She returns

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Before...I believed that I would have a free and independent life, one without any form of evil being present, nor do I hope that I don't go bad myself...but I was wrong...and I made a big mistake.

I am Koriand'r, of Tamaran, my former home. It has been...I have no idea how long. But I know that this is a long time. It started after a month staying on Earth, I had learned of many new things. I have found out that Earth has a large number of languages. I saw many sports. I saw many, many things on Earth. During my first month, I was in love with a person named Franklin. He was a kind guy, and I fell for him. But one day...he got shot by some evil human, and I backhanded Aadiv, when he tried to tell me something. I never wanted to hear it, and I tried to kill him. But Melissa, got in the way, and claimed that...if I kill...than I will be hunt down and incarcerated. This made me fall into dis pair, as I never had the chance to get my revenge.

I was secluded in my rooms for weeks, but I got out, although I was not as active as before. I was very saddened by everything that has happened, and I never talked to Aadiv this time again. I only talked to Melissa, who, although was the one who stopped me, was the only one to understand how painful it is to me.

Than...during the 3rd kind has located me, and I brought my Earth Friends with me, although I never talked to Aadiv. It was great to be back on Tamaran, but the happy feeling was short-lived, when I had heard of why I was brought back. Apparently, I am forced to marry a Tamaranean Prince names Karras, in the order of my sister, Komand'r. If I don't do it, than Tamaran will be destroyed. I had always hated my sister for almost killing since I was a child. But for her to do made me hate her even more. I never interacted with Aadiv, because I have no idea what to think of him. In all honesty...I think that, Aadiv was the reason that Franklin was dead, but at the same time, I feel like I was wrong.

When I is revealed that Komand'r has lied about everything, and she still blew up Tamaran, my home. I was relieved that a large number of Tamaraians had survived, but a small percent was lost.

I was too scared to be alone. I tried to ask many of my Earth Friends to accompany me. But they turned down, claiming that they have loved ones back at their home. I grew desperate, and I had to get Aadiv to be with me. But he didn't. His reason...was what truly broke me, what made me realize that he cannot he with me. He claimed that...from where I belong...I was living in a world where I was a warrior, and it was okay to kill on Tamaran. But on Earth, it is not okay, and it never will be. He than claimed that because of this, and the fact that I am married...he cannot he with me, as our Ideals are the opposite of each other. What he said last truly made me realize how much I needed him: He claimed that we must forget each other, and pretend we never met in the first place. I had to do it...just as he must do the same.

When he ran away, all that I could do, was to call out to him in desperation and tears, begging for him to not go, and even go as far as to say that I love him...but he didn't stop. He was gone.

It saddened me...that he decided to leave. Karras has to comfort for me. After all of that...nothing was the same forever. I thought back on how it all made me happy. Aadiv finding me, I made new friends, and the humans...they accepted me for who I am. But when I thought of how I had hit Aadiv away, it made me realize how terrible it was. When I thought of Aadiv, it made me realize how much I needed to depend on much I needed to care for much that I want...

...I wanted too love him, truly.

Karras must have known how much I missed them. So he decided to cover for me, so that I could get back to Earth. He claimed that he'll just pretend that I had escaped to nowhere, and that he's on his own now. I thanked for him, and I got to a ship. I than took the controls, and I got away.

Aadiv...I am very sorry for what I did to you before. I never thought of how you had felt towards me when I had hit you so badly. Aadiv...

I am coming home...and I really love you

Third Person Point of View...

Aadiv is now hanging out with Ororo, or Storm, as he prefer to call her for the way that her power works. It has been a couple of hours since they had been reunited again. Ororo has been hurt a little bit, so he offered to take her into his house, so that he could patch her up rather swiftly. The cuts and bullet wounds are all covered up, as well as the bullets themselves being taken out. She didn't even scream, although she did grunt painfully a little bit. He even cooked up some food for her to eat.

He has been telling her what has happened in his life, and the unexpected events he had to witness himself. This even involved meeting Koriand'r, what she did, and what had happened to her when he had left her behind. Although she would have gotten angry at him for leaving someone behind, Aadiv revealed that she was born to be a warrior that killed, and when Franklin, he tried to comfort her, only to get backhanded by her, which hurt him very deeply, as he has no idea how to cope when one of his friends start to hit him.

Ororo looked down at herself, and spoke to him.

"Wow. You must have had it rough for you. Huh, Aadiv?"

Aadiv nodded, before speaking to her in the stuttering voice again.

"Y-Yeah. It has been so. still effected me even this day."

The stuttering is no joke. He really is like that. As he looked down, he actually felt sad. Ororo, noticing his facial expression, immediately grabbed onto his face, and spoke out.

"Don't cry."

Aadiv, realize what he is about to do. Immediately grabbed onto his tissue, and covered his eyes.


Aadiv than spoke to her.

"But why did you come to Seattle, Ororo?"

Ororo looked down, as she spoke out.

"Well...those military soldiers you saw that I was fighting against, they wanted to harvest my blood for something important. I met them back in my home, South Africa. I kept on running and running, and I never looked back from the area of where I am going. In fact, I was losing the fight. If you hadn't been there, Aadiv, I would have been killed right than and there. So thank you."

Aadiv than blushed, as he spoke out, while scratching the back of his head.

"Umm...Yo-Your welcome...Or-Ororo."

Ororo looked and him, and spoke out to him in a playful tone.

"You know, you'll make yourself look back if your face keeps on looking all red this time."

Aadiv than turned red even more, and puts his hood down, until his Blush disappears. But Ororo, giggling a little bit, has an idea of her own she has made. She raised Aadiv's head, as he made eye contact with her. Ororo than leaned close to him, as she planted a kiss on Aadiv's cheek. Aadiv has an even more red face present on him, as he than landed back first on the ground, as he looked up at the ceiling that's above his house. Storm looked down at him and chuckled a little bit, seeing that this is kind of how he reacted funnily. She than had a grin on her face, as she spoke out.

"You know, Aadiv, since this is the first time we are properly interacting, and we are now reunited, how about we get to know each other a little?"

Aadiv blushes even more, before he sighed.

"Alright. Will do."

Back with Melisss and A.F...

Melissa and the others were walking back to the apartment, as they began to talk to each other.

"I guess were a bit to harsh on how we acted."

Joshua claimed, although Aadiv did sent him a message about something...which he claimed was important.

"About What?"

James said. Aadiv than spoke.

"For leaving Aadiv in his own. Maybe we should go back to where he is."

Kate looked down and stopped for a bit. She than spoke out.

"Maybe you're right. We may have been a little to hard on him. Let's go back and help him know what it is."

Everyone agreed. Than, an unexpected voice came out.

"May I come?"

This caused everyone to freeze, as they recognize that voice from anywhere.

"No way."

James spoke, as he smiled.

"Can it really be."

Baron said, as he began to grin.

"I think it is!"

Melissa spoke loudly, as she pointed in the air. Everyone saw their old friend, one they thought they'll never see again.


Everyone shouted her name. They couldn't believe it. Koriand'r, she returns back to Earth. Melissa than came in and hugged Koriand'r very joyously.

"It's good to see you again, Kori. But where's your husband?"

Melissa questioned her. Koriand'r than spoke out.

"Marriage on Tamaran is not the same way Marriage is on Earth. The marriage I was put was only in name...of the state. It was never of the heart. It's done on Tamaran, and yet, we still love the people that we care for. What happened to Aadiv?"

Everyone looked at each other, before James spoke out.

"He isn't acting the same as before. Aadiv longer acting as happy as before. He is acting now more braver, and yet more angry, although he is still a bit shy. He is now 16 years old. But he is now no longer as kind as before. And the fact that you backhanded him didn't help matters as all. This truly effected him badly, as he never experienced that sort of thing before.

Koriand'r than looked at James, but with a sad expression.

"I know...and I realize what I did was wrong. I believed that I wouldn't return to Earth...but than, when I saw the other nations, who, while they leave, still know that they return, I finally understand it now. About humans, and about myself

She than took a deep breath...before she finally spoke out to everyone.

"I am no longer of Tamaran. Now I am one with Earth now. I belong here, and now, I've understood what you all have been trying to tell me, what Aadiv...was trying to tell me of."

Kate, being surprised, spoke out.

"Are you okay, Koriand'r? You seem less confused. More understanding."

Koriand'r, than closed her eyes and held her arm, as she spoke out to them.

This made everyone shocked, what had she said last

" love him?"

Joshua spoke out. Koriand'r than spoke out.

"When I was on the ship, all my myself, he told me, before he left, to never think about him. But I...I have always thought of him. The kindness he gave to me, his smile on his face, how he treated me as a person, protecting me from what he feared my badly hurt me. I realized how much he meant the world to me. But...I never knew...if he loved me back."

Aadiv's friends looked at each other, before Kate apple out.

"Umm...Kori. Aadiv...I don't think he knows that you love him. Your way of showing marriage, and Earth's way of showing marriage, they are all to different. In face, Aadiv...I don't think he knows."

Koriand'r than spoke back.

"Than, can you take me to him?"

Joshua...not telling everyone, than decided to drop the bomb.

" might be a little to late to tell him that."

Everyone than looked at him, with Kori looked confused.

"What do you mean, Joshua?"

He sighed, and spoke out.

"When he said to you, 'pretend we never met,' we wasn't kidding. He decided to try and move on with his life, and manage to find someone that he might love."

Everyone was shocked, but Kori was in disbelief.

"Tell me that isn't true."

Joshua, however, shook his head.

"Unfortunately so. Aadiv revealed that they met since Aadiv is 10, and Ororo is 12. And also...they each share the same belief, and that is 'No Killing.' He told me this just a couple of weeks before you even came back today. He even gave me a photo of who she looks like, and you'll be surprised at what she can do."

He took out his phone, and showed her the picture of what she looks well as lighting appearing from her own body, literally.

The person they are seeing before them...she was as beautiful as even Koriand'r herself. She has unique white hair, as well as blue eyes. The thing she is wearing...better most ask of it.

"And no, this isn't edited. This is real."

Everyone was shocked at what she looks like.

"What's her name?"

Baron spoke out. Joshua sighed, and he spoke.

"Her name is Ororo. Ororo Munroe. As I said, they had met each other since they're little kids. Unfortuentky, their interactions as children were of to little time. So they gave each other different colored diamonds to remembered each other, when they reunited. Obviously, I think they're about to start it at anytime. And not simply next week or tomorrow. It could also happen today."

Everyone was shocked, but Kori...well...she didn't know what to think. Obviously, what has happened, and what she did had more of an affect than what she had thought. Before anyone could speak, they than saw that the wind outside was getting more faster and harder than before now.

Everyone went outside, and saw her, Ororo.

And she's not alone. Aadiv was with her, and Ororo was holding hands with her. They seem to fly somewhere. Everyone was in awe. But Koriand'r...not so much.

In fact, she looked very jealous at what she is seeing before her. And Aadiv...he looked so happy. In fact, she looked jealous. Very jealous that Aadiv now has a person he could potentially love all for himself, and not to Koriand'r. Then, Joshua spoke out.

"Let's drive to see where they're going."

Everyone nodded, and began to drive. But Koriand'r, she decide to fly fast to which direction that they are going.

Koriand'r looked and saw that Aadiv is being launched in the air, before beginning to fall, as Ororo catches him, and they go flying upwards. She than goes up above the clouds, and see that there are spinning around, as they hug each other, laughing.

Back with Aadiv and Ororo...

Both Aadiv and Ororo had a little bit of fun. But now they are going back down to ground fast, as Ororo landed on the ground, with a soft landing. Thanks to Ororo, she can control the aspects of the very weather itself. Ororo than puts down Aadiv, as he is careful not to step onto the shoes she bought.

"Wow. That was amazing, Ororo."

"Yes, it was."

As they spoke and began to lean in so they'll do...something, Aadiv's friends appeared in their cars.

They than walked out, and they were surprised at the female that stood next to him. They are even more shocked, when she began to generate electricity rather unintentionally.

" this the friend that you were talking about?"

Kate spoke out to him. Aadiv nodded, as he spoke out.

"Yeah, this is my friend. Ororo, these are my other childhood friends, the ones that I grew up with: Kate, James, Baron, and Joshua. And also, meet my cousin, Melissa.

Ororo began to greet them in a rather cordial tone, and didn't do anything funny. But as that happened...Joshua than spoke out.

"Aadiv...there's something need to know."

Aadiv looked rather confused, but also a bit unease.

"What is it now, Joshua?"

Joshua than looked down a little bit, before beginning to speak.

" do I out this? Well-"

Before he can explain...


Melissa spoke, as everyone looked at where she is. Aadiv was shocked, as he can't believe that Koriand'r has returned.

" can't be."

Koriand'r than looked at Aadiv, who than adapted an apologetic expression, as Aadiv stepped back, unsure what to think right now. He only said this.


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