Captured by the Komand'r

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Aadiv is getting confused. After the General had been taken care of, something happened. His friends, Kori, Ororo, and even Melissa has suddenly began to avoid him. It is really confusing, even he doesn't understand.

He would try his best to get them to talk to him. But whenever he does, they always tried to run away form Aadiv like he some dangerous animal waiting to eat their insides.

This is making Aadiv really concerned, as he has no idea what has happened from before, as he wasn't conscious. It also made Aadiv very he believed that his friends don't want to be with him ever again.

Right now, he's outside in the park, as he looked out the surrounding area, and began to sadly recount on hoe his friends are acting.

"What did I do wrong to make them avoid me?"

Aadiv spoke out quietly to himself, as he looked down. Despite the beautiful scene meant to make him feel better, it seemed that it is barely working for even him.

The scene is also at night. He is trying to look up at the stars in the sky, as he began to try and look back into the past to find what it is that had made them avoid Aadiv.

As he looked up, he realize that it is past 10:00.

"I need to get back to my house."

He stood up, and began to walk away. He went through an alleyway, and go past some shops that are next to his location. The shops have all been closed, as he kept on walking away.

"I still don't get what I had done wrong. Why are my friends avoiding me like I'm something terrible? Did I do something wrong? What is it that I had done wrong. I don't...I not get this at all."

Aadiv spoke out sadly, as he kept on walking. He just want some answer. So why can.'this the answers be simple for once?

As Aadiv kept on walk...


He turned around to the source of the sound, but found nothing. He was worried. As he looked at that direction.


He turned around, this time at the left, and yet, there is still nothing in his sights. The sudden loud noise had caught him completely by surprise. This is making him very terrified. He doesn't have Venom this time, and there is no weapon in his hand. He raised his fists in a very week manner, as he tried to find out who it is the did making this sounds around him.

"Wh-Who...who's t-there?!"

Aadiv spoke out loud. Aadiv tried to sound very brave, but the stutter that resides on his voice betrayed him. He is very uncertain of who it is that's there with him in this area. Needles to say, he is very terrified at the sounds that are made around him.

Than...he heard footsteps. He turned around, and saw something frightening. A pair of green eyes, glaring down deep into his very soul. Than, a fist of purple energy was raised in the air by the darkness...before it strikes down at Aadiv.



Koriand'r looked down at her reflection, as she looked a bit unhappy. She was told by them that because they don't know when it will activate once again, they must keep their distance from him, because he might accidentally activate it and try killing them. But when this happened, Kori could see that Aadiv is looking very depressed. No one to keep him company. Ever.

"Kori, is something wrong?"

Kate spoke out to her friend.

"I've been...I've been wondering if what were doing with the right choice."

Baron than spoke.

"We know what you mean, Kori. But we are still unsure if he'll go this form again, and he might attack us. We need to make sure that it isn't the case."

James than spoke out.

"And besides, even if it isn't by his very own will, we have no idea when and how he'll activate this sort of power inside of him. For all that we know, it could be at day, hour, or even minute."

Kori than spoke back, and sounds a little frustrated.

"I'm aware. But when I looked at Aadiv's face, he seemed sad. It's like we had abandoned him, without him knowing. Don't you think that he deserves to know what happened so he could understand better?"

Everyone was silent. They never thought of that, but Joshua felt like the truth should be hidden so that, if he discovers what it is that happened to him, he'll be more mentally hurt than he was in the past.

Before anyone could answer that Koriand'r has said to them...


Kori froze, and the friends began to notice. They way Koriand'r flinched made it noticeable, as she look out the window, realizing that the sound care from outside.

"Kori, what's wrong? You heard something?"

Kori looked, and deduced what it is and where it came from.

"It sounds screaming. Aadiv...HE'S IN DANGER!!!"

Melissa was shocked, as well as everyone else.

"My cousin is in danger right now?!"

Koriand'r has no time to answer. As quickly as possible, she opened the window and flies out as fast as she can. Her red trail from the hair is shown to be more wavy than before. Kori is very worried, as she is unsure what had happened to Aadiv. All that she that this is not good.

When she reached the location, she was that Aadiv is knows down to the ground. It's as though he has been hit by something hard. Than, she saw a pair of arms appear, as they began to pick up Aadiv's party. Those arms that are seen belonging to none other than someone Koriand'r knows, angrily.


Kori spoke, snarling, disgusted are seeming her older sister again, now on Earth.

Komand'r looked cruelly at Koriand'r, as she spoke out.

"Hello, sister. I was hoping that you would come and find me."

Koriand'r than looked at Aadiv, as he looked as though he had been knocked out.

"What are you doing with Aadiv?! Are planning on taking him away from us?!"

Komand'r seemed to smile wider, as Koriand'r spoke out.

"No...I won't let you take him away from me and the rest of my friends!!"

Komand'r laughed cruelly, like it is nothing but a funny joke to her, as she spoke out.

"Than try to take him back than...if you can, my pathetic sister!"

Koriand'r lit her arms with the Starbolt,

And charged at her older sister fast, as she prepares to save Aadiv.

Koriand'r than began to fight against her older sister, who is about to kidnap Aadiv, for unknown reasons.

She fired a Starbolt at Komand'r. But the eldest child of the royale bloodline fired her Blackbolt to defend against Kori's Starbolt.

Komand'r than dodged out of the way when Kori attempted to strike her in the head. Komand'r than raised her right hand, as she did a Blackbolt infused punch at Koriand'r. This sends her flying into a number of buildings. Komand'r looks at Aadiv, as she sees his cute face. Komand'r's eyes has softened slightly. Komand'r even smiled at him, in a type of manner compared to a lustful smile.

"Don't worry. My foolish younger sister is unworthy of you. You will be greater with me and you her...beloved."

Than, all of a sudden, a flash of light than began to appear around Komand'r, as Koriand'r looked up to see Komand'r about to teleport to Tamaran.


She than flies up as fast as possible. But it was too late. Komand'r has been teleported back to Tamaran, taking Aadiv with her. Koriand'r looked in shock, as Aadiv's friends came to see what has happened.

"Kori...what in the world happened?!"

Melissa spoke out. Koriand'r turned to them, as she spoke out to them.

"It was Komand'r...she had captured Aadiv and brought him to wherever she came from."

This made the friends' eyes widen, shocked. Joshua spoke out.

"But...why do something like that? He hasn't done anything wrong!"

Koriand'r looked down, as she spoke out loud.

"I don't know."

At Komand'r's ship...

Komand'r's ship was circling around a new planet, called New Tamaran. This is basically a home to most of the Tanaraneans what has survived the entire ordeal, and is now being under Komand'r's control, as she wants them to feel hopelessness, just like she felt so much pain when the other Tamaraneans had rejected her, due to the childhood disease.

Aadiv is inside the same cell when he was first imprisoned by Komand'r. This time, however, he is now in shackles by the wall, which can only extend to the bed, and not to the door, which is before him. Komand'r looked at Aadiv with the same Sickly Love of a smile that she had back on the Planet Earth. Her eyes even softened a little when she is seeing Aadiv's face. She still looks a little bit menacing, but her face has softened a little bit.

She than opened the door, as she went inside of the cell. Her hips sways in a seductive manner towards Aadiv, even though he isn't seeing it. She looked and saw that he's still knocked out. Her smile is a bit wider, as she caressed his cheek in a firm, yet strangely, in a loving manner. She than spoke out in a whispering tone to Aadiv.

"You are the only one who can see in the way I see it, my beloved. To see my desire for vengeance and to prove myself, even if you didn't agree with my desire. Don't'll get used to what I do...and you will love me, darling. You can never always reject what I will give you."

She than crouched a bit more, and slowly, but a little sneakily, put her lips into Aadiv's mouth. His lips, they were soft, yet warm over Komand'r's rough and cold mouth, as her cape covered them both at the same time. Aadiv's lips was even more warming than even her previous lover's mouth.

Her previous lover was a soldier who's named Dor'ion, and was one of her followers.

He is one of the many people that agree with the things she does, as he also believed that her father was making Tamaran weak and defenseless. When she was blind in one of her battles against Koriand'r, while she was still on Tamaran, her previous home, he was the one who helped her and taught her how to fight without sight, and use her other senses. But one day...Dor'ion baited Komand'r into killing him, all so he can make her independent on anyone.

Needless to say, she was in grief, but at the same time, agreed with his words at being cold. She willingly became bad in order to get revenge on her kind for discrimination her. However...when she met was something else.

When near Dor'ion, it was an aura of patience, bravery, and advice, and yet, filled with nothing more than deception and trickery, due to tricking Komand'r into killing him. But Aadiv...was something else. Unlike Dor'ion, his aura was of nervousness, vulnerability, and fragility, but at the same time, he was kindness, caring, understanding, consideration, truth, and is filled with immense warmth. He was the opposite of Dor'ion, and everything that Dor'ion is not. Plus, despite being older than Aadiv, he was a very cute and handsome young man. It puts most of the Tamaranean men faces to shame.

The kiss, and his was filled with so much warmth that she is now very obsessed over this. She wants this so much, she wants it to keep on happening...SHE IS OBSESSED AND LUSTING FOR THE WAMRTH THAT THIS BOY HAS POSSESSED.

After she was done, she separated her lips from him, as a small line of Saliva held their tongues together, before breaking off to the side of Komand'r's sinister face. A small smile of lust is present on her lips, as she spoke out once more.

"No one will know of this, my beloved.

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