Sleep Terror

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Fresh saw a dream after a long time. It had been almost five years since he last saw a dream and that dream was a lucid one. The dream which you understand or already know that you are in a dream. You can do absolutely anything in lucid dreams. You could fly, travel the world, go to the world Undertale, travel through time and space... Fresh saw a lucid dream again. But little did he know, he wouldn't be able to control it later on...

  Fresh saw his brothers and his best friend, Decans. They were all looking at him, smiling happily - even Error!

  "Come on Fresh! Let's go!" Geno said excitedly. He held the little 90s skeleton's hand and pulled him with him after Error did the same with Fresh's other hand. Decans was following behind.

   Geno and Error ran to somewhere seemed like a mountain. The sun was setting, leaving a pinkish-orangish hue in the sky. He gazed at the sky. It looked really beautiful. Fresh also was running. The ache on his legs were gone. However, he still had a slight pain on his chest. 'Prob 'cuz it's a dream 'n I'm actually layin' on mah hospital bed.' He thought. The idea of controlling the dream came to his mind. From what he read, you could do anything you would like to do in your dreams, just need to imagine and be aware that you are in the dream.

   Soon enough - some seconds later - they made it to the top of the mountain. Fresh imagined the sun had almost set down. He liked nights.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Error said.

"Indeed it is!" Decans replied. He sounded so enthusiastic. So enthusiastic that it was like he had never ever gotten sick, or weak at all.

  They all sat down on the mountain, watching the sunset. Fresh and Decans sat on the middle, Geno was near Decans and Error was near Fresh.

  Fresh looked over at Decans, who was watching the sunset in awe. The sun was almost set. Everywhere was almost all dark now. Fresh wanted to look at his now dead friend. He wanted to see his face again.

   He put an arm around Decans' shoulder. He could feel his shoulder very well. It was as if Decans was really there and this wasn't a dream at all.

   Fresh hugged Decans. He even felt the warmth of his friend around his arms. It was soothing... Calming... it made Fresh forget about the pain on his ribs which was getting tougher each time he inhaled.

   Decans hugged Fresh back. At least that is what Fresh thought. It was what he remembered. Decans liked cuddles. Decans giggled soflty and embraced the slightly taller tighter.

   "Aheheh~ Who is the cuddle bug now, huh?"

  Fresh could feel Error and Geno looking at them with gentle smiles spread on their faces.

"Heh... Guess I am." Fresh replied, as he hugged the slightly shorter tighter. He didn't fear if him getting hurt by him tightly embracing him due to the fact that he was in a lucid dream and that nothing could happen to him as long as he didn't think of it.

  Fresh let go of Decans and smiled at him. Even though he was in a dream, he still couldn't feel, even if he tried to.

  Decans smiled back and returned to watching the sunset. Fresh also looked at the sun, but then noticed that it was already dark outside. The stars were shining brightly. It was a relaxing view.

   Fresh closed his eye sockets. The 90s skeleton was relaxing to the slight wind of the night, smiling.

  After some moments, he felt that everything was quite... So quite. Fresh opened his eye sockets, just to see everything black. The ground, the ceiling... He looked at his hands. Unfortunately, he couldn't see anything when he looked at his hands. His feet, legs weren't visible, either. He tried to look around. He couldn't. Fresh grimaced at this.

  Suddenly, he saw something. Something a normal 10-year-old would be scared.

 Fresh's attention moved to the soul that appeared in front of him. It looked exactly like his. Broken... Had a purplish-indigo soul... Was glowing the hue of purple.

  It was obvious that it was a face. Fresh thought of himself. He imagined he had a cat eye light in his right eye socket and blood dripping through it. His magic leaking through his left eye socket. He looked like a psychopath.

  He tried to change the dream. However, every time he tried to do so, a headache would take over him, distracting him from his thoughts. So he had to just look at the creepy image of a darkened face for at least some seconds. The stares of the face was giving him sent chills to his spine. It was making him uncomfortable.

When he was somehow uncomfortable enough, a maniacal laugh came from the face. It said Fresh's name over and over again. It had a voice very similar to Fresh's. Only more... Evil? Fresh couldn't tell.

  The face suddenly jumped forwards Fresh, jumping him without him controlling it due to his reflexes.

Fresh opened his eyes quickly, feeling the pain in his left eye socket. He quickly closed it. He wasn't scared. But he surely was uncomfortable.

He looked at the side. CQ was there, sleeping. 'Good thing's Ma's sleepin'.' Fresh thought. 'She hasn't been taking a rad night's sleep for couple a' days.'

Fresh moved his head in a position which he could be fully comfortable. Even if it was hard to do so, he found a comfortable position eventually. He started to think about the dream he just had. Or, as the other people who actually felt emotions, nightmare.

'Was it me? Was dat... brah... uh... thing... me?'.

But no. It couldn't have been him. One thing for sure, yes, that thing really looked like Fresh. But other than that, it didn't have the golden tooth.

The golden tooth he got after the first ever time he had been into a hospital for a physical reason. So it couldn't be him, could it? Well, Fresh didn't think so.

The 90s skeleton's mind went blank for a bit. He thought about the first minutes of his dream. They were really nice. He would do anything to have that dream again. It was impossible at the moment due to Decans' death and Fresh's sore legs which can barely help him to stand up.

His thoughts then slipped to Decans. His best friend. His first ever friend, who really, really believed in him. Believed that Fresh would be able to feel. He was the one who inspired Fresh and made him want to try. Made him want to try to feel.

Decans' death really made Fresh's soul ache... crack.... shatter...


No one would want their souls to break again. He had to stay strong... Yet, he didn't know what strong meant. He didn't know how to be strong, how to bear pain when it is there, bugging you and messing with your thoughts...

But he just had to stay strong. Maybe not thinking about it would work? Fresh couldn't help thinking about it, though.

Whatever he would do, his mind always slipped to Decans.

He thought then; 'What if staying strong means knowing the pain is there, but trying to avoid it... Or just... Bare it?'

Yeah! That was it! Thinking about it made sense on Fresh's mind.

The little skeleton looked at his mother. Still sleeping. He decided to ask her about the... Funeral of Decans. Even if he can't see his friend, he could still be there for him... Well, not really, but, eh. That's what a normal person would do.

But he had to wait until CQ woke up.


"Ahehehe! The movie was great!" Geno exclaimed happily. They had just finished watching the movie. It was fun for everyone in the house. All of them laughed here and there, obviously having fun.

"Yeah! It surely was." Error replied.

Asy looked at them both and smiled. Seeing them both smiling made him also smile and giggle.

"Hehehe. You buckos surely love movies, don'tcha?"

Geno nodded as a response while Error smiled at Asy with excited eyes.

"Yes! Movies are so cool! I couldn watch 'em all day!"

The oldest brother, Geno, laughed at his younger brother's enthusiasm about movies.

"Hehe... Well, I guess we were going to go to walking after the movie, right?", he said.

Asy remembered his words about going for a walk

"Oh, yes. Thanks for reminding, kiddo!"

Asy stood up and stretched his bones. Sit for about two hours and your bones would also need a stretching. Asy looked at the two skele-bros.

"If you are ready, we can go. The best thing to wear would be a thicker jacket or hoodie. It's kinda cold outside. You know, autumn and stuff."

Asy was right. It was the cold autumn days. Fresh's favorite season. He liked it because the sound of rain would always calm him down. It was a perfect weather to read books.

Geno and Error nodded at the same time, each one if them having another expression;

Error nodded hesitantly due to the fact that he didn't like walking as much. The weather was bad anyways. He would rather walk in sunny weathers.

Geno, however, was pretty happy that they were going to walking. He wouldn't mind how weather was while they were walking. Walking made him happy. Made him get away from bad thoughts.

The two skele-bros went to their rooms. Geno wore something that would keep his legs in a suitable temperature and a white jacket, only a bit thicker. His red scarf remained on his neck bone.

Error wore a black hoodie with a hue of dark blue around the down side. He had dark grey pants and his original, long, blue scarf he would always wear to be reminded of Geno while he was in the hospital.

Asy didn't have much clothes with him in CQ's house. However, he had a brown coat. It would make him stay in a good temperature.

In some minutes of choosing the clothes and wearing them, Geno and Error were in the kitchen where Asy was.

"Just a moment, kiddos. Gotta call your mother.", he said and grabbed his phone from the table. He swiped his thumb on the phone, trying to find CQ's phone number. Soon enough, he found it and called her.

"Hey CQ... Oh, did I wake you up? Your voice sounds sleepy... Oh... I'm sorry to- uh- wake you up... Okay... Well, the boys and I are gonna to walk outside for a bit. You know, walk and stuff. Just wanted to let you know... Okie then. Oh, and before I forget, when can we visit Fresh?.. Hm... Around 6 p.m. you say... Well, thank you, CQ!.. Yeah, we may probably come visit Fresh... Yep... Okay, see ya!"

Asy hung up the phone and turned around to face the little skeletons. They had a pretty excited face. Probably because they finally knew when to visit their little bro. They could visit him in almost one-and-a-half-hours later.

"We are going to go to the hospital. So no need to worry. The hospital is almost thirty minutes away from home if we walk. Considering this, we may walk for- like- forty-five minutes and walk to the hospital. Is it okay for you two?"

Geno and Error looked at each other. They both gave gentle smiles and looked back at Asy to nod. Asy closed his eye sockets at he spoke.

"Alright then! Let's go, buckos."

Asy pull his hand out, wanting one of them to hold it. Geno was the one to do it. Error simply held Geno's hand. He felt safer with him. Not that the glitchy skeleton felt uncomfortable around Asy, but he trusted Geno more and was surely more comfortable.

With that, they all went outside. It was cold. Almost freezing cold. They had their clothes to keep them warm, so they didn't have to worry.

Asy closed the door, unlocked it and gave a small nod, meaning 'We are ready to go!' The genuine smiles spread around the two skele-bros. They started walking. Probably to some Cafe or something...

  Qlaxv... F-f t-tlhb rm... f-fk qeb... jfaab lc q-qeb... kde... kfdeq...

F-fq... Eroqp...

P-pqfii albp...

F-f tlhb rm tfqe... qeb x-xzeb lk j-jv tofpqp xka... j-jv ze-zebpq... je...

F-f illhba xq... jv tofpqp...






Q-qebv tbob x-xii lsbo j-jv tofpqp...

Q-qeb tbfoa qefkd fp qexq... F a-alk'q zrq...

Yrq... Jv a-aobxj...

F p-pxt p-pljblkb...

E-eb illhba pl... cxjfifxo... i-i-ifhb f'sb pbbk e-efj ybclob... ekde...

Eb illhba p-pl jrze ifhb... j-jb...

Xijlpq qeb... eee... practice... pxjb...

Eb qlia j-jb q-qexq e-eb... txkqba q-ql ekde-!... q-ql e-ebim...

X-xka pljbelt... F-f txp... q-qfba rm... C-colj j-jv... tofpqp...

F-f zlria c-cbbi qeb m-mxfk...

Jv t-t-tofpqp cbiq ifhb p-pljblkb t-txp zrqqfkd q-q-qebj...


F-f alk'q h-hklt t-texq'p t-t-tolkd... tfqe jb...


F-fq eroqp...

M-mibxpb... Ebim jb...

F-f'j p-p-pzxoba... B-bsbk qelrde f z-z-zxk'q c-cbbi...

F... Kbba ebim...


Tel tlria bsbk e-ebim..?

E-elt... kde... zlria qebv e-e-ebim..?

F-fq-p e-exoa ql h-hbbm j-jvpbic... xtxhb...

F-f'j m-molyxyiv ilpfkd q-qll jrze... je... Yi-yilla...

. . .

F'ii kbba q-ql z-zibxk jv tofpqp xka... yxk-axdb qe-qebj rm... Xp p-pllk xp mlppfyib...




P-pxsb j-jb...


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