An Unfortunate Visit To A Friend

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  "Boys, do you think that this is enough of cartoons?" CQ asked as she looked at her watch. "It's almost 3 p.m."

  "3 p.m?" Geno said, obviously surprised.

  "Wøàh, wě'vë bêėñ wâțćhîňģ Ģřàvïťý Fåłłś føŕ 2 høûřś, hųh?" Error asked, turning his head towards Ink. Ink beamed at him.

  "Well, can't blame ya there, Error Brah! Gravity Falls iz totes rad 'n time slips away once ya start watchin' it."

  "Į ķňøw, ŕįģhț?" Error said excitedly.

  Error very soon realized what he just said. He agreed with Fresh and he did it too obvious.

  Everyone in the room looked at Error, including Fresh. They had a surprised look on their faces.

  Error looked at everyone one by one.

  "Héý, ś-šțøp śțâřîňģ, øķâý?" He kind of yelled rudely. It made Fresh smile, though.

  "Heh. Knew ya'd agree with me, Brah!"

  "Śh-šhúț ūp!"

  Geno laughed at his brothers. He was glad that Error actually agreed with Fresh at one thing.

  Ink also had a smirk but it was different than Fresh's. It was much friendlier.

  CQ watched Error blush, Fresh and Ink smirk, and Geno laugh. She laughed with Geno.

  When CQ and Geno finished laughing, Fresh spoke.

  "Really, tho. We can't jus' sit here 'n watch cartoons..." Everyone looked at Fresh this time.

  "...Actually, dere waz something I wanted ta ask, ma... dat I wish I asked sooner..."

  CQ gave Fresh a concerned look.
"What is it, Fresh dear?"

  Fresh took some seconds to tell what he was going to say.

  "...Uhh, well... Can... Can we go ta see Deccy?.. Um... At"

  This made Error pissed off. Fresh had never said this when Geno was at the hospital. He hid his anger, though. He didn't want Geno to be sad. The oldest one was getting healthier and healthier fastly. Destroying the good mood would not help him get any healthier.

  CQ looked at her son. She gave a smile to him.

  "Of course we can, sweetie."

  Fresh smiled back. CQ stood up and talked again.

  "Who wants to come with us?"

  Geno and Error looked at each other.

  "Actually, I think it would be better if Fresh and Decans were alone."

  "Î wįłł śťăý wîțh Ģéņø."

  "I might as well stay!" Said Ink.

  "Alright then." CQ turned to Fresh.

  "Are you ready, sweetie?"

  "Yes Ma."

CQ nodded and went to the kitchen. She grabbed her phone and called Com.

"Hey Com... How is it going?.. I am also doing fine, dear... Oh, yes. Well, Decan was at the hospital for what Fresh said. He wanted to go see him. Is there any chance you could come?.. Okay, thank you, dear... See you!"

  CQ turned to kids.
"Aunt Com will be here soon, boys. We will wait her to come here first. Then we can go. Okay, Fresh?"

  "Sure thing, Ma!"


After some minutes, CQ went to open the door as the door bell rang. Aunt Com was in the cold weather of fall.
"Hi Crayon!"
"Hey Com! Here, come inside."

CQ gently moved to the right side and put her left hand on the air, wanting Com to come inside.

Com entered the warm house only to see Ink run towards his mother.


He hugged her. Com hugged him back.
"Come on, Ink. Let's get to the living room."
Ink nodded and let go of Com. They went to the living room while CQ was closing the door.

"Hi Aunt Com!" Geno greeted Com.
"Hey there, Geno!"
"Hi, Fresh!"
"W-wêłćømê, Âųñť Čøm..."
Com giggled sofly.
"Thank you, Error."

CQ came in after Com.
"Boys, we are going. Please be good, okay?"
"Don't worry, mom. We'll be!"
"Okay. I trust you guys." She looked at Fresh as she continued.
"Come on, Fresh."

Fresh nodded and stood up. He walked towards the door. CQ opened the door for him and closed it behind when she also got out. Fresh and CQ entered the car and wore their seat belts.
"Are you ready, Fresh?"
"Ready as I'll ever be, mom!"
"Alright. Here we go, then."

CQ turned the car on and started to drive the way to the hospital.


Fresh was looking through the window when he realized that they were right in front of the hospital. CQ soon found a parking spot and parked the car there. She turned the car off and got out. 

Fresh opened the door and closed it. CQ locked the door behind him.                    "Let's go." She calmly said. Fresh nodded.

They walked in the hospital. Almost everywhere seemed so white. Fresh had always thought why the color white was used in every hospital. ''Maybe dey wanted da hospital ta be calm.'' He liked this new idea. 

"Excuse me, Miss. Could we learn which room Decans Noko is in?" Said CQ to a nurse in the reception.

Remembering CQ, the nurse spoke.
"Of course, Ms. Queen."

The nurse turned around and looked at the computer. She typed on it and spoke again.
"Room 430 is where Decans stays right now."
"Okay, thank you."

CQ took Fresh from his hand and walked off. They walked into the big elevator. There were at least fifteen buttons and a cardboard with instructions on it. It was writing "Rooms 400-450/ 5. Floor" CQ pressed the button that said '5' and with that, the elevator's doors closed and the elevator took them five floors up.   
While the elevator was going up, Fresh couldn't help but feel...something...

He felt nervous.

Or maybe, he felt worried?

He couldn't find out what it was. All he knew was that there was a...fear...deep inside his soul.

It kind of felt like he was never going to see someone he knew anymore...

"Fresh?" Fresh's confusing thoughts were interrupted by CQ, telling him that they were there.

CQ held Fresh's hand gently and got out of the evelavator. The wakled in the bright hospital corridors.







"430! It's here. Come on, Fresh." CQ kneeled, facing Fresh.
"I'm going to be waiting outside, okay, sweetie?"
"'K, Ma."
CQ smiled and stood straight. She knocked the door.

There was silence for a couple seconds.

"U-uh... Y-you... ma-may... come i-in." Said a voice that sounded muffled from the door. It sounded like it was in pain.

Hearing the permission, CQ opened the door gently. Fresh took a step in the room.


Fresh walked closer to Decans. Gosh... He looked terrible.

There were small pipes coming through his nose and mouth, a big serum which was still completely full and was dripping the medicine very slowly to Decans's vein bone, bandages on his face and body, some cables coming through his rib cage that were connected to a machine which was making beep sounds and something like a cage, inside was a shattered soul. He looked so tired, like he hadn't gotten sleep for days.

Fresh's eyes widened behind his glasses. His eyebrows went up in...


He gently put his hand on his friend's shoulder.
"Dec... you?" He said in a kind tone.
"Um... I-it's nothing r-really, Fresh... I just...fell off the stairs..!"

Fresh furrowed his eyebrows.
"Just a fall from da stairs wouldn' do dis much of damage, Deccy!" The neon skeleton made a fake sad face. That was the least he can do.
"Ya nat bein' honest with me bugs da heck outta me..."

Fresh sat on a chair. He put his hand on his best friend's hand friendly as his shades spelled PLE_ASE.
"Please... Be honest with me... Y'kno ya can tell me anythin'!.. Just... Just tell me the truth, won't you?" He said, losing his slang slightly.

Decans let out a sad sigh. He looked at Fresh with tired, but hopeful eyes.
"O-okay, Fresh... I will... Just, could you keep this as...a...secret? I do-don't need anyone t-to know...this."

Fresh made a confident face and nodded. Decans started to talk about the abuse he had earlier.

"So... My m-mother is at work in the morning and lunch, w-which, I a-am gue-guessing you alread-y kn-knew it. A-and... Well... My d-dad didn't come b-back at ho-home last night. He came to-today...drunk... umm... And..."

Fresh's hands started to shake slightly. His glasses blank like his expression.


Fresh looked at his and Decans's hand. He spoke while still having the blank expression.

"Y'kno... Ya never gonna go ta dat house again. I won't let you."

Decans was surprised. Not just because of Fresh's words, but also Fresh kind of started to scare him.

"What? Why?"
"Because if you go," Fresh looked at him.
"he is only going to hurt you more. And I can't risk it." Fresh completely lost his slang this time. It made Decans feel nervous. Why was he so... Protective.

Decans looked at him with scared eyes. Fresh realized it.

"O-oh. S-sorry, yo."
His blank expression changed. His shades also became normal.

Decans's face changed as well. He was relieved now.
"I-it's okay, Fresh..." He looked away from Fresh. Then turned his head to him again.

"F-Fresh... What was up with... that..." His voice shook.
"...t h a t..."

Suddenly, Decans's breathing became faster. He coughed wildly while trying to speak.

"Fr-*cough* *cough* t-the nur- *cough* b-b-bu- *cough* *cough* *cough*"

Understanding his words, he pushed the nurse button as quickly as possible. Decans was still coughing. His heartbeat was way faster than normal. Seconds later, he started to sob between his coughs.

Fresh didn't know what to do.

What could he do, anyway?

He wasn't ready for this kind of situation.

A nurse opened the door shut.
"W-what is happening?" CQ said as she also panicked.

"Please, leave. Now!" Fresh ran towards the door. Until suddenly... He heard a long beep.


The beep stayed in that tone.

CQ took Fresh from his hand and pulled him to close the door.

Fresh put his hand on the door.


He still could hear the endless beep.

Some doctors ran to the room and closed the door.

"We are losing him!"

"His soul is shattering into pieces!"

"He is tuning to dust!"

" . . . I t 's   t o o   l a t e   n o w . . . "

"D-Deccy? Deccy!"

Fresh made fists with his hands and put them both on the door.

He then put his head on the door.

Then he kneeld down to his knees, hands and head still on the door.

" D e c c y . . . "

There was this...p a i n...again.

But this time...

It was as bad as it could pass the host of the pain.

Fresh felt so weak, anyway.

His mother was kneeled, down to her knees, trying to calm him down.

Until Fresh's breathe cut off.

His weak body couldn't take it anymore...

Now? Everything he knew was pure darkness...

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