Her Existance Revealed

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It was all Aadiv could see, as his eyes are closed in the strange space he is in. But when a light is shown on him...his eye open.


Aadiv was unconscious. He is trying to move, but realized, he can't. His arms, he feels like they have been pinned by something. This feeling...it's cold...and hard. He was also on something uncomfortable. It was the same feeling as with his wrists.


He than opened his eyes, as he began to look around. Aadiv...he was in what seems to be a laboratory. There are metal walls that are rusted, and yet, some computers are present, but barely functional. Some wires even stick out, but is charred black, as if they're burned out. He than looked down...only to see something wrong. His feet, they are surrounded by some metal cuffs, and the cuffs are on what he is. The same thing is with the arms. He can't move his limbs. He is stuck on whatever he is. But than...another thing came into mind.

"Wh...W-What is th-this? Wh-Where am I-I?"

As he spoke...



A sudden electric shock appeared out of complete nowhere and hits him. Needless to say, it was extremely painful. It felt as though multiple knives have been pierced into his skin, and than slicing him.

"Silence, Boy. You only get to talk when we say you can talk to us."

A gravely voice spoke out. He looked, and saw a scientist. He has salt and pepper hair, and has deathly black eyes. His eyes were also bloodshot. He is also at the height of 6'2. He is wearing a lab coat, and has some cybernetic implants on his fingers on his right hand and his left leg. He is wearing black pants, as well as some black shoes, with bloodstains on the top of them.

The scientist than spoke out to the doctor.

"Dr.Noroi. Are you sure that this is the right one who knows where the creature is?"

The scientist than shouted at him.

"Silence! I know it is!! We've seen him on the cameras and the drones!"

Aadiv was than shocked, realizing where those drones belong to.

'So it was him. He was the one that had sent those drones to capture me and Kori. But why does he want to have Kori?"

After calming himself down, Noroi than turned around, and slammed his hand onto the metal table that Aadiv is on, making him flinch. Dr.Noroi has a sinister smile on his face, as he spoke out in a rather calm, yet very frightening manner.

"You listen here, brat. You have something that I want for myself. I want you to tell me this. Where is the creature that you have?!"

He demands to Aadiv. But Aadiv thought to himself.

"He wants to do something bad to her. No. I can't tell him. I need to keep on denying it. Even if he does know of her existence, I must refuse to reveal her location of where she.'

As he thought of this, Noroi than slammed the table harder, and shouted louder.

"Tell me!! Where is it?!"

Aadiv than shouted back.

"I have no idea what creature you are referring to!!"



He got shocked once again, but this time, a lot more painfully than ever before. His gunshot wounds even began to bleed open Grimm the amount of pressure the electricity gave to him. Dr. Noroi than shouted out to him.


Aadiv, however, is a person that remains loyal to his friend. He than shouted back at him, although the tone is fearful.

"What do you mean, hiding what creature?! Tell me!!"

Dr. Noroi snarled, and than shows a picture of Kori's hand, blasting at the thug. Aadiv than spoke out.

"Where am I in the picture?! That doesn't prove anything!!"

He is still scared, but now is trying his best to sound as brave as he possibly can. But the scientist took a picture from a drone. One of them is of Kori, although it is very blurry. The other is of Aadiv, although he was wearing a different clothing, and his face was hidden branch a hood he wore. He than spoke at him.

"This still isn't proving anything."

Dr. Noroi than spoke out.

"Not yet, at least. I know of your entire secret. I had gotten video footage of your conversations with this creature, even though the feed is all buggy. But I have the proof in the video footage from all angles of the existence did that creature you're hiding."

Aadiv, even though he knows that he is caught, than shouted this to the leader of the scientists he has.

"Even if I did know, how would you have or even prove to the entire world do this secret that's kept?!"

But Dr. Noroi was smirking darkly. He than spoke out.

"It wouldn't matter of the secret of the creature you met, so that it could be kept permanently. You can't keep it for a long time. And that is because I have exposed it's existence to it to the entire city that we live in!!"

Aadiv was shocked, as he spoke out.

"No...that can't be true!!

But the doctor simply cackled like a killer, and spoke out to him.

"Oh I can assure you, it is all to real."

He than pressed the button, and shows a screen, with Koriand'r's hand blasting the thug, the fight she had with the drone, as well as a semi-blurry photo of her with people looking at it with shock.

In the outside world...

This is all to real. This is literally happening to the outside world now. Even their friends see it. Luckily, Koriand'r was inside of the car.

"Damn it. Looks like they exposed Koriand'r's existence to everyone already, and all of the humans below believe it!"

Joshua spoke out to everyone that is present inside the vehicle they are in. But than, Kate spoke out.

"Kori, you said you want to fly over there as fast as you can, well, you now have the chance to do it already."

Kori looked in shock.


Kate nodded, as she gave her a tracking device.

"This will show you where to go. Get there as fast as possibly. Please help him out alive."

Kori took it, and than nodded at her, before jumping from the top of the car, which is opened by the ceiling window, and flying fast towards the sight, with their friends seeing the way that she flies.

"Okay, why does her hair do that?"

James spoke out. Baron than spoke to him.

"It doesn't matter. We're going to need it. Follow Koriand'r's trail."

The Helicopter than went full speed to try and catch up to the Tamaranean's hair trail.

Kori was flying as fast as possible, as she looked down at the device. She than look and thought to herself.

"This whole mess...this human that has attempted to capture me so much must be no better than the people that experimented on me! I swear, if they did something so horrible to my friend, I will kill them. Aadiv, you have done so much for me since I arrived. You gave me a home to live in, some friends to be with, and a life for me to obtain. I will return the favor to you. I will save you, and makes sure that you get out of this problem alive, safe and sound.

As she thought, she than flied even faster, as the trail of red became visible to everyone below the city. But Koriand'r didn't care. She didn't care of the humans that are looking at her the way she looks, or anything else in the matter. All she cares about, in her mind, is to save the first human friend that she had in her life.

Back at the Labratory...


Aadiv was shocked again by the scientist. He had a bloody nose, and blood coming out of his eye, which is painful. Obviously, the scientist will not stop until he reveals the existence of where Koriand'r is. But the thing is...he won't reveal. He cares far to much to even have Koriand'r be hurt by him, or anyone else that tried to hurt her. He tries the best to help her. No matter the pain that I've feels, he will not cave in.

He than took a deep breath, as the pain began to dwindle greatly, and than, he spoke out.

"What about the people that I care about?! What are you going to do to them if I ever real where she is?!"

The scientist responds with another shock, resulting in him screaming even more than he has in the last shocks.

"Listen here, you little brat. I don't give a damn about the people that you care for, the people you love, and the people that you are trying to protect for so long. All I care about is obtain the power of a certain creature, the creature that you have been hiding from us for so long. So you are going to tell me where it is. If you don't tell us where the creature that you are hiding is, I will press the switch, and you will die, painfully!!"

The scienstist said to him. A sinister smile than formed on the scienstist's face, as he had hoped that the pathetic little child of a human will finally give him what he needs. He believed the the human is far to much of a coward to even do anything, and believed that the only option that it had is to tell him of the existence of the alien. However...what had happened next shocked him. Aadiv's eyes were closed for a little bit. But when he opened them, it was something else. Anger. He than shouted this out suddenly.


For the first time, Aadiv than got incredibly angry, as he finally shouted out loud to him in unusual defiance.


After saying that, Aadiv took a deep breath, and puts up a defiant face, and than spoke out to him. This time, a little less loud, but still some yelling.

I don't care how many times you try to make me reveal it to you...or how much you try to get me to reveal the truth, but regardless of whafever you do...I WILL NOT SAY IT ALOUD!!! I DON'T CARE IF I DIE!!! AS LONG AS THE PEOPLE I CARE FOR IS SAFE, THAN I'M HAPPY, EVEN IF IT MEANS MY DEATH!!!"

The scientist was than incredibly enraged. Enraged that no matter that the he does to the boy, he will not come clean of the creature's whereabouts. But than, he spoke to him.

"So be it."

He than pressed the button, and the most painful shock came to him the most edible way yet.

He feels as though his muscles were on fire, and his bones are melting from the sheer heat of the electricity. His mind feels like it is about to go right through the skin of his head, and explode out his skull.


But when he unleashed that scream...


The wall busted itself open, which caught the scientists by surprise. Smoke was present, until it dissipates. They than looked at the hole's location, and realized at who it is.

It was Koriand'r. She has finally appear to save Aadiv. But she looks incredibly furious. What the scientists have done to Aadiv is unforgivable. To torture someone so pure and innocent, someone that has done nothing but to protect an innocent person such as her, despite being a different being, that is enough to make her finally decide to go all out. She wants to kill them, but Aadiv tells her how wrong it is to kill people, despite the fact that he is aware that they deserve it anyway.

The scientists than started to panicked, and try to call for help, when a blast of energy appeared out of Koriand'r's hands, her Starbolts, and hit the machine, causing Aadiv to fly out of it, and guns to be fired into the room, hitting the scientists. Koriand'r than flies into the room, and caught Aadiv mid-air.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Koriand'r looked down at Aadiv, in fear for the safety of his life right now. She puts him down, as Joshua came to check on him, seeing if something bad has happened.

Kate is seen with an axe in her hand. She than went up close and personal with one of the robots. She chopped one of the arms of the robot off, as well as one of the legs. The robot than turned to her and activated a mini gun from the arm to try and kill her. But she than fled for her life, as she went over and bend herself behind a steel desk, which caused the bullets to ricochet off somewhere. She than came out of the hiding place, and stuck the robot. This impact with the Axe later killed it. Breathing a little bit, she than looked and saw how the others were holding up.

Baron is seen using a rifle, which he had been trained to use by his own father. As he had been trained to hunt, it became a very nifty skill for her to use. He was even able to get some headshots at the droids that dared attack his friend. He even did a lucky shot by pointing at the wall, and the bullet shot into the eye of the Droid, which destroyed its brain. He is going to make sure that ever single one gets out of here alive.

James is using Brass Knuckles against the dome of the other robots. The brass knuckles he mainly used are able to lodge into the droid's camera, making them unable to see anything without the glass. One of the droids tried to punch him, but James than ducked under the droid, and kicked it into a fuse box, which caused it to get electrocuted. Another droid to attack him from behind, but he noticed on instinct, grabbed its arm, and began to smash it.

Melissa has metal gauntlets and greaves that she now wears. She punched one of the robots down to the ground, as it got close to her. As another one tried to wrap its arms around her, Melissa turned around when she her it's footsteps close. She than did a hammerfist, causing a dent to appear. She than grabbed onto another one, before she began to punch the droid repeating it, until the face of it began to dent and made a hole inside its head.

Kori held onto Aadiv's hand, as she prayed to her goddess in hoping that she survives.

"X'Hal. Please let him live for-"

Before she could finish speaking, a blaster was aimed at her by none other than the scientists: Naori himself.

"You will not escape me, creature. I will have your body, and I will use it to take the world as mine to rule all myself."

As he spoke out to her, more drone same out, and all of them aimed their weapons at her, with the cannons ready to fire. But all this did, was prove that he made the biggest mistake in his entire life. At these words, Koriand'r's hands began to glow, and than all of a sudden...


She fired a Starbolt at the drones, which fried them and blow them up. She than began to exhibit strength she hadn't performed before.

Koriand'r was so enraged, that she immediately attacked. She ripped apart on of the robots that naroi launched at her. But the Tamaranean's have an ability of their own. Similar to how Humans when it involves adrenaline, they can make themselves become stronger by getting angry. Except that in this state, there are no drawbacks.

As she attacked, Koriand'r than noticed something on the screen. She than looked at it, saw what it is.

Directive 1: Disect the body of creature.

Directive 2: Fuse DNA of said creature into the clone body of a human.

Directive 3: Use new army to take over the Earth.

Needless to say, this made Koriand'r so angry, she than decided to do the next best thing to when it comes to destroying any machine.

She shouted, as she tore the entire equipment apart, realizing what they were about to do to her. They were planning to dissect her, so that they can obtain their power, and to rule Earth. Needless to say, she was so ready fo make them pay for what they've done.

"You!!! You are planning to conquer earth, by using my blood, in order to make an army?! Unacceptable!! I already lost a home by someone I knew of, due to her conquering it!! This will not happen here!! Not again!!"

She than fired her Starbolt at the Doctor, who than jumped out of the way. He grabbed a electric cannon, and fired a blast of electricity. Koriand'r than fired her Starbolt, and collided against the cannon, locking them in place.

However, Koriand'r was so angry, her Starbolts was able to overpower the cannon, and than was able to destroy it.



The Starbolt caused the Cannon to overheat and explode. Noroi was panicking, and shouted out to her, as she began to walk up to the scientist, and is ready to kill.

"No, please. Stop! Spare me!! Don't kill me!! I PROMISE!!! I WON'T DO THIS AGAIN!!!"

But Koriand'r didn't stop, and just kept coming to him. But before she could strike...


Everyone, even Koriand'r turned around to see Military Soldiers and the Police Force came in the room. They had guns in their hand, and ran past Koriand'r. Suddenly, they pointed their guns at Noroi, as the General came in.

The General has short black hair, and his brown eyes. He has a scar on his right eye, as well as some bullet shot wound on his arms. He than walked up to Noroi, as he spoke out.

"Dr. Noroi, you are now arrested for your crimes against humanity. We have seen the footage of your terrible acts of your intentions, as well as your terrible experiments on our own kind. The footage was given to us from someone going by the name of Joshua Earl."

Aadiv was shocked, and turned to Joshua, who than shrugged his shoulders, as he spoke out.

"Someone has to do something to bring him down."

Aadiv smiled, as he watched as Noroi was being taken, and began to shout out to everyone.



Joshua came to Noroi and ounces the scientist out cold. The General than walked up to Kori, as he spoke out.

"Are you alright, ma'am?"

Koriand'r, who than shook out of her shock, than spoke out.

"Yes. I am okay."

The General spoke out.

"Good. We have seen the video footage of what was happening, as well as the reveal of your existence. Although we thought you were here to attack us, Joshua showed that you were only trying to defend yourself and protect a friend of yours."

Koriand' than was shocked but what he said, and spoke out.

"But...what of the other humans outside?"

The General than spoke out.

"Don't worry. We have it all covered out. We are using Joshua's video tape to prove you are a friend to everyone in Seattle. No harm will come, Miss."

Everyone, even Aadiv, was shocked at the unexpected turn of events. When Koriand'r and the others went outside, many people were able to greet her in a excited way, finally seeing an alien in person, and that this alien is as human as the others. Kids greet her with excitement. Adults act all friendly. It is like she is the member of the human race. The children even has fun flying with her, and Koriand'r never dropped a single one. The Humans even took picture of her and reveal it to everyone in the U.S.A, although they decide to keep her entire existence away from the others counties, due to being unsure of they'll accept her or not. But that's okay in Kori's Tamaranean eyes. She even made a speech to everyone in New York, whom they highly look up to her, both literally, and metaphorically. She even did a speech of her own before everyone.

"And my new friends that have kept me safe."

As for Noroi, he is kept in a maximum security cell, along with his group of Scientists that worked alongside his plan. Those that were simply forced were let go, and were given the life they had wanted back, although they had to go to therapy after they are free.

Aadiv's fears of Kori's entire existence being rejected have been forgotten. He even gained recognition on the first person to protect and even treat an alien as a friend, and even got to know her. He was also less shy now, and he spoke with even less of a scared voice. His friends, and his cousin were very proud of him. Speaking of which, his Aunt and Uncle, although they did reprimand him for keeping an alien in his house without knowing, hey did acknowledge he sense of responsibility, and are even proud of him for trying to protect her into hiding, even if it meant getting on his deathbed.

Aadiv was truly happy, she had never felt this before. It is the happiest he has ever felt. And he wants this to last forever. He friends and family...they will be with him...together.

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