What is that?

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Usually, the aliens that you could meet are very difficult to understand, and will often try to either act aggressive towards you, and try to be friends with it. However, when you have friends...they will do stuff that will question...do you truly deserve to be their friends forever?

In space, there is a meteor that is going down in Earth's atmosphere. On the meteorite, there is a strange black sludge, that is clinging to side of it. This sludge is very alive, and is well apparently that it is going on a different planet very soon. But what it needs...is important...what it needs...

...is a host.

Back on Earth...10:30...

Aadiv is going around the town for a little bit. Koriand'r and Storm are proclaimed having 'A Ladies day out.' Right now, he is going to watch the scenery for a little bit, as he wanted to see how beautiful the area is around him. He is walking around a park of some sort, with no one else inside it.  His friends are doing their usuals stuff, doing their hobbies.

As he walked around, he spoke out.

"Kori is getting more and more familiar with our tradition. In time, I think she will be able to adapt to them as well. I just hope that nothing bad will...Huh?!"

He looked up, and saw that there is something about to fall down on him. And it was coming in fast, to where he's position.

"Oh god...not this again!!!"

He than ran for it, as he jumped away from whatever it is that is coming for him.


It crashed into the ground, hard. Aadiv looked, as he saw how large the crater is. When he looked down...he caught something that he was not sure what it is.

It looked like black slime...but it was moving on It's own. No really. There was no wind going down and making move lie water. And it doesn't look friendly. Obviously, Aadiv was a little worried about what this is. As he went towards it, the slime-like entity moved fast, as it looked like it noticed Aadiv. Aadiv than gojt out of the hole, and began to climb out. But as he did, he tripped. This caused the slime to get close to Aadiv's feet, and began to enter.

Aadiv noticed and tried to wipe it off of him, but the slime than covered his hand. Aadiv was scared.

"Oh my god!! Getoffgetoffgetoff!!!"

Aadiv shouted out, as he tried to move his and legs to make it get off of him. Unfortunately, it didn't and enter his body.

Aadiv noticed, and he is terrified of what was about to happen him to this day.

"Well...it won't do anything bad...would it?"

Terrified, he stood up, and try to continue his day as usual. But he is so shaky that he doesn't know what will happen. He played some arcade games, he read books, and even began to run a little bit.

"You're very strange..."

He heard a voice spoke out. This made him flinch and turned back, but he sees nothing. Something was wrong. Why is he hearing something that not here. Something is very suspicious

But than he entered an alleyway, and then...Aadiv felt a very strange feeling, like something will pop up at any minute. He always has feelings like this before...but this...different. It was as though that it is here with him. As Aadiv began to walk a little bit, a voice spoke out.


Suddenly, he felt like someone is pulling him, as something sharp hits a wall, just close to his nose...by millimeters

"So you're the one that founded the Alien Chick?"

He turns, and looked to see a group of 19-20 year olds, and they all look very angry at Aadiv.

"Who...Who are you guys?"

Aadiv was terrified at what is happening. He knows that these guys...mean bad news.

"You...you never deserved to have that alien chick with you. You are not a strong and impressive guy. You only knew how to run...and there is no running from a situation this time."

One of the thugs than kicked in him the stomach.


He was then sent flying towards the wall, hard. He tried to stand up, by the thug than kicked him in the head, hurting his jaw for a little bit.

Than, one of the thugs raised their foot, and stomped them on Aadiv's arm, breaking it veery badly.


Than, another thug stomped on his leg, breaking it as well. This was so painful, he could not stand it, literally and emotionally. He was just an innocent little boy, and he is hurt for no reason.


An unknown voice spoke out. It was a bit terrifying. He held his hand with his left arm, which isn't broken. But the thugs were still trying to put him in hospital, maybe kill him!

The one of the thugs too out a chain, and whipped in on the back, and it was unimaginably painful.


Than, the thug stomped on the injury, making it even more painful than before.

"Once your out of the picture, we'll take the babe for ourselves to have, brat."

He than raised his knife in the air, and prepared to stab him in the neck with it, when a Pink Blast of energy hits the knife away, sending it to the trash.

"Let him go!"

They turned, and it was the person that they had been expecting to see.

It was Koriand'r, and she saw what's happening to Aadiv. And needless to say, she is not happy at all. The Thugs, however, ignored the anger, and tried acting cool.

"Well...if it isn't the alien babe. I have expected you to come here."

But Koriand'r than made her hands glow, ready to use her Starbolt on the thug that dared to try and harm him.

"Let my beloved go!!"

Koriand'r will not tolerate those that try to harm Aadiv.


The same voice spoke out again, and it is among Aadiv shake. Is was scary for voices to make such scary ideas. The Thug simply look smug at Kori and spoke out.

"Only if you go out with me, Babe."

The Thugs said, claiming that it will be easy to make sure that she goes with him. But Koriand'r doesn't provide the answer that he didn't expect.

She than blasts at the thugs, as she tried to knock them out. Unfortunately, one of the thugs than came from behind her and hits her in the arms, before grabbing one of them, while the other thug grabbed the other arms to stop her from aiming at their friends.

Kori was then held by the thugs, who held her arms and anchored her to the grind, so that she cannot move to save Aadiv.

"Let go of my lover!!"

She demands in an enraged tone. She already lost someone she loves, she will not let it happen like before. But the Thug has a cocky grin on his face, as he spoke to her.

"Oh, We'll get you, babe, when we beat down that weak bastard that never deserved to have you in the first place." 

The leader said, as he raised his foot, preparing to break his skull, and put him in hospital for possibly years.

Aadiv was about to get beatdown again by the thug that wants Kori, when something unexpected happen. A black liquid-like tentacle appeared out of Aadiv and hits one of the men in the face. He than stood up and began to fight back, and shows off new enhanced strength. Even more shocking, his bones are healed.

"What the...What just happened to me?!"

But the guys that were trying to prevent Koriand'r from aiding Aadiv Love, they let her go and sprang into action, and took out some knives to try and stab him. But Aadiv was taken over by something, as it began moving on its own. Aadiv suddenly kicked both of the thugs in the face, grabbed the knife, and stabbed them in the legs, painfully. They cried out in agony, as Aadiv grabbed their heads, and slammed them both together, hard. They were knocked out by the sheer force of the hit.

"My God!"

Than, a tentacle moved him away, and whatever it is that controlled him, he grabbed a garbage bin, which would hav even impossibly for Aadiv to lift alone, and slammed it into the thug, sending hum flying far. This caused most of his bones to break very badly. Than, his kid move again, as he grabbed a wooden chair, and swung it at another Thug that had tried to attack him from behind

One of the thugs than punched him in the back, and kicked him in the face. But when he tried to land another punch, Aadiv grabbed onto his hand, and his arm began to be covered in the black slime that he encounters before. Feeling his body being controlled again, he punched the guy in the face, as his nose bled, and it's broken. He than threw the guy into a wall, as the thug leader was shocked at what Aadiv has just done.

"OUTSTANDING!!! Now let's bite their heads off and pile them up in the corner!!"

The strange voice spoke to him.

"No..I'm not going to do something like that!"

Before the voice could speak back to him, the Leader if the Thugs grabbed him and shouted at his face, very loudly.

"How did you do that?! You know what?! I don't care!!

He shouted, as he grabbed him by the collar of his shirt. He was so furious that he was ready to crush his head for hurting them.

I'm gonna make sure you get beat down to-"

But the instant he said that, Aadiv's Black Slimy Hand than grabbed the thug by the neck. He began to grow taller. Once he was tall by about 7 feet, a face began to form over Aadiv's face...and it was very terrifying.

"Eyes...Lungs...Pancreas...so many snacks, so little time."

The being spoke out, as it sticks out it's tongue and licks the man's face.

Needless to say, the man was very terrified by the alien that is controlling the boy that they had recently assaulted.

"No...please don't kill me!!"

The entity chuckled darkly, as he spoke out.

"I won't just kill you. I'll eat your head."

The thug was terrified, and it was about to do it, when Koriand'r blasted a Starbolt to prevent hatred the entity controlling Aadiv, is about to do soon.

"Who are you? And why are you controlling my lover?!"

Koriand'r demanded to the alien that is controlling Aadiv Love. The creature looked surprised at the female, as her hands are glowing green. Than, it became obvious that she isn't human.

He than looked at the person that tried to steal Kori from Aadiv, and then threw him to a wall.

It made a crater on the wall, as the thug was to terrified to move, realizing that if he tried to attack, than he's dead.

It than goes to Kori and goes to an eye level with the Tanaranean.

"I'm Venom. I only controlled him to protect my host."

Koriand'r looked confused at Venom.

"Host, what do you mean host?"

Kori was not sure what the alien was. Venom than spoke out to her.

"I control the host, nothing more. I sue the host to survive in place not familiar."

Koriand'r than spoke out to him.

"That sounds tether parasitical.


Venom shouted at her angered. Kori jumped at that.

"Wait, that was insulting, Venom? Sorry."

Koriand'r apologies to him. But Venom simply snorted.

"Sure you are."

Kori than shook her head, as she spoke out.

"Anyway, Venom, why have you suddenly come to Earth, and also, can you...can you release control over my lover, Venom?"

Venom was about to answer, when he was suddenly shot in the back. He turns and saw one of the thugs taking a gun at him.

"You stay away from our-"

Before he could speak, Venom lunged at the Thug, and bit his head off. The leader was terrified that Venom wasn't kidding when he said that he will eat their heads. Than, police was heard, and began to fire at Venom. But the alien than climbed the walls, and went out of sight.

Koriand'r, while a bit terrified, than goes up in he air, and followed the alien that is possessing Aadiv, her beloved. As she follows him, she looked to see that he goes into the water, and began to swim very fast.

Venom swam for about 6 seconds, before he goes out of the water, and Venom released control over Aadiv Love.

Aadiv looked around, and spoke out.

"What just happened to me, what...wait?"

He than began to recollect what happened. The black goo...the voice...the control...and than...IT.

As he sat down, unable to comprehend what he saw, a black mass of tendrils than came out of his shoulder, and formed the head of the entity that controlled Aadiv.

"Who...Who are you?"

Aadiv spoke with fear present. This being is so terrifying, simply by looks and brutality.

Venom spoke to Aadiv, who shivered in fear of it.

"Why...did you come to my planet? How are you even able to get here?"

Aadiv questioned to Venom, who seemed to have his eyes narrowed, as though he is grinning in utter amusement at the sight of Aadiv's fear.

"Hehehehehe...that is something that I can't reveal to you, Aadiv. Besides..."


He looks up to see Koriand'r, who looked relieved, but takes notice of Venom. She scowled a little bit, as she spoke out to him rather demandingly.

"Venom, do you mind getting out of my lover's body?"

But than, Venom shook his head, and claimed.

"I can't."

This made Koriand'r angry, and she shouted out to him.

"What do you mean, Venom?! What do you mean: 'You can't?!' How can you not?!"

Venom than spoke out to her.

"If I get off of my host, than I will be killed, due to the fact that I need a host to adapt to an environment such as this. Besides, it was his fault that he went near me."

Aadiv, however, spoke back.

"Except that I tied to get away from you and tried to get you off, Venom! You're the one that decided to go into my body!"

Venom chucked a little bit, as he spoke out.

"What can I say? I was desperate to stay alive, Aadiv. But don't worry. I won't do anything terrible to you and your friends...as well as your cousin, Melissa.

Aadiv was shocked at what he heard what Venom said. He knows of his friends and his younger cousin, Melissa, despite not telling him about them.

"How did you know about the people I know?"

As he questioned him, Venom than retreated back into him, and Aadiv was rather unhappy.

"Oh god. What am I supposed to do now, Kori?"

Koriand'r than hugged Aadiv, as she spoke out.

"Don't worry, Aadiv. We'll figure something out. I won't let you alone to handle this new problem."

Aadiv than hugged Kori back, as he spoke out.

"Thank you for saying that, Kori."

Koriand'r than flied up in the air, and than went back to the house to tell their friends what happened.

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