See ya, Ol' Pal

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  This was the time. Today was the time that Fresh could finally get out of the hospital. He still didn't remember how many days went by while he was at hospital, neither did he care. He basically can't, remember?

  The machines were finally off. It gave him a strange feeling - especially on his ribs and legs. Yes, there were some cables on his legs and all, too.

  Fresh was on his bed without the cables right now. He was breathing heavily to avoid any possible pain. He didn't want to deal with pain anymore, after all!

  Crayon was currently in one of the doctors' room to sign some papers about Fresh's discharge. She was happy that her littlest son was finally getting out of the hospital.

  Asy was outside of Fresh's room, waiting for Crayon to come back, a hint of excitement in his soul. His smile was not fading even once that day, because of the discharge.

  The kiddos were inside Fresh's room. They were currently talking about all the things that they could do when Fresh was out of the hospital. They could watch movies all day, read, play, listen to Fresh's theories and so much more! Most of the ideas were from Geno, but Error was giving some ideas, too. Fresh was just listening to them and not giving any ideas about what they could do. He just... missed talking with his brothers like this.

  It was not too long before Crayon came with even a bigger smile on her face. The first one to see her was obviously Asy. His smile widened as he saw Crayon. The pink-haired mother nodded excitedly before opening the door to Fresh's room and calling the boys in the room.

  "Boys! We're ready to go! C'mon!"

  The two older bros gazed at each other excitedly as they ran towards Fresh and gave him a warm hug, onky for Fresh to hug back. Fresh chuckled as the two pulled away.

  "Let's go, Fresh! Lean onto us if ya feel it hard to walk, 'k?" The eldest of them all said to Fresh, which to Frehs nodded.

  The three started walking towards to the end of the room, where the door was. It was like a dream for Fresh. After all thise times of being stuck to help, he was now walking just fine without anyone's help. It made him feel relieved, that he didn't need help. It made him feel a lot stronger and determined.

  Everyone got out of the room and made their ways to the car. They got it in. Out of nowhere, Geno started to laugh. And do fid everyone else, but Fresh. He was just looking at them.

  "Why're ya'll laughin'?" The youngest asked with a confused glare at eveyone.

  After a while, when the laughter ended, Fresh was still confused, never laughed even once, still wondering what was this funny. It was this way until Geno hugged the neon skeleton.

  "Oh, bro! Ahehe! We are just happy that you are fine now... after a lot of weeks... you deserve better!"

  Fresh smiled, understanding the reason. Would people really laugh when they are so happy? Looked like it was!

  Fresh felt another pair of arms hig him. Geno was already hugging Fresh, so the only other person was Error, since the three were sitting in the backseat.

  "Î'm s-śørrý, Fřeśh... I... I wâs a tërrîbłe brøthêř..." Error was tearing up slowly, making Fresh's shoulder wet. Fresh patted Error's back gently, smiling.

  "I dun' think yer as bas as ya think, Error Broseph! 'M nat bothered, anyway!"

  Error looked at Fresh with pure apology in his expression. He smiles before nodding and beaming back at the smaller, only for his smile to get bigger.

  Crayon, who was watching the whole even from the mirror on the car, started the car and began driving home.

  For the whole way, everyone, especially the kiddos, were talking about what they could do when they all got home. Other than that, when they didn't talk, they just looked outside through the window or cuddle Fresh. Fresh never really understood why they were giving him this much, attention, neither did he mind.

  As any Saturday, it was crowded. There was an intense traffic, car horns in the air, making everyone, but Fresh, feel stressed. Better yet, they were right in front of the cemetery, not to also mention that they were pretty close to their home. Fresh's gave was stuck on the cemetery.

  "Ma? Can I go dere?" Fresh pointed at the cemetery making eveyone look at him, and then the place where he pointed at. This made them confused, and a little worried.

  "Uh... why would you wanna go there?" Crayon asked, looking at Fresh in the face and not from the mirror.

  "Deccy..." The neon skeleton answered.

  It was pretty easy to see the widened eye sockets and color running out of everyone's skin. Eventually, their faces became a more saddened tone. Crayon nodded.

  "Be back quick, okay, dear?" She asked, to which Fresh nodded.

  Error opened the car's door and got out, letting Fresh get out as well. After the smaller got out, Error got in and closed the door, looking at Fresh go into the cemetery.

  Fresh entered the cemetery and looked around. So many graves. So many dead people. How did they die? Did they deserve it? Why were they dead right now? Was he going ro die like them? Was he going to be forgotten? Was he...

  Fresh shook those thoughts off as he started away from the graves to the sky, seeing the dark green trees. How they blocked out the sun was just perfect. It was a slightly sunny day outside. Fresh has never liked sun, not that he can.

  Taking a deep breath. He looked around him to see a small, fancy bucket full of red roses. He walked up to it and took a rose. It's thorns were pointy and sharp. They made Fresh's whole weak hand bleed. But Fresh didn't mind. He didn't even do anything about it. He just decided to look away and search for Decans' grave. Fortunately, it was almost roght next to the bucket of roses. He walked up to the grave.

  Decans' grave. It was white. It looked almost fancy. It was written "DECANS LITTLE" on it. Below that was written "Rest In Peace". Fresh crouched, not looking away from the grave.

  "Hey, Deccy... hazzit goin'?"

  Fresh kept looking atvthe grave, a little smile appearing on his face. He gave a slight chuckle as he played with the rose, its thorns still piercing through his fragile bones.

  "You know... I kinda missed ya... I kinda missed our times together... how we met, how we would always hang out and how ne never got in a fight... Heheheh... wish ya were still here ta avoid the boredom..."

  Fresh looked away, and then looked at the grave again, leaning closer, like he was gonna whisper something.

  "Do you know what happened? I got stuck in the hospital for a couple weeks! It was so boring. I couldn't walk, neither! I know understand how it feels to be stuck in the hospital, unable to move and always have to get help. But one thing I learned is that giving up won't do anything good to anyone. Being determined, even though you don't feel like it, is the most important thing in these kinds of situations."

  Fresh looks at the rose, and then to his hands which were bleeding. He kept looking at the rose.

  "A lot of things have changed. It seems like I won't be that tall anymore. Such a bummer, ain't it? Heheheh! Error has been also acting pretty nice. It really made my life easier... Guess you understand someone's worth when you lose them, or when you are about to lose them... I was gonna die for a second there, if the doctors weren't fast enough. You would have been taller than me if you were here..."

  Fresh stands up, looking at the grave, then to the rose again. He gave a smile to the rose.

  "Welp, dat's all I wanted ta say."

  The neon skeleton threw the rose gently on the soil, right in front of the grave.

"See ya, ol' pal."


Lo fp fq lo

Zlria qebob yb jlob ql qefp?

Lo afa fq bka?

Lo tfii fq zlkqfkrb xklqebo qfjb, fk xklqebo mixzb?

Qeb zelfzb fp vlrop, xii vlr ptbbq obxabop~

F qefkh tb'ob dlkkx jbbq xdxfk...



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