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  "Ahh! My head." I said as I touch my head.

  "It's paining a lot." I said as I got up from the bed.

  I grabbed a headache pill and gulp down the throat and laid down on my bed.

I slowly grabbed my phone and dialled Daniel.

  "Hey, Beautiful." Daniel said as soon as he answered the call.

   "Daniel." I said on the phone.

  "Beautiful, you okay? What happened?" Daniel asked with a worried voice.

  "No, nothing happened to me." I said.

"Then, why are you talking like that?" Daniel asked.

"Umm... I have a little headache." I said.

  "Should I come to your house?" Daniel asked.

  "No, you should go to University." I said on the phone.

  "But..." I cut off Daniel in mid-sentence.

  "Just go to University and note down everything that happened in class and come to the store. I'm not coming to University today." I said.

  "Okay. But, be careful. Did you take any pill?" Daniel asked.

  "Yeah, I did." I said.

  "Okay, take rest." Daniel said.

  "Yeah, See you." I said.

  "See you." Said Daniel.

  I kept my phone on the bedside table and slept for some more minutes and I don't for how long I slept...

 I opened my eyes with a phone ring...

  I grabbed my phone and saw Amber's name on the screen.

  I slowly got up from the bed and took the support of my headboard and answered the call.

  "Hello." I said on the phone.

  "Bella, did I disturb your classes?" Amber asked on the phone.

  "No, Amber. Tell me." I said.

  "There is a person, who wants to work with you. They want you to work as event management for their upcoming party." Amber said.

  "What?" I asked.

  "Yes, The party is going to be a high class." Amber said.

    "Amber, I still didn't complete my graduation. And how come they got to know me?" I asked.

  "They got to know about you from your University as you wanted to start an event management business." Amber said.

  "But, Amber..." Amber cut me off in a mid-sentence.

  "Bella, please come to the store now." Amber said.

  "But..." I tried to talk.

  "Bella, it's an awesome opportunity to start the business. Why don't you understand?" Amber asked.

  "Okay, fine. I will be at the store in 30 minutes." I said.

  "Okay." Amber said.

  I slowly got up from the bed and went to the restroom and showered.

  After showing, I wore a robe and dried my hair with the hairdryer and applied the moisturizer on my body and came out of the restroom and walked towards my closet, and opened it.

   I grabbed a pair of blue jeans and a white shirt and wore it.

  I did my hair and a little makeup and grabbed my bag and walked downstairs.

  I went to the kitchen and make a coffee for myself and had the coffee and grabbed my car keys and locked my door and got into my car.

   I drove to the Florist store and got out of the car and saw there is an expensive Ferrari car parked in front of my store.

   I walked inside and saw no one in the store.

  "Bella." Carmila called and I turned back.

  "The one who Amber told you is in the backyard." Carmila said and I nodded.

  I walked to the backyard and saw Amber talking with a girl, whose back is facing me.

  "Here she is." Amber said and the girl turned back and smiled at me got up from her chair and I smiled back at her.

  She came towards me and said.

  "Hello, Bella. I am Faith." Faith said as she forwarded her and for a shake

She is so beautiful and wore an expensive suit which shows her perfect curves and a little makeup. I guess, she will look more beautiful if she doesn't wear any makeup.

   "Hello, Faith." I said with a small smile.

"Please have a seat." I said and she nodded with a smile and we sat on the chairs.

   "You want anything?" I asked Faith.

  "No, it's okay. Thank you." Faith said with a smile.

"Umm... So?" I asked.

"Yeah, I'm the CEO of Lawis, the law firm. We are hosting a party of 50th anniversary of our law firm and I want you to be our event manager." Faith said.

  "But, Faith. I didn't even graduate from my university." I said.

  "No problem, Bella. You can do the business without a degree too." Faith said.

  "But, I don't have any experience and you are telling me it's the company's 50th anniversary. Don't you think, I will mess it up?" I asked Faith and she chuckled.

  "I'm an Advocate. Without doing a background check I would never trust anyone. I personally got to know you from someone and I really got a good impression on you from them." Faith said.

  "Thank you for your words. But, can you tell me, who they are?" I asked politely.

  "Well, I can't Bella. They don't want you to know who they are!" Faith said.

   "Then, I'm sorry. I don't want to work with you." I said.

  "But, why?" Faith asked.

  "I really don't have any problem if you did my background check or not but I want people to trust me. But not by someone who told you to trust me." I said politely.

  "I don't mean to offend you. But, they really don't want to come in front and I did the background check because It's my way of trusting people." Faith said.

   "Yeah, I can understand. But, I'm sorry. I can't host your party." I said.

  "Bella..." Amber tried to talk.

   "I do not want you guys to talk in this." I said sternly.

  "Bella, look. This will be your first life-changing decision. This party will change your life and make you reach your dream within no time." Faith said.

  "I am confident that I can run my business with my hard work. And I work hard until I reach my dreams. I don't want any help or anyone's help." I said politely.

  "But..." She tried to say something but her phone rang...

  "Excuse me." Faith said and I nodded with a small smile and she got up from the chair and walked to the garden.

  "Bella, try to understand. Don't do..." I cut off Amber in mid-sentence.

"I already told you to not get involved, Amber." I said and she signed.

Faith came back after talking with someone on her mobile.

  "I am sorry, I need to leave. But, think about the offer. And this is my business card. There is my personal number in that. You can call me anytime if you want to accept the offer." Faith said as she forwarded her business card to Amber and she took it from Faith with a smile.

   "See you soon, Bella." Faith said.

  "Yeah." I said with a small smile and grabbed her bag and walked out of the store.

  "I should go now." I said and got up from the chair.

  "Bella." Carmila called.

  "Please, think about it. It's a nice opportunity to start your dream business." Carmila said and I signed and walked out of the store not before grabbing a bouquet from the store.

  I got into my car and started the engine and started driving.

  I stopped my car in front of the graveyard.

  I grabbed the bouquet and got out of the car and walked inside the graveyard.

   I stood in front of my mom and dad's grave and kneeled down and put the bouquet on them.

   "Hello, Dad and Mom. I hope you are doing well up there and don't worry. I doing well here." I said as a tear fall down from my eye.

  I wiped it but more tears fall down from my eyes.

  "I miss you both." I said and cried by keeping my head on the grave.

  "It's so hard... Really so hard for me." I said and cried more.

   Suddenly, someone touched my shoulder and I turned my head to see Daniel.

  He kneeled down beside me and wiped my tears.

  "Don't cry." Daniel said and I hugged him tightly.

  "I miss them... I miss them so much." I said while sobbing in his arms.

  "Shh... Stop crying now." Daniel said as he soothed me.

  "It's so hard for me to be alone." I said by sobbing in his arms.

  "Why did they leave me, Daniel?" I asked him by sobbing more in his arms.

  "Bella, stop crying now." Daniel said as he wiped my tears.

  "Daniel, Dad. Why did dad leave me?" I asked in tears.

  "I want my Dad back, Daniel." I said and he hugged me more tightly and kissed my forehead.

  "Stop crying now. Shhh..." Daniel said and made me stand on my feet.

  He grabbed me by my shoulders and took me out of the graveyard.

Daniel gave my car keys to his driver and made me sit in his car in the passenger seat and he got into the driver seat and started the engine and started driving.

   I kept my head on the glass window and closed my eyes.

  Dad, I promise you. I will not leave the person who is the reason for your death.

  We stopped in front of some mall and I looked at Daniel.

  "Get out of the car." Daniel said.

  "Why are we here?" I asked.

  "Just get out." Daniel said and I signed and got out of the car and he also got out of the car and we both walked inside the mall.

  "What are we doing here, Daniel?" I asked.

  He grabbed my hand and took me to the top floor and that is Arcade.

"Seriously?" I asked.

  "Yes." He said with a big smile.

"Come on now." Daniel said and we started playing the games in Arcade.

  He knows me so well. And I'm glad he is with me now. I don't know what will happen if he is not with me.

  "Thank you for bringing my mood back, Daniel." I said as soon as we came out of the Arcade.

  "It's okay, Beautiful." Daniel said and I smiled.

  "I am so hungry. Let's eat something." Daniel said and I nodded.

  "I am hungry too. I didn't have my breakfast nor lunch." I said and Daniel looked at me angrily.

  "How many times I told you to not skip your breakfast and lunch?" Daniel asked.

  "Sorry, I was in a hurry." I said.

  "Hurry for what?" Daniel asked.

  "I will tell you. But, let's go to the food court first." I said and he groaned.

  We went to the food court and order our food and sat in our chairs.

  "So, How is your headache?" Daniel asked.

  "Good." I said and he nodded.

  "Now, tell me. What are you hurry for?" Daniel asked.

  "You know, Lawis the law firm?" I asked Daniel and he looked shocked.

  "Why are you asking me this?" Daniel asked.

  "Your father also owns a law firm, right? I thought you know about this firm?" I asked.

  "Yeah, I know. What about it?" Daniel asked.

  "That firm's CEO came to the store today. She wants me to host the 50th anniversary of the firm as an Event manager." I said.

  "That's great. What did you say?" Daniel asked.

  "I rejected her offer." I said.

  "What? Why?" Daniel asked.

  "Daniel, she did a background check on me and it's okay I don't mind it. But, she trusted on me by someone words and she is not even telling who is that!" I said.

  "No, she didn't do a background check on you." Daniel said.

  "Yes, Daniel. She told me that she can't trust anyone without doing a background check." I said.

   "Why she would do that?" Asked Daniel.

  "I don't know but that's not the point here." I said.

  "Whatever it may be, you should not just decline the offer. You will reach your dreams with this offer, Bella." Daniel said.

  "Yes, Daniel. I know, I can't trust someone who trust on me by someone words." I said and he signed.

  "Bella, listen to me. This is a nice opportunity to show your talent. It's a lifetime opportunity. Please accept it." Daniel asked.

  "Daniel, I can't..." Daniel cut me off in a mid-sentence.

  "Accept the offer, Bella." Daniel said.

  "Daniel..." He again cut me off in a mid-sentence.

  "Yes or no?" Daniel asked.

  "Umm... Yes." I said and he smiled and he got up from the chair.

  "Thank you." Daniel said.

  "But, she is a CEO. She will not wait for me. I guess, she already found some other event manager to host her party." I said.

  "You just wait Bella. Everything will be alright." Daniel said and I raised my brows at him.

  "Please." Daniel said.

  "Okay, but what is your law firm name? Whenever I ask you about your law firm? You just change the topic?" I asked and he looked uncomfortable.

"I have a phone call to make." Daniel said and got up from the chair and walked away before even I ask more.

   Our order number called and I got up from the chair and walked towards the counter but suddenly, I bump into Someone.

  "I am so sorry." I said as I looked at him.

  "Hey, Bella. You remember me. Yesterday I was at your store." Said the Man.

  "Oh, Yes. I remember you and I am so sorry, Sir. I spilled your coffee totally on your suit." I said as I looked at his expensive stained suit, which is now covered with coffee.

  "Hey, it's okay." Said the Man.

  "No, it's not. The suit looks expensive. I'm really sorry." I said.

  "Tell me, how much it is? I will try to pay you back." I said.

  "No, it's okay. You don't have to pay for the suit but you can do something else for me." Said the man.

  "What the hell? I am not that category girl." I said.

  "Hey, I don't mean like that. I just want you to go for a coffee with me." Said the man.

  "Oh..." I said.

   "Yeah, I hope you accept it?" Asked the man.

  "Umm... Yeah." I said.

  "Okay, can you please note down your number on my phone? I will fix the time tomorrow and will send you the msg." Said the man by forwarding the phone to me.

   I thought for a while before taking the phone.

  "Hey, don't worry. You are safe with me." Said the Man.

  Yeah, I know. You are interested in guys. So, what is there to fear.

  "Yeah." I said and took the phone and entered my phone number on his mobile and gave it back to him.

  "Thank you, Bella. By the way, I'm Alonzo." Said the Man by forwarding his hand to me and we shook hands.

A chill ran down my spine as our hands touch. My hand fit correctly in his big hands and god his smile. Damn, it's so beautiful.

   Get a grip on your self Bella...

   We released our hands and he smiled at me.

  "I'm sorry. I am in a hurry. See you tomorrow." Said Alonzo.

  "Yeah, See you tomorrow." I said and he walked away from me.

  I took our orders and sat on the table and soon Daniel returned back and we had our food and went back to the store.

So, my lovely readers.

   I hope you enjoy the chapter🥰🥰

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