Chapter 33: Lifted

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'If you're betrayed, release disappointment at once.
By that way, the bitterness has no time to take root.'

- Toba Beta


Y/N's POV:

Returning to the cabin, my legs get sore from all the walking I've had to do over the past three weeks. I don't complain. It's not my position to do so, but it isn't exactly comfortable for me.

"Ladies, it's almost time," Yejun says, looking through the window. It's already leaning towards the evening. We plan to strike at twelve, where we're at out strongest. Downside is, she's at her strongest too.

Five witches against one. Sounds easy, right? Not exactly, not when the opposing witch has had the most training time. She took most of the remaining spell books too. Even better.

There's only one full coven in the country, and they're down south. And they're unwilling to help. Jimin really said 'separation' while writing this, didn't he?

"Hey Hoseok, how you been holding up in there?" I ask, knocking on the door. He opens up, letting me in as my eyes meet his and Jimin's.

"I'm alright, we should be asking you that instead. Luckily Jimin took the path of plot convenience, making the battle five verse one."

"But it'll still be hard. I wrote it down to make Hyeon seem like the strongest witch in witch history, and she technically is because of all her rage. But, Y/N's newly developed powers is meant to be stronger, so I hope for the best," Jimin says honestly, as I hug him tight like a manila folder around a document.

It's as if he wanted to break through, overly worried for my position. "Do you believe in happy endings?" I ask, trying to make a point.

"Not completely. I believe that the ending is never really an ending," He states, as I shuffled my body to look at him. Hoseok leaves the room like a mouse trying to hide in the walls.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, for example a fairytale. They normally end at marriage, but it doesn't mean their story is over. Or like this one, this story ends with mystical creatures and mortals in harmony, but that doesn't mean they stop living."

I furrow my eyebrows, not exactly understanding his deep explanations.

"Although the written version maybe considered 'over', their life after that lives in our imagination. Same for us, death isn't always the end. If you believe in the afterlife, reincarnation and all that. Plus, your memories live in someone's mind for a long time too, your imprint on the world still there."

He sounds old. Like really old, wise kind of old.

"Alright, no more talk like this. It's cool but, I can't handle that overload," I laugh, cooling down my nerves, like burning coal placed in a freezer.

Minutes change into hours, as it's half an hour past eleven, preparing to get up and go. "Do we have everything?" Aera asks, grabbing a bag which has the crystals in it. "As much as we need."

"Alright Hana, it's your time to shine."


Third Person's POV:

Y/N didn't exactly like the idea of not going in with the best plan, not to mention it's apparently different to the one Jimin wrote originally. But again, she didn't have a choice.

It made her really mad, that normally, she couldn't make her own decision. Something else in the world forces her to do something else but, oh well. By now, she's accepted it.

She felt the anger burst in her, the small fire in her growing higher the closer she gets to the other witch.

Maybe it's because of the encounter about a week ago, she sensed the way the power was used in its own sinister way. Not for good, but for it's dark intentions.

For example, to hurt someone, to kill someone. She didn't like the feeling, most sane people wouldn't. The idea of slitting someone's throat with telekinesis didn't sit right with her, but why today, why did it seem okay to her?

Maybe it was because of who they were up against, or because of something inside her.

This feeling wasn't normal. It wasn't natural. She could feel that something else was taking over.

They return to that cave, as they feel the extra surge of power rush through their bodies. Just like lightning. "It's midnight," Yejun whispered, Aera preparing her crystals.

Hyeon was caught off guard when crystals flew towards the cave, surrounding her perfectly. She's silent, using her powers to throw rocks at the other witches. And it works, but low impact.

"Ara, go!" Yejun orders, Ara muttering hexes under her breath, the spells weakening her. It works again, as she falls to her knees for real this time, her heart wrenching into a squished ball of paper.

But that won't last long.

Yejun freezes her legs, with Yuri teleporting behind her to put vines on her back too. But Y/N, she did nothing. Like the legs of the evil witch, she was stuck, trapped in her spot. "Hana!"

But she takes too long to react, as Hyeon breaks through the spells. When a spell is used by a witch on another witch, the effect doesn't last as long. Of course, not until you turn them mortal.

"Ah, so my sister isn't so powerful after all," Hyeon snickers, as Y/N wakes up from her daydream. "You knew?"

"I could sense the power from you Hana... Dark magic is within you," She tells her, getting into Y/N's head. "No I'm normal, I'm a good witch."

"I said that at one point too, but look at me now. Cursed a country and with you, we could do so much more."

Y/N thought of the idea, thinking that acting to be on her side would work. But then again, Hyeon could take her powers too. Act now, and don't regret it later she thought, holding hands with the other four witches.

They all understood, as Hyeon got confused. She thought her little speech was enough to bring the ‘goodie goodie’ witch over to her side. But no. Y/N's character was too strong, designed for a different type of greatness.

"This is all a mistake!" She yells, her power reflecting on the twins as they get pushed to the opposite side of the cave. Without thinking, the three remaining witches started chanting, Y/N's eyes turning into a shade of red.

That red, was like the colour of the street lights, except in this case, that colour was telling her to keep going.

"To my sister thee, I remove your power during the witches hour. Strong to weak, your powers gone. For us to be free, replace your strength with mortality!" They repeat, chanting the same spell over and over until luminescent lights are seen above them, drifting off to the moon.

The witch falls onto her back, staring longingly at her hands. The crystal circle is now broken.

She's now a mortal.

In her head she thinks that she's now nothing, too distracted to notice Yejun cutting off a lock of her hair. Respectfully of course.

"Let's make the potion and reverse the curse," Yejun rhymes unintentionally, as they start brewing the potion.

The Serorian flower is coloured in an almost rose gold colour, a peach with a little shimmer in the inner part of its petals. Meanwhile, Livorius weed is actually a sage green, the ingredients having its own aesthetic.

Of course the red blood was a really interesting thing to add to the mix, along with Zorip root and a simple dandelion.

Mixed together, was a somewhat pleasant smell, considering there was blood and all the sorts in it. The flowers fragrant smell hiding the other pungent ingredients. It creates a grey-pink colour, fitting a princesses bedroom.

"Let's do this," Yejun says, pouring the liquid on the ground as they all chant together, like a coven that wasn't ever split up.

For a moment, those clouds stay. Nothing seemed to have moved in the moment, nothing at all. It's like that potion had no effect, but although you couldn't see it in this moment, it doesn't mean it's pointless.

Seconds later, a glimpse of the sun is seen between the still thick grey splotches of paint, still attempting to keep the sun in hiding. But the sun's rays seemed to strong for the weakened clouds, as they were forced to move aside and let in the light.

Jimin and Hoseok seem to notice, joining the five women up at front of the cabin. "It worked, so simple but, still effective."

"Of course it would work, it did have Hyeon's wire-like hair in it after all," Yuri insults, letting out a laugh, a real one.

"So, what do you say, let's go to the town?" Y/N suggests.


"The skies... They're clear," A pregnant woman murmured, everyone's face so priceless. At first, it was the shock, but the realisation hit them like a pebble, no, not even. It struck like an epiphany.

"Isn't it only able to break if a witch breaks the curse?"

"Maybe they're not all so bad."

"Let's find the ones who broke the curse!"

Soon enough, the emperor stepped out of their quarters, holding a grand celebration. Food, food and more food filled the streets. Some danced and sung, while others were there for the show.

The witches thought, should they turn themselves in? Confess about what they did, in hope for a reward. Or would the royals be as cruel and lock them up too, burning them privately.

"I can't live with hiding anymore," Yuri admits. She votes to meet with the Emperor. Everybody agrees, especially Hana.

So, like they planned, they sort of...

Entered the estate in a more magical manner.

The emperor stands up, his beard as long as Rapunzel's hair itself. Well, maybe not, but close enough.

"Who are you-"

"We're the witches who broke the curse," Yejun asserts. They crouch to go bow to the king. They earned his respect, and a chance to hear out their story.

"You defeated Hyeon?" He questions, ushering for them to stop bowing. The women looked at Y/N, to explain. "Well it's quite a long story I-"

"Explain," The emperor orders,

Obeying, she starts. "Well, I didn't know I was a witch, things happened and I found out. I escaped your cell and-"

"Ah, so you're the witch that escaped? Is that so? May I ask how?"

"I had some friends, but that doesn't matter. I met these witches, they taught me and well, we defeated her..."

She continued going over all the details, again and again. The poor senior emperor had a few troubles understanding a couple details, and couldn't process she's the one who escaped their 'top security' team.

Y/N thought that they needed a new set of guards, but then again, they wouldn't need to handle witches again, would they? Not in a bad way, of course.

After the lengthy chat, the emperor held a meeting with all the town's residents for witches to live alongside one another with mortals. Yejun informed that there were other creatures who hide in the forest, and if anything is found, they must report to her.

The witches were offered a position in the estate, a whole block of land just for them. The free residence was appealing to them, so they took the offer and moved.

Although the woods was a nice place to be, growing up alongside others besides their coven was something they got used to, getting a chance to return to the village was a splendid idea to them.

But what was weird for Jimin, Hoseok and Y/N was, they haven't moved stories yet. It's already been a couple days since the great defeat of Hyeon, yet they're still there.

"I'm worried," Hoseok mutters with all honesty, walking around one of the rooms quarters. They've grown quite close in the past month that them, and the four witches decided to all live in one place until someone marries.

Yuri grown an interest into Jimin, but he immediately rejected her at the first sign of attraction. Yuri, heartbroken hadn't talked to him since.

He felt immense guilt, but he found the fact that falling in love with his own character was wrong, and the fact he wouldn't see her again was even more heart wrenching.

Y/N noticed but brushed it off, giving Yuri some advice that Jimin isn't exactly worth it. But it was probably the twinge of jealousy lingering in her mind speaking, rather than her actually giving solid advice.

Well, this is how the conversation went.

"For the record, Jimin is a short ignorant brat, trust me. Cute? Yeah, he is but the inside? He can be courageous, but unless you get jealous with him talking to others, women or men he isn't the one."


"Ah, not to mention his cooking skills. Although in this age and time women do that normally, I believe basic skills of the such should be a necessity for even a man to know."

"I understand and-"

It's clear on how that conversation went.

Meanwhile, Hoseok has been depressingly sitting in his room. The sun became a cloud for a while, feeling quite futile. He likes doing something, but the thought that he wasn't really able to help really took an effect on him.

Jimin and Y/N comforted him, Y/N arguing that all the pep talks he gave her was the reason she made it through. And it was true. Without his kind encouraging words, Y/N would've been in the same state he was in.

But nevertheless, they just went on through the day thinking why they haven't moved on. Like a train, those thoughts went through the same cycle and ran through again and again.

"Ah, I don't know why we're still here. I know I wrote the ending, and I assume we have to go through it. But I don't remember the ending so I honestly don't know," Jimin mutters, as a few eyes turn to look at Y/N.

After the witches who lifted the curse were revealed, their faces was practically etched in to the civilians minds. So every now and then, some ask for autographs or to 'bless' them with their powers. Goes to show mortals aren't really educated in the witchcraft department.

'Give me your powers' was a popular thing the old men and women would say, thinking it would give them youth and things of the sort. Some took a different approach, asking if they could share such a gift.

Although some are still on the fact that witches can't live amongst humans, that belief is now dying off.

Grabbing some bread from the stand, Y/N offers to pay but the seller let's her off, giving it for free. "It's such well made bread, please, let me pay you."

"No, you saved this country. The least I could do was give you a mere loaf of bread," He insists, popping in an extra loaf and hands it over. Jimin happily takes the free food, already munching on the crust.

"Ah, I love this place but I really want to move. But the thought of being a woman who isn't royalty, but in this time still being respected is amazing. I love the feeling."

"I honestly hope we don't get into more of my stories. The rest are action stories from what I remember, mostly superhero. That's way too much physical damage for us, don't you think?" Jimin asks, chewing on the soft in the inside yet crispy outside bread.

"Sounds fun. If I get a no injury warranty that is," She responds, eating the other loaf too. Midway through the conversation, she notices an elderly woman directly approaching her, nothing in her hand except a small handkerchief.

"Well hello. Aren't you the witch who lifted the curse?" She asks, grinning. "Yes, I was one of them but I couldn't do it without the others."

"But you did most of the work, didn't you, darling?"

Furrowing her eyebrows, Y/N shakes her head. "No, not necessarily. I may have removed her powers but that's the only think I contributed to. The others did the rest of the hard work."

"And who's the fine man here?"

"I'm her best friend, and may all do respect ma'am, but what are you getting at here?" Jimin questions protectively, stepping forward a little. "Can I talk to her then, young sir? In private?" The woman asks, gesturing for him to wait in his spot.

"Only if you take me to a spot he can still see me. With all do respect, it's hard to trust anyone anymore," Y/N answers, as Jimin bids them to go.

The woman tugs her lightly, her grip softening the closer they get to the corner of a stand.

"Ah, dear do you have a boyfriend?" The woman asks. "I... Oh, yeah. I did, but haven't seen him for so long that I guess he gave up on me," She answers, remembering her character apparently was in a relationship.

"Is that so?" The woman says, moving slowly until she's behind the stand, out of Jimin's sight.

Weird... Y/N thinks, as she turns around to face the woman. "I was trying to contact your parents dear, your birth parents. But, it turns out they killed the other parents who raised you."


Y/N's POV:

Excuse me? Kill my parents?

I felt rage grow in me. I don't know why, I didn't even want to feel this way. I feel sympathy for characters but, not in this way. I don't normally feel the emotions so intensely like this.

But it was uncontrollable for me, the thought of someone's biological parents killing the ones who brought you up. The idea felt so wrong to me, so wrong.

Yet despite that, that rage grew larger. How? Why? I felt as if I wanted to kill them myself, as if the story wants me to follow the character plan. It's like Bluebeard, I don't have a choice besides feeling this, feeling like I want to tie them up as I cut deeply into their skin, watching them bleed out until they die.

No. Stop it Y/N. It doesn't matter if the world needs your character to think like that, stop.

Before I know it, that old woman becomes a young man. "Hana, it's me. Sungho, your boyfriend. I'm sorry I couldn't tell you sooner, I didn't realise you were a witch. But it's me...

I'm a warlock. One of the last remaining ones."

He smirks, gripping onto my wrist like a latch on a door. Getting into character, my eyes blink into a shade of red as the feeling of lust and desire grows within me.

Something was different about him, in my thoughts, he was so wrong but in the newly changed vengeful Moon Hana? All I felt was the need to slaughter her biological parents, with Sungho.

He wasn't normal. Not in the fact he was a man, but in the fact that his aura seemed deeper, darker. The flashback of Hyeon saying they share dark magic resonates in me, as I start connecting the dots.

I put on a devilish grin, looking up as I grab his waist uncontrollably. I get pulled into the forest, disappearing into a different room.

"So Hana, let's kill your biological parents together..."

I'm at a loss for words. The way he said it made it seem like a walk in the park. But Hana's changed attitude affects me, as I mumble a 'yes'.

"I've been trying so hard to find you. And now that I've discovered you're a witch, I know we'll be great together. I love you..." He says, all those words probably a lie in itself. I hear him quietly mumble a hex under his breath, as it makes me want to join him. I don't know, but he seems so alluring. Her, Hana, I feel all her desires for him.

Pulling me, his hands caressing me waist, his spell sinks in, taking affect as I almost have no authority over myself. All left of my control is what goes on in my mind, but physically, I can't do anything.

Love. That's not whatever this is. I feel Hana's emotions. I feel her concupiscence, and the lust lingering between them. Who knew my first kisses would turn out like this?

Like a magnet, I immediately move back to the wall, trying to regain that control but the spells too strong, my breath hitching up.

That desire doesn't waver, as it only grows more as we continue. He tucks a thin lock of dark hair behind my ear, gazing at me as if I was the only woman in the world. Anyone would be flattered by that if they didn't know it was a spell.

But I know it is. Fighting it doesn't do anything, so I give in, hoping it would end faster if I do so. I pull him in, as he tilts my chin upwards to look back at him in the eyes. I wanted to avoid that gaze of his, but I had no choice.

He leans in closer, as our lips finally meet, melting into his arms like ice. As if he's a fiery red flame, I get engulfed by that steaming embrace. The taste of his lips was admittedly addictive, almost feeling illegal, like a sin.

Lust is one of the seven sins I suppose, so that's probably why I feel this way. It feels so wrong in my view, but as someone under a spell, it felt like the only thing right to do.

He continues, as he lightly bites my lip. He pins my arms to the wall. His figure looms over me as he places kisses across my jawline, trailing down to the bottom of my neck.

Hovering on top of my lips, he rests his forehead on mine and momentarily closed my eyes. Moving ever so slightly, he goes next to my ear and whispers something else with a deep husky voice.

Pulling away, still locked in his embrace he runs his hands through my hair, removing the ribbon that tied it up.

After all the good she's done, this one warlock seemed to have gotten to her. The spell seemed advanced too, but maybe it's also because I was off guard.

I'm still not in control, as he asks...

"So my beloved Hana, join me in the Black Coven?"

As if his spell makes me feel drowsy, unable to disagree, I nod as once again he pulls me in for a kiss...


Word Count

➪ 3801 Words ☕︎

A/N: Wasn't that an interesting ending... The scene was particularly different to my typical writing but, thought a change would be fun?

The witch segment has no ended, and there is only 2-4 chapters left I think! We're almost at the end :)

love u xoxo


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