Chapter 11

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Astrid's POV

We sat on the sea stack for some time in silence. I could hear his silent breathing up close to me because he still layed his head on my shoulder. It was peaceful, then I thought came into my mind that would brighten up his mood.

"Hey I know what will make you happy," he looked up at me and I carried on "Tuff came up with this game, we call it Dragon Racing," he looked up me confused "Tuff came up with a game...called Dragon Racing, your kidding me right," he asked me. I laughed and said "Yeah it's not so bad, wanna try it out," he looked down, thinking about it, it looks like it then he answered "Okay lets do it."

<minutes later>

We got all the gang together and Tuff explains the rules to Hiccup. Once he was done we headed to the training arena and got in position. We had teams Snotlout, Ruff and Tuff as team one and Fishlegs, Hiccup and me as team two. Once Gothie let down the flag we all raced out to collect Sven's sheep.

Me and Snotlout saw the same sheep at the same time he shouted at me "I'm not backing down, I'm not backing down!" I laughed and shouted back "That's what you say just before you back off!" we headed down and down until Snotlout got to close to me, he was gonna knock me off "SNOTLOUT!" until I fell off Stormfly and everything blacked out.

The next thing I know I wake up on the ground, my head banging. I open my eyes to see Hiccup and Snotlout looking over me. The first thing I do is "YOU ALMOST GOT ME KILLED YOU SON OF HALF EATEN-" I got pulled back by Hiccup as I started to lunge towards Snotlout. "Okay so maybe this wasn't a good idea after all," Hiccup said, I got back on Stormfly and headed back to town while Hiccup headed the other direction.

<back at the town>

It was getting late so I knew where Hiccup would be taking a stroll around the island with Toothless. Apparently Toothless like's it. But as I was strolling through town, once again there was a big crown in middle of the village. What could it possibly be this time.

I budge past all the people to see they are looking at. The first thing I see is a wave a big red curly hair, and a long strand of blond hair following. When I get a closer look I shout "MERIDA!"

Comment on what you think so far and thanks for reading.

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