How Is He?

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"I-is he okay, mom?" Geno asked through the phone. The oldest of all was always worried about Fresh for the past two or three days.

"W-what?... He... He can't... walk?..". Geno's eyes widened as he learned the condition of family's youngest one, Fresh.

"H-how shouldn't I be worried..? He is our brother...Yeah... I guess you're right...Yes... Yes, Fresh wouldn't want me to be worried... Okay... Tell him that I love and miss him... Oh... Well, maybe... You can tell him that I love and miss him when he wakes up?.. Okay... Thank you, mom... Bye."

"Ģęñø..?" A glitchy voice spoke as soon as Geno finished talking with his mom to learn about Fresh's condition. Geno and Asy, who gave Geno his phone for him to know about his brother, turned around and saw Error standing in front of the kitchen's door, also looking worried.

"Íš Fřęšh øķäý..?" He asked.

Geno gave the phone to Asy.
"Thanks for letting me use your phone, uncle Asy." Geno said. Asy smiled gently, meaning 'You are welcome!'. They both looked at Error.

"Let's talk about it in your room, Error. It would be a better place to talk in."

Geno held Error's hand and beamed at him. Error smiled back in a worried expression. He nodded.

Geno walked to the stairs to Error's room, Error is following behind. Asy just watched them go. Error was scared to hear bad news when he and Geno were walking to Error's room, which was the best place to see the stars.

"Úh... Ģëñø..? Įś ěvęřýțhïņģ āłřįģhț..?" Asked Error.

Geno looked unsure what to say. Of course, Error couldn't see his face.

"Don't worry, Error..! Let's just get in your room."

"Ø-øķāý țhěñ..."

Soon, there they were. In the room which was full of fake stars, but still looked amazing, Error's room.

"L-let's sit down."

Geno and Error sat down on Error's bed. Geno stayed silent for a bit, worry eating his insides. Error looked at Geno's worried face which had hints of fear.

"Ģ-Ģêņø? Àřę ýøú ģøñńą śâý įț øř ñøť?" Error asked. It was clear that he was out of patience - even though he was already impatient. Geno looked at him.

"O-okay, Error. Well... It's not so easy to t-tell this... Oh, well. Fresh is unable t-to - um... walk."

Error's eyes widened. This was all happening again. Two years ago, Geno wasn't able to walk properly. His legs wouldn't work at random times. Now, this all was happening to Fresh. The person Error always believed was fine.

Geno kept staring at Error, trying to understand Error's reaction. It was almost always hard to think what he was going to do.

Error, on the other hand, was looking at the ground, processing what he had just heard.

"Error?" Geno curiously and worriedly.

The poor glitchy skeleton seemed to be glitching even more. The 'ERROR' signs were getting more and more each second. Soon enough, his eyes filled with 'ERROR' signs as he crashed with a beep noise.



"Fresh? Honey?" The lovely mother asked. It was time for Fresh's medicine to heal the cracks on his little indigo/ purplish soul at least a bit.

Fresh had always been a light sleeper - unless he was unconscious. He would wake up at the quietest sound. So he woke up. His ribs still hurt. The youngest skeleton was careful to not to open his left eye socket. He really didn't want to feel more pain. But he was going go to have to open it eventually. Or maybe not.

"Hey Ma." Fresh said - still his tired and croacky voice, except it was a bit better. "Wassup?".

"It's time for your medicine." CQ said sweetly.

"K." Said Fresh as he looked at the wide pill in CQ's thumb and index finger. Her other hand was water in a plastic glass.

CQ gave Fresh the wide, blue pill. Fresh took it and placed it in his mouth. The mother then gave him the plastic cup of water. Fresh also took it and drank it.

"Thanks, Ma." Fresh said, trying to sound as enthusiastic as possible as the four-days-younger Fresh. However, his tired self wouldn't accept that.

CQ could say that Fresh was trying to sound better. It was pretty obvious. She sat on the hospital bed, leaned her back to next to the pillows and rubbed Fresh's skull, soothing him.

"Geno called just some minutes ago." She said.

"What'd he say?"

"He asked how you were. And that they love and miss you."

A fake smile appeared on Fresh's face. He still couldn't feel after all. He tried his best to feel though.

Even though he was still tired and sleepy because of the pill and the soothing rubs on his head, he didn't want to sleep. Instead, he wanted to move. He wanted to run. But he couldn't. It was then he decided to try to walk once more.


The medicine starting to kick in made it harder for Fresh to speak.

"Yes, honey?"

Fresh's right eye socket, since his left one was closed, started to close slightly, without him controlling it.

"When... When can I... practice walking... again?"

Now, it was harder for Fresh to keep his eye socket open. The sleepiness was crawling on him slowly.

CQ looked at the now weak-looking skeleton. He was closing his eye socket and opening it immediately, trying not to let the sleepiness take over him.

"Fresh. You are sleepy. It's so obvious. I also want to practice walking with you, and I understand that you want to walk as soon as possible but-"

CQ stopped talking as she realized that the small skeleton was now sleeping sheepishly. He looked so peaceful, altough there was no hint of smile on his face.

Smiling at his son, CQ kissed on top of his skull and got up. She sat on the bluish couch, feeling sleepy just like Fresh. She was awake for a long time, and couldn't get enough sleep. She decided to take a nap on the couch.


"Are you better now, kiddo?" Asy asked. Error had just turned to normal, he was now in his normal state.

"Ýéąh, ýęăh... Ī'm fįņĕ, Ųňčłĕ Ăšý." Error responded as he rubbed one of his eye sockets.

"Error!" Geno said excitedly and hugged his little brother.

"Hĕý Ģéñø...". Error hugged Geno back. He still had haphephobia, but he was okay with the people who he trusts to touch him.

"Ūh... Whāţ hãppęņëđ?"

Geno let go of Error and looked at him in the eye socket.

"The um- Fresh event... Remember?"

Error remembered what had happened just before he crashed.

"Øh... Řįģhț... Đîđ mom ţéłł ýøû whĕņ wë čâņ vïśįţ Fřėšh?"

Geno shook his head to left and right. He thought that they could see the youngest of all anytime. But that wasn't true.

Fresh really needed rest. So even if his brothers came to visit him, he wouldn't be able to talk to them much.

Error looked at Asy, waiting for an answer from him.

"From what I've heard, Error, Fresh will be sleeping because of the pills. And in his situation, there are only particular times to visit him. They are not so much, though. But we may go see him when he wakes up. I'll make sure to call your mom." Said Asy as he gave a trustworthy wink at the two skeletons.

Geno and Error smiled. Geno's smile was in more of a happy one while Error's was a thankful one.

"Thanks, Uncle Asy!"

"Ț-ťhāñķ ýøű, Ůņčłe Ăšý."

"You two are very welcome, kiddos! Now, how about a movie to have fun? Then maybe, we can all go to walking. What do you say?"

Error's face was now excited. He had always loved movies. The same thing couldn't be said for walking, but movies? He would talk about the movie for fifteen to thirty minutes, if it was worth mentioning about.

Almost the same was with Geno. He also loved movies. He wouldn't talk much about them, though. He liked walking. It made him proud. It made him proud whenever he walked because it would remind him of his two-years younger self. Two years ago, Geno's legs would stop working at random times, making it harder for him. It would also embarrass him. But now, he could walk however he wanted. He could even run if he wanted to, but Fresh was the more of a running type.

"Yês!" They both said at the same time.

Asy straightened up from the crouching state he was in. He looked down at the two kids with excited expressions.

"Alright then! Now, you guys go choose the movie. I'm gonna make some popcorn for us."

"Øķãý, Ûňčłę Āšý!" Error said as he walked towards the TV's controller and switched the TV to Monflix™ Mode.

Geno chuckeld at Error's suddenly enthusiasm.

"It's really so nice to see you so happy, Error!"

Error turned to him.

"W-wëłł... Ï ģůéšś Į'm jůšț ťřýįńģ țø čâłm my ňēřvėš... Į šţīłł wäñņā šéě Fřěśh."

Geno's smile was changed to a sad and a proud one.

"You do care about him, don't you?"

Error blushed yellow slightly. Yes, he was now caring about Fresh, but he didn't want to be exposed like this.

"Ýēš! Ý-ýêš, Į đø. Űm... Ģ-ģűęšś ýøû űņđêřšťåńđ šømēøņê'š øř šøměţhïņģ'š wøřţh wh-whēņ ýøū'řė å-äbøůţ ťø łøśě țhëm."

Error felt some big tears appear on the corner of his eye sockets.

Geno put an arm around Error's shoulder and looked at him with the hopeful expression he always had.

"We are not going to lose Fresh, Error. We will see him as soon as possible. Fresh is way too strong to be lost." Geno tried to comfort Error. He drew small circles on the younger's back.

"Ý-ýëãh... Ýøû'řė řįģhț."

Geno hugged his little brother to comfort him even more.

"Į-Ï'm jūšț... Fêēłīņģ šø bãđ ãbøūț høw Į țŕěāțĕđ hįm."

The big tears rolled down on Error's cheek bones.

"Error... You do know that Fresh can forgive anyone easily. No matter what they did. And everyone has chances to be better. I am proud of you, little bro"

That was true. Fresh could forgive anyone so easily, within a second. He was never one of "I am going to get my revenge!" type of people. It actually made him pretty confused at why people would try and probably waste their time to get revenge.

To make the atmosphere better, Geno had an idea about what to watch.

"Hey, how about we watch comedy?" He asked and let go of Error.

Error's eye sockets were filled with tears. Geno swiped the tears away with his thumb finger from Error's eye sockets. Error gently nodded; he loved comedy as much as action.

Error turned to the TV and searched for comedy movies.

"Øh... Ţhêėřě îš ä møvïë ćāłłėđ 'Øh Mý Ģøđ'." He said with obvious interest in the movie.

Geno nodded. He would watch any comedy movie to make the atmosphere better.

Error opened the movie. Soon enough, Asy came with two bowls of popcorn.

"Have you chosen what to watch?" He asked with a genuine smile.

"Yes, we did!"

"Let's watch then!"

Asy sat down on the couch and put one if the bowls on the ground for Error, since he had always loved watching a movie on the ground, and one of them stayed in his hands for him and Geno.

"Ț-ťhãñķš, Ūņčłě Ăśý."

"You are welcome, kiddo."

Error started the movie. He could tell that he was surely going to laugh.

  Elt mxqebqfz...

'Qeb pqolkd lkb'. Vbxe, prob...

Ibq'p pbb elt ilkdbo vlr zxk zlkqfkrb lk qefp yriizoxm...

Zxk'q yixjb vlr, qelrde...

Tel zlria exsb qelrdeq F bufpqba?


F tfii abcfkfqbiv jxhb prob ql jxhb efj prccbo...

Eb tfii vbim xka... PZOBXJ... Fk mrob mxfk.

Bxze kfdeq, eb tfii txhb rm tfqe abbm pzxop xka zrqp.

Efp tofpqp tfii yb crii lc yilla bsbov kfdeq.

Yrq eb tlk'q yb xyib ql qbii qebpb ql xkvlkb.



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