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Next Day!


"Bella, you are early from the university, today?" Carmila asked as I kept my bag on the table and flopped on the chair.

"Yeah, I'm not feeling good today." I answered.

"Oh, what happened, dear. Should we go to the hospital?" Amber asked as she touches my forehead checking my temperature.

"No, Amber. I am good. It just, I feel tired." I answered and she nodded.

"Should I bring you coffee?" Carmila asked and I nodded.

"Please." I answered and she nodded walking away to bring my coffee.

"Why don't you go home and rest?" Amber asked.

"How can I, Amber? There is so much work to do in the store." I answered.

"I and Carmila will handle it, Sweety. Just go home and take rest." Amber said.

"No, it's alright. I will afterward." I replied and she shook her head.

"You will never listen to me. Will you?" Amber asked and I gave her a smile and shook my head in No getting a hit on my head from her.

"Ouch..." I said as I touch my head and she laughed.

"Here is your coffee." Carmila said.

"Thank you." I replied and took the mug from her.

"Is Kyle here today?" I asked.

"Yes, she is sleeping." Carmila answered.

"Oh, let her sleep." I said and she nodded.

I took a sip of my coffee and moaned with the taste.

"Mmm... It's yummy!" I said.

"Thank you." Carmila replied.

Just then, the bell rang, Indicating us there is a customer.

I was going to keep the coffee on the table to go and check on the customer When Amber stopped me.

"You have your coffee. I will look at the customer." Amber said and I nodded.

"So, how is the university?" Carmila asked.

"Not so good but not so bad too." I answered and She chuckled.

"Carmila, why don't you start studying, now?" I asked even though, I know her answer.

"Please, Bella. Not this topic again." Carmila answered.

"Carmila, I just don't want you to have any regrets in life." I said.

"Of course, I will not have, Bella. Kyle is my life. My daughter. I will not ever have any regret in which I make decisions for Kyle." Carmila replied.

"Carmila, just..." Amber cut me off in a mid-sentence and said.

"Bella, can you please go and check on this customer. He is not liking any bouquet which I show him. God! He is so irritating." Amber said.

"Yeah, Amber." I replied and she nodded. I got up from the chair and walked inside.

I saw a man who's back is facing me. He is talking on the phone. So, I waited for him until he ended the call.

"Sorry, Mis..." The man stopped in mid-sentence as he turned around and looked at me.

Jesus, He looks damn handsome. His muscles are popping out of his expensive suit and his perfect jawline makes him look hotter...

Seriously, Bella. What are you thinking? Snap out of it...

"Hello, Sir. I'm Bella. I am the owner of the store." I said with a polite smile.

He didn't reply anything and just stared at me. That makes me nervous.
"Umm... Hello, Sir." I stuttered.

Why the hell, I am stuttering?

"Yea... Yes." He replied.

"Sir is there any occasion. So, I can tell you which flowers suit for that occasion." I said.

"Yes, I want beautiful flowers for my Fianc..." He stopped in mid-sentence and I raised my eyebrows.

"I mean, it's for my Friend." He said.

"Okay, What type of flowers does she like?" I asked.

"When did I told you, the friend is a she?" He asked and I looked at him in his beautiful blue eyes.

"Um... Sir, I thought. Maybe..." He cut me off in a mid-sentence and said.

"It's Alright!" He said with his beautiful smile.

Aww... His smile is so cute.

Wait... What did I just say?

Bella, snap out of it.

"Yeah, Sir." I replied.

"Sir?" He asked and I raised my eyebrows at him.

"Don't you know me?" He asked.

What does he mean, don't you know me?

Why should I have to know him?

"Um... I don't know you, Sir. Who are you, Sir?" I asked.

"What? You really don't know me?" He asked and I frowned at him.

"No, Sir. I really don't... Should I have to know you?" I asked.

"No... You shouldn't have too." He answered with a big smile.

What the hell is his problem? Bipolar much.

"Sir, which types of flowers your friend likes the most?" I asked and he suddenly stopped smiling and became serious.

"Can you give me a bouquet of red roses?" He asked.

Who gives red roses to male friends?

Why do you care, Bella? He might be interested in guys! But, I can't believe this hot guy Is interested in a guy!

"Mom..." Kyle said rubbing her eyes with the back of her hand sleepily.

"Kyle." I replied and she walked towards me.

"Mom." Kyle said as she hugged my leg.

I took her in my arms and make her sleep on my shoulder making her sleep peacefully in my arms again and I turned to the customer. I saw him staring at me and Kyle.

"Sorry, Sir. I will hand over the fresh red rose bouquet to you now." I said and grabbed the red roses bouquet. I forwarded it to him but he just kept staring at me and Kyle.

"Excuse me, Sir. Here is the Bouquet." I said but his eyes never left us both.

"Excuse me?" I shouted a little and he looked at me. "Here is your bouquet."

"Yeah, thank you." He replied taking the Bouquet from me.

"Here." He said as he forwarded me his back shining credit card.

Surely, this guy is rich.

I took it from him and swiped it. I gave it back to him and said with a polite smile. "Thank you, Sir. Please visit again."

"Sure." He replied with a smile and turned around. But, suddenly turned around and asked.

"Is she your daughter?" He asked.

"Excuse me?" I asked with a frown.

"Is that Kid, your daughter?" He asked.

"It's none of your business, Sir." I answered and he looked shocked but covered it with a smirk.

"Sure." He replied with a smirk. He turned around and walked out of the store.

I walked to the backyard and sat on the chair.

"Oh, when did she woke up?" Carmila asked as she took Kyle from my arms and made her sleep on her lap.

"I was seeing the customer when she came to me." I answered and Carmila nodded.

"Did he took any bouquet?" Amber asked.

"Yes. He took red roses." I answered.

"What? Only Red roses?" Amber asked.

"Yes." I answered.

"But, that guy wants some unique and special flowers for his fiancee." Amber said.

"Fiancee?" I asked.

"Yes, he wants flowers for his fiancee." Amber answered.

"But, he said he wants flowers for his friend." I replied.

"Friend?" Amber asked.

"Yes, that too a guy friend." I answered.

"What? Who gives red roses to guy friends?" Carmila asked and I shrugged.

"I don't know. Maybe, he is interested in guys." I answered.

"But, he said fiancee?" Amber asked.

"I guess, you heard wrong Amber." Carmila answered.

"Might be." Amber replied.

"Guys, I'm leaving. Please take care of the store." I said.

"Yeah. We will. Go home and rest." Amber said and I nodded.

I grabbed my bag and walked out of the store. I got inside my car and drove off to my home.


I walked into my company and saw my PA salsa waiting for me in the lobby.

She walked towards me as soon as she saw me walked inside and said.

"Mr. Angelo, the meeting which we are going to have a few minutes ago was postponed to tomorrow morning." Salsa said as we walked towards the Elevator.

"Okay." I replied and we both got into the Elevator. She pressed the button of the 44th floor, which is also the top floor. We reached our floor and we both went to my office.

"Mr. Angelo, I have already kept the files on your table. You can have a look at them." Salsa said as I sat in the chair and nodded.

"And, Mr. Angelo. Our Directors want to have a meeting with you tomorrow early morning." Salsa said.

"Alright, schedule the meeting at 10 a.m." I replied checking my mails.

"Yes, Mr. Angelo." Salsa said writing it down on her notes.

"Should I add any other things in your tomorrow's schedule, Mr. Angelo?" Salsa asked.

"No." I answered and she nodded.

"You can go to your hotel now, Salsa. The company car will take you." I said.

"Yes, Mr. Angelo. Thank you." Salsa replied and turned around on her heel. She walked towards the door and opened it but stopped stepping out as I called her name.

"Salsa." I called.

"Yes, Mr. Angelo?" Salsa asked as she turned towards me.

"Am I not enough famous in New York?" I asked.

"No, Mr. Angelo. You are famous in the whole world. You are the top 5 famous people in the world." Salsa answered.

"Okay, you can go now." I replied and she nodded her head.

"Good evening, Mr. Angelo." Salsa said.

"Good evening." I replied and she walked out of the office closing the door behind her.

"Then, why she didn't recognise me then?" I asked myself.

"Is she acting like she doesn't know me or did she really don't know me but why will she act?" I asked myself again.

'But, she is so beautiful.' My subconscious said.

"Yes, she is so beautiful." I replied unknowingly with a smile.

'Man, don't forget you have a fiancee.' My brain screamed and that smile dropped off from my lips.

"How can I think about another girl when I have a fiancee?" I asked myself.

'Maybe you have a crush on this girl.' My heart answered.

"No, I can't like any girl other than my fiancee." I said to myself getting up from my chair.

I took out the diamond earrings box from my suit and opened it. I looked at them and said. "I should give this to Faith. She will be happy." I kept the box in my suit and closed my laptop. I walked out of the office and to the lobby to the out of the company where my car is waiting for me at the driveway.

I got into my car. I looked at the red roses bouquet, which I bought from the florist store.

"Why did I lie to her?" I asked myself but I didn't get any answer from my heart or from my brain.

There is a feeling in my heart. Which I don't know what it is? But, It started feeling heavy from the second I saw her and I don't know why?

I sighed and started the engine and hit the busy roads of New York.

I stopped in front of the house and grabbed the flowers. I opened my car door and got out. I walked towards the door and pressed the bell button.

"OMG." Faith yelled with a shocked and surprised face as soon as she opened the door.

"Hey, Baby." I said with a smile.

"Alonzo." Faith replied and hugged me tightly while I hugged her back.

"How are you?" I asked.

"Good." Faith answered and I kissed her forehead making her smile.

"How about you?" Faith asked.

"Good." I answered as I forwarded the bouquet to her.

"These are beautiful, thank you." Faith said as she smelled the flowers.

"Your welcome, baby." I replied and she peaked my lips.

"Yeah, but will you not invite your fiancee inside?" I asked with a pout  and she chuckled inviting me inside.

"Oh, come on in." Faith said and I nodded. We both walked inside and I sat on the couch.

"I will bring you something to drink." Faith said.

"No. I want to shower first." I replied.

"Then go and shower. I will reheat dinner. You know, where are your clothes are?" Faith asked.

"Yes." I answered with a small smile and got up from the couch.

I walked upstairs. I opened Faith's bedroom door and walked inside. I saw her files and law books scattered on her bed.

I shook my head at this messy room and walked inside the restroom. I got under the shower and cleaned myself.

After the shower, I wrapped the towel around my waist and took another towel. I kept it around my neck and walked out of the restroom.

I saw Faith keeping her books and files on the table and making the bed neat.

"Ahh! I missed this view so much." Faith said as she walked towards me.

"Oh, really?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around her.

"Yes." Faith answered with a smile as she started rubbing my head with the towel.

"Then, if u want you can have a full view tonight." I replied with a smirk and she blushed.

"Wear something and come downstairs. I will serve dinner." Faith said with a blush and I nodded with a smirk.

She walked out of the room closing the door behind her and I walked inside her walk-in-closet. I took out my sweats and wore it. I grabbed my phone and walked downstairs.

I saw Faith serving the dinner for us on the dining table. I walked towards her and wrapped my arms around her waist. I buried my face in her neck and said. "You smell wonderful." She wrapped her arm around my neck.

"Thank you. I used the new body wash." Faith replied. I looked at her and she laughed.

"Sorry. Just kidding. Now, sit down and have your dinner." Faith said with a smile.

"Don't we have any dessert?" I asked.

"We have. I will bring it for you." Faith answered and tried to remove my arms from her.

"No, I don't want that dessert." I replied with a smirk and she smiled.

"For that, you first need to have dinner." Faith said as she wrapped her arms around my torso.

"No." I said and was going to kiss her when my phone rang...

"Shit... Why did I bring my phone downstairs?" I asked and she chuckled.

"Answer it. It might be important." Faith said as tried to remove her arms from me but I didn't let her.

"Wait." I said and she sighed.

I took out my phone from my sweats and looked at the caller I'd.

"It's mom." I said and moved away from her.

"Ciao, Mamma." I said on the phone as soon as I answered the call.

(Tra:- Hello, Mom:)

"Ciao figliolo Come stai? Sei atterrato in sicurezza?" Mom asked.

(Tra:- Hello, Son. How are you? Did you land safely?)

"Yes, Mamma. Don't worry and I'm good." I answered on the phone.

"Yeah. Have you had your dinner?" Mom asked.

"Yeah, I was going to have with Faith." I answered.

"Oh, did I disturbed you guys?" Mom asked.

"No, Mamma." I answered.

"Ok, have dinner and go to bed early." Mom said.

"Yeah, Mom." I replied.

"Goodnight." Mom said.

"Goodnight." I replied and ended the call.

Faith came back from the kitchen and sat beside me.

"Let's have dinner now." Faith said and we started having our dinner.

"Why didn't you tell me you are coming to New York?" Faith asked.

"I wanted to surprise you." I answered and she nodded with a smile.

We had our dinner and went upstairs to her room. We climbed on the bed and wrapped in each other arms scrolling through the channels on the tv.

"I guess, I'm not doing any work tonight." Faith said as she kept her head on my shoulder and I wrapped my arm around her waist.

"Let's watch something." I said and she nodded.

We were watching TV when I feel Faith's hands on my chest.

I looked at her and saw her looking at me already.

She bought her head close to me and pressed her lips on me. I gave her access by opening my lips. I pressed her to bed and got on top of her and deepened the kiss...

We kissed until we are out of breath and I pressed my forehead onto hers.

"Make love to me, Alonzo." Faith said with her heavy breath.

"With pleasure." I said with a smirk and I started removing her clothes
and she does the same with mine.

And one thing leads to another...

But, I really didn't felt anything for Faith from my heart.

It just Sex for me... Not Love...

So, guys.

I hope you enjoy the chapter...

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See ya in the next chapter🙋🏻‍♀️🙋🏻‍♀️👋🏻

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