Everyone...Meet Venom

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In Aadiv's house, everyone was looking at a TV screen, watching some news on how people are looking for more alien life outside of Earth. Kori has been a living example on how there is more life, and now scientists are looking through telescopes to try and find some more.

"Hey, has everyone checked on Aadiv lately?"

Joshua said aloud. Everyone looked at each other, as they spoke out.

"I don't think anyone did."

Melissa said to everyone inside the house.

"Maybe we should go and check on him?"

Ororo requested. But Baron simply spoke out.

"Eh...I'm sure that he's fine. He's been through some tough stuff himself and it really isn't surprising. For all we know, it cold be just some random dude that is trying to get to-"

Before he could finish speaking about what he thinks, they heard a door open, and saw that Aadiv and Kori went through. He than slammed the door, and gasped for air. It looked as though that he just ran nonstop, because he looks like he is about to have a heart attack very soon.

Everyone saw the state he is in, and began to check on him.

"Aadiv? Are you okay. What happened?"

Kate spoke out. Aadiv was breathing very fast and very rapidly.

"Ummm...it's best I can explain when I'm about to calm down and rest, okay?"

Everyone looked at him with a single raised eyebrow, but decide to let him rest. Aadiv went to his bed, as he began to recover from the ordeal that he was suddenly in from before.

About 2 hours later...12...

Aadiv was now on the couch, as everyone, but Kori looks at him.

"Well...Aadiv...are you going to tell us what happened?"

James spoke out. Aadiv sighed a little, as he spoke out.

"Well...I was just doing my usual. You know, the walking outside and seeing the view that. I thought that it was going to be normal like before. Unfortunately....something just happened completely out of nowhere. A meteor came out of nowhere and crash landed. I looked inside...and I saw something on the meteor. It looked like it was black slime, except there were White Vein-Like Markings on it. I tried to get away from it, but the black thing...it went inside of me...went in my legs first...and than my hands. When that happened...I began to hear voices in my head. I had no idea what just happened. I began to try acting as I normally am, but than...some thugs came out of nowhere and tried to kill me. They wanted to take Kori for themselves. It would have worked...but than...the black slime...it took control of my body...and beat them down. It even  covered my entire body, and bites off one of the Thugs' head. After we went to a safe spot...it called himself...Venom...and it is using me as a host so that it could stay alive. I...I have no idea what to think of this.

Everyone looked at each other. Although they had seen aliens in the form of Kori, they never heard of an Alien than can go inside of a human. After a bit of thinking, the group looks at Aadiv and Ororo spoke.

"Alright than, fine. Prove it to us and show, 'Venom.'"

Aadiv than flinched a little, as he spoke out.

"Are...are you sure?"

Ororo and the others nodded a little bit.

"We'll bare what he is. Just show."

Aadiv than sighed a little bit, and than looked down at himself. He than spoke out.

"Okay, Venom. You can show yourself."

Aadiv spoke to whoever it is he's speaking to.


Suddenly, black slime began to appear all over Aadiv's body, as the legs began to grow a little, as well as the arms. Aadiv's friends and Melissa looked in utter shock, as they began to witness someone new coming.

After the transformation was done, Venom has finally appeared to them for the first time.


Venom spoke to everyone. Some of them were a bit terrified, due to how it looked and the way that it spoke to them. But some of them...they are so much in awe. Even Ororo has never seen anything like this before.


Joshua spoke out in awe. This was an alien he has never encountered before, ever. Melissa was a bit shocked herself and was reluctant to go closer to the alien, as it looked very menacing. Kate, however, was brave and went in front of it. She than touched the torso, as she spoke out.

"Since when can alien do this to other being...bond with humans, I mean?"

Venom simply looked at her, and spoke out.

"That's what my kind is capable of."

As he spoke out, Baron than spoke out

"That reminds me. You never told us what species you are exactly, Venom. Do you mind telling us what type of alien are you?"

Everyone than looked at Venom for an answer, who simply spoke out.

"We are a Symbiote, from the planet, Klyntar. We are capable of bonding with a living organism in order to adapt and survive in a environment that we cannot survive on our own. We can even enhance our host."

Melissa and the others were in awe that his kind of capable of bonding and enhancing the physical life of the host. But than, Melissa spoke out.

"Wait. You keep saying we instead of I or me. Why don't you say that?"

Venom just spoke out.

"That's a dumb question. We only say that when us, the Klyntar, and the host become one. We bond to be whole, remember?"

Melissa has a glare of her own, as she spoke out.

"Didn't need to say it so rudely, Venom. Really."

Venom chuckled a little bit, as he looks at the others. Kate then looked up at Venom, as she spoke out.

"So...can you get off of our friend?"

Venom sighed a little bit, as he spoke out.

"Only if there is another host for me to have. Without a host, I need to be remained bonded to Aadiv."

This made James angry.

"What?! Why not?!"

Venom than growled a little bit.

"Have you payed attention to the conversation from before? If I don't have a host, than I'll die."

James flinched at the way he looks at him. He than puts his head down, as Baron spoke out.

"Well...hopefully, you don't do anything bad to our friend. If you do...that I will make sure that you pay."

The Symbiote looks at Baron, before chuckling and speaking out.

"Hehehehehe...I'd like to see you try and hurt me."

Than, after that last sentence, he than goes back into Aadiv, who has wide eyes at what he just got involved in.

"Woah...that feels so creepy, and weird guys. Do not bond to Venom."

Everyone than looked at him confused.

"What does it feel like?"

Aadiv, than spoke out.

"It feels like cold water was poured all over my entire body continuously, and endlessly. Seriously, do not get Venom, or anything that's like him."

Everyone looked at him, and spoke out to him.


Than, everyone than went their seperate ways, as Aadiv looked down at himself. Melissa than came to Aadiv, and puts a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Aadiv. We'll figure something out to help you."

Aadiv looked at her and spoke.

"I hope so, Melissa."

Melissa nodded, before she walked away from Aadiv as well.

The Next Day...10:50...

Aadiv was now walking outside, as he looked around.

"I can't believe this. An alien has bonded to me and can eat people? I really have to make sure it doesn't go out of control."

'I heard that!'

Venom growled at him, making him jump. He than looked around, and than, as a car window. He noticed that something was wrong. When he got closer...he saw something else. It was not his face. It was Venom's face.

Obviously...he has no idea what to say about what's before him.

"How...how are you doing-"

Before he could finish speaking, something went past Aadiv's head. It was a Yellow beak of energy, and it went to a tree.


The tree exploded, and went down with a crash. Aadiv looked behind him...and saw a Citadel.

"Oh god. Not again."

Aadiv stepped back, as the Citadel.

"Aadiv...you may have gotten a way from one of my kin. But you will not get away from this time. I am going to bring you to Lady Komand'r, regardless how you refuse."

Aadiv...was scared at first...but than...his fear turned to frustration...and frustration...has turned into pure hateful anger. This was not Aadiv being the way he is. Venom is manipulating his emotions, and is about to be released.

"Trust me. You do not want me to go fight."

Aadiv spoke out. Although this is Venom controlling his emotions, he still acts as though he is now truly different. The Citadel scoffed, and spoke out.

"What can a weak, pathetic human like you do to me?"

Aadiv...than began to smile. He than spoke out to him.

"Alright than...you asked for it...Mask!!"


Suddenly, Venom has appeared and grew in side, taller than even the Citadel itself. The Citadel was caught by surprise at the sudden transformation, and than spoke to Venom.

"What the...what are you?!"

Venom chucked rather menacingly, before speaking out.




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