. She pushes a seat towards us. In that seat, was Yejun, tied up and surrounded in a circle of crystals.

Without speaking, Aera uses her telekinesis to move the crystals, letting Yejun free. Those crystals fly to the corner of the cave, as Ara mutters hexes to make Hyeon fall to her knees, crouching her back. "No... No..." She whines in pain, her eyes shutting tight.

"Rot in a hole, Hyeon," Yejun says, as she curses. She smothers her in flames, watching her body disappear...

But not in the way we want to.

"Did you really think you'd be able to defeat me so fast?" A voice booms from behind us, shoes clicking on the rock hard stone. "Come on, I cursed a country, would five mere witches be able to kill me off already?"

We look behind us in silence. How?

"Oh, you're all thinking of how I did that? Astral projection darling, astral projection," She repeats, pushing us out of the cave. "I'll give you a second chance sweetheart, it's no fun when you're versing against weak witches," She snickers, as we teleport back inside the cabin.

We were more than unprepared.


Y/N's POV:

"I didn't know that. It's not part of the story," Jimin confesses. We tampered with the story's flow, again. "Ah, I hate feeling like a sitting duck."

"I hate feeling like a failure."

"Brightside? I wrote Hyeon as an egotistic woman, it's why she let you go. She wants the fun in a fight, and she wants a fair one too. And when you return, she won't chicken out. Like I said, she's egotistic," Jimin informs, telling me that it'll be fine.

He returns to the bedroom, as I see a glimpse of Hoseok's face in my view. He waves, as the doors shut, leaving me with the witches. "This isn't particularly the best outcome, is it?" Yuri mutters, slumping down on the couch.

"We weren't prepared. But I've got the royals blood, the Princesses to exact. And we've already collected the Livorius weed. All we need is her hair...

And a good plan."

"I vouch that we take a break and lay low for another week, rest, plan and make her think we gave up," Ara suggests, laying out a map of the area.

Aera grabs a few unlit candles to use as markers. "Here, is us," She starts, placing a white candle in the middle of the map. The woods. "And here," She pauses, grabbing another candle, "Is Hyeon."

Yejun takes the lead, continuing on. "We're all good at something right? And we have the wild card here, Hana. The ace. The all-rounder, the-"

"I love the praises, really, but I think it's unnecessary," I laugh, as we finally learn to 'chill' and rest. "Alright, so we bring our crystals. We catch her off guard, and surround her in the crystals. She'll weaken momentarily, while Ara can put her under the sleeping spell and I freeze her legs. We can't let her die, not yet. Just in case."

"Aera can use her telekinesis to move all her spell books away from her, so she can only use her head. We need to take her hair when she's alive, or its effect isn't the same. Then, while she's weak we use the spell to take her power away," She explains, gazing at me for a moment.

"Well, we'll attack her while Y/N does the spell. No one can do it except for her," She nictates as fast as a race car, batting her eyes at me like Raquel from Barbie. "Then we finish the potion, pour it on the land and it should work. We'll know it works when the mist and thick clouds go away."

What in the Einstein? Who knew Jimin could write so well. And who knew our tampering could make it better.

"And if we mess up?"

"There's no room for error...

We messed up already, we won't have another chance."


For another week, we follow the same routine. Repeating and repeating, again and again. It almost bores me, but I know it's necessary. It's just scary to think that I had to actually live through the past three weeks normally, not in its weird time flow. It's all messing with my mind.

"Hana, come with me to the market. We're out of bread," Yejun informs, dragging me out like a sack of rice. I didn't complain though, I liked the difference.

"We're going to do it tomorrow," I start. We're now strolling in the market, long faces still scattered throughout. "Yeah."

It's quite busy though, considering its a weekend it makes sense. Only the kids run around happily, young boys and girls together in harmony. Wish I could see more of that in real life, where we could be friends.

Most of the time, especially when you're known to like all genders or you're only straight, as a female with a guy best friend, the teasing never ended.

The common phrase was the ship names and 'Y/N and Jimin, sitting in a tree. K, I, S, S, I, N, G.' The whole class was like that, but soon gave up on the whole thing.

"Are you scared?" Yejun asks, enveloping my hand in hers. She's like an older sister I never had. Jimin did well in writing the character, although headstrong, she's passionate and open about who she is. Never knew he was quite the empowering feminist.

"Of course I'm scared," I reply, grabbing a couple apples from the cart and paying for it. "But it doesn't mean I think we're hopeless. It'll be hard, since you haven't been trained by elders for so long. And for me, only a while ago I lived a normal life. Having moments of fun, but here I am, fighting for my life and others."

And that's all true, from my personal experiences. Those lines, it wasn't acting. Not like it normally was. It was all very much real, my thoughts.

Sometimes I wished I could see, wish I could understand why it has to be like this. But I've narrowed it down completely, eliminating other options. Call me cringe, call me cliché but, fate? That's what it is, because none of this is a coincidence.

Out of all original stories, it was Jimin's, not to mention a story that actually has a decent storyline. Unoriginal? A little, but interesting? It is, very much.

But as I was stuck in my own mind and heart, something else was stuck instead.

And that was someone's eyes, glued to my figure.


Word Count

➪ 3245 Words ☕︎

A/N: Okay so I used a third persons pov in this! It was really fun to experiment with the new pov, and I might start using it more.

I think the chapter was pretty straightforward. There'll be one more chapter after this to complete the witch segment of the book.

I apologize for taking ten years to update oml, I've been a bit busy with school work. But we're so close to the end! love you all


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