Timless Visit

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Error panted heavily as Asy, Geno and him continued walking. They have been at home for a pretty long time, and it felt like they have been walking for days.

"Ć'møņ āłřěąđý! Wé'vę bêėņ wãłķįńģ łïķĕ- whāț- føř țhįřťhý mīņůţęš! Î'm țīřėđ āņđ Į'm přèťțý śůřě Ģêñø įš ãłšø țįřėđ!"

That was true. Geno was also tired. He also hadn't been out for a long time. The only still energetic person out if the three was Asy. He would walk to the Queen's house almost everyday. Considering it was about forty-five minutes to go there by walking, he would do the basic exercise, walking.

Asy looked at Error's side, where Geno was. Yep. He also looked tired. He was panting like Error, just a little slower.

"I think Error is right here, Uncle Asy... I am also tired..."

Geno's tired looking eyes from all the walking suddenly lit up as an idea came to his mind. Noticing this, Error decided to ask.

"Whāť'ś īț, Ģęńø?" He asked curiosly.

Geno looked at Error and smiled, showing his excitement.

"Why don't we visit Fresh now?"

Error kept the eye contact with Geno as they all stopped walking.

"Ûh... Î'm přęťţý šūřė wě ćāņ'ț ģø țhęřė ýëţ."

Error actually wanted to see Fresh. It was just that he was told that Fresh had specific times for visiting.

Geno kept the smile on his face as he replied with a happy voice.

"Everyone in the hospital knows us. I'm sure they would let us see Fresh!"

Error paused for a moment. How would that happen? What would change if everyone in the hospital knew them?

Asy also looked as confused as Error. He stopped the eye contact with the skele-bros and let his eyes wander around the grey sky. He was obviously thinking.

"What is with your faces? Ahehe!" Geno laughed. He thought they would get ot by now. It was so easy for him to notice this after all.

Asy turned to Geno while Error looked at his older brother with even a more confused smile.

"Wh... whāț?" He muttered out loud. But he looked like he was thinking to himself.

Thankfully, Geno finally decided to tell the two skeletoms the reason doctors would let them visit Fresh.

"From what I know, doctors are putting some specific times to keep the patient safe. They already know every one of us, so they know that we wouldn't hurt Fresh!"

Oh. Now that made sense. Geno was clearly smart. Fresh was smarter, of course.

Asy stopped looking at the cloudy weather and looked at Geno with an amused face. Then immediately made eye contact with Error. He gave a small nod with a chuckle as he spoke.

"Welp, guess that's true. I mean... no harm in at least trying, right?"

Error and Geno looked at each other and smiled excitedly. Well, at least Error did. Geno was already smiling.

"Łêț'š ģø, țhėň!.. Bűț fīřšț, łěț'ś jůšț... ćăłł ă ţăxï øř śømęťhįñģ..."

Error put his hand on Geno's shoulder as he continued speaking with that glitchy voice of his.

"...Wě'řė țįřėđ, føř śųřé."

Asy laughed at the tone of Error's voice and the skele'bros' exhaustion. Geno's pleading-like eyes were also funny to him.

"Oh! Hehe. Of course, kiddos. Good thing we're in a place where taxis come the most. I don'tthink it's going to-"

A yellow thing attracted Asy's attention. Yes, that was it! A taxi! Coincidence? I think not! (Hehe)

Asy raised his arm in a quick motion to make the taxi driver see him. Fortunately, he did and drove the car near the skeletons as careful as he could.

"Węłł... Ťhäț wãś... ům... fāśț..." Error said, clearly impressed at the good chance of a random taxi driving near them.

"Sure it was!" Geno chuckled softly and turned to Asy to smile as Asy returned the smile and lowered his arm.

"Alright, guys. In the backseat ya go - Unless, you want me to sit with you."

"No need for that, Uncle Asy. You can sit on the front seat. Thanks anyway!"

"Alright then."

Asy turned around and opened the front seat's door to sat on it. In the meantime, Geno let Error sit first, and then sat himself in the backseat.


The car ride was no longer than ten minutes. No one spoke a word. They were just feeling the happiness of finally being able to see Fresh inside. The skeletons often looked at their view while the taxi was driving to the hospital.

Once they were at the hospital where Fresh was in, also where Geno always used to be, Asy paid for the taxi and turned around to see the big, tall and white hospital. The boys were also looking at it. Asy was the one to break the silence.

"Come on, kiddos. Let's get inside."

Asy held out both his hands for the little skeletons to grab them. Error was surely used to holding hands with Asy, it was hard though, due to his haphephobia. But of course, Error held Geno's hand. And Geno held Asy's hand.

They all got into the hospital. There were a lot of patients there. Everything was white except the couches. They were brown, not matching to a single color in the hospital. Ink would be so angry right now.

Other than that, the hospital looked so new. 'Probably the couches' Geno thought. Everything was shiny and clean. Cleaner, actually.

Asy was the only one who didn't look so shocked by this. Walking with the skele-bros, he asked the receptionist;

"We're here for Fresh Queen."

The receptionist was a human lady. She looked like she was at her 30s. She was the one who the Queen family always asked for help. That's why, she knew them very well.

"Of course."

The young lady typed on the computer for some seconds. Eventually, she found the little skeleton's room.

"Fresh Queen's room number is 420. It's on the third floor to left. But it says here that it is not the visiting time. So you better be careful there. He may be sleeping or taking his medicines."

"Okay. Thank you."

Asy turned to the kids. It wasn't quite obvious what they were feeling and thinking by looking at their expressions.

It's not like they knew how to feel at that moment. Happy because they will be able to see their little brother, or sad because their bortiher will probably be asleep or in pain. But one thing for sure, they wanted to see their little bro.

"Let's go, kiddos." Asy said and held Geno's other hand, since his other hand was clenched with Error's.

The three magical skeletons headed to the elevator. This idea - using the elevator - was first on Asy's mind because he knew how tired the little bros were. So he decided that taking the elevator the the third floor would be smarter.

The tall skeleton pressed the button that had a '3' on it and watched the elevator's door close. He took a deep breath, looked at the kids and smiled once he saw the two beaming at each other.

Soon enough, the elevator's door opened to reveal the third floor's corridor. It was as white as the place where they talked with the receptionist.

Slowly, they all stepped out of the elevator, hearing the voice of the elevator's door closing. Turning to left they began walking in pure silence.








There was the dorm 420. Once they saw this number, they realized that they didn't pay attention to it the last time they came here to visit Fresh.


Fresh would blow a fuse if he saw this on the door. Well, if he actually could feel, that is...

When Asy grabbed the door know and was about to open the door, some voices coming from the room were able to be heard.

"Ngh... I-lt's supposed to b-be easier... Why d-does it still... ugh... hurt?"

"I know it's not easy, Fresh. But you gotta try your hardest to be healed again. I know it hurts, but you can't give up. I, Asy and your brothers are rooting for you all the time. Just try your best, okay, darling? I will catch you if you fall, promise."

"I didn't g-give up... I-l will never... g-give up."

"That's my boy... Now, take a step forward."

A genuine smile was on both Error's and Geno's faces. Hearing their brother determined made them happy. On the other hand, ot was obvious that Fresh was in pain. Flashbacks flashed black and white in Geno's mind.

"U-um... A l-little help here?" Geno asked with the timid voice he had always have. It was happening again. His legs stopped working and were hurting again.

Fortunately, the uncle everyone knew Asy was there to help Geno. Everything he had to do was to lay Geno on the couch or a bed and get his medicines to help and numb the pain while also helping the legs to work.

"I'm right here, Geno. Hold tight, okay?"


Asy held Geno bridal-style and layer him on the couch, since the couch was the nearest subject to lay Geno on. He patted the little skeleton's head and went to the kitchen to grab the medicines Geno needed to swallow along with a glass of water.

"There you go, kid." He said as he gave the medicine and the glass if water to him.

Geno mumbled a 'thank you' as he pit the pill inside his mouth and drank from the water.

There! It was better already. But his legs needed to rest for a while. That was okay for Geno, though. He was just hoping for the day that he was going to be just fine along with his little bros and have the best life ever to come as soon as possible.

"So, let's get in now, shall we?" Geno asked as soon as he finished that little flashback. He knew how it felt. He was ready and determined to help Fresh with this.

"Sure." Asy said and gave a gentle smile to Geno, and then Error.

Error looked worried. Maybe sad. Maybe a little nervous. Maybe he felt all of them all together. Even he didn't know. Nevertheless, he was as ready as Geno to get in that room and support Fresh.

Asy knocked the door before opening slightly, so only he could see what is inside. The view was so cute to see the little skeleton with his mom, holding hands. But at the same time, ot was rather sad doe to the dark circles under Fresh's eyesockets and his legs shaking without his consent.

Fresh's dark circles were able to seen because he looked at the door after hearing the knocking sounds.

Asy opened the door at its end to let the other two skeletons to see their little bro.

"Hi, Fresh." Geno said softly as soon as he saw his brother. But when he saw Fresh in that shape, he felt cold. He felt sad and also scared.

Error had widened eyes. Instead of saying anything, he walked towards Fresh, Geno behind him.

Fresh was speechless. Not that he was shocked or something. He was speechless because he was lost in thought once more.

No, this shouldn't happen. His brothers shouldn't be here. Not right now. Now they saw how miserable he was and there is nothing he can change. He just wanted to tell his brothers that he was fine. There will be no point on that, now.

"G-guys... I... I-I thought it w-wasn't the time t-to visit?.."

"Wěłł, ýĕãh. Įț wâsņ'ț. Bůț wë ãřėķņøwņ āŕøůñđ hëŕę, śø... Ýėâh."

"Hey, my boys. Um. We are kinda trying to get Fresh to walk. So... could you sit somewhere for now?"

Geno and Error looked at each other. Each face lacked a smile. Their faces were more likely curious.

"Uhm... Sure. We can watch, right? Maybe we can even try to help!"

The tallest skeleton closed the door right after Geno spoke and get in. He sat on one on the couches, smiling at Fresh.

"Not for now, Geno dear. But maybe you can the next time?"


Geno turned to Error who was clutching on his other arm. He looked uncomfortable seeing Fresh like that. This was all so... Unique... Weird... and unreasonable.

Geno was just like Fresh two years ago. And now, he was fine. But Fresh is sick now. It felt like they had been cursed. Or was it the worry for Fresh? What if he actually cared about his younger brother, even if he can't feel the same?

Just then, Error felt an arm on his shoulder. It was Geno's arm for sure. So he turned to his older brother, still looking uncomfortable.

"Let's sit down, bro." Geno said as he patted Error's shoulder slightly, being careful not to accidently be too harsh. He was feeling a lot more energetic and enthusiastic, so he wouldn't be surprised of he accidentally hurt someone.

Error nodded and woth that, they sat on the couches near Asy's. Now, they were going to watch their little brother and learn more about the condition he was in.

Pl, F jfdeq exsb zxjb rm tfqe x YBXRQFCRI fabx... Ebeb...

Texq tlria exmmbk fc F grpq yobxh qeb ifqqib mxqebqfz Cobpev'p jfka zljmibqbiv? Ejj?

Xzqrxiiv, texq F yxpfzxiiv al fp ql yobxh efp jfka, yrq F txkq fq ql yb cxpqbo.

F exsb xitxvp txkqba ql al qefp ql efj, xkvtxv.

F exsb xitxvp txkqba ql grpq... Jejj...


Ql grpq... QLRZE efj... Ql grpq... jxhb efj... Jjj... ABCBKPBIBPP... Ql grpq-

Vbxe... Xq qeb pxjb qfjb, F pelriak'q clodbq qexq f pelriak'q dl croqebo qexk grpq qlrzefkd...

Yrq xq ibxpq klt F hklt elt ql yobxh efp jfka zljmibqbiv. Xka F TFII al xii qebpb pqrcc ql efj... M O B Q Q V   P L L K


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