A Reunion/Memory

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It was numb...

It was cold...

It was...calm

Pebbles and debris the prison wall fell down on Aadiv's face, as he struggled to wake up. He caught of glimpse of the sky, it was yellow instead of blue, like back on Earth. And the ground, despite the fact that he is numb, is feeling a bit...rocky.

"What just happened?"

Aadiv spoke out to himself in a quiet tone. He than looked up, and see some bits and pieces of the debit falling. As he looked up, and began to recall what has happened to him.

Aadiv had no idea what has happened. While he was captured by Komand'r, he was so afraid why she'll do to him. But as she left, Aadiv began to feel something from within him. He felt it before. It was RAGE. Unlike any he has ever felt in his life. But unlike the previous times, he his conscious and this time, he now aware of what had just happened. When he got felt that feeling, he began to pound himself in the prison door, and try to break through. It was, in a way, painful. But after a little bit, he was able to bust out, and the rage thing didn't end, until upon impact with the ground below him.

"Oh right, I remember. I got captured by Komand'r, who than tried to force herself on me. Than when she left, I somehow got angry, and I busted my way out. How did I even get this angry enough to bust out of the terrifying prison?"

Aadiv than tried to stand up, but he feels like his body has shut down, and now, he can't move. His eyelids felt heavy, as he feels his consciousness fail him.

"Come on, not now."

Aadiv still tries to stay awake, but the feeling of adrenaline is gone. Aadiv's eyes continue to close, until, he is simply knocked out cold.


A decade ago, it was at a different house. It was somewhat very wide, and could fit about 6 people inside of the house. The backyard is very beautiful, as it has a bunch of pretty flowers, such as roses, lilies, dandelions, and tulips.

At the backyard, sitting on the porch, there are 2 people. One was a adult female with blonde hair, and has lush green eyes. She is wearing a white and blue dress with green horizontal lines, and has a ponytail. There is a little child sitting on her lap. It was a 6 year old male boy, who has black hair, and possesses the same green eyes as the female.

This is Aadiv as he was in the past, and is sitting on the lap of non-other, than his very own mother, Maria Eisold, now her surname called, Love.

It was now nighttime, as both mother and son look up to see the star. The shining balls of energy are glowing brightly above, as they are like trying to make a signal of how much they are glad that they are seeing some people.

Maria points her finger at the sky, as she spoke out.

"See there, sweetheart? Do you see the big star twinkling?"

Her voice is like a snowy wind, but it blows very gently, and ice that comforts people. Ascot was very excited, as she spoke out.

"I do, Mommy. I can see it!!"

Aadiv hops a bit on his mother's lap, making Maria giggle at her son's reaction. Even to this day, he is as energetic as his brightest would be in the air. To Maria, Aadiv is the fire that gives out the ability to feel love. The star that will shine her room to gift happiness.

Unlike the Aadiv in present day, the Aadiv in the past is very excited and is a little hyperactive boy. He gets excited by something that is shown to him, anything that is new to him. Maria is happy that her own son is happy.

After a little bit, Aadiv spoke out.

"Um, Mommy..."

Maria looked down at Aadiv, who has a curious expression present.

"What is it, sweetie?"

Aadiv looked a bit nervous, before he spoke out to her.

"I've been wondering, would I ever have a friend who is in space?"

Maria looked at her child, before she smiled sweetly, as she spoke out her answer.

"You may, you may not. But if you do have a friend that can be from space, do not let go of that supposed friendship. The friendship that you could have with that person is very precious for you, Sweetie."

Aadiv looked up at his mother, and spoke, as stars are literally in his eyes.


His mother looks down at him, and spoke out.

"Of course you will...my darling star. After all..."

Aadiv looks back up at the sky, and they all saw the stars and the constellations together.

"There can be a bright future ahead of you, if you can believe it. The only way for you to take it, is to have faith in the dream that you have, and to put all your effort, all your to gift ourself your desire. You aren't gifted by other people, my child. You are gifted by yourself and may have a gift than not even me and your daddy could have. But even after all of that, you will always be the son that me and your daddy will love, regardless of how much you surpass us. And no matter what, we'd be proud of you, for the man that you may soon become."

Aadiv looks at his mother with his brightest smile, and tears in his eyes present, and hugged his mother. His mother hugged back, as they both share this nice and cherishing moment together. And it was a moment that Aadiv, no matter how long it is...could never forget it.

But as he hugs his mother, he felt a sense of warmth that he never thought he felt. And just wish that he can hold onto it longer. He sadly...it had to come to an utterly dumb end, when his father called them, Noah Love.

"Maria, Son! It's time to go to sleep!"

Maria smiled, as Aadiv began to go into a peaceful sleep. She than hugged him tightly, as she stood up, and began to walk to Aafiv's bedroom to put him in bed. She kissed her son in the head, as Aadiv opened his eyes.

Flashback ended... now in an unknown place...

Aadiv has no idea where he is...but as he began to raise himself up...he is somewhere in a place he wasn't supposed to be in. It resembles his house, but it is completely black and abandoned...like no one has been there in so many years. He looked, and saw that he was in his bed, which is black and all torn up with holes.

Aadiv than stood up from the bed, and than starts to walk around the inside of the house itself. There was no one home, and yet...every time he walks around...he always feels a chill coming down his spine. It was due to a strange feeling that he has right now. He wandered...what it was. It was like a rage was surging through his body...but he has no idea where it's coming from. He than goes out of the house...the way the town near Seattle looks like...it looks so...damaged. Damaged to the point that...it resembles like the world has ended. And most strange thing...he sees mist around him. The mist is unlike anything he's ever seen. It was much darker than darkest dog from the real world. But Aadiv, while he is very scared of what he is inside of right now, decided to go and check the place he is inside of right now.

As he looked around...he noticed that the entire area is empty. There is no people around the place to talk to. There is literally no one present in the place that he is in.

As he looked around...he noticed a car had crashed into a building...and in it, a familiar form of blonde hair is shown sticking out, with blood on the tips of the hair. Aadiv shutters at it, as if he is trying to deny a living memory.

He than continues to look around, and than...he is suddenly trailed to a familiar park. The park with a crater that Koriand'r had made, when she first landed in his planet.

But as he looked down, he heads a voice call out to him.

"Do you finally see it now...Aadiv?"

Aadiv looked up, and looked in front of him, and it was coming from the mist in front of him.

He had seen what the mist is like. When he was surrounded by the mist, he always felt that sudden feeling that was around him now. He always felt a fear in the dark, and has always felt alone. But that wasn't scary. When he looked at what is in front of him...the voice he heard from his vision was something otherworldly. It was like his own, but it sounded like a shrill of violent winds coming to wreak havoc, and pierced his mind like it was nothing. But that still wasn't scary. What was really scary...is what's behind the fog itself.

Coming from the mist, he sees a shadow...as shadow that he feels is made up of a otherworldly rage. A rage so black, bleak, cold, uncaring. And yet, it is very present, not masking the immense hate it feels with a false feeling, as well as a frightening endless darkness, an endless nightmare, the pure, utter, endless lustful vengeance that is being emitted from it. He has no idea why he feels to much hare from this thing...but he does know that it is not good. He stood up, and began to step back, but the entity began to spoke out.

"Do not worry...Aadiv. I'm not here to hurt. You may have felt so much negativity from me...but I am here to help."

But Aadiv, not sure if that is the case, than spoke out to the entity.

"H-how can I believe you? For all I know, you must might be here to kill-"

But as he spoke, suddenly, the ground behind him cracked, and he began to tries to keep himself from falling."


But he failed, and began to fall down into the deep shadowy abyss below him.


But as he fell, the entity spoke out to him again.

"We will meet again..."

Back into reality,..

Suddenly, back in the present, even more small pebbles and debris of the wall fell down, and Aadiv became awake. He looks up, and instantly closed his eye, when one of the pieces of debris hits him in the eye.


The feeling of small pebbles fell down from the sky, as Aadiv began to open his eyes. For a second, he sees a blinding light, as if the sun is close to his very being. But when he opened his eyes again, he sees that, he's on ground. He looked at himself, and saw that, the wall behind him is shattered, leaving him with the chains now snapped, but still on his wrist. The chains on him are now snapped to 3 feet, and it would make it very hard for him to not trying over the chains themselves.

He than tried to stand up, this time, successful. The shackles clanged against each other, as he stood up, and looked at the surrounding area.

"Okay so...where am I?"

He than began to stand up, and began to look around the surrounding area. It was a bit of a combination between something rocky, and something soft as soil. But as he looked, someone spoke to him. A familiar voice.

"What the...Aadiv?"

Aadiv turns around, and sees his Tamaranean friends: Karras and Ryand'r

Aadiv looked for a bit, and nodded.

"What the...Ryand'r, Karras? Is that really the both of you?"

Ryand'r than flies and picks Aadiv up. He than puts him back down, out of the crater. After a minute of silence, Ryand'r spoke out."

"Aadiv...how did you get here?"

Aadiv sighed, and spoke out.

"Apparently, you sister, Komand'r seemed to have an obsession over me for just so she can have me all for herself. And, it was very, disturbing."

Ryand'r blinked in surprise, and spoke out.

"My oldest sister, Komand'r, obsesses for you?"

Aadiv nodded, and spoke out.

"Yeah. So she kidnapped me from my home and attempted to keep me on her ship for the rest of my life, all to have me for herself. But how I escaped...well...I actually have no real clue of how it had happened to me."

Karras than checked him to see that he is injured.

"Woah...you are unscathed by the fall, considering how fragile that you humans are."

Before he could began to ask what he meant, suddenly...


Aadiv looks up, with both Ryand'r and Karras looking up as well. Ryand'r couldn't believe who it was that's appeared.

It was Koriand'r, and she is coming down at full force, and overjoyed to see that Aadiv is still alive. So much that tears are coming down her beautiful face.

Koriand'r than tackles Aadiv, and lifts him up in the air. She than tightly hugged him, as she held Aadiv's close to her heart, and Aadiv doesn't fight back, and hugged her back. Koriand'r felt his pure, warm embrace from him once more. As she loosens the hug she wrapped Aadiv into, she spoke out.

"Oh X'hal!! I'm so happy that you're okay!! I'm sorry I ignored you, and I wasn't able to protect you!!

Aadiv smiled, as put a hand on her face, as he spoke out.

"It's okay, Kori. I'm not mad at you. In fact, you all coning for me...it's enough."

Kori, now even more happier, caressed his very cute and very delicate face, and kissed him, not wanting to let go of him for even a slightest moment. She tightened the grip that she had on him, as she kissed very, very deeply. She wants to keep on feeling those sweet innocent lips she's feeling on her own right now. She became so close into losing Aadiv, her true beloved. She lost one before, Franklin, and she isn't going to lose another lover. Not again.

Koriand'r had always felt something from Aadiv. Aadiv had this strange aura around him. The aura felt so...so pure. It felt as bright as a star, waiting to guide a person's heart. Aadiv's kindness, his gentle nature, and his ability to understand how other people feel...it made Koriand'r's heart melt so much that, she will make sure that Aadiv is safe with her. His nervous and fragile, yet kind and caring aura is all that Koriand'r has longed for something for so long...and will continued to try and protect Aadiv with everything in line, even if it means hurting people that tries to attack Aadiv's innocent's, those that try to corrupt it.

After they let go, Ryand'r speaks.

"Koriand'r...is that you?"

Kori looks, and sees her brother. Putting Aadiv down to the ground, and hugs.

Aadiv smiled as he sees brother and sister have a happy reunion. But than, he looked up again, and saw that his Storm is coming down with his friends...and Venom? And they seem to be surrounded by a shield made entirely of wind for his friends to breath in safely.

Huh. Must have been a bit to desperate to save Aadiv. Well, hopefully the Tamaraneans don't know about the Symbiotes.


The Tamaraneans and Aadiv, as well as his friends, are walking to a place that not even Koriand'r knows where they are going. All she knows, and is confused at, is how are Ryand'r and Hazzorat on this unknown planet they're in right now. But as they walked, Aadiv finally asked the question that they all wanted to know.

"So...Karras? What is this planet?"

Hazzorat than spoke back.

"Well...after Komand'r blew up our planet, we have been trying to find a planet wherethar is hospitable for us to live in. But throughout our journey to find a home. many planets that we had met are very hostile and try to attack us."

Venom looks at Hazzorat, and spoke out.

"Must be one hell of a trip."

Now that they're in a cave, Ororo generated lighting to make so light for everyone to see. Storm than turns to look at Ryand'r, and spoke out.

"What else has happened?"

Ryand'r was silent, choosing his words carefully, before speaking out.

"Well...after a little while, we were able to find a planet that we can use as a home we can have. We chose one that supports plant life, and yet, is very hospitable for us Tanaraneans."

Koriand'r realized what he meant, as her eyes widened.

"Wait you mean that this planet...it's..."

Ryand'r turned to her, and nodded.

"That is right, Koriand'r..."

When they finally went out of the cave, when they can finally stopped walking, Aadiv saw a huge city. It was a city with the same appearance as the one that they saw on Tamaran. But than...that would make this planet...

"Welcome, everyone....

...to New Tamaran

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