One More Try

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The new-woken mother hung up the phone after finishing the little chat with Asy. She sighed and turned around to face with that dull look from the one she knew very well, Fresh. CQ's eyes lit up in surprise when she saw the youngest awake, with even more clearer dark circles under his big eyesockets. How long has she been asleep? If Fresh is awake now, it must have been a long time. She couldn't remember the time she slept either.

"Honey! You're awake." CQ said with a little bit of surprise in her tone. She walked up to the little skeleton carefully and at a slow pace to let him understand that she was approaching. Fresh must have been still pretty tired because of the medicines and his little cracked purple/indigo-colored soul.

Fresh nodded slowly as he fake-smiled at the pink-haired woman approaching him.

"Hey, Ma." Fresh said with the same croacky voice. Gosh, what had happened to him to make him look so broken and tired?

Once CQ was there, she sat on one of the sofas that were just beside the bed. She put a hand on her son's head gently as Fresh looked at her every time she moved.

"How are you feeling?" CQ asked with the same motherly tone she always had.

"The same. Nothing changed, unfortunately."

Fresh's lingo was surely completely gone now.

A slight hint of being relaxed and at the same time, worry placed her sad and smoothy smile.

"That's good to know, sweety. Are you tired?- Would you like a cup of water? You also haven't eaten anything since you were in the hospital. Ate you hungr-"

"Ma, don't worry. I'm not feeling hungry, probably because of the painkiller. Oh. By the way, I think the painkiller in the bag of saline solution. They will come to change it, right?" Said Fresh as he gave a smile to reassure CQ that he didn't need anything.

"Um... Though, water sounds nice..."

CQ nodded once slowly, closing her eyes. With that, she stood up from the sofa she was Suttons and headed to the door to the white corridors of the huge hospital.

The skeleton on the bed started to think after the door of the room was closed behind CQ. Should he talk about that dream he had? Would it be called a 'dream', though? Well, it was a dream first, then it straightly jumped onto being a 'nightmare', as most people says. What would change if he told his mom about this? Would he be sent to a therapist? Would his mom worry? There was no reason to make her more worried than she already was. So Fresh decided to shut it.

Fresh sighed to the huge mess of thoughts in his head. It was then he remembered something.

He still didn't know how longer he has been in the hospital. He didn't know his condition. He still hasn't seen his body clearly.

With a gulp, he decided ot would be the best to start from the beginning; Which day is it?

He looked around slowly, trying not to miss any details of the room. It was mostly white, as any other hospital rooms. There were two sofas on the two sides of the bed, colored with a bluish color. There were machines for Fresh right next to the sofas. One was the soul mediator with an IV. The IV's other side was almost inside his throat bone. But he could talk properly. He was just tired to talk all the time. His throat was sore due to not using it much. The bed he was laying in was almost pretty close to the door to the corridor, but much more away from the bathroom. This made him think the reason why. To his right was a huge, light grey couch, just for sleeping. It looked pretty comfy, to be honest. There even was a pillow as well. To his right, but also a little front, was the bathroom. Its white door was closed. To his left was a bag of saline solution. The liquid inside it was transparent. He could see right through it. Though, he could have sworn that he saw a light of purple inside it. The bag of saline solution was attached to an IV, too. This IV was attached to Fresh's left hand with a bandage. It hurt, but he couldn't care less. The skeleton didn't remember ot being here before. Must be new.

He looked at the front to see a small clock. It was so small that it was impossible to understand the time. He sighed and closed his eyesockets.

He should ask his mom about Decans' funeral. Then, he should practice walking with his mother. However, he needs to be fast, or else his brothers and Asy would see him in that situation. He had to practice walking one way or another, anyways.

The little skeleton was lost in thought until he heard the door open. He opened his eyes and saw CQ standing by the door with a plastic water bottle which had water in it. She smiled softly.

"Here is your water, dear."

She fully entered the room and closed the door behind her. She walked towards her youngest son's bed to hand him the water bottle.

"Thank you, Ma." Fresh said. He gave a smile. But boy, did it hurt! His cheeks were hurting because of being unused. He was able to keep it quiet, so that was good for him.

The skeleton grabbed the water bottle that was already opened. He took a sip from the cold water. It actually felt nice to have a liquid enter his dry body after that pill he took. It was big and it almost, somehow, kind of made him feel so thirsty. Fortunately, or unfortunately, the tiredness took control of his body, destroying his need of water. But now, it wasn't anything like that. He felt relieved. He felt nice. Almost energetic. Nevertheless, hid sore ribcage still hurt.

After some seconds of drinking the water from the water bottle sip by sip, Fresh finally pulled his mouth away from the bottle to breathe. He slowly raised his arm and swiped the little drop of water that looked like drool on his mouth.

"You look better now. Are you feeling the same?" CQ asked as she walked over to the bed Fresh was on and sat down, rubbing the little skeleton's skull in a motherly smoothing way.

Fresh just nodded. He liked physical contact. His mother would call him "Cuddle bug" whenever she and he were alone, probably because Fresh would always cuddle CQ in her free times which weren't much these days. Fresh would cuddle her to try and see if he could feel something. It never happened, but hey! He can never lose hope, right?

Well... He kind of did lost hope...

But not completely, thanks to God.

On the other hand, if he did give up...

There would be nothing he wouldn't do to make himself disappear at this point.

Moving on with the story, Fresh slowly leaned on his lively mother as she continued rubbing circles on his head. They really helped Fresh stop thinking. Sometimes, he would think everything too much. He wouldn't be able to mind them, but they would bother him time to time. Sometimes so much that he would get headaches and struggle to go to the bathroom to get some pills. No one knew about this, except him.

Fresh closed his eyesockets, as if he was ready to sleep. He wasn't sleepy, but surely, he was tired. But, no! He shouldn't sleep. In some hours, his brothers are going to be here. He should be awake to greet them and tell them that he was doing alright, even though he didn't know his condition.

CQ kissed her son's head's other side  as she continued rubbing his head. Fresh felt his breaths become longer. He was comfortable after what felt like years. But still, there was no sign of feeling emotionally. On the other hand, he kind of enjoyed the rubs on his head.

"Fresh... Can you walk? Would you like to practice?" CQ said softly to not disturb Fresh's 'ears'.

Fresh slowly opened his eyesockets, looking at nowhere.

"Yes. Yes, I think I can." Fresh replied. He straightened his back and slowly moved to the edge of the bed. Due to stretching his back, his spine and rib cage hurt one more time. They ached and for a moment there, it got harder for Fresh to breathe. To solve this problem, he leaned down just a little bit. The little skeleton was able to breathe better now.
He sat at the edge of the hospital bed and started waiting for CQ.

Of course, some seconds later, CQ was right in front of her youngest boy, holding out her hands for Fresh to hold and lean on.

Fresh did what he understood his mother wanted. He reached out for his mother's hands and leaned on them. He slowly put his feet on the white and cold ground, feeling the coldness of it.

The youngest skeleton if the Queen family slowly looked up to meet CQ's eyes shining. Apparently, Fresh had a face of discomfort, according to CQ. Thinking this way, she spoke up.

"We can do this later, if you want, sweety. I know it's hard for you to walk. I know, or at least think I know, the ache you're going through. So it's okay if you don't feel like walking today.

Fresh looked deep inside to his mother's eyes with that indigo-purple cracked soul of his. This kind of eye socket would scare anyone, from what he thought. But apparently, he was wrong, due to his brothers saying that his eyesockets were beautiful.

He started to think if walking right now was a good idea. Maybe he shouldn't walk? He was too tired and in pain the last time. Plus, his big brother were coming soon. On the other hand, maybe he should practice walking. If he doesn't, how is he going to be able onto walk soon without practice? But maybe, now, it would be better to just practice. Maybe today, he wouldn't be sore.

Fresh shook his head and gave the most determined look he could give with that little energy of his.

CQ sighed and nodded in response. She held her hand out a little closer to Fresh.

"I'm ready. Just hold my hands when you think you're ready, okay, sweetie?"

Fresh also nodded back in response. He took a deep breath and slowly reached our for CQ's warm hands.

"Are you ready?"

"I sure am, Ma."


CQ pulled Fresh to her slowly, since his body was fragile roght now. While doing this, Fresh was just getting ready to feel the pain.

Finally, when Fresh was fully pulled to CQ by CQ herself, Fresh started to shake. It wasn't as bad as his time in house, though, so that was a good thing.

As expected, Fresh still had trouble standing. However, it felt like he was doing a better job at standing still than his last try.

And of course, the ache started to crawl upon his whole body once he was standing.

Strangely, the pain was much worse now. Although he had a whole bag of painkillers, he still felt the ache. Weren't painkillers suppose to- I don't know- heal the pain? Weren't they suppose to numb the pain? Fresh still felt pain, so did that mean the painkillers was a lie?

The little skeleton slowly looked up at CQ. He was looking at his feet earlier, as he did in his last try.

CQ gave her son a reassuring smile that was easy to read. Fresh was a expert at reading people by their expressions, so he immediately understood what she was trying to say.

'You can do it. I promise you, that you will be just fine. Everything will be okay.'

Qlaxv, F jbq efj...

F jbq jv ifqqib, mllo, mxqebqfz Cobpe...

Yrq ylv! fpk'q eb x tbxhifkd!

Eb qelrdeq qexq eb txp hfakxmmba.

Bsbk qelrde eb txp fk efp ltk jbppba rm jfka.

F zexfkba efj rm xka pxt efp abxaiv ZRQB mlpfqflk. Ebebeb

Fq xijlpq jxab qeb qefkd texq f'j dlfkd ql al ql efj pbbj... Zorbi.

Yrq, ebv! vlr hklt texq qebv pxv, obxabo, alk'q vlr?

"Ql yb qeb MBOCBZQ xkdbi...

...Pljb PFK jrpq yb alkb~"

F zxk'q txfq ql ebxo efj ybddfkd jb ql pqlm!

F zxk qbii qexq tb xob probiv dlfkd ql exsb pl jrze CRK qldbqebo!



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