Someone met in the Past

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People always say...revenge is a dish best serve cold. But to me, it is a force of darkness that corrupts the mind and soul of humans. It eats away at your innocence, and makes you do things that you are never supposed to do, and before you realize, while outside, you look fine, become a monster.

My name is Aadiv Love. It has been about 6 months, since we allowed Koriand'r to stay on Planer Earth, my home. As she stayed in there, during out her first month, she had gotten a boyfriend named Franklin Crandall, who had taken a liking of her, and I was very proud of Koriand'r. But than, a trade guy struck, a well later. Apparently, Franklin has gotten shot by some incredibly dangerous criminal, and was killed, and Koriand'r couldn't do anything to stop it. I tried to comfort her, but she...let the scene tell you.

Flashback...Third Person Point of View



Aadiv has been knocked away by none other than Koriand'r, who finally has enough of holding back, as she shouted this.

"NO!! I've had it with listening to you, Aadiv!! Always telling me what to do, always telling me to hold back my power!!"

As she shouted, she began to fly up, as she continued to shout.

"Where did it get me, Aadiv?! That filthy killer--the one that took Franklin--he'll see how terrible my power is, Aadiv! He'll see! HE'S A DEAD MAN!!!"

As she flied up, Melissa was the only one that went to where she is going to. She was able to put a stop to her rampage.

Flashback end...Aadiv's Point of View

What she did to me was very painful, both emotionally and physically. I was knocked out by what she did. But emotionally, I was vulnerable. Being hit by my friends is a terrifying experience for me. I never knew what it felt like before in my life. But now...I did know. And it was so shocking and painful. I never felt this way, I cried in my sleep for a whole hour. But what happened to the criminal, do you

Flashback...Third Person View...

She looks at the killer, as her eyes are filled with nothing but burning hot rage. She prepared to kill him, when a rope wrapped around Koriand'r, stopping her from finishing him off.

"Koriand'r!! Stop! Don't do this!"

She was shocked, and turned to see Melissa, who is holding a rope in her hand, and is trying to stop her from going to far.

"Melissa!! What are you doing?! Don't you know what he has done to me?! To Franklin!"

She shouted at Melissa, as she spoke back.

"I do, and I still can't let you kill him."

Koriand'r relentless, swing the rope, and Melissa was swung to the wall.


Koriand'r than went in close, as she spoke out.


Before she can get the chance, Melissa went in front of the criminal, as she spoke back.

"Than get through me first. Koriand'r, don't you get it?! There are laws in how we handle this, and executing them on the spot isn't one of them. If you want to stay on the planet, you have to obey them! Because if you don't obey, whether we like you or not, our kind we'll be forced to hunt you down and imprison you!! What is it going to be?!"

Koriand'r had an angry expression on her face, and than...she cried.

Koriand'r is crying badly, at the hearing of that there are laws that need to be obeyed, and the consequence of doing so. Because of this, she cited this out at the wake of all of this.

She than flied back to the house despairingly. She had lost a person that she truly loved today. Her forever changed.

Back to Aadiv's point of view...

She was never the same...thankfully, the criminal that shot and killed Franklin was caught and was imprisoned to a maximum security prison, where he can never escape. But Koriand'r was never the same. She never smiled and never went out as much, and she even made the accusation to Joshua.

Needless to say, things weren't the same as before. She had been staying inside for weeks, and although she came out 2 months later, she was still depressed. However, the third month...everything changed.

Koriand'r was found by her kind, and they want to take her back home. Koriand'r agreed, by taking us with her. At least she gave us enough time to speak in her language, which we were able to learn, before she went out with Franklin, obviosuly. Needless to was embarrassing, due to the clothing that we had to wear. But on the bright side, we get to see what Tamaran looks like...and it was extremely beautiful. We even had the chance to see Koriand'rs parents together.

Unfortunately, the terrible experience came to play, one that effects me even to this day. Apparently, Komand'r is forcing Koriand'r to marry a Tamaranean Prince named Karras.

Apparently, if they don't, than Komand'r will go and destroy it. Needless to say, Koriand'r didn't want to be separated from her new home. But was forced to do it. Karras, although he to wants to back down, due to already having A lover, knows that if they don't, than Tamaran will be destroyed. When we interacted, it was a normal one. I didn't raise my voice at him, but was sad. Of course, Karras believed that it was because that she was leaving me, even though I'm not her lover. The truth is, I was sad because of the hit they I felt from her.

But throughout the time on Tamaran, me and Koriand'r didn't talk. We never interacted throughout the entire experience. It is as though some invisible force is not making us see each other. But for me, I stayed away, because I was hurt emotionally by the backhand she gave to me after what happened to Franklin. I was emotionally crushed by that, having one of my friends hit me like this. Even I had no idea how to cope with that. It was as though, a part of me had been removed from when she did that. I barely even spoke a word to her, whenever I was mentioned with her.

While the wedding happened, I got captured by Koriand'r's sister, Komand'r.

She is a very sinister individual, as she even had hit some of my friends with her Starbolts, and we all got imprisoned on her ship. We even had a conversation only once, and she claimed that she wants to do it just so they can feel fear. But Koriand'r told me the real reason why, before Franklin's death. She said that Komand'r was born with a disease that caused her to be unable to absorb the sun's light, making her unable to fly. And due to a war, they treated her like a monster. The things she did, it is out of revenge. I even talked to her about it.

Conversation...Third Person Point of View...

"My father, he was weak-willed!! I want to show him that I'm a better ruler, and that he is nothing but a weak old man!!"

Aadiv spoke out.

"It isn't simply out of ruling, is it?"

She turned around, looking angrily confused.

"What do you mean, human?"

Aadiv spoke to her.

"Koriand'r told me about what happened to you, the disease, rejection, everything. This plan isn't simply to rule all of Tamaran. This is out of revenge against them, is it not?"

Komand'r was silent, but than snickered a little bit, as she spoke out.

"Well...aren't you perspective? So she did indeed told you everything. My kind has only treated me as though I am a person that should not have existed. They will feel what happens, when the planet that they cherished so much, no longer exist. The planet I was born from, it is not my home! It was a hell that should be destroyed, not matter what.

Aadiv than spoke out to her, in a desperate attempt to talk her out of this.

"Komand' doesn't have to be this way! To prove yourself like this! This doesn't have to end in so many lives killed!"

Komand'r snarled, but than laughed, as she spoke out.

"Oh...but it does have to be this way. And it will always be this way. My kind has always looked down on me, to treat me like I'm nothing but a monster. Well, they get to see how far I can go to blowing them up!!"

Conversation end...Back to Aadiv's View Point...

What she is, is what Koriand'r could have become, had revenge taken lever her mind. Even though it was terrible, I was glad that Koriand'r was stopped before she went to far.

I get to witness the wedding first hand, and saw how different it is when compared to the wedding back on my home planet, Earth.

Koriand'r family believed that it would get Komand'r to not kill their planet, and that they would be free from her corrupted vengeance. Unfortunately, they were wrong. She still killed the planet, and me and my friends are forced to watch it happen. Koriand'r and the other members of the Tamaraneans have survived, although a bit of them were lost. Even Karras' real wife survived.

Some of my friends got angry, and Komand'r blasted then, even the friends that didn't shout at her, except me.

I even questioned it, claiming that she had a chance to blast me. Komand'r claimed that, I was a bit interesting even for a human. Which I have no idea what that's supposed to mean. Thankfully, some of the Tamaranean busted inside, and me and my friends escaped from that godforsaken place of a prison. I don't want to come back to this place again.

Koriand'r wanted my friends to stay, but they felt like they don't belong here. But I had a bigger reason, and that is because of our different beliefs. You'll see what I mean, in this next conversation.

Last one...Third Person Point of View...

Aadiv and Koriand'r are in the same room together, with Karras about to leave them alone for some alone talk. Koriand'r begged for all of Aadiv's friends to stay with her, so she can keep a human with her as a friend. But as his friends have families they must be with, that cannot happen. Aadivx however, has a bigger reason to not stay here.

"I'll give you some alone time."

Karras said to Aadiv, as he went out of the room.

"Thank you, Karras..."

Aadiv spoke, before he finally started a conversation with Koriand'r.

"I don't want you to go...none of you to go..."

Koriand'r spoke out sadly, as Aadiv looked angry.

"Why do you want me to do, stay with you behind your husband's back, and pretend that I am your true lover? That will not happen."

Koriand'r, however, begged for him to not leave the ship.

"Please, stay with me!"

Aadiv turned around, as he looked incredibly angry.

"Koriand'r!! Don't you see?! There's nothing between us anymore!!! I'm in a place that I can't belong!! You belong here in a place where, you can fly off the slightest handle, and you get to KILL anybody that does something horrible to you!! It's okay on Tamaran, but not okay on Earth!! It won't be okay!! NEVER!!! For God's sake!! Don't you get it?! This is over between us!! YOU MUST FORGET THAT WE MET EACH OTHER!!! THAT THIS PAST AS LIVING WITH A HUMAN NEVER EXISTED!!!"

Koriand'r was distressed, as she held her mouth, and tears began to fall out. It was that last words that sets her off.

"Just as I...must forget about you."

As Aadiv began to ran out back to his friends, who are waiting for him at the teleporter meant for Earth, he heard Koriand'r cried out to him, as she reached her hand out to, him, begging for him to not to leave her.


Aadiv kept on running, however, never turning back, as the words echoed in his mind. They were teleported back, and Aadiv...for the first time...broke down. He cried extremely hard, seeing that he has lost a friend. And everyone came to him in order to comfort their friend.

Back to Aadiv's View Point...

Those words...kept echoing inside my mind. I LOVE YOU. Because I heard this...I have no idea...if she really meant it, or if she was just desperate to have a friend stay with her. I assume that it's the latter, since she really hasn't shown love me. She only liked me as a friend. And unfortunately...I meant it. This really is over between the both of us. To me, it is nothing but a memory that's gone. I must move on from her...right to the future. I must move on with my life...all without her.

Third Person View Point...6 Months after Tamaran Incident

Aadiv was walking out of the neighborhood for a bit, and into the city. It has been 3 months since he last saw Koriand'r, back on Tamaran. He is still angry at her, but also sad, because even after 2 months, he still felt the effects of how that backhand hit him. While inside, he wished her to be back, it became difficult, because after being hit by her after Fraklin's death, he has no idea, if he truly ever wants her to return to his life.

A month ago, he became 16, and was happy this once, before coming back to his usual unhappy self. He grew about a couple inches in his height. His friends now began to avoid him, but he didn't care. All he now wants is to be left alone.

As he walked, he than heard a bunch of noises of a incident now nearby.



He turned to the direction of the sound, and spoke out.

"What was that?"

He looked, and saw that far away, there was bright blue flashes of light, and a spark of electricity cane out of an entrance.

"What in the world, what is happening?"

He ran over there, to see what is happening to where it's originating. He looked and saw that some guys are capturing what appeared to be a female, 2 years older than Aadiv. She is wearing clothing, while different from Kori, is as revealing as even Kori's clothes. The female is also wearing black cape of some sort.

But Aadiv recognizes her face and the hair, as he has a flashback he had as a 10 year old.

Flashback...6 years in past...

10 year old Aadiv was walking with his parents. They had been coming back from a store, as they had bought some new clothing for Aadiv. As they walked, an African American person with white hair and shining white eyes, as Aadiv was not around his parents, as they are in the bathroom, came out of nowhere and tried to tackle him. But Aadiv, unaware of what is happening, bends down when he sees a Diamond. So he went down and picked it up. The girl, however, tripped, right over Aadiv, and landed to the ground, on her face.

Aadiv looked, and was shocked to see who it is. She than looked up, and Aadiv saw what she looked like.

The kid was a 12 year old. She looked up at him, and was terrified of him.

"Wait!! Please don't hurt me!!"

She spoke, as she covered her face. But Aadiv was confused.

"Hurt...why would I hurt you? Also, what were you doing?"

The girl than looked at him, as she spoke out, scared.

"My family, they want money. If I don't get any, than I'm doomed for life."

Aadiv looked down at the girl with putty, as he fished something out of his pocket. It was about 6 of the hundred dollar bills. He than give it to her, along with the diamond.

"Take it."

The girl looked in shock, as she spoke out.


He than gave it to her even further.

"Take it. You look like you don't have a home. I figure giving it to you would help."

The girl, while reluctant, took the dollars...and the diamond. She than turned to leave, but than fished something out of her pocket.

"Please have this."

She held a red diamond, which is in her hand. Aadiv, acting curious, went towards her, and took the diamond.

"Thank you...I'm Aadiv. Can you tell me your name?"

The girl looked at him, and spoke out.

"My is..."

Flashback ends...

Eye widened open, as he recollected who it is.


He spoke, as he gets to see if it is really her, and he was indeed right.

He than recognized the woman that is fighting against the people. The same person he met as a child.

He than remember the red diamond, as he is using it on as an earring. It is hanging down onto a small, short golden chain

But how she is able to control Lightning, he is unsure. But he knows that he must help her. Acting quickly, he found an explosive, threw it at the people she's fighting, and shot the explosive.

This gave Ororo enough time to used her powers, and zapped the people very badly. Luckily, they weren't killed. After the are finished, he than made himself seen.


She turned and extended her hand at Aadiv, as lightning sparked out. Obviously, due to it being so long, she doesn't recognize him.

"Who are you?! How do you know me?! Are you with them?!!"

Being calm, he spoke out.

"Ororo, don't you remember me? It's me...Aadiv."

The name, Aadiv, went up into her mind, as she knows it's familiar.

"Aa...div. Aadiv. Wait a..."

Than, her eyes widened, as she realized who it is before her, but doesn't know if it is truly him.


She than lowered her arm, as sparks stopped appearing. She than goes to Aadiv, as she spoke.

" it really you?"

Aadiv nodded, as he revealed his diamond, as the earring. The diamond she gave to her. Ororo recognizes it, and pulled out a ring with the diamond on it. Feeling so overjoyed, she hugged him.

"It has been so long, Aadiv!"

He smiled, as he hugged her back.

" h-has b-b-been a long t-time...Ororo."

His shy personality came back. But that was the okay part of him. Now, he gets to have a reunion with a person that he never had tone to hang out with. And now...this is his only chance to do so. He just hopes that nothing bad ever happens.

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