Attempts On Getting Better

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Fresh woke up once again, being careful not to open his left eye socket once he woke up. His eye socket still hurt. Though, after a moment, he remembered that he had to open his left eye socket once in a while, so he opened it slowly. Well, you can't really day that he fully opened it. It was slightly closed.

This time, though, he woke up to the sound of the young nurse. The nurse looked surprised at seeing Fresh woken up.

"Hello, dear! I was just talking about you. I'm guessing you would like to listen, wouldn't you?" The nurse asked calmly.

Fresh still felt a little tired even after sleeping. He nodded sheepishly and listened to what the young nurse said.

"Okay then. We will need to take Fresh to the exercise room. After his soul sent waves to the rib cage, it also sent waves to the spine. That's why, we will need to test if he can walk properly. Actually, we can just see it here if he can walk."

CQ nodded. Error and Geno were gone. 'They are probably home.' Fresh thought. Soon, he realized the that nurse was looking at him, waiting for an answer.

"Yea, why nat?" Fresh said and slowly sat up. His spine and ribs hurt. But he was sure he could handle it.

CQ walked next to him before Fresh could stand up. She held his hand, wanting him to get help by his mom. Fresh did what his mother wanted from him.

Once Fresh's feet touched the floor, he felt cold. He didn't like it at all. Then Fresh got help by his mother to stand up.

Unfortunately, he couldn't quite stand up. It felt like his legs stopped working and he couldn't make a proper balance. He felt paralyzed. It really didn't feel good.

It also hurt when he tried to stand up. Mostly his legs and spine. He whimpered as he felt the pain. He shut his eyes, trying not to feel it. But there was no use.

"Fresh, I think you should lay down." CQ said with a sad expression. Fresh nodded and layed on the comfy hospital bed.

The nurse took notes when Fresh stood up. He was in a bad condition. The poor little skeleton couldn't even stand up straight.

"Hmm... Okie!" The nurse looked at Fresh as she continued. "We will need to make your body stronger first. It is going to take a while, but if you do everything as the doctors say, you will be able to walk again." She paused for a moment.

"But, Fresh... You are not going to grow taller much. You know, spine is the-"

"I kno wat spine does, Ms. Nurse. Ya don't have ta tell me, yo." Fresh replied. It wasn't his "enthusiastic" voice. It sounded tired and weak.

The young nurse looked at Fresh with widened eyes. She had never seen a ten-year-old with this much of intelligence and smartness.

"You really are a smart kid, Fresh!"

"Thanks. Sa, wat do I have ta do?"

"You will try to walk with your mom. Practice makes perfect, so when the doctors are not here, you will have to practice walking."

Fresh looked at CQ, who gave him a determined smile. Fresh smiled too, yet, a fake one anyway.

"Okay, Miss. We'll do that. Thank you." CQ said politely. The nurse nodded and got out of the room, closing the door behind her.

Fresh sighed. Since the first time he had been in a hospital, he hated there. Hospitals were always too white. They reminded him of his problems with emotions. And yet, it looked like he had to stay here more than some days as his mother said.

He wanted to forget about this for now.

"Hey...Ma? Can we start now?" Fresh asked, not bothering to smile.

"Oh. Are you sure you want to do this now? You still look exhausted..." CQ replied.

Closing his eyes, Fresh nodded. CQ walked over to Fresh's side of the bed. Fresh looked at his feet, almost begging them to not let him down (Pun intended?). CQ grabbed Fresh's hands and looked at him with a motherly look.

"Are you ready, Fresh?" She asked the little skeleton who didn't look sure about this, but suddenly had a determined face.

"Yes, Ma." Fresh said.

"Okay then!"

Fresh's hands were now on the top of his mother's hands. He looked at his own hands and slowly put his left toe on the ground. It felt cold as usual. What would be expected from a hospital anyways? It's not like they put carpets on the ground!

The little skeleton then put his other feet on the ground, feeling the cold again. He wasn't standing up yet. Just sitting. Looks like if his feet can touch to the floor while on a hospital bed, this meant that CQ had made the bed go lower. Fresh appreciated that.

He took a deep breath and held his breath. CQ understood that he was ready, so she got ready herself to help Fresh get up - and if Fresh can make it, maybe even walk.

With that, Fresh stood up, getting help from his mother. When he did so, his spine and legs hurt again. But this time, due to CQ's help, it wasn't so much. Fresh was getting more help than his last try. His last try didn't work out well when he didn't get enough help.

Fresh looked at CQ, who still had a determined look. She nodded, meaning that he could do it.

Fresh took a low step.

Looks like his legs were actually working. He stillcouldn't quite feel them though. But he could still move them!

Then another one.

Now, he could feel his legs working. Even though it was not so much, he could feel them.

And yet, another one.

He smiled. "Glad" that he could walk, at least with help. CQ gave Fresh an assuring smile and turned around, also wanting Fresh to turn around to sit on the hospital bed. Understanding this, Fresh also turned around.

Oh no...

Fresh lost balance and was about to fall down-

Until two arms caught him and avoided him from falling down and probably getting hurt.

"Thanks, Ma." Fresh said.

"You are welcome, Fresh." CQ replied.

The lovely mother, picked Fresh up bridal-style, not risking Fresh to fall sown again.

"Ma- I was fine." Fresh protested.

Ignoring Fresh's protests, CQ spoke.

"We will continue later, okay Fresh? I still got the feeling that you were already tired when you decided to practice walking. If what I think is true, then you must be exhausted."

That was true. Fresh had felt tired when they started practicing, and now, he was more tired. He definitely needed a nap. Even though it was only three steps, it really took most of his lacking energy.

Fresh didn't say anything. Instead, he closed his eyes gently and hoped he would go to sleep as soon as possible.

CQ walked over to Fresh's hospital bed and placed him on it. She looked at the sleeping small skeleton.

He looked so weak. Almost as weak as Geno when he was in the hospital. Geno came to CQ's mind - she was glad that Geno was okay. But on the other hand, Fresh was now in the hospital.

CQ pulled the cover on Fresh. She caressed her son's cheek softly. He was sleeping now, so she didn't want him to wake up.

Yes, he was sleeping a lot the last two days or so. That's because he needed rest more than anything. The surgery he had been through wasn't so easy to handle. Nor the things that happened to his body and soul.

That's probably why he was always sleeping at the end of the chap-



You heard nothing about the chapters, okay?

Anyway... Where were we?


Oh! Right. Right...

Ugh... You know what?..



Welp folks! That's it for now! Stay tuned! Bye!


What is the narrator's life?

*Sad narrator noises*

Xee... Yobxhfkd qeb clrqe txii... dlla qefkd F pqlmmba vlr ybclob vlr pmlfiba qeb qloqrob...

Le... F ilsba efp pzobxjp, qelrde...

F txp... ZOXWBA~... Yv qeb... PJBII... Rc efp abifzflrp yilla aofmmfkd qeolrde efp jlrqe xka qeolrde efp... Pzxop... Jjjee~... Ebebebeb~...

Le... Jv mllo Cobpev~


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