Being Able to Walk

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  Fresh was doing a lot better after some more days. He was even able to walk all by himself without anyone helping! Yes, sure, it hurt, but at least his legs didn't feel like spaghetti.

  Geno and Error were still coming to the hospital every day that's possible. The both were helping Fresh walk. So they knew how improved Fresh really was. Crayon and Asy regularly left them alone so that they could have their brother bonding times.

  This was yet another day. After three more days, Fresh was finally able to walk all by himself. It felt really nice to ba able to do stuff without anyone else's help. Geno must have felt like this sometimes...

  The youngest, Fresh, was on the hospital bed. He still wished that he was on his own, though. He was thinking about Decans and how all these happened too fast. He couldn't quite understand how that went. How Decans was suddenly worse than ever. How doctors rushed to the room and kicked Fresh out. How that were talking about Decans' death...

  Fresh promised to himself that one of the first things to do would be visiting Decans. He never had the time to ask his mother these because of the heavy dose of medicines and pain. Maybe he would even buy some flowers.

  That beautiful soul in Fresh's eye socket was clearer now. It's scars and cracks weren't even able to be seen easily. That indigo-purple color was shining even in the daylight. Sometimes, magic leaked out of his eye sockets. It actually did this too many times. Probably because he was getting better.

  Geno and Error must have been on their ways to the hospital, along with Asy. They would always come around 3 p.m. Fresh would wait for them. It was no biggie...

  Good thing was that the olders were bringing books to Fresh about quantum physics, so that Fresh would find something to do. He would sovs equations, create new theories, read and learn more... This was 'fun' for him.

  And as expected, Fresh decided to read. He took the large, thick book from the table right next to him and started to read. He already knew a lot about physics. It didn't 'interest' him to read things that he already knew. It was pointless in his opinion.

  Crayon was talking with the doctor about Fresh, so she wasn't with Fresh, left Fresh to do whatever he wanted to do. This was a hospital, so he would be fine. Of course, as any mother, Crayon was so scared to leave Fresh alone, but had to accept eventually.

  "The billions upon billions of interactions in these crowded environments require the development of 'effective field theories' that gloss over some of the gory details."(Wikipedia) Fresh read over and over again, since he had already read this book before a few times. It is boring to do something you already did over and over again, isn't it?

  Fortunately, something happened and caused him to stop reading. The sound of the door knocking was heard. The door opened and revealed Geno, Error and Asy standing in front of the door, mostly happy smiles on their faces.

  "'Eyy, brahs! Ya made it! Cool."

  The three entered the room. Asy was the one with curious glances. He was just looking at... everywhere.

  "Where's your mother, Fresh?" Asy asked, his head turning to him.

  "She's talkin' wit da doctor in one of da other rooms."

  Asy nodded. He walked up to Fresh along with everyone. He looked at the small skeleton with eye sockets full of love.

  "How are ya feeling, Fresh? It's been a long time since we last talked like this, huh?"

  The tall one pats Fresh's head. He smiled more as Fresh closed his eye sockets to the sudden touch. Fresh gave a slight nod and opened his mouth to speak.

  "Yeah. I agree. It's been a while. 'M just... sitting here, walking, reading and all..."

  Asy's smile softens, but then trunes into some kind of an expression if confusion. He looks at the roof, then to Fresh, to Geno, Error, and then Fresh again, like he was trying to fully understand what was going on.

  "Wait... walk?"

  Fresh opened his eye sockets, the soul was looking at him. It gave a freaky look after a while. Fresh's smile widened.

  "I can walk, Unc! P rad, eh?"

  Asy widens his eye sockets. His face grows brighter and happier each second. After something like three seconds later, Asy spoke.

  "Fresh! That's amazing! Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

  The big bros looked at each other. Thay both had an 'oops' face. Didn't that really tell Uncle Asy? Oh, yeah. They forgot. How weird, right?

  "Uh... thought m'bras tol'ja."

  Asy turned to the other two. They now had an apologetic look on their faces. Asy sighed and smiled right after.

  "That's fine, kiddos! Inform us next time, yeah?"

  The glitch and...well, white glitch nodded. Their faces turned to Fresh. The two took steps toward the youngest, making the 90s skeleton smile more... Still that emotionless smile, though...

~ ~  ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

  After a some minutes of 30, Crayon opened the door to see the four playing one of the word games. They seemed to be having fun, in Crayon's opinion.

  Unsurprisingly, Asy was the first one to see the pink-haired lady standing by tue door. The others were too much into the game.

  "Hey, CQ! What is the doctor sayin'?" He asks, giving all the attention to him, and to Crayon, who was smiling happily. She didn't look tired at all. Just full... happiness.

  "I've got amazing news!" The mother of three said as she closed the door behind him and sat down on a couch. She looked excited.

  "So, abou the news... It can only be done if Fresh is able to walk... I'm guessing you all know what it is already. So, Fresh?" Crayon turned to Fresh, smiling softly, yet excitedly, making Fresh nod 'enthusiastically'.

  "Yeah, Ma! I can walk. Tho, guess it's kinda my bad that I neva tol'ja dis before..."

  The pink-haired mother put her hand on Fresh's shoulder and looked at him with pure motherly love.

  "That's okay, Freshy. You might forget it. Now... Can you show me how you can walk?"

  Fresh nodded, looking away ot his big brothers. They looked like a hero to him. His heroes him 'feel' better. His heroes to help him get healthier and better in such a shirt time.

  The now heroes, as Fresh wanted to call them, smiled at the youngest and gave a slight nod at the same time. Fresh turned back to his mother and to the ceiling. He slowly pushed himself to sit up. His spine hurt a bit, but it was just a slight pain. He then put his toes on the ground, then came his feet and now he was standing up! All eyes were on him, watching him in awe.

  Fresh took one step with ease. The other one was easy for him as well! The rest was easy, too. He was still in slight pain on his chest and spine, but it was always no biggie for him.

  "See? 'Can walk jus' funeral wit da help of mah brosephs! Dey are totes radical heroes, yo!"

  Geno giggled while Error his his face in his scarf to hide the slight blush. He was proud of Fresh, but he didn't have to say that too clear!

  Crayon's eyes widened in surprise. She beamed and got up to hig tue littlest skeleton, who was also beaming.

  "I knew you would get better, Fresh! I knew we could all have hope in you!"

  Before Fresh ask ot say anything, he felt two arms picking him up and carrying him to the bed, then covering him up with blankets. As everyone can think, that person is Crayon, the mother.

  "I want you to be laid down while I make this announcement, okay, Fresh?"

  Fresh nods and gets himself ready for the answer that Crayon was going to give. Was it about the situation that Fresh was in? Well, it was obviously about it! But what really? Fresh started to think again. Wait, no. Overthink again. He tried his best not to let the other realize it. Every eye was on Crayon, anyway, so it made this easier.

  "Is everyone ready..?" Crayon  asks, looking everyone in the room. She looks like she is about to say something good, but holding it back just to annoy the others... Well, that was what she was doing, but, eh.

  Everyonr nodded, including Fresb. They were all excited for the answer, except Fresh, on course. Crayon gazed at everyone one by one again, biting her lip happily.

"The doctor said that Fresh would be discharged when he solves how to walk! Isn't that amazing?"

Ebv, ybclob f pqxoq, F txkqba ql pxv pljbqefkd...

Vlr hklt qexq f zxk obxa bsbov zljjbkq lc vlrop, ofdeq, obxabop?

Ifhb- elt qebpb qtl drvp hbbm qoxkpixqfkd jv "pbzobq" ixkdrxdb.

F qefkh qebfo kxjbp tbob Virus_Night xka      Hannyk207

Yrq xkvtxv!

Ibq'p dbq ql qeb jxfk mlfkq!

F txkqba ql qxhb x zilpbo illh xq qexq "Prfzfab Qelrdeqp" cliabo.

F xj dlfkd ql pexob vlr xii texq F clrka klt!

Cobpe txp xylrq ql exkd efjpbic yv qeb kbzh, fq txp rkqfi eb txpk'q pl prob xylrq qefp...

Fq pxvp ebob qexq eb cbiq... cbxo...

Illhp ifhb eb albp exsb pljb bjlqflkp, ere? Le, tbii...

Fq'ii yb bxpfbo ql grpq yobxh efj~



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