Soul Waves

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"Ma'am, you should've bought him sooner."

"Why? What happened?"

"Your son's soul, somehow, had been cracked along with his...ribs."

"Wh-what are you saying?"

"I am really sorry. Looks like Fresh's soul is weaker than it looks."

"B-but he was beaten up many times before!.. He was fine after all o-of them!"

"Then, looks like his soul is mentally weak. Yes, even though he can't feel anything, his mental health could be ruined. And when that happenes, the overwhelm of  feeling hated makes the soul crack. The soul then starts to warn the host about the cracks. So it waves a painful wave, which damages the rib cage."


"We cannot keep his soul in his rib cage anymore. We have to move it with a surgery."

"P-p-please d-do any-anything that's possible t-to keep my b-baby alive."

"Don't worry, we will. We'll move the soul to a different place. The best place for his soul to be in seems to be his... eyesockets. But he'll have to be very careful about not getting hit in the face."

"O-okay... When... can we do this surgery?"

"Whenever you want to. But if the soul waves another wave, his rib cage can completely break."

"O-okay. Thank you, Doctor."

"Have a nice day, Ms. Queen."

These were the sentences Fresh heard after waking up with a pain on his ribs and soul. He could also feel the bandages on his ribs. Although he was in a lot of pain, he decided to not to make a single noise and listen the conversation between his mom and his doctor.

CQ walked towards Fresh's bed. Fresh shut his eyes, planned to open them later. CQ sat on the chair besides Fresh's bed. She put her hands on her face, and her elbows on her knees. Silently crying.

Fresh opened his eyes. He couldn't stand his mother crying. She was one of the most kind people he has known.

He opened his mouth. His jaw hurt once he did so. He spoke softly as he turned his head to his mom.

CQ looked surprised.
She stood up just to kneel down on her knees and grab Fresh's hand which had a thin serum cable.
"A-are you fe-feeling... alright?" CQ while trying to hide the fact that she is crying, but failing to do so.

Fresh wanted his mom to be happy. She deserved to be happy. So Fresh gave a warm smile.
"I'm 'k, Ma!"
Fresh paused for a moment. No matter how much he wanted CQ to be happy, he shouldn't hide anything from her.
"I... uhh... am in... pain, tho."

CQ also gave Fresh a warm smile.
"Don't worry my baby."
She got up and kissed Fresh's forehead.
"You are going to be just fine."
She sat down again and look at the machine and the serum.

Fresh didn't look as bad as Decans, but he also had a serum and another thin cable, but this time, it is coming from his mouth. He had dark circles under his eyes. Must be from the things he's been through in the hospital.

Fresh's eyes widen when he remembered the reason they were at the hospital in the first place.

"Deccy!" He said in a loud voice, but not loud enough for someone to hear from the outside of the room.

He had to see Deccy. Was he okay? Did doctors do anything else to him to keep him alive? He needed to know.

Fresh looked at CQ, waiting for an answer.

CQ's sad eyes saddened more, obviously telling Fresh that Decans couldn't make it alive.

Fresh's face blanked. He looked up.


He felt a liquid coming through his eyesockets to his cheeks. He was still blank though. But yet, he was...



Just then... he felt something physical. Could it be..?


This was it. He felt the pain get stronger in a moment. He couldn't hide it any longer, so he shouted loudly.


He closed his eyes as he screamed. Tears came down through his eyesockets more and more as he shouted.

CQ looked at him once he started to shout.
"F-Fresh?" She yelled.

Hearing the sounds coming from the room, the same doctor CQ had a conversation with came in while running as fast as he could.

"It's happening! His ribs are breaking!"

Some other doctor and nurses came in after him.

"Bring him to the surgery room. Now!"

One of the doctors pulled the serum pipe out of his hand. The other one pulled the cable that was in his mouth.
Another one grabbed the bed as the two doctors were done, and got him out of the room to the surgery room.

CQ watched in fear as they brought the no-longer-neon-skeleton who was still shouting while going to the surgery room.

She put her hands on his head. So stressed and don't know what to think about.

After seconds, a tall figure stood beside the door. It was Asy.

The tall skeleton ran towards to CQ once he saw her crying.

"Ms. Crayon! We came to the hospital as quick as possible when we heard the news. What happened?"

CQ's breathing got faster. It was slightly hard for her to speak now.

"Th...they t-t...ook F-Fresh... My... Ba-baby..."

Asy put a hand on her shoulder.

"Calm down. He is going to be alright. Just deep breaths. Tell me what happened once you get calmer."

CQ took deep breaths. Each is longer than the other. After a moment, she was calmer. She was ready to explain.

"Fresh... Turned out to be... weaker mentally. So when something... sad happenes to him, or, as the doctor said, feeling hated... m-makes his soul b-break. A-and because of this, the- uh... soul waves a wave to uh- warn the him that it's breaking. That w-wave breaks the ribs..."

"Mom?" A voice spoke trough the door. CQ looked at the place where the voice came from.


"Hêý, whâț'š hàppêņîñģ?"


CQ stood up by Asy giving her a hand. She looked at her skeleboys and gave them a tired, sad smile before walking to their way and hugging them gently. The boys hugged back. least Geno did. Error smiled though.

"Mom, what is happening? Is Fresh okay?"

CQ looked at the small skeletons and sighed. She looked at Asy then.

"I can tell them... If you can't say it." Said Asy.

"Y-yes, please..." CQ stood up.
"Well, I will be sitting on the chairs besides the... Uh- Surgery... Room."

CQ got out of the room, not bothering to smile. Everyone was good now. Why did everything have to go wrong after being okay?

Asy and the skelebros were left in the room.

"Come on, kids. Let's get out of here."

He and Error held Geno's hand. Asy leaded them to the exit if the room which was only some feet away. They found some chairs to sit, so they all set down.

"Šø, whãț'ś wřøňģ ąņýwąý?"

Asy stayed silent for some seconds, trying to decide how to say this to them without breaking their hearts.

"Okay, so..."


On the other hand, CQ was sitting on the chairs besides the surgery room. She was thinking about what could have happened to Fresh. Has he gotten his emotions since he cried? Well, maybe. But it also might be because of the pain. His ribs broke after all.

CQ's thoughts were interrupted by a nurse getting out of the surgery room.

"How is Fresh?" CQ asked the nurse after standing up and walking some feet towards her.

"The surgery is continuing. But don't worry, Fresh is doing well. Your doctor wanted me to warn you about some things that will happen after the surgery."

CQ nodded and let the nurse talk.

"First of all, his eye will hurt a lot. It might even start to bleed. When something like that happenes, the eye drops usually work. Secondly, he should not get hit from anywhere. Not from physically or mentally. He should also go see a therapist to make his mental health stronger."

CQ nodded again. The nurse went away from there and a moment later, out of sight.

CQ sighed and sat down again. She was happy that Fresh was doing okay. She loved all of her three boys. She couldn't lose them.


"What..?" Said Geno when Asy finished explaining what happened to Fresh. At least what CQ told him.

"Šø, whéřė īś hê ņøw?" Error tried not to sound concerned.

"For what I'm guessing, he is in the surgery room." CQ didn't tell Asy why Fresh was in the surgery room.

"N-no..." Geno looked at Error. Error looked back.
"C-could it be... because Fresh's ribs... or soul..."
"Ñ-ňø Ģéņø!" Error shouted.
"Đøń'ț ýøū đãřę ťø ťhïňķ ţhăť!" Continued Error as the big drops of tears appeared on his eye sockets. He was clearly crying.

Geno and Asy watched in shock as Error protested.
"Fŕęśh įś ģøíņģ țø bé jųśț fíņè ąfťęŕ àłł țhîś!"

Geno had tears on his eyesockets as well. He gave a sad smile. Error continued crying. He had full hope. Geno hugged the younger. Error hugged the older.

"You care about him..." Geno whispered in Error's non-existent ears.
"Øf ćøúřśę Ī đø! Ęvèñ țhøůģh he īš ùņâbłė ť-ţø fèĕł, hě śţīłł îš øųř břøţhěŕ!"

The times Error wished Fresh to die came to Error's mind. Gosh, did he really hate Fresh that much?

When Fresh didn't care about Geno's sickness, Error would always whisper under his mouth.
"Ūģh, ïţ wøûłđ bĕ ţhĕ bėśţ īf ýøų wěřė šűffėřįņģ įņśțęàđ øf Ģěňø. Ģęñø ăłwăýš đêšęřvėđ ţhë bĕšţ!"

Of course, nothing escapes from Fresh's attention. He would always hear the older saying these things to him under his breath. However, Fresh would always answer Error's thoughts with a whisper inside his head. 'He will change..."

Fresh never really get tired of thinking this while Error was hopeless on Fresh.

Error remembered his own  thoughts and was clearly ashamed of them. All he did now was to see his brother okay. He even swore that he was always going to love him...

Another memory slipped into Error's head. When they were so little. Back when Fresh was just one-day-old. Error promised Fresh that everyone in his family was going to love him, no matter what...

...He had already broken that promise...

There was no going back now...

But if he tried hard enough...

...maybe he could change something.

Two large arms hugged Error and Geno. Asy was there.

"Come on, kiddos. Let's go to momma."

Geno and Error let go if each other.

"Okay. Let's gi, brother."
Error simply nodded and grabbed Geno's hand. Geno held Asy's hand. They all walked to the place the skelebros' mom was.

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