The Perfect Duo

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Ororo and Koriand'r have been surprisingly much more good together. They didn't fight as much, they even didn't attempt to fight for Aadiv as much...except for when in bed, which is the main reason Aadiv would have trouble sleeping.

Thanfully, however, he was able to become a little relaxed so he can get the sleep that he really needs. He just needs to find a way to get them to stop fighting when he's about to go to bed.

Right now...he is trying to get his mind off of things by going out for a walk. It was a little bit stressful, but he is fine.

" least Ororo and Koriand'r aren't acting all angry this ti-"

BLAM!!! explosion came out of nowhere and launched Aadiv forward. People panicked and screamed out of the area they are in.

"What the...wh-What was tha-at??"

Aadiv spoke in shock. As an answer to his question...a large mass walks behind Aadiv. The shy boy stood up, looked at the mass, and was shocked at what he is seeing before him.

"A...a Ci-Citadel? Wha...Wh-What do you want from me?!"

Aadiv spoke out. He was terrified. Terrified that he was about to be killed on the sport instantly. Okay...maybe it would have if it did happen now...but it is still frightening. What is one such as this one even doing here? The Citadel began to speak in a low grumbling tone.

"Komand'r wants me to take you to her. So she asked me to get you even by force."

Aadiv began to step back.

"Kom-Komand'r...w-wants m-m-me? Why does she want me?!"

He shouted back at the Citadel in fear and confusion. Why would Komand'r, the Evil Ruler of Tamaran, of all people, suddenly wants him to be in her corrupting presence? The Citadel, however, didn't answer. He instead spoke to him.

"It doesn't matter. Come with me to Komand'r...or else..."

The Citadel took out his gun, and began to aim at him, and it made Aadiv extremely figurines of what he'll do. Here, there was only one solution...when you are at a deadly situation such as this one...RUN.

Aadiv began to flee away from the Citadel as fast as he can. Due to how fast he can run, and how much he has been practicing in case of a situation such as this, he is well prepared to try and escape. But the Citadel was relentless, like it is a dog. It was as though it is trying to get him, even if it means injuring him, because he began to fire his photon cannon at Aadiv, who is doing the best that he can to avoid it. The Photon cannon barely missed him, and instead hits a tree, which falls down and blocked the Citadel's path. The Citadel blasts the tree to smithereens and continues his pursuit.

Aadiv tried to go behind a car and run, but this is exactly what the Citadel hoped for. It raised its cannon...and fired at the car.



Aadiv was both really injured and launched by the powerful explosion that had just occurred before. He was than sent skidding back at the road, before he finally stopped. But Aadiv tried to pick himself off of the ground. The pain...however...was to much for him to bare. After trying to get up for 10 seconds...he fell down...unconscious. The Citadel than came forward.

"Finally. Now I can bring this brat back and get-"

Before he could do anything...


Lighting and green energy sudden came out of completely nowhere, and struck the Citadel back. He was shocked at what just happened, as he didn't see anybody present. But where he should've looked: Upwards.

Ororo and Koriand'r floated down, as they began to protect the man that they love. Their eyes narrowed at the Citadel that is before them...the one that tried to take Aadiv away by force...and they were ready to make sure that it suffers.

Both Ororo and Koriand'r smiled. Both of the females than raised their hands in the air. Koriand'r's hand began to have a green glowing fire, while Ororo began to have sparks fly off her fingertips. Obviously, they were confident and ready to beat down the person that tried to take Aadiv, and the person that tried that is now scared.

"So, Ororo. Shall we make this Citadel pay for hurting the man that we love?"

Koriand'r spoke in a rather sinister tone that scared it. Ororo nodded, as she spoke out to him.

"Gladly so..."

As her eyes glow white. They are going to give the Citadel the worst suffering they could make for him.

The Citadel than opened fire on them, but they both fly out of the way. Ororo rains down a lightning storm on the Citadel. The lightning than struck the Citadel badly, causing him to fall. But the Citadel stood up, and look angry, and tried to fire his photon cannon at her. But Ororo made a shield of wind and was able to deflect the attacks back at the Citadel, who than got hit.

Koriand'r came into play, and fired a Starbolt at the Citadel. The Citadel stumbled forward a little bit. It than turned around, and roared, recognizing Koriand'r. It than charged at her and began to try and attack her. But Koriand'r blasted a Starbolt at it's chest, as it was pushed back. The being than tried to fire its Photon Cannon at Ororo, but Ororo made another shield. Ororo than launched ice at the Citadel.

Ice spikes than fell, and many of them pierced the Citadel's flesh. The Citadel roared in utter agony, as the pain was just to much to bare. But it wasn't done just yet. Koriand'r than came out of complete nowhere, charged up her fists, and punched the Citadel so hard, it sent it to a binding 50 feet behind its current position.

The Citadel than stood back up, albeit much slower than before. Obviously, it was weakened, because of the amount of punishment it took while attacking. But he was not done yet. He will not stop until he gets Aadiv in his hands.

He than looks around, but saw that Aadiv wasn't here. It was as though he teleported from the place. It made it angry. He had failed the mission.

Ororo and Koriand'r attacked are the same time.

Lighting and Ice began to fall, while Koriand'r fires her Starbolt at it's most powerful. The Citadel tried to get away, but than, a sphere made of Wind surrounded it, and it couldn't get away. The wind shield was gone...but for this the Lightning, Ice, and the Starbolt hit.


Smoke began to cover the vision of both Ororo and Koriand'r, as they cover and protect both their eyes. When the opened them, they see the Citadel, being still...until it began to topple down. It than fell down, and made a crack at the road, which means that the Citadel is very heavy, unsurprising...due to its weight.

After they made sure that it is out down, Koriand'r than spoke out loud.

"Okay, Aadiv. You can come out. The Citadel is finally down!"

Silence...until the sound of shuffling is heard, and Aadiv appeared underneath the trash bin.

" it really down?"

Aadiv spoke out, worried that it might be faking it. Koriand'r nodded with a smile, along with Ororo, very beautifully.

"You don't have to worry anymore, Aadiv. We took care of this...Citadel. It will not harm you ever again."

Ororo spoke out to Aadiv, who a really appreciative one. Aadiv sighed in relief, as he spoke out.

"That's good."

But than, Kori looked at Aadiv, and spoke out.

"Why was there a Citadel chasing and wants you badly, Aadiv?"

Aadiv looked down for a little bit, before he spoke out to her.

"The said that Komand'r wants to have me for some reason. I don't know why...but I know that I would be in trouble if I were it meet her again."

Koriand'r was immediately both shocked and enraged. Her sister, her older sister had tried to take her Aadiv by force. This was complete unacceptable.

"Don't worry about that. Komand'r May try to take you...but I won't let it. We won't let it."

She said, also mentioning Ororo with the we. Aadiv smiled, as he spoke out to her.

"I'm just glad that I met all of you. Really."

Koriand'r and Ororo smiled, as they hugged Aadiv really tightly, with Aadiv doing the same. This was a very happy time for the one that had first found an alien.


Aadiv was now home. Apparently, the Citadel that they had somehow disappeared. They don't know why. Somehow, it was able to get away from being caught, despite that it could make noise. Komand'r most likely brought it back, and it was silent. Maybe that is why no one has heard a sound.

But still...there was this one topic in his mind that completely worried him to a great degree.

"Why would Komand'r of all people try to ask me away so suddenly? I'm not that special."

For some reason, Komand'r wanted him. But why this badly. He is just a weak human in Komand'r's corrupted eyes. Nothing more. So why take him away? Was it to torture him so he could tell her where Koriand'r lives? Was it to force him to do something he'll fear, such as attacking his friends? One thing he knows for sure, it is not a good sign.

As he looks up at the night starry sky, he heard Koriand'r's voice speak out.

"Aadiv? Are you okay?"

He turns...and sees Koriand'r, who is in a pink buttoned shirt.

The upper part of her shirt isn't closed, and instead, it was revealing her upper body, which made Aadiv blush a little bit seeing it. But he than spoke to her to avoid the subject on what he's looking at.

"O-oh...hey Kori. I wasn't expecting you to be up this late to."

Koriand'r simply smiled at him, before floating forward, and began to stand next to him.

"Oh, Aadiv...on my world, we allow ourselves to love many people...always emotionally...Sometimes physically, yes, but here, well, things are so different...we all have so much to give to each's wrong to withhold your feelings. We even get to show love to other people."

Aadiv was a little shocked, and spoke out.

" should only b-be between t-two people. I-I'm sorry for me about to say this...but is just so strange."

Koriand'r, however, giggled at what he said, and spoke back to him.

"Tamaran is sometimes wonderful, Tamaran is sometimes frightening, but not strange, Aadiv. Not at all strange. There's nothing strange about understanding your own emotions and acting on them."

Koriand'r than raised her arm, as she spoke i on out.

"What was really that your people on Earth try to hide and deny your emotions. You express love, but you don't act on it. You love me, Ororo has shown to love you, and you like to look at the scenery from outside. You even walk outside just to get a better view.

Aadiv chucked a little bit, as he rubbed the back of his head.

"'s more like...I have difficulty expressing love. This variation of it is just I...I really have no idea how to express...but it at least try to express it as much as I can. That is the best I can do.

Koriand'r smiled cheekily...but than spoke something out, and her response wasn't happy this time.

"There is one thing I would like to know...Aadiv."

Aadiv looked at her in surprise, and spoke out.

"Wh...What is it you...that to want to ask...Kori?"

Koriand'r sighed and wasn't smiling.

"It was about how you thought of vengeance. When in my planet, we avenge people in order to honor their memories, to make sure that the people that wronged us don't get away without punishment. So why did you and your friends stop me?"

Aadiv than he spoke out to her.

"I...I always believed...Vengeance never worked...I've talked to Ororo about that...when it involves you when you tried taking revenge."

Kori looked a bit she spoke out.

"What do you mean by that?"

Aadiv was quiet...but than he spoke out...still stuttering.

"To m-me...vengeance is nothing...b-but a corruption feeling, despite having an in-understandable fe-feeling to avenge someone. It's's l-l-like a p-poison that effects the mind of others...if you let it consume you...consume the innocence that you still have within your soul...while you would look normal on the become nothing...but a monster instead. Do you understand what I mean?"

Koriand'r looked confused, and shook out.

"No...I don't."

Aadiv sighed, as he spoke out.

"Well...maybe when you see it...someday, you'll understand."

Koriand'r spoke out. But than, Aadiv began to stretch, as he spoke out.

"I'm tired. I think I will go back to bed."

Koriand'r smiled, as she carried Aadiv.

"Woah!! K-Kori! What are you..."

Before he could speak, they went back into his room, and Koriand'r took off her...oh no.

"Now, Aadiv...we can both go to-"

Before she could speak, as she hugged Aadiv's right arm, Ororo spoke out.

"No...I'll be the one to do it."

Ororo was here...and she's the same thing with Kori.

Aadiv can only look, as he spoke out.

"This will be a very long night."

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