Chapter 34: Fairest

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'A first kiss after five months means more than a first kiss after five

- Steve Kluger


Hoseok's POV:

My heart pulsates as I realise we're in a different story, out of the useless character I once was.

Surrounding me was yet another forest, one filled with a different sort of tree. It branches out to the side, blocking out lots of sunlight.

There were only small patches of brightness seeping through the towering leaves, but still, more than enough to navigate through the forest.

Y/N's already awake as I stand, a large axe in hand. Snow White? And I'm the huntsman... Out of everything, I'm him. The man hired to kill an innocent girl.

She seems to know what story we're in too.

"So Hoseok, before you almost kill me, did you recollect any other memories?"

"Yeah, a lot. But there's one gap left, something. I don't know where, because it's only a short moment in time. But I just can't touch on it yet," I admit, dropping the axe behind me.

"I take it Jimin will take part as the Prince though, right?"

"Yeah. He probably will," I respond, as I tell her to leave the forest. Well more of, go deeper into it. "Hoseok... What if this is the last time I'll see you?" She asks, giving me a hug. Who knew Y/N could be such the softie?

"There's always a last time to see someone, but I just know this isn't our last okay? Come on, you're talking as if it's our last story together," I laugh, covering up the fact I'll probably recollect my memories soon, and disappear just like Taehyung did.

"I'm talking like that because we both know, if that the memories are our link, the reason you guys aren't leaving the place, if you get them back... You'll leave too."

"And for all we know, you could be returning to home. But how could we be sure, that you aren't going to a place that's worse?" She sobs, punching my chest. "Either way, it's not like I'm dying, okay Y/N? Cry about your boyfriend."

She doesn't appear annoyed. She only chuckles at the fact I still tease the both of them about their friendship. "Now stop sobbing and go. I'll figure out a way to get a heart of some other animal with my immaculate hunting skills."

"As if you could even kill one," She says, insulting me despite the fact it really could be the last time I see her for a while. "Now recover your memories and I'll see you back in Earth alright?"

I nod, pushing her to go South. I pick up the heavy axe, returning to what's meant to be the castle.

I peer back, to see her figure disappearing into the forest, her back starting to blend in as the shadows take over my sight.

Moving forward, I realise the memories I still haven't recollected were the recent ones. The memories I had before disappearing. The gap between now and that day is so big, I wonder what I've missed in the past couple months.

Stories and more stories, endless cycles of the same structure. The scenes are now super glued to my mind, as I have lived through basically all of them.

Even the not-so-popular ones, the ones that confused me the most. It was odd, the thought of not knowing the tale frightening me. But somehow, alone or not, I pushed through like a missile blowing up a double glazed window.

I spot a deer only a few metres away, as by reflex I throw the axe into its neck. Somehow, the impulse decision to do that paid off. I returned to the palace with its bloody heart, taking long strides by the path.

That blood dripped down onto my fingers, wishing my character worn some gloves. But I had no choice, as I heartlessly left the deer in the forest to get eaten. Or maybe, to even rot on its place as it awaits it's death. And that moment, probably already happened.

Entering, I navigate my way to the Queen's room, as she turns around. Her face meets my eyes, like two ends of a string, finally finding one another. Although, that isn't exactly particularly a good thing.

"Did you get it?"

With four words, somehow, for some reason, my last memory was returned to me.

Why did such a simple question trigger it...

I remember, our conversation that night. How Namjoon asked if I got the food in such a serious tone, he was famished from the lengthy ride. Until that light bursted in front of us, sucking us in like a straw and a smoothie.

Snapping out of it, I return to the Queen and inform her that I have her heart, handing it over as I leave the room. I hear her asking the mirror, 'who's the fairest of them all?'.

But in seconds, the doors widen once again as she orders for me to return.

This is the Disney version for sure, but I realised the huntsman fate was never really mentioned in the tale. Not to my recollection. So, I presume in this world, something does happen, something more minacious.

I feel myself get nauseous. Her face was speaking more than a whole thousand word essay. "This is not Snow White's heart."

A dagger-like glare pierces me, broken glass as eyes. Her lower lip hangs,  shall take yours."

She takes a dagger from her dresser, running the side of the blade across her finger smoothly.

It's reflective metal shines on me, taking the light from the outside on to my eyes. I get blinded, as her shoes sound like the hooves of a horse when galloping on hard floor. Like tap dancing with a steady beat.

"You dare disobey the Queen? For that betrayal, you shall die in vain," She continues saying dramatically, as in the inside I almost laugh. Laugh at how she thinks my death would make any difference.

I could run, but that didn't seem right.

Somehow, I felt myself thinning, as I looked at my hands to see that I could almost see through it. Maybe the thought of finally feeling the pain of death here was triggering me. Or maybe, I'll disappear like Taehyung did.

Soon, the serrated knife went through my body, stabbing me. I felt the tormenting pain torture my heart. I could feel it, as she put the knife further, twisting my insides like a Rubik's cube.

That pain, it was so intense. I couldn't bare it. I closed my eyes to see pure darkness. That darkness, it only made things worse. All I wanted was to open my eyes.

What was worse, I asked myself. The sight of seeing the one who's trying to kill me? Or the thought of plain nothingness, trapped and lost in a never-ending, infinite abyss.

I opened my eyes, as her wicked face was still left in front of me, as I continued to fade further and further away from reality. I was now translucent, stained glass in a church.

She was confused, but probably thought it wasn't exactly possible for a mere huntsman to have powers of the sort. So she continued.

But I eventually left the place and was sat once again, in a seat.

The white room, so we have met again.

The walls were hoary, the same thing as last time. Although, for once, it doesn't feel like a dream. It felt real. It feels real.

That drowsy feeling, I don't have it. Or at least, not in the same intensity as before.

Again, the tall man enters the room, the same needle in hand. All I can see is his eyes, as he wears some sort of suit an astronaut would wear.

His head is covered in the white plastic, like I were some disease he's protecting himself from. "I'm sorry for all that he's done. I'll fix it, I promise." He whispers, with a pitiful tone.

That voice was familiar, the same as the one I heard last time. I get injected, as I choose not to struggle assuming it would make it worse.

And at that, I go back to a more familiar place.


Y/N's POV:

I enter the deeper and unlit part of the forest, as the once beautiful branches reach out to not tickle my neck with its leaves; but instead asphyxiate me, deprive me of air until I die.

And if not lead me to death, it seemed to want to scare me. Intimidate me, until I go insane. Until I give up, falling to the floor and crashing like a faulty plane.

And that's what I was. No deers to help me up, and surely no birds to sing me a melodious song. Nothing. Pure nothingness once more.

I was bound to get up though, not that I had much of a choice. I just waiting for the apple to come to me, but first I'd have to find the dwarves.

I just realised though, for the past couple stories we weren't provided with a note. No clue, nothing to lead us through the tale. We were lucky to find that we knew them, but what if we didn't?

Would we have died? Or would it somehow be a positive outcome for us? A series of what-if's never cease to trail down from my mind. My heart only holds so much hope, and my mind only holds a limited amount of calculations and possibilities. Incapable to guess the infinite outcomes of this story, my story.

But nevertheless, I pick myself up like how I do with apples at the market, standing as I notice glowing eyes lurking in the shadows. Their eyes were shaded in an aureolin yellow, almost looking like a neon light in the middle of Seoul. Just like the night life.  But a thousand times creepier than the singular shattered lantern tucked in an abandoned alley.

Over time though, I walk and I walk until I meet an opening. "Ah, light! Finally! I really thought I was about to die, again. It's a trend now, and I started it. Dying from travelling into a different story, wow, so original."

Talking to myself has grown to be a normal thing to do, it seems.

And I continue.

So I walk and I walk, until my legs start to feel like they want to fall off. I swear, it feels so numb that if I casually chopped it off, I'd be fine. It's not like I want to walk again any time soon.

But there.

I found it.

In my sight was what I assumed to be the Dwarves humble abode. I'm not the tallest woman in the world, but unless I'm hallucinating, I'm almost as tall as the house itself.

Without knocking, I enter as I already feel the warmth engulf me like a wave from a tsunami. Dust circles around me, only visible from the light coming from the window. Nonetheless, I didn't complain.

And oh, was it a mess. I looked left and right to see a pair of socks, trousers and other nasty clothing. I imagine they were quite unkempt dwarves, but not this bad.

Oh have I underestimated them. It took an hour at least to tidy it up, as I slopped into their seven tiny beds. It was only large enough to carry me, even Jimin's short but his head would be hanging off if he were to sleep here.

In that case, I wonder how he's doing.


Jimin's POV:

"Your Highness, this is your favourite dish, the salad-"

"I'm sorry, Lemara?" I guess, trying to pronounce her name correctly. And sadly, I fail. Again. "Len-OH-ruh, Lenora Whittlestone sir," She corrects, as she puts the tray on the table.

This is why English class was always my weak point in school. Not until I moved of course, but compared to others I could've learned a lot faster. But I didn't.

"You cook well, very well Lenora. But my taste buds seemed to have changed, and I'd prefer to try the uh, Sorebraten?" I attempt pronouncing the German food, but again, me, Park Jimin fails at his pronunciation.

I think I need coffee, I'm so tired today. I barely did anything in the last story, and I've probably taken that energy over with me.

"Son, why are you trying the dish you specifically told her not to cook last week?" The King asks, in utter confusion. Reasonable reaction, think fast Park.

"I told you, my taste in food has changed and my mood too. People these days. It's different each time, depending on your mood!" I awkwardly vociferate. She runs to the kitchen to tell the chef's to cook the meal once again.

"Son, you're being particularly odd today?"

Ah, Taehyung must've rubbed off of me.
Odd guy.

"Odd? Father, I am not odd at all. I'm just uh, fairly happy today? I mean, today!"

He doesn't buy it. Can't blame him, I wouldn't believe myself too. "Seems to be quite forced, son. Is the thought of marrying giving you the jitters?" He asks, as I use this opportunity and nod.

"To be honest, yeah. The position of ruling the world-"

"Son, son. You're ruling the country, not the world. I suggest Snow White to be a good option, beautiful young girl," He says, digging into his food, popping a broccoli in his mouth.

Isn't Snow White like, fourteen? I know many wed at young ages back in the day but, fourteen? She might not even have experienced her uh, you know, 'time of the month' women call it?

I remember going on my browser once and one of the search suggestions was the ages of Disney characters, and I'm pretty sure it said Snow White is fourteen.

I am highly against that. At least I don't have to wake up the real character with the kiss, it would be awkward.

Really, really awkward. And just wrong in general.

In under half an hour, I'm served my Sauerbraten, an interesting what I recall to be a German dish. It tastes really good in all honesty, as I finish the plate faster than when it was delivered.

"Son are you sure you're alright? I doubt your taste buds could change in a week."

"Maybe they can, father. It's a miracle, isn't it? I'd like to have this tomorrow as well, it really is a uh, magnificent dish!"

No wonder Y/N insults me on my acting sometimes.

"But anyways, yeah! Maybe I should consider marrying Snow..."


Y/N's POV:

I've already met the dwarves, and they kindly let me stay of course. Obviously, I need the compensation for cleaning the filth. They thought the cleanup was sorcery or something, quite funny honestly.

We've agreed to chip in when cleaning. It's like talking to several seven year olds, still learning but so sweet. Actually, I think they're better than most of seven year olds.

Some time has passed now, as I await a woman to come through. The dwarves have already left to do their mining, while I'm at home sweeping the floors for them.

I swear, I wake up to see a new thick layer of dust every morning. It never ends. Side effects of living with them I guess.

I notice that there's rain, the opposite to yesterday's sunny weather. The transparent liquid drips down the clear window, leaving me to sit down waiting by the chair.

A light knock was heard from the door. Dashing to open it, I was prepared to eat the apple and basically drop dead for a moment.

"Ah, hello dear. Would you mind buying an apple?" She asks, her voice croaky as she holds up a plump, perfectly pigmented apple. I would buy it either way, if I knew of the story or not.

"I apologize but I don't have any money," I say, as she replies saying she doesn't mind, the comb in my hair doing a good trade. "Is that so? Well then, here."

I hand the comb over, as she hands the apple to me. I invite her inside, pulling one of the small chairs for her to sit on.

"Lovely thing isn't it? Nature giving apples like this. Even better when it has a twist," She mysteriously says, as she watches my lips. She couldn't have made it easier for someone to suspect her.

So, to please her senses I took a big bite, falling unconscious onto the ground.


Third Person's POV:

As she fell down, hitting her head harshly on the wooden floors, the Queen shrieked from happiness.

As for Y/N, she'd be in a deep slumber again until someone wakes her. Of course, that would be Jimin. Currently, he's still eating some of that German dish for the third time in a row.

He'll probably realise it's time to go soon.

Very soon.

Yeah, he's finally gotten out of the castle to go searching for her.

Took a while, right? Classic Jimin.

The Queen kept laughing, as she watches her lay down lifelessly. And that went on for a while. She was so happy about it that she wouldn't leave the sight.

Until the dwarves entered in shock, confused to see the now old looking Queen laughing at Snow. They chased her out, as she ran as fast as she could.

But she lead herself to a cliff. She shivered, starting to walk backwards like a mirror reflection, slowly nearing the cliffs edge. Until, the edge chipped off, causing her to fall, gripping onto a thin stick.

The dwarves watched her, as that branch slowly starting dipping down, ultimately making her fall to her death. Of course, the magic mirror noticed, making its own reaction back at the palace.

They returned to the cottage, only to see that Snow White is still under her deep slumber. Dopey specifically was the one who probably sobbed the most, crying the whole ocean for Snow White.

They encase her in a glass coffin, seeing her face perfectly like a painting. It was decorated with different flowers, from yellow jonquils to blush pink peonys.

They wanted for her to wake up so badly, but they were running out of hope like how you'd run out of supplies if you didn't go to buy any. That hope, it was slipping away as every second ticks past.

But they didn't know, Jimin was looking for her. In this case, the prince was as he was coincidentally passing through, noticing the princess was there in such a state.

"Y/N!" He yelled, forgetting to call her Snow, going to her side as he looked at her face. The dwarves didn't question it, seeming as if though he knew her.

Without wasting a moment he grabbed her hand, lightly kissing her soft skin.

Her eyes opened like a butterflies fluttering wings,

The spell breaking because of true loves first kiss.

But they didn't realise that the spell broke because of their characters love...

It was because in reality, each other was true loves kiss too...


Word Count

➪ 3206 Words ☕︎

A/N: oml I wrote this back in October last year, when I was evidently 30% worse in writing. I can see the flaws in this too and it's killing me. but we're nearing the end — thank you to anyone's who's still here. <3


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