Chapter 7

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That was the only thing Clay felt as he lifted Peril to safety. Clay didn't think it was because of his crush on her but genuine friend-concern not crush-concern. Clay set Peril down on the cliff as he went to land. Clay landed a few fox tails away from her. Clay turned around walked over to her. "Are you okay? I saw you overshoot the cliff and I-" Peril stopped him before he could finish. "Thank you Clay," she said. Clay froze as Peril continued,"if you hadn't saved me twice I would've died both times." Clay's expression grew confused so Peril explained,"The school blew up and now." Clay looked sheepishly down at his paws. "Yeah.... I guess you have a point... What would you have done without me? Heh heh." He didn't mean to sound nervous it just came out that way. Peril gave him a quizzical look and Clay recoiled. "W-well I'm going to go and h-hunt." Peril nodded. "Okay," she said. Clay sighed glad to be free from her company. I've never been nervous around her before... I wonder why... Clay walked into the forest, smelling the air. He'd never realised just how calming it was. It was extremely soothing. He continued to smell the air searching for a scent. Suddenly a young buck caught Clay's attention. He hadn't noticed Clay and Clay's wings folded against his back and he raced out of the shadows and gave the buck a fly-by swipe to the head causing the deer to fall unconscious, to which Clay finished it off. And he started toward the cave again.

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