Primal Rage

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A couple days have past, since that incident on the beach. This incident really had shaken Aadiv up, and the worst part is, he had no memory of what had just happened on how he had been knocked out badly.

Right now, he's outside with his friends, as they began to walk around...or fly in Koriand'r and Ororo's case. They were having a little walk, as they want it to get their it mind off of what just happened.

As they continued walking, however, Aadiv felt a little bit unease, and Kori even noticed it. Normally, she would have dealt with it and not ask the question. But she is seeing the same look on everyone's face. So she fueled to speak to Aadiv, first.

"Aadiv? Are you okay?"

Kori spoke out in concern for some reason. Aadiv spoke out.

"I don't know. I feel like we're being watched for some reason."

This made everyone stop a little bit, as they spoke out.

"Wait, you have that feeling also?"

Joshua spoke out. Aadiv spoke out.

"That's not good. Everyone has the same feeling too."

Ororo spoke out. This is making everyone worried. They all have the same feeling as Aadiv. Is this a bad sign...or good?

Before anyone could speak out what she meant, a sound was heard.


"What was that?"

Jake spoke out. Aadiv looked, and saw a strange sphere rolling on the ground. Aadiv than realized what it is, and than, he shouted aloud.



At the same time that Aadiv and has friends tried to get away, the thing exploded, releasing gas into the air. Aadiv tried to stand up...but he felt drowsy and weak. As he saw everything start to turn black, he saw shoes coming towards him. Aadiv tried to move...but everything is covered in shadows.


Aadiv feels his body pinned. He couldn't move. It felt like something on him is keeping his limbs from doing any form of movement. As that happened...a light was shown.

"Ghhh...wh-what in..."

He than opened his eyes when the shining stopped, only to find himself inside what seems to be a laboratory. This made Aadiv really unease. The last time he was there, it was when a scientist tried to use Kori and use her for super soldiers to take over the world. Is this the same thing from before...or is the results different this time? He looked down, and saw that he was strapped. This must've explained what he cannot move. As he tried to find a way to move, carefully.


Aadiv's eyes widened, and turned to his left. Melissa was next to him. She's in the same situation as Aadiv is: all strapped up. Aadiv than turns right, wondering if one of his friends is in the same situation as he is. And sure enough, he was the form of Joshua. He too is strapped, and is trying to get out.

"What is this thing?! Get it off of me!!!"

Joshua spoke out angrily. Aadiv spoke out to Melissa and Joshua.

"Melissa, Joshua, where are we, and what's this place?!"

Melissa and Joshua shrugged a bit, until a voice spoke out.

" the three of you are finally awake."

They turned... to see someone.

Aadiv and the others are a bit scared of who this guy is. So Joshua spoke out to him.

"Who are you?! What have you done to our friends?!"

The man smiled creepily at him, before speaking out his answer.

"My name is General Arveen. You are in my base, as well as my Laboratory."

Aadiv was shocked, and spoke out.

"Oh my god, please don't tell me that this is what I think this is."

As Aadiv spoke, the General pulls out a strange gun, and shoots out something with wires. It hits Aadiv.


Aadiv was shocked, literally. The thing that the man was holding is a Taser.

"Be silent, you little vermin."

The General spoke to him. Aadiv was stuttering in fear, or maybe he's simply under the aftereffects of the Taser. He still spoke out.

"N-Not until we un-understand why you c-c-captured me and our f-friends!!! What have you do-done to them a-a-anyway?!!"

The General snarled, but than smiled a little bit, as he spoke out.

"You are a very stubborn little brat. But if you insist..."

He than pushed the button, and they looked at a window. They they saw...was terrifying.

Kori, Baron, James, and Kate have been turned into primitive versions of themselves, although Kori's is unique, as instead of looking like an ape, as the others are looking, she resembles something...feline. They felt uttermost aggression, as they began to attack each other. Aadiv, Melissa, and Joshua looked in shock and fear, as Aadiv spoke out to the scientists.

"What have...what've you done?"

Aadiv spoke, terrified of what the guy has done to his friends. The general smiled wickedly, as he spoke out.

"I simply turned them into what their ancestors are in the long time past."

Melissa was horrified, as she shouldn't imagine if her Mom and Dad has turned into this in front of her eyes. Joshua than shouted out to him.


The General punched Joshua in the nose, as his nose began to bleed down. Joshua snarled, as the General spoke out in disgust towards Joshua.

"I'm not hear you answer your question. Your words mean nothing to me. Here...I'm going to make sure, you and your friends become my slave. Even changing you all into something...of the past."

He than aimed his machine at Aadiv and the others, as they began to brace for what's about to happen. Before it did, however...


The wall exploded, as a familiar female with white hair and eyes appeared. It was Ororo, and she seems to be looking as angry as ever. It seems Ororo was able to escape from the gas, and just in time to. She than looked at what happened to her friends, and she is even more enraged.

She fired a bolt of lighting at the others that have been captured, as their straps have been destroyed. Melissa and Joshua than got down, as they went to find an armory to find some weapons to knock them out, so they could reverse what made them like this.

Storm was about to attack, but the soldiers outside are about to attack her. So she used her powers to fly as fast as possible.

General Arveen attempted to grab a gun, but Aadiv grabbed it, and threw it out of sight. The scientist, now sent to a rage, than kicked Aadiv to a wall, as he shouted at him


Aadiv instantly realize what he meant, as the guy wants to kill him for what he'll do to his plan.

Arveen charged at him to try and grab him by the neck, but Aadiv grabbed onto some drawers and threw it at him, which hits him in the head, badly.

He than grabbed onto some tranquilizers, and threw them at the General. But than, Arveen ducked under the tranquilizer darts, as they instead stuck themselves to the wall.

Aadiv tried to throw a chair, but it was a weak attempt, and he only threw it on top of Arveen's feet, which only hitter him a little. Aadiv than tried to run away from the room a fast as he can, but Arveen grabbed him by the leg, and threw him at the opposite end of the room, injuring Aadiv badly.

Aadiv than tried to get up from the cold ground, but Arveen than grabbed Aadiv by the throat, and began to strangle him. Aadiv tried to get Zahl's arms off of him, but Zahl was too strong, as his mouth curled into a cruel smile, as he spoke out.

"Your friend will never save you!!"

He than righted his grip on Aadiv's throat, trying to kill Aadiv as tightly and painfully as he can make his grip on the boy. Aadiv is helplessly struggling against the hands of the German general, and all he could do is watch, as he very life is fading away, hopelessly becoming just a victim for his insane deranged general.

As Aadiv was being strangled by this mad leader, Aadiv felt his life about to end. But at the same time, he feels like there's something inside of was the same feeling when he first battled against the Mammoth. This feeling inside of is's like something within him snapped.

Just when Arveen was about to strangle him to death....


Back with Melissa and Joshua...

Both Melissa and Joshua are at the control room, and have found the switch that made their friends the way they are. Unfortunately, e machine is down to 9-10%. And they have no idea how much the machine could take. They than looked at their friends, as they began to pin down each other, with Kori clawing at them, painfully.

"Damn there a way for us to charge the batteries, Melissa?"

Melissa looked through everything, but caught no sight of anything.

"No. There's literally nothing in there that can help charge this primitive machine back up."

Joshua sighed a little, as he spoke out.

"Damn it. Guess there's no other choice. We need to use what remains of the machine's power to change them all back."

Joshua than got the machine handle, and prepares to activate it. He than spoke out to them.

"If you guys can here me...I hope you're ready for yourself to change back to normal again. Please come back to us...please come us."

He than turns on the machine, and at the same instant, he activated the reverse switch, as they got blasted by the strange cannon firing. The cannon blasted the primates, as they began to make a painful transformation. Hair began to go away on their faces, Kori's face began to shorten, changing itself back. After about a minute, their friends have now changed back to normal.

"Ugh...what just happened?"

Kate spoke out, as she held onto her head, painfully. It seems the transformation has ave her a bad headache. Kori looked at herself, as she spoke out.

"The general putted us into...something."

Than, the door opened, revealing Melissa and Joshua, who looked and sighed in relief.

"Thank God. I was worried that something went wrong."

James stood up, as he spoke out.

"Melissa, Joshua. What just happened?"

Melissa scratches the back of her head, as she spoke out.

"You really don't wanna know."

As she said that...


The group looked to see some robots at the door.

The robots opened fire on the group, as they got out of the way. As they began to fire, Storm came down from the hole, and threw one of the robot's bodies at the army, knocking them down temporarily. But this gave the group enough time to get the weapons, and began to fight against the robots.

Joshua and Kate used guns on their faces, cracking the glass and exploding them. Kori used her Starbolts to blast them to smithereens. Storm used her powers to make Lightning fall down from the sky, summon Icicles to pierce them, and make a miniature tornado that sends them to the ocean, short-circuiting them.

As the group continued to fight, suddenly...they heard something from the other door. It sounded like...the general well as roaring. But what's that roaring out.

"NO!!! Stay back!! Back away!!! AAAAGGGHH!!!"

Suddenly, the door was forced out, and Arveen was now out, on his back, and looking frightened at what it is that has appeared. The group turned to see what it is...only to find out that it isn't what...but who it is.

It was Aadiv!! But...he's looking somewhat...different. His arms and face have veins bulging to the point of showing. Mist is coming out of his hands, and the way he's was a face of absolute primal rage, as his mouth is opened with his own teeth bared. This is something they have never seen from Aadiv before.

Aadiv began to breath heavily...before he lets out a roar.


The Roar was a powerful shockwave, that sends most of Aadiv's friends off of their feet, with the exception of Kori, due to her being more enduring than the average human, and Ororo making a shield of wind.

Than, before they knew it, Aadiv charged at General Zahl, and when he stood up, he tackled him, and didn't stop, as he crashed through the walls of the building. This clearly caught them by surprise.

"Aadiv...what happened to him?"

Kori breathed out, with her hand lever her heart.

The outside wall was busted, as Zahl is sent flying once more. Aadiv than appears through the dust obscuring the General's vision.


Aadiv than roared in rage, as his arms began to glow. It's as though something is wrapping itself around his arm, like a rope or a chain. General Zahl was shocked at what he's seeing. All that he knows...he's about to die.

"No!! NO!!! This was my greatest dream!! You will not get in the way, you animal!!"

Zahl than shot Aadiv in the chest. Big mistake. He than rushed at him, grabbed him by the neck, and began to beat him down, badly. Blood than began to spread all over, as everyone them came out to see how Aadiv's doing. Needless to say, they are looking very horrified at what they are seeing right now. Melissa was more terrified that the others. Before, she thought that she was a pretty scary girl when provoked. But Aadiv is at a whole other compared to Melissa. Veins bulging and being shown, mists coming out of him, and the fact that his own strength has suddenly increased to levels that are not possible for a normal human. The worst thing is, his face is of pure rage. There was not thinking, no stuttering, no cry of fear. Just the snarl of an angry animal who will stop at nothing to make the people who tormented him pay.

Than, Aadiv did an unexpected thing, he grabbed onto his neck, and than threw him to a wall, with a spike on it.


Zahl was shocked, as he looked down to see what happened to him. He was the heart. He than looked at Aadiv...before his life was finally drained away. Zahl...he was finally dead.

Aadiv kept on breathing and snarling, as everyone around him has no idea what to do. They were all terrified at what Aadiv has done, and all they did was watch. Than...



Aadiv's body began to be covered in red electricity. They began this surge all over, as his eyes momentarily turned yellow. After an entire 10 seconds, he fell down to the floor.


Everyone than rushed by his side to check on him. Joshua than checked his pulse.

"He's breathing. Just exhausted. But man. Hat the hell just happened to Aadiv suddenly? This ain't how he acts!!"

Kori agreed, as Aadiv would never do something like this. Something must have made him do it. And they are going to find o it why that happened.

At the Labratory...

Aadiv is being scanned by a machine that's inside of the building that Zahl kept them in. It's purpose is to scan to see if there are any abnormalities inside of the human body. with the scanning process, they finished used it. however, The result's really...really strange. They tried it a couple more times, and the result it still the same as before:

"What the...why does the computer say that?"

Baron spoke out. Kori was a bit worried, as she spoke out.

"What's wrong?"

James looked at her, and spoke out.

"For some really unknown reason, the computer identified no form of abnormalities inside of Aadiv. And the computer isn't even glitching. We've repeated that about 2 times, and the results are still the same as before."

This made Kori really concerned, as she spoke out.

"What does that mean?"

James than sighed, as he spoke out.

"It means that...that whatever made Aadiv become different like that, isn't biological. In fact, whatever made him the way he acted from before, might he in fact something else."

Kori's eyes widened in shock, as she looked down at Aadiv, who is beginning to wake up. After a minute, he opens his eyes, as he looked around.

"Ughhh...what...what happened? Did something happen?"

Kori was about to speak, but Joshua grabbed his arm, as he spoke out.

"Nothing happened, Aadiv. Nothing happened ever. But do you remember what happened?"

Aadiv held his head, as he spoke out.

"Well...I remember me trying to knock out Zahl with some stuff in his office, but than he tried to make me lose my air in my body...and that's it."

Kori looks in surprise. He doesn't remember what happened from the Lab? So he was not in control of himself.

"Did something happen when I was blacked out?"

Joshua shook his head.

"No...nothing happened. The problem's taken care of. Rest for now, Aadiv. Okay?"

Aadiv nodded, before he finally goes to sleep. Joshua sighed, as he moved out of the room, unhappy of how things went. Kori followed him, as she spoke out.

"Why did you do that, Joshua? Why did you lie to him?! Doesn't he at least deserve to know the truth?!"

Kori was angry at him for lying. Why lie to a person you are close to when you were kids?! Joshua, however, sighed, as he spoke out.

"Aadiv is not tolerant to death the same way we can handle it. Normally, he would have fainted, if it wasn't his doing. But when it comes to him, he mentally broke down. The few times that was indirectly his doing, and even then, he was mentally broken, and we had to put him in mental hospital to make him feel better. I don't want him to have to deal with this even worse if he found out that he's the one that has done it."

Koriand'r's eyes widened at what he said. He's lying about it so he could protect Aadiv from what he has gotten himself into from before. Obviously, he just cares too much for Aadiv for him to remember what he's done. As she began to look down, Melissa came to the 2, and spoke out.

"Is Aadiv okay?"

Joshua looked at Melissa, and nodded.

"Yeah, he is. He's resting now. But he had no memories of what he has done. So just let him be. He's been through a rough experience."

Melissa nodded, but still goes in to at least see him, making sure he's okay. Joshua than goes somewhere to find a vehicle for them to bring them home. Koriand'r stood where she stood, as she began to think on what happened to Aadiv, and the way he had acted.

The way he acted was not his usual self. He never gets filled with animalistic rage. He doesn't attack so brutally. The way his veins bulge and the mist is a abnormal trait. And the strange thing was...there was no abnormalities inside of his being. There was no mutant genetics. No enhancements to his body. There was nothing inside of him that made him act the way that he had acted from before.

"If there was nothing inside of his body...hat made him do this tings to Arveen? What made him this enraged?"

Kori began to speak out. Hopefully...this is a question that she can find for another day. For is time to have rest.

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