Bust out and Another Problem

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Back on Earth, the ship from Komand'r's base than lands to where Aadiv has been taken. Than, the door opens, revealing a group of those hulking, black creatures, with photon guns in their hands.

"Alright, men. You know what to do. We'll spread out to make sure that no trace of the human's items are left behind, on the orders of Komand'r .Do I make myself clear?"

The other groups nodded, as they than look around. They began to try and find if he has dropped anything, but nothing has been found yet. A few minutes later, they came back, and spoke out.

"There is nothing sir. It seems that the boy has dropped nothing."

The leader puts a finger on his chin, if he has any, and spoke out.

"Is that so? Than it seems we have nothing to worry-"


Suddenly, a bright blast of energy came out of completely nowhere, and hits one of the soldiers in the chest. Than, a blast of lighting came out of nowhere, and hits the gun, creating an explosion that caused the other soldiers to stumble back a little bit. When they recovered, only a few of them are still conscious, although are a bit bruised. When they looked up, they saw 2 people floating above, one that the soldiers recognized.

One of the soldiers than aimed his weapon to shoot Koriand'r, as he spoke out.

"Koriand'r. I will bring your corpse to Komand'r to get rid of her problem."

He than fired at Kori, but was protected by Ororo. Ororo than launched a lightning storm at the soldier, exploding the weapon, and sending him unconscious. Before the leader could do anything about it, Koriand'r than launched a Starbolt at the leader, continuing to fire at him, until he became unconscious.

The last one then tried to blast Ororo, but than, heard someone behind him.

"What do we have here?"

He turned around, and saw something that made him terrified.

The soldier than tried to fire his gun at Venom, but Venom used his tendril time destroy the gun, before closing the distance between both i him and the black hulking beast. He than suddenly grabbed his head, before biting off his head at breakneck speed. He than looked at the body, and threw it away.

Than, a vehicle approached the ship, as Aadiv's friends come out, with their weapons ready. Melissa also appeared, and has her hands filled with firecrackers. Everyone looked at her, as she spoke out.

"Firecrackers? Seriously?"

Joshua spoke out. Melissa looked a bit annoyed at him, and spoke out.

"These are the only thing that could work for me! Don't judge me, okay?!"

Everyone raised an eyebrow, before shrugging. Than, James spoke out.

"Anyway, do you know how to work this thing, Kori, since you've dealt with those things from before?"

Kori nodded, and spoke out.

"I do. Let's go and save Aadiv. I will not let Komand'r get away with stealing Aadiv from us all!"

Everyone nodded in agreement with her, as Venom spoke out.

"Yes! More heads to bite down!

they went into the ship, and they all than took off as fast as they possibly can in order to save Aadiv's life.

Back on Komand'r's ship...


Aadiv is still on the ship, and is still in shackles. Aadiv, for the first time in his life, is filled with sheer, utter, terror. True, people have chased him around, either in jealousy or having a insane interest in him, but Komand'r took that up to eleven and kidnapped him from his friends and from both Koriand'r and Ororo. And Aadiv is worried that he might be slowly losing his sense of self from Komand'r trying to force him to be with her. And speaking of Komand'r


He turns and sees that the evil Tamanranean General has appeared, and is now doing her seductive sway to Aadiv again. It seems that her obsession knows no bounds at all.

"Hello, my lovely. I see that you are awake again. It's so nice to see that you are still up to greet me like before."

Her voice is like a poison of trickery, pretending to be sweet and kind, when she is really demented and cruel to her very heart. Aadiv was shaking at the sight of her, as he is unsure how he can deal with her when he's all chained up like this.

She than opened the door, and walked in front of Aadiv's position. Aadiv tried to back himself away from Komand'r, but Komand'r grabbed his face roughly, and spoke out.

"Come on, Aadiv...you can never deny when I pour my love into you, can you?"

Aadiv was immensely terrified, as he tried to move away from her grip, but Komand'r gripped the other side of his face, as Aadiv is now forced to lock his eyes with her sickly-green glowing eyes. She looks into his, as though she is staring into his very soul.

"You deserve to be with me, never with my pathetic little sister."

Aadiv, although terrified, tried to speak out to Komand'r.

"Y-You're wrong! Koriand'r isn't pathe-"

But Komand'r slammed her lips into Aadiv's before he can finish trying to defend Koriand'r, with Komand'r sitting on Aadiv's legs, with her well-toned stomach touching his torso. She than began to explore his mouth with her tongue, as she began to relish how his mouth tastes inside him. It was a bit sweet, and yet, it was almost as though it was addictive. Komand'r than took off her metal chest piece, as she lifts Aadiv's right arm, and puts it over where her heart is positioned. Aadiv blushed and was nearly fainting, had it not for the heartbeat being felt underneath his hand. She was also prepared to take off Aadiv's shirt, when all of a sudden...


Komand'r was than taken by surprise, as the alarms began to blare off suddenly. She than stood up tall, and looked up, as she spoke out.

"Guards!! What's going on?!"

Through the static, one of the gordians spoke out.

"It's your sister, Koriand'r!! She stole one of the ships and is fighting our men, as well as bringing some friends over to help out!! She's now tryin-GAHHHHH!!!"

Static, and it was silence. Komand'r stood up, out her metallic chestplate on, as she began to walk out.

"Don't worry my beloved. We'll get back to making out later."

She said, as she looked at him with the same sickly-sweet smile on her. She than turned back, and made a scowl now present.

"Curse my sister. How dare she comes to my base and ruins everything. No matter, I will deal with her myself."

Komand'r spoke out, as she goes to fight Koriand'r, as well as her friends. But as she left the room...Aadiv looked down, as he felt a familiar feeling coming back to him. It was a feeling he is trying to know consciously, as he than opened his eyes.

They are now glowing a sort of golden color, as he spoke out...


Back with Koriand'r and others...


Koriand'r shot a Starbolt at one of the guards, who than toppled down, in pain and unconscious. Ororo shot a bolt of lighting at a couple of the guards, who than fell down on their backs, and are twitching.

James than got out his gun, and began to shoot the Psions in the legs. Blood splatters our, as the Psions are shot to the ground. They tried to aim, but James kicked them in the heads, knocking them down unconscious.

Melissa lit a match, as she launched firecrackers at the Psions. The firecrackers are actually able to damage the Psions badly, as they were sent flying back at the walls behind them. The walls have cables snapped and sparking widely. Do they got shocked badly by the.

Aadiv's other friends than brought out guns, explosives, knuckle brass, and anything they got their hands on in order to save Aadiv's life. The sounds of shooting, explosions, crouching of bone, ricocheted of bullseye can be heard from the fight itself.

As the fight continued on, Koriand'r than spoke out.

"Me and Ororo will go find Aadiv. I need all of you to keep the Psions busy."

Everyone nodded, and both Koriand'r and Ororo flied fast to find out where Aadiv is being located at. As she flied fast, she than found a screen that shows the prisoners that are on the ship. One of them showed Aadiv, and it showed where he's located.

"Do not worry, Aadiv. I will save you, and I will make my sister pay dearly for taking you away like this."

She than Ororo than flied away, much more faster than before. After about 20 minutes or so, they reached the room of where he is. She than has her hands glow, as she prepares to launch a Starbolts at the door, when suddenly...


A Blackbolt appeared out of nowhere, and Koriand'r had to launch hers in order to defend herself. She and Ororo than looked up, to see none other than Koriand'r's evil and tyrannical sister, Komand'r herself.

Komand'r smiled wickedly at her sister, as she spoke out in a evilly mocking tone.

"Hello, sister. You trying to take Aadiv, your fake loved?"

Koriand'r was angry, as she shouted out.


She than fired her Starbolt at Komand'r, who than locked blasts with her Blackbokt. As that happened, Komand'r noticed Ororo, as she launched a blast of lighting at her.

As she kept firing at them, she turned and saw that Venom lunges at her and prepared to bite her head off. So she flies away dads, and Venom gets hit by the blasts instead of Komand'r.

"Oh my goodness! We're so sorry, Venom!!"

Koriand'r spoke out in a panic. Venom, however, spoke out.

"Do not worry about me!! Get your sister!"

Koriand'r nodded, as she charged back to her sister again. She raised her fist at Komand'r, as she hits Komand'r with a Starbolts-infused punch. This sends Komand'r flying back, but she stopped mid-air. She than charged at Koriand'r, and kicked her hard to make her fall to the ground, and make a crater. Komand'r launches a Blackbolt at Koriand'r. But Ororo conjured a shield made entirely of wind to stop the Blackbolt from hitting Koriand'r in the face.

Ororo than launched spiky icicles at her, But Komand'r launched her Blackbolt at Ororo, as the ice than suddenly melted. The Blackbolt hits Ororo, as she barely had time to make a windshield on herself. She got hit, and was launched across the room.


Suddenly, Koriand'r came out of nowhere and did an uppercut at Komand'r's jaw. She than grabbed Komand'r's cape, and swung her at a wall, as she launched a Starbolts at her.

Komand'r, however, regained her senses, as she launched her Blackbolt at Starfire, and both blasts of energy are locked in each other, as both Koriand'r and Komand'r struggled against their strengths.

As Komand'r struggled to overpower Koriand'r, suddenly, a Psion came out of nowhere and shot Koriand'r in the back. This made Koriand'r lose her focus, and gave Komand'r the moment she needed to hit Koriand'r. Than, a Lightning bolt hits the Psion, and Ororo was returned. Koriand'r than went beside Ororo, as Komand'r mocks them.

"Look at you both, trying to save someone who belongs to someone as great as me. You people are nothing in my eyes, you do not deserve as man such as him. Only I do deserve his life."

Than...to Komand'r's surprise, both Koriand'r and Ororo has a bit of a sinister smile on their faces. Than, Ororo spoke out.

"Well...can these nobody's do this to you?"

Than, before Komand'r knew what was coming, both Koriand'r and Ororo charged at her fast.

Both Koriand'r and Ororo than flied up in the air, as they launched both Starbolt and Lightning at Komand'r, who than fired a Blackbolt at the combined attack. Komand'r struggled to hold against lightning-infused Starbolts, but it was too much to handle against. Than, the Star Lightning Bolt than overpowered the Blackbolt, which sends Komand'r flying towards a bunch of computer, screens shattering them


Komand'r screamed in utter agony, as the electricity within the glass-cutted where's began to zap her very body, even with her tougher skin. Making things worse, Ororo made a rainstorm inside of the ship, and the water hits Komand'r's body, making the shocking much more painful than before, while Ororo launches her Lighting to make it even more painful to Komand'r than before.

After about a minute, the shocking stopped, and Komand'r went into he knees, as she tried to pick herself from off of the floor. But due to the damage she has taken, it wasn't easy. The electricity also made her way to even fly slightly.

Than, all 3 of them heard footsteps. They turned around, only to see Aadiv's friends running up to them. They were a bit injured, but otherwise alright. Venom recovers, as he walked up to them.

"Did you locate Aadiv?"

Melissa said, with hope waiting in her voice. Koriand'r nodded, as she spoke out.

"We did. Now all we have to do is to get inside-"


This sudden sound caught everyone by surprise. Than, an alarm blared, and the location...when Komand'r turned on the screen, the alarm was blaring in one room, and the room it is now alarming in...

"That's where Aadiv is!!"

Komand'r shouted one utter disbelief, and to the horror of Koriand'r, Ororo, and the others.

"Please do not tell me..."

Koriand'r spoke out, before going to the door, blasting it open, and looked to see that there is a hole in the wall, which is sucking out air. As she looked in the hole...she sees Aadiv, still having his shackles attached to the wall, as he is falling down like a meteorite into the Planet's atmosphere.

"AADIV, NO!!!"

Koriand'r shouted, as she blasts the bars and melted them. She and Ororo than go through the hole to chase after himself, while Ororo makes a wind shield for the others to go in so they can follow them down the planet.

Aadiv falls down, as he than felt the last of his strength fades, and the wall of the ship has caught fire. As he looks at his left, he than sees the sky turning a bit yellowish-like. And before he knew what's about to happen to him next...


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