Chapter 12

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Merida's POV

We left the North Pole to find Hiccup and his island called Berk. We hadn't been in a long time since we last visited his friends and family to be frank. So it felt a bit weird. We said we would all gather in the main waiting room once we were ready. All of us were here except one person. Jack.

We waited and waited and he still hadn't shown up. "That's it, I'm dragging him out here if that's what it takes!" I yell storming out the door towards his room. I could hear everyone else running after me. I got to the door and banged so hard I made a slight crack through the wood.

"JACKSON OVERLAND FROST YOU OPEN THIS DOOR RIGHT NOW AND COME WITH US TO FIND HICCUP RIGHT THIS INSTANCE!" I shouted at the top of my lungs. I kinda lost my breath and I calmed my emotions down a bit. He replied "I DON'T HAVE TO COME, IT'S NOT MY PROBLEM....CORRECTION HE'S NOT MY PROBLEM," he emphasized on the word he.

"REPHRASE THIS IS YOUR PROBLEM BECAUSE YOUR THE REASON THAT HE LEFT IN THE FLIPPING FIRST PLACE!" I shouted back. I heard a huge sigh. Looks like I won the argument. Aha I always win. He unlocked his door and looked me deep in the eye then said "Fine you win, I'll come," so we left.

We left a note for the other Guardians (North, Tooth etc), took a snow globe and whispered "Berk," and off we went.

Rapunzel POV

I the first thing I see, is a mob of people. They all look so confused and I think a bit scared. But I mean why wouldn't they a group of teenage kids just appeared out of nowhere. They keep staring us up and down which is kind of annoying me. That's when we heard someone shout "MERIDA!" they too sounded confused when they shouted her name.

We all turned around to see this blonde girl walking towards us. As she got closer I could see that she was wearing a blue top and a pick skirt that had spikes coming out from it. When I got closer look at her face, she had sapphire blue eyes and blood red lips. That's when I knew her. It was Astrid.

Merida embraced Astrid and Astrid did the same. They pulled each other into a hug and stayed there for a while until Jack coughed and said "Sorry to break up this little reunion but didn't we come here for a reason," they let go of the hug and Astrid looks at him with a glare and replied "True you have and I could take a wild guess at what," she scolded at him.

Astrid turned back to Merida and said "He isn't here... at the moment anyway," with that a huge man with a orange beard came up to us and looked at Astrid then back at us, "I think I recognize you, have you been here before?" he asked us, we all nodded and Elsa replied "We're friends of Hiccup's," he smiled and replied "Ah yes of course I remember now, your welcome to stay, Astrid will take you to our guest house's," he nodded at her and she smiled and led the way for us.

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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