[18] Yearbook

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"I slide my sixth grade yearbook out of my shelf

I flip through the pages and see my smiling self

tears spark beneath my eyes, oh how i miss this

beginning of middle school, having no worries in the world

I was happy despite the hardships of others, so young and naive

I didn't think I'd be looking back in all these years, shedding tears on my sleeve

because of how much I wish I could go back in time

in seventh grade I didn't think the moments I had

would be moments I'd want to relive

even last year, the year things went downhill

when I wasn't feeling my best, when the world did a tilt

I'm longing to have things be like they were back then

It's hard to explain, I mean my life isn't bad right now

It's just that things are changing all around, like wow

I guess i'll never be truly satisfied with the life I'm living

I'll always want it to be different, like the year i'm missing

and I bet next year, when I look back at now

I'll wish I was living a life just like this one."

[How things feel as I grow older]

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